Chapter 23 – Adventurer’s Private Education for Her -8-
The incineration plant in Nemanatas is, as the name suggests, a place where garbage is burned.
Although incinerators themselves are everywhere and there is nothing strange about them.
The problem with the Nema Natas Incineration Plant is that it is human beings who burn, not trash as we often say.
The flames of their inhumane incineration plant burn roaring without days off.
Captured to be used as a sacrifice, but of lesser value compared to the labor force that moves it.
Or if your mind is completely broken and you can’t even walk on your own.
There are quite a lot of cases and numbers.
By turning the sacrifices that have declined in value into ashes to erase the remnants of black magic and prepare to receive new humans.
It can be seen as a place to restore the comfort and composure of space to the branches that randomly collect offerings.
Gornek’s body was deliberately left on the side of the road for early detection.
‘I was pretty lucky. Her moustache made it very difficult to locate Hellbroom.’
As a token of her gratitude, she let go painlessly.
There is a possibility that the path of movement is not a mustache, but a bluff in Hell Broom, but the incineration plant was the second most likely place in the game to appear in Hell Broom.
There’s no particular reason to bluff.
That’s why I thought that it would be easier to move around if I didn’t have to drag the work of the nursery school for a long time.
When a Warlock branch collapses out of the blue, the first suspicions naturally fall on the Order.
There must be more than one black mage and nephew monitoring the movements of the church.
I will continue to observe until my eyes fall out to find any special movement now that something has happened.
The information they confirmed spreads word-of-mouth and when it is verified, it is delivered to each branch.
How much time will it take to pass the verification that it wasn’t the work of the church?
We’ll get there before word of the orphanage reaches the incinerator.
Even if it is immediately known by some means, if the number of people in the incineration plant is very low, it will decrease but not increase.
And the most important point.
‘The path we move has no most important part.’
How did you get information about the hidden branch?
It is not an information guild, nor has there been any contact with the Black Circle or Mendes Pentagram.
The result is right in front of your eyes, but there is no intermediate process at all.
Since this part is floating, it will not be suspected from the beginning, or at least it will be the last thing to be suspected.
‘I can’t be relieved though, so I have to speed up with the idea of a time attack and finish it’
If you can afford it, it would be nice to destroy one more unrelated branch on the way back.
Duke Tristan, whose head steam has returned on our behalf, may use his strength with the Church.
‘There is at least one executive in the incineration plant, but if Hell Broom is there, there are at least two executives…’
Since it is an incineration plant of low importance to Nema Natas, the probability of a strong person is low, but the probability of a strong person is not completely absent.
It’s safe if it’s about the mustache that was in the nursery school, but you really don’t know what to do in the world.
Preparation should be more thorough than now.
I put Rike down under a big tree.
“Let’s rest here for a bit and move on.”
Right now my body is in a state where I haven’t slept at all even though I’ve been using it intensely for several days.
It can still hold out for a few days, but it’s not enough to say it’s perfect.
“I’ll close my eyes for a while—- if anything happens…”
“I’ll scream or wake you up somehow. Have a good night’s sleep.”
Even if he’s sleeping, he’ll probably notice and wake up faster than Rike.
I took out two vitality potions, drank one, passed the other to Rike, and leaned against the tree.
‘This person is also sleeping…’
Rike was surprised to see Roman sleeping with her head lowered in front of her eyes.
It is a natural fact that people sleep, but the things Roman showed to Rike were beyond human awareness.
‘Since you’re sleeping, you’re the same person as me-‘
I watched him slowly.
Weirdly, my eyes keep going.
Black hair and dark red eyes with a slight reddish tinge.
His face has an inquisitive and fierce feeling, as if proving his profession and honor.
There’s a torn scar on his chin, but it’s nothing compared to looking down on his face.
Just looking at his hands, he is full of minor scars, and even the part slightly visible under his clothes is full of scars.
Like his own wounds, he missed the time to recover with potions, so he needed a cumbersome procedure to erase them.
‘How did that wound come about?’
What kind of life did a man named ‘Roman’ who was not an adventurer live?
I bet it wouldn’t have been flat.
He may not even have a big age gap with you, but there must be a reason why he has different powers.
The culprit’s actions and abilities are difficult to understand.
To describe it with just one word, talent, it must be a remark that would be a great disrespect to him.
‘I’m curious···’
How did this man become an adventurer?
What kind of people does he usually hang out with?
What are you talking about with them so that rumors circulate that you like women just by mentioning your name?
It cannot be drawn by imagination alone.
Thoughts that follow from there.
When the work that can be done at the place called the incineration plant I am going to is over.
How should I repay this man?
I have no intention of avoiding it.
Just can you satisfy him in any way?
If it was platinum, the beauties of the empire would line up, but I don’t know if I’m worth it in the first place.
‘I just don’t know’
I really have no idea.
Can I just give this expensive potion to me?
There’s no way a person with 10 million gold wouldn’t waste 10 gold.
Rike opened the vitality potion and slowly drank the contents.
“How long have I slept?”
“I don’t know exactly, but I think less than an hour has passed.”
Rike was doing the tonab method, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.
“Shall we simply settle for a meal and set off?”
I am now using my inventory in front of Rike without hesitation.
Since he has never taken out an excessive amount of things, he seems to have understood that it is a skill that handles weapons and consumables.
“Can I eat anything?”
“It’s okay because I ate the potion earlier.”
Ricke was a heartbreaking newsman just to look at.
When the work is done, you will enjoy the food and your stomach will stretch.
I didn’t get up from the tree I was leaning on, but I took out dried fruit and beef jerky and chewed them in a half-lying state.
When it comes to personal work, simple things are better than greasy or luxurious food.
It’s usually good to be stimulating, but at times like this, it doesn’t work.
“Yes why?”
Rarely, Rike was staring at me.
She lowered her gaze at my words, rubbed her fingers, and spoke in a voice the size of an ant.
“I’m a little curious…”
Well, now is the time to ask a lot of questions.
He never said where the incinerator was, nor did he explain how to do it.
“Ask me anything”
“Why did you become an adventurer?”
I was taken aback for a moment, but it was only for a short time.
I am familiar with variables.
I’ve been waiting for this good news.
I slightly covered my mouth pretending to think in order to grab the corner of my mouth that was about to strike up.
“Before you tell me- isn’t it a little strange to have two adventurers in one sentence?”
“···Is that so?”
“From now on, call me whatever you feel comfortable with. Adventurer-sama, aren’t you stiff?”
I tossed the remaining fruit into my mouth and lightly brushed my hands.
“Why did I become an adventurer?”
“If it’s a rude question, it’s okay if you don’t tell me…”
She opened her eyes round as if she wanted to be sorry for my troubled reaction, but I just thought of telling her not to.
“It’s not a great story to hide… Where do I start?”
When I briefly summarized my life, the starting point was clear.
“I was born in an unknown village. My parents were farmers, I don’t know if they still farm.”
“I don’t remember how old I was, but… There was no rain and bugs were infested, so there was a great famine. I had to harvest right away, but there was nothing.”
“Aha… Did you start being an adventurer to earn money to survive the famine?”
Liquette also has this pure taste.
It may be impossible to imagine because it is a situation that you will never experience in a later family.
“It would have been nice if that was the case… I was young, so that was impossible.”
“They starved for a few days, so their parents came home with farm equipment. They couldn’t possibly eat their own children, so they decided to swap them with the children next door? I started crying for understanding…”
“So I ran away with all my might. After that, I moved from village to village until I was old, cleaning and moving things…”
“Now, wait a minute!”
Rike’s complexion was considerably pale.
Now you have taken what I said literally.
“…Parents eat their children?”
“Anyway, they don’t eat their own children, but they sell their children to buy ‘meat’ that they can eat.”
“This is still a common occurrence somewhere on the continent.”
“I’m sorry… It must have been a bad memory…”
Rike’s words reminded me of the past for the first time in a while, but I didn’t feel particularly offended or sad.
I know that the equality given to each person in life is an unequal life, and I was a human being who understood that from my previous life.
Haha- no need to be sorry.
“…You’re amazing. Me too… Will there come a day when I can laugh and talk about the past?”
I thought about that for a while.
It’s hard for me to answer other people’s work.
“As expected…”
Rike’s complexion darkened at my words.
Now, the amount of time she spends staring at empty space without expression has decreased considerably, and she was just cute.
“Is there any need to laugh and talk about the past?”
“I can laugh and say it because it’s really funny when I think of that time.
Experience accumulated so far speaks for itself.
I thought it would be fine now.
I gently put my hand on Rike’s head.
She didn’t avoid my touch.
He just looks at me with slightly surprised eyes.
“If you’re sad, accept it as you’re sad and sometimes cry thinking about it, and it’s okay to take care of your heart.”
“Overcoming the past doesn’t mean forgetting it at all.”
What should she say so she can clearly convey my thoughts to her?
Feeling itchy, I scratched my chin.
“Um—-I can’t think of a good example in my head… But if you just keep it inside and live confidently, wouldn’t that be called overcoming it?”
“Roman-sama is a warm-hearted person.”
Rike is smiling very lightly.
It wasn’t a game, it was the first ‘real’ smile I saw in the bleak reality.
‘Miss you···’
It was so dazzling that I thought I wanted to see her smiling broadly.
I wanted to see something, so without hesitation, I robbed my seat and got up.
Now is the time to finish this job.