Chapter 258 – Capital Road (10)
“You, what are you… ! You, what are you!”
Wolf was causing cognitive dissonance. This beat, this voice, that hair that shines with many different lights. Wolf remembered all these things. He remembered the brilliant light that saved him when he was in the most difficult time.
“You… ! What the hell are you talking about!!”
A demon with a face that resembles a goddess.
The world turns strange every time he tries to do something.
Colleagues dying one by one.
The last ally who finally betrayed him, and that voice that was exceptionally friendly to the devil.
“You!! What are you doing!!”
Wolf raised a bubble of blood and screamed. At that moment when no one else could move, Lilith said to Wolf with a bright smile.
“I, the day is still clear, have you already forgotten?”
“No… ! No… !”
Wolf shook his head, trying to deny reality. The reality he faced now was so cruel. All his trusted allies are dead, and the last of them betrays him by siding with the Devil. All of his family members had abandoned Wolf, and even the goddess he believed in until the end was giving off evil energy.
All the stories gave one correct answer, but Wolf’s brain couldn’t accept that fact.
“No… ! I mean no… ! No!”
Wolf banged his head on the floor, refusing to accept reality. A thump-thump-thump resounded viciously, and Petunia Titi stretched out her hand as if to stop Wolf with a puzzled face.
“Are you okay. Don’t die.”
As Lilith said, she pushed Petunia’s hand back. She didn’t seem to exert any effort, but her body was pushed behind her and into Evan’s arms. Evan tried to say something to Lilith, but her mouth just opened and her voice wouldn’t come out.
Both Taffy and Milia were twisting around her body, but they couldn’t move as if invisible chains were tying them together. Lilith stroked her own wing and looked at her wolf. Wolf’s head was so damaged that his skin was peeling off, but he was back to normal before he knew it.
Lilith said.
“I still vividly remember what that poor child was like. It was a warehouse where mice squeaked and the straw smelled wet and rotten. The child was sitting there alone and crying.”
Both Evan and Wolf flinched. Lilith knelt down in front of Wolf’s eyes. Wolf gnashed his teeth and shouted.
“Me, me… ! Cheated on me… ! That you cheated on me… !”
Lilith asked, looking at Wolf with a puzzled look on her face.
“What am I? Did I tell you to be a prostitute like this? Or, did he urge you to do something bad?”
“Shut up! Aaaaa! Aaaaagh!”
Lilith stroked Wolf’s face and said, Volf forcibly twisted his limbs, which couldn’t move properly, and went mad. Lilith whispered in Wolf’s ear in her childish tone.
“Wolf. I only gave you strength because you wanted power. Didn’t you just ruin it by force? Huh?”
“I, I… ! I am… !”
Wolf’s face contorted. Lilith laughed at the strange expression on Wolf’s face, then turned around again. No one could tell whether she was telling the truth or not. Could she really have been corrupted by Wolf alone? Did Lilith give her powers out of sheer favor?
Lilith turned her body away without giving an answer.
He was humiliated and trembled at the act of not caring about Wolf’s well-being, but he couldn’t do anything more.
At this point, all he could do was shake his head or close his eyes tightly with his head still free to move.
Lilith’s eyes turned to Evan. Seeing those eyes full of love, Evan couldn’t help but flinch. It was because she felt like she was looking at a lovely child, but a bloody aura ran through her body that was like the mimicry of a predator.
“Evan. Our Evan.”
Listening to her warm words, Evan tried to catch her spirit somehow. She didn’t have the cold derision she felt when talking to Wolf, but a more dangerous aura filled Evan’s body.
The intense urge to follow Lilith’s words continued to test his will. Lilith said.
“He has grown up a lot. Evan. I can finally defeat the hero.”
He buried Evan’s face into her chest and blew into his ear. Evan felt her mind wander and her eyes darkened. Taffy was twisting her body, trying to somehow escape the restraints, and Milia gritting her teeth and trying to move, but no one else was able to move.
Petunia, too, could only stare at Lilith as she collapsed on the floor.
Powerlessness filled the throne room. Everything seemed to be going according to Lilith’s will. In a breathless temptation, Evan finally opened his mouth and asked a question.
“Why, why… ! Do… !”
Even the questions asked while holding her spirits seemed to Lilith to feel like a piece of her growth. She put on the proud look that her pet dog shows when performing tricks and hugged Evan tighter.
Lilith began to whisper in Evan’s ear in a soft voice.
“Once upon a time, long ago, in the Demon World, my husband and I lived happily. My very kind and strong husband was a powerful god who ruled over all the demons living in the realm of demons, and I was the woman who swore to be by her side for the rest of her life.”
Evan’s body was losing the will to resist. His limbs, which he tried to move somehow, were as heavy as if they were made of iron, and his eyelids dropped more and more each time he tried to open them. A soft voice like a lullaby rang in Evan’s ears in the sweet scent.
“But one day. Some evil god has appeared and started a war. My husband and I fought really hard. After fighting for days and days like that, I ended up with my husband and a bad god. What is it?”
The story of God’s death was revealed in the audience room of the royal palace, where there were no true believers. Those words that no one could tell the truth permeated Evan’s ears without resistance.
Evan, who was on the verge of losing consciousness, was taking in the story in a daze, and the others just tried to move their bodies, not knowing what Evan and Lilith were talking about.
In particular, Wolf could not forgive Lilith for revealing her back to him.
“Are you really mean?”
Lilith asked and hugged Evan once again. Evan’s mouth creaked and he let out a faint voice.
“…Yes. I’m really mean.”
Lilith nodded her head, wiping away her tears, stroking Evan’s head and whispering again.
“That’s why I decided to take revenge on the world that God created. He thought that even after eons of time, he would definitely swallow this world. Do you understand my heart too?”
Lilith’s voice trembled. She continued to weep as she hugged Evan tightly. Warm tears and body odor. The element that made Evan’s emotions soar was continuing to eat away at his mind.
“Evan. The world is all about revenge and destruction. Huh? Humans deserve to die, and this world is unworthy of forgiveness. Think about how much this world has done to you by killing my husband and slaughtering my lovely demons.”
Evan’s eyes twinkled. Lilith’s hand caressed the crown of Evan’s head, making him chew the cud of his slavery again.
He grew up on the sidewalks from an early age and begged as soon as he was weaned. He punched the thug who took care of Evan once he got the money, then he threw a loaf of hard bread instead of a thick money box.
When the guards came to crack down on a group of beggars, Evan claimed to be the leader of the group, and he paid the chief of the guards. The captain of the guard accepted the thug’s insistence and took Evan away, and Evan was taken to the slave market without trial.
The sanctuary he had barely settled in was set ablaze after being tipped off that the owner was a devil worshiper, and he had to be separated from his family as well.
And it was this mansion where they settled after changing owners several times.
Half of life was trash and the other half was a commodity. Being beaten every day for useless reasons, it was also a life that would sooner or later be scrapped.
So I hugged the straw and spat out swear words.
I wanted revenge.
The master who beats him, the maid in the mansion who ignores him, and the servants who harass him for no reason. I wanted to smash everything.
Like those warriors, I wanted to live in goodwill and inflict pain on everyone.
And just then, Lilith appeared and whispered in Evan’s ear.
“Let’s get revenge. Evan.”
Lilith’s sweet scent and dreamy, beautiful voice. She continued to whisper as she hugged Evan tightly with her bright smile.
“With us.”
Evan’s lips followed Lilith’s language.
“Let’s get revenge.”