Chapter 233 – Zombie Apocalypse 3 (18)
In fact, even if Mart’s opinion came out here, he had no intention of making a move right away, but he really started the discussion as if it were his own business.
“If you listen to it, it seems like they only want to take care of themselves, even in a world like this!”
“There are hundreds of people, not ten, so even if the leader disappears, the group will collapse!”
There are two biggest opinions.
First, is there really a need in this world for leaders who only look out for their own interests? This opinion was held by young people.
Should we say that universities are reformists? I also thought about how I wouldn’t have brought up this topic if I hadn’t intended to do so.
Second, even useless leaders are necessary to maintain the group.
The moderate group tended to be slightly older.
Currently, the population of Hyorim High School, the official evacuation center, exceeds 700.
The opinion was that if there was no one to unify the opinions of those people, it would be no different from killing 700 people.
Since I didn’t really care about genocide, I thought that if there was no leader to replace, it would be better to leave even the rotten leader alone.
Park Eun-seo, the youngest at the supermarket, started yawning and nodding.
It’s getting closer to 2 a.M., So everyone might be sleepy right now.
If you are emotionally exhausted in this situation, you will not be able to sleep and your rhythm of life will be disrupted.
“I heard your opinions carefully. I don’t plan to go right away tonight. Furthermore, I plan on organizing the business by the time the supermarket moves to another location, so I have some time. How about getting some sleep for tomorrow?”
Even if you fought the 30 people who attacked the supermarket today, it would honestly be difficult to fight against Hyorim High School, which can afford to send more people.
Because the population is more than 10 times different in the first place.
When I told them to leave their seats, people at the supermarket got up and started going back to bed.
Seongtae Choi, who was quietly listening to the discussion and gathering opinions, said to me.
“What are you going to do, Seo Ye-ji?”
“Well, I’m taking him with me for now. Now, he says it’s okay to wander the streets of Korea at night, but I don’t know how I’ll be treated when I get back.”
“Okay, I’ll let you sleep outside today, and starting tomorrow, I’ll make a suitable place for you inside.”
Seongtae Choi also returned with a tired look on his face, and I also returned to the car wash office with Naeun.
“I thought I was the only one who noticed, but I didn’t know that everyone at the supermarket noticed.”
“I wasn’t as sure as you, but I guess it happened and that’s what happened. Or is it because I didn’t go to catch the assassin?”
“That could be possible. You were the first to move to strange places for the safety of the supermarket, right?”
I turned off the light and lay down on the bed with Naeun, and Naeun whispered softly.
“I’m glad I didn’t kill anyone today.”
“Well… I went out with the intention of killing them all, but I didn’t know they would run away so easily.”
They had the means to attack, but they ran away without even looking back.
Seo Ye-ji, who was captured by me, was upset.
Morning of the 16th day of the zombie outbreak.
Choi Seong-tae looked haggard when he went to the supermarket.
Did that person not sleep at night again? If I don’t give it some heat or force it to sleep, it looks like it will die from overwork.
‘This is why I didn’t become a leader.’
I am satisfied with the position where I only need to exert a moderate amount of effort.
“For now, we will postpone the originally planned morning investigation. Since we do not know what will happen to Hyorim High School in the future, we will have to start by moving the vehicles we have secured to a place where they cannot be easily touched. In the morning, we will expand the barricades and the entrance to the mart to block cars. We will proceed with construction so that it can be placed in the supermarket parking lot.”
Even though the threat of randomly appearing zombies is now gone, we still have to consider fighting people.
“And I was able to get a bow at dawn. Has anyone ever shot one?”
Among the people at the supermarket, several older adults raised their hands, but Seongtae Choi did not seem to be pleased.
Because they were more like production workers making iron spears than fighting patrols.
“Okay, then let’s open the mart from the entrance today.”
Now that I think about it, what was really fortunate yesterday was that the cars we brought were beyond the north and east barricades.
Honestly, if I had punctured the tire of a drivable vehicle, I honestly think I would have gone straight to Hyorim High School without asking the Mart people for their opinions.
The morning’s work opened the barricade and the entrance to the mart.
Also, the parking lot where trash had piled up had to be cleaned up in order to store the vehicles, so everyone at the supermarket was busy from the morning.
Fortunately, the work to open the entrance was completed just before lunch, so cars were able to enter, and people who were good drivers filled their cars in the mart parking lot.
However, the entrance to the mart could not be closed yet, so it seemed like the people at the mart would have to do that work in the afternoon.
After finishing the morning’s work, I ate lunch and asked Seongtae Choi.
“Seongtae, the biker gang still hasn’t contacted you?”
“Yes. Even if you ask for contact in a video that has only 1 comment, there is nothing. It seems like there is a problem with your personal life.”
The fourth video of the modified vehicle driving was not uploaded.
For reference, the second video was the one that passed by our supermarket.
At the end of the third video, he was even filmed returning to his base, but it was unclear what happened next.
He may have had an accident on his way back, or he may have taken his life thinking he had done enough in this world.
“I’ll stay at the supermarket today. I’ll also have to pay attention to the location of the evolved zombies that have passed through the east.”
It seems like the time has come to find an evolved zombie to clear the quest.
“If Mr. Xian wants, let’s look into that too.”
“Seongtae hyung. Please do me a favor.”
It’s much easier if someone else helps than if I find it on my own.
In the afternoon, I helped maintain the entrance to the mart and was called by Choi Seong-tae and headed to the customer support room.
On the desk, Seongtae Choi took out a low-scale map of the supermarket and marked it with various markings.
The mart was also marked small, and among them, a semicircle was drawn to the west centered on the Eastern Front, where the incident occurred not long ago.
“Evolved zombies behave differently, so I’m not sure, but I’m guessing it’s here somewhere.”
“Isn’t the scope too wide?”
Naeun, who was looking at the map together, said.
“Well, honestly, that’s inevitable. We’re actually abnormal. Haven’t we encountered evolved zombies three times around here?”
Seongtae Choi drew a circle with the mart at the center.
A circle was drawn including Hyorim High School and the officetel where I lived. Looking at it like this, I thought that we had encountered many evolved zombies in a small space.
“And normal people can’t survive when they encounter an evolved zombie, so that’s the end of it. Thanks to Mr. Sian, our lives were saved three times.”
Naeun didn’t say anything else.
This is how we survived after our first experience of being killed by an evolved zombie.
“Then there are no other evolved zombies around here?”
“This is just a prediction, but I’m a little suspicious of the military base nearby.”
“Is there a place nearby that we consider to be next to the supermarket?”
“Yes. Unit 524 is here. Have you seen any soldiers walking around nearby?”
The place Choi Seong-tae pointed to was a mountain in the southeast, and I thought that this place could have enough influence on the mart and the surrounding area.
But I first saw a soldier at Hyorim High School.
It was also a soldier who became a zombie after being attacked by an evolved zombie while transporting supplies supported by the government, but that was the first time.
Unit 524 may have headed south instead of northwest, but what if this side also encountered the zombie outbreak at the beginning? The possibility fully existed.
“There are a lot of places to check.”
“For long-term survival, you need to broaden your horizons.”
The situation has changed a lot from when I endured the early days of the zombie outbreak with the idea that the world would return to its original state if I could survive for 30 days with supplies from officetels and supermarkets.
Due to media such as movies and novels, evolved zombies have emerged that even humans with knowledge of zombies cannot handle.
The soldiers who thought they would take up arms for us are being wiped out before 30 days are up.
“And the more I broadened my horizons, the more I thought that Mr. Sian shouldn’t just be at the supermarket.”
Seongtae Choi raised his head and looked at me.
“I think Mr. Xian should protect national infrastructure such as power plants and water treatment facilities. If the power plant is attacked right now and the electricity is cut off, will we be able to survive? What if the water is polluted? The number of people alive will drop to less than half in a few days. I guess.”
“I’ll think about it. Right now, I’d like to focus on protecting the people at the supermarket rather than protecting everyone.”
I thought it might be right if I had to move to save more people than just those nearby.
But shouldn’t I do something after finding people who fully accept me like Mart?
While thinking about that, I looked at Naeun.
Naeun accepted the fact that I was chosen and had strange powers without saying anything.
Since it started with Naeun acknowledging me, I felt like I was using my power for the benefit of everyone.
I think Naeun gave me a good start.
“Because it’s pretty.”
Before Naeun, whose face was red, could say anything, Seongtae Choi cleared his throat.
“Then how about scouting out the car repair shop tomorrow and then going to the military base once that’s done?”
“Yes. I need to start working outside. Can the supermarket survive while I’m gone?”
“We are just a little small, but I don’t think we are that weak.”
I think so too, but honestly the numbers are bullshit.