Chapter 139 – Success
Episode 139 – Succession
The monster falls to pieces.
However, Skadia casts a new spell without even paying attention.
‘There is no end.’
The battlefield was a crucible of chaos.
In the distance, Behemoth and Bruno are engaged in an earth-shattering fight, and here we are busy defending ourselves from the constant influx of monsters.
Even though the academy students were in a safe area, victims continued to emerge, so you can understand how serious the situation was.
If Sarah and Serlin, the leading professors, had not dealt with large monsters larger than ogres, they would have been wiped out already.
But now even that is its limit.
A group of ogres appeared from the rear of the fortress.
Some of them managed to break through the knights’ formation and reach the students.
Scadia immediately activated her magic
“Ice Spear!”
The cold air gathered above her head and instantly took the form of a spear and shot out.
Awesome liquid!
The eerie sound of the air splitting.
It was powerful due to its incredible speed, but unfortunately the ogre reacted to it.
Raise your forearm to catch the spear.
The Ice Spear exploded the moment it hit the fabric, scattering cold air. The condensed magic power of ice spreads and freezes everywhere.
The ogre’s forearms were also engulfed in cold for a moment, and their movements became stiff.
“Now is the time!”
The students rush in, taking advantage of that gap.
Pressure was applied from all directions, starting with those holding shields.
However, unfortunately, she does not have one arm.
The ogre swung his remaining arm, defeated the shield soldiers at once, and attacked the student who was preparing for a surprise attack.
The moment the fist hit, the limbs fell off the body as if exploding. With that kind of power, all of the internal organs would have already been turned to mush.
Even if you don’t check the result, you die instantly.
“No, no!”
Sarah, who saw this, screams and tries to help, but it is not easy due to the monsters surrounding her.
The ogre began to rampage in earnest.
“Whoa… As expected, there is no answer like this.”
Realizing her lack of power, Scadia sighed softly and increased her concentration.
Put both hands together and condense his her magic her power her.
A tremendous amount of cold air was collected and compressed into a small, very small size.
The simple, yet more elaborate and delicate process than any other magic was repeated, and the cold was finally completed as ice crystals.
But you shouldn’t stop here.
“We have to go one step further.”
When ice crystals were first developed, forming just one was the limit, but now that proficiency has increased, there is still room for magical power.
Scadia repeated the same process and created a total of four ice crystals.
Now let’s put it all together.
Scadia created another unique magic and reborn four ice crystals into butterflies.
Butterflies made of beautiful ice crystals are beautiful, but they also contain tremendous power.
Scadia’s brow furrowed.
It was a natural representation of something that existed in one’s imagination, but even so, I didn’t like the fact that it was a butterfly.
Butterflies are a symbol of her, her, her love, her and hate for her.
She is still heartbroken since she heard that Lu An went missing a few hours ago.
Skadia, who was venting her dissatisfaction her, lost concentration and her butterfly shape distorted her, so she quickly shook off her distracting thoughts her.
For now, the priority is to complete the magic.
After gathering her mind, she soon completed the magic.
At the same time, the magical power of her heart increased.
Due to the enlightenment gained while creating and synthesizing another new magic, he finally reached the 6th level.
Not only has the amount of magical power increased explosively, but the control of magical energy itself has become much easier, resulting in further evolution in everything.
Skadia added details to the butterfly based on her amplified magic power.
When she suddenly opened her closed eyes, light burst out of her cold blue eyes.
Scadia spread her hands.
“Good. Bingjeop.”
Because it is a butterfly of ice crystals, it is frozen.
Perhaps Skadia is not pursuing efficiency, but her naming sense is just ruinous.
Anyway, the ice swarms rushed towards the ogre, showing unpredictable movements like butterflies.
The ogre must have seen the power within it and tried to stop him by swinging his fist, but it spun around in the air and the ice that he easily avoided landed on the ogre’s chest.
So bad!
At that moment, the cold air of the ice crystal burst out at once, transforming the surrounding area into a frigid environment.
The ogre standing in the center had his entire body frozen and turned into an ice statue.
“It’s over.”
Scadia clenched her fists as she finished.
At the same time, cracks spread in the ice, and it shattered along with the ogre.
After a moment of silence, the students’ cheers filled the surroundings.
Sarah breathed a sigh of relief as cheers erupted from the rear.
“Ha… Thank goodness.”
Thanks to Scadia’s performance, the crisis was safely overcome.
There are still a lot of monsters and the fight will continue, but since we’ve already experienced it once, we won’t let the same situation happen again.
Sarah looked around as she defeated an ogre.
‘There are many injured.’
Although it was nothing compared to other knights or soldiers, the academy students all had injuries large and small.
Among them, there were a significant number of those who fell due to serious injuries.
This is all because of Magi.
If it had been a normal wound, it would have been treated with a potion, but since the monsters in the Demonic World had mutated due to demonic energy, each attack was a fatal blow that could not be recovered.
Since all the holy water has already been used, we have no choice but to rely on the priests’ treatment.
‘Damn it!’
Sarah cursed inwardly.
I quit my mercenary job because I didn’t want to experience a situation like this again, but fate hit me with a harsh reality.
She ended up thinking this without even realizing it.
‘If only I had Luan’s semen…’
It was a face I didn’t want to even think about anymore, but the strange cleansing and healing power of his semen was still impressive.
If that had existed, not only the students but also others could have been treated at once.
I never thought he would go missing.
While expressing his regret, one student suffered fatal injuries and collapsed.
It was a long stab wound extending from the shoulder to the abdomen.
“Joe, just hang in there!”
“Holy shit!”
The priest quickly tried to heal the wound by raising his divine power, but his eyes were closing faster than the purification.
In the end, the student stopped breathing and became cold.
Looking at that scene, Sarah remembered another hateful face.
‘If I had semen, I could have been saved.’
If you can just endure a little humiliation, if you can ignore your guilt towards Verdan just a little, you won’t have to lose any more students.
That thought never leaves my head.
Sarah, faced with a huge temptation, thought repeatedly and suddenly burst into laughter.
“What a useless thought.”
There is a high probability that Luan died.
There was no point in thinking about this now.
Sarah barely shook off her idle thoughts.
“It’s a very nice body.”
My mouth was naturally soothed.
Alfred, who had taken over control of his body, checked his physical condition and then lowered his head and swung his sword.
Then, the Taegeuk of the middle and middle battles opened very naturally, and the magic power of the flame was released from the sword in an instant.
Let’s go!
A slash of flame tore apart the parasitic monster.
That was the end.
The one who was cut in two by the power of innocence was completely destroyed and disappeared.
The group, who had been fighting the guy frantically, were taken aback by the sudden situation.
Ignoring their gaze, Alfred swung his sword toward the ceiling once again.
The ceiling splits and the sky is visible.
The noise from outside came through the gap, and a huge roar was heard.
“Are you ready?”
-… Please wear a mask.
“If you go?”
-Yes. Because I don’t like receiving attention.
“Right. I understand.”
Alfred, who accepted my request while tilting his head, raised his hand and swept his face, creating a mask made of flames.
-And please refrain from using flame magic in front of the group.
“You have so many secrets. I understand. “Then I can go now, right?”
-Yes. As much as you want.
“Good. Then, let’s go finish our unfinished mission.”
Alfred lightly kicked the ground.
It wasn’t a big deal, but as soon as my feet came off, my body started flashing and emitting light, and soared into the sky in the blink of an eye.
It was as if I had become light itself.
-That’s amazing.
“Haha! Is it? Thank you for the compliment. Rather than that, there’s that guy over there.”
Alfred pointed to the fortress.
With good timing, the Behemoth that was back-and-forth with Bruno roars.
There were many wounds on his body.
Even though it continues to regenerate, it didn’t mean much because there were more wounds from the lightning strike.
Alfred looked at Behemoth and my body in turn and came to a conclusion.
“It will probably be difficult to fight in this current state. Even if I draw out all of my current divine power. “I just have to go with one blow.”
-Is it a single blow?
“Okay. There’s no need to fight head on since that guy over there is blocking you anyway. “I don’t know about anything else, but you have a lot of magical power, so it’s perfect.”
Alfred smiled with satisfaction and immediately raised his silver long sword to the sky.
“Replica sun sword. Activated.”
The moment Alfred used his power, a huge amount of flame began to be sucked into the sword, so much so that Taegeuk became empty.
His divine power also embraces it and helps it to be properly condensed into the sword.
Even the pouring sunlight penetrated the blade.
After a while, the silver long sword was surrounded by burning flames.
The blade of flame seemed warm and cozy at first glance, but the power hidden within it contained tremendous power that could burn and destroy everything.
Alfred was amazed at his own skills.
“Her! That’s amazing. It’s more powerful than when I used it when I was alive. After all, it is the power of divine beasts and dragons. “I’m really jealous of this.”
-It’s too much power for me.
“Haha! Don’t say that. I’m sure you can make good use of it. Then… Let’s put an end to it now!”
Replica sun sword.
Final period.