Chapter 100 A New Battlefield
After a failed escape from the Arca Trus. Makina was brought back and placed in a punishment cell.
The small punishment cel. Like a cleaning locke. Has no window. Beds or desk. And you are only allowed to lie on the hard floor in the smal. Dark space.
Instead of having to do prison wor. During the punishment perio. They were allowed to take fewer showers and eat less food. In a sens. It was the most terrifying place of al. A place where one was not even given the opportunity for entertainment or exercis. And was allowed to spend time only in the darkness and solitud. Chewing away at the slow passing of time.
The punishment cell where even the strongest man who believes he is the stronges. Or the craziest prisone. Will be rooted to the spot and beg to be let out after three days.
In this torture of boredom and emptines. Makina had spent most of the week lying on her sid. Using her arms as pillows.
I look at the gray walls with dull sapphire eyes that have lost their light.
He escaped from prison and was given a one-week jail term. He was sentenced to 15 years in priso. Plus a further year for escaping from priso. And his imprisonment was extended to '25 years' without him attending trial.
But – rather than such a sentenc. The only thing that comes to mind is Tetteh's face.
Immediately after he went above groun. He was captured by a Britannica knight. The knight was his beloved childhood frien. His subject Tet.
He was more proud of being a knight of the Kingdom of Grandel than anyone els. And he had told me during our meeting that he was scrambling to rescue himself (Machina. But why–?
The question was alluded to by the words he heard as he was handcuffed in the rain.
Princess……. Why didn't you……! Why didn't you wait a little longer……!
As a new knight of Britannic. He captures an escape. Handcuffs hi. And chains him to his tors. Just before handing him over to the other regular knights.
Tette looked bitter and squeezed out.
I cower with my head in my hands.
Tette did nothing wrong. It's you who made the wrong choice.
It was the first time in my life that a childhood friend pointed a sword at me and punched me in the stomach. I had never even imagined that the Kingsguard knight who protects the royal family would swing his fist at me.
But at that tim. There were a lot of Britannica knights gathered around. It is easy to imagine that it would be impossible to escape with Tet.
He was calm. He was probably looking for a way to legally free himself (Machina. A prisone. By using the recommendation slot of the winner of the sword tournament and becoming a knight of an enemy country.
And then – of all people – I screwed it up. I took Hiver's offe. Got caught up in the immediate gain. And tried to escape without waiting for help.
“…… Idiot. Idiot. Idiot……. How loose in the head are yo……?”
In silence and darkness. Repeatedly regrettin. Mumbling and cursing at the ineffectual and incompetent girl.
You should have trusted Tette and waited for her. You should have left Seraphi alone and run away first yoursel. Instead of being righteous to Hivar.
In the first plac. If only he had not set out to avenge or recapture his hometown when it was destroye. And had left everything behind and lived quietly as a commoner with Tet…
Wake u. Makina. Your punishment period is over.”
The moment when your fundamental. Even your ambition. Are about to break.
The door to the punishment cell opened and Seraph. A female guard wearing a military uniform and sunglasse. Emerged.
Get out. If you like the comfort of the punishment cel. I can give you an extension.”
She leads me out of the small room and into the underground cell corridor for the first time in a week.
The actual “M” Is a very good way to get a good idea of what you're looking fo. And it's also a great way to get a feel for what you're looking for.
“……Totall. I thought you were a quiet gir. But…… You've done a great deal (……). You've done (・・・・・) a great dea. Haven't you?”
On the occasion of the prison brea. He confronted Seraphy in the sewers as he was chasing hi. And rejected hi. Saying that there was no moment of heart-to-heart communicatio. And unleashed his magic.
Howeve. The person who was thrown out doesn't seem to have taken it to hear. And is quietly going about his work as a guard.
“But wel……. Thanks to yo. That fat bastard (Galdov) has disappeared from jai. So I'll just say well done on that score.”
The Arca Trust has never allowed a deserter in the past.
Howeve. This tim. He has escaped from prison. He escaped from the siege by the Knights of Britannic. Who rushed to him upon receiving the new. And is said to be missing at the moment.
Warden Galdoff has brought discredit to the priso. Which had boasted of its iron wall. And caused a fiasco that will reverberate throughout the islan. Not just in Britannica. The citizens of Londomeln were put on high aler. And he was removed from his post as warden in order to take responsibility for the unrest.
“But even I have been 'dragged into the mess' by……. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and get a good meal. I couldn't…… Do it even if I wanted to.”
Galdov was dismissed and an old aristocrat who had served for many years in another prison was assigned as the new warden.
His parents' connections didn't work out for his successor as prison warde. And Seraphy was demoted after being held accountable for his actions. Now he is not a deputy warde. But only a common (hira) prison guard.
Until a few days before the Hiver breakou. Both Gardov and Seraphy had routinely neglected (skipped) their duties and refused to listen to the reports of their subordinates who had come to them with serious concerns that could lead to the breakout. And as a resul. They caused a historical scanda. So it's a natural course of action.
The subordinate. Who had been dissatisfied with the chief jailer and deputy chief jailer for not doing their job. Wrote reports and told the “King” What they were doing.
“I've suffered a terrible calamity because of you. Perhaps you're a plague god?”
Makina is mildly outspoke. But neither depressed nor in denial.
I was just thinking – maybe it really is.
Because of m. The Kingdom of Grandel could have been targeted and destroyed. Many of the men who raped him ended up being hunted by demon dog. Paralyze. Sent to the battlefiel. And other ruinous ends.
And above al. He made Tet – even though it was an unavoidable situation – do the worst possible thin. 'Attacking his lord'. Compared to his conflict and sufferin. A strong blow to the stomach is trivial.
He has caused so much trouble and misery to those around hi. And he think.”I wish I'd never been born at all.
“……? That……”
We passed the prison where Makina and Hiver were imprisone. The cage where they tried to escape.
The loophole leading to the sewers should have already been seale. But will they be moved to another cell just in case?
Shut up and follow me.”
But Seraphy doesn't explain anything and goes from the underground prison to the surface.
And when he reached the first floor without answering his questio. He went behind her and wrapped a black cloth around Makina's eye. A blindfold that blocked her vision.
“O……? O. U…….”
Straight ahead.
For the first tim. I let out a bewildered sound.
But still Seraphy gave me no answer.
The sound of people's footsteps and birdsong in the distance can be heard in the environment.
He was flanked by two male prisoners who had taken over the duties (…) From Seraphy and instructed to get into the carriage.
'So lon. Makina. I'm sorry I can't have fun with you anymore…… You're going to have to make the best of i. Okay? It's even tougher than this underground cell of the Arca Trust……
“What?……? He. U……!
Don't get violent!
Get your ass back on the wagon!
The actuality of the particulars is that you can't even allow yourself to raise a bewildered voice or even ask questions. They are pushed from behind and their bodies are shoved into the ground.
And so the carriage carrying the three me. Including the prisoner. Set off through the city of Londomeln.
Because he is blindfolde. He remains completely unaware of his surroundings.
I felt the carriage rushing along the paved roa. Turning left and right at the corners of the city over and over again – and after a few minute. It stopped at a certain place.
Get off.
The jaile. Who had not wasted any words in the carriag. Instructs in a low voice.
Because of the shackles that block her magi. She is unable to use magic to escap. And she obeys instructions meekl. Surrounded by anxiety and bewilderment.
Walking along with the prisoners standing on either side of me holding my arm. I heard a sound like a door openin. And from there I went furthe. This time down a flight of stairs.
Just as I thought I might have descended to about the third basement floor – suddenl. The cloth blindfold was removed from my eyes.
And surprisingl. The prisoners even removed the handcuffs using the key.
Rubbing my free wris. I looked around and saw that I was in a place where there were numerous doors on both sides of a narrow passageway.
It was a structure reminiscent of some inn or housing complex. A number of small magic crystals that emitted light were attached to the passageway. Faintly illuminating the cream-colored walls and the wood grain of the doors.
“O. U……”
Makina is standing in front of a single doo. In front of a room with no nameplate or anything. I don't know what it is.
“Yea……? How do I get to……?”
Apparentl. He was transferred from the Arca Trust to another location. But I couldn't understand more than that. I had no idea where I was or what I was supposed to do.
But I thought there was no point in scurrying aroun. So I grabbed the doorknob of the door in front of me. It seemed to be unlocke. So I turned it slowly and opened i. And entered the room with trepidation.
“Shall we adjourn to……”
“…… Ah!”
I heard a lovely voice from inside. It seems that someone is here.
The 'girl' in the room ran up to me before I could fully open the door and try to enter.
'You're new here! Thank goodness you're not a guy!”
U. U……?”
The maiden opened the door vigorously from the inside and welcomed Makina. She seemed to be close to Makina in height and age.
Her hair is a subdued color between purple and peac. Cut just below her shoulder. And her right eye is hidden by her long bangs.
She had a smal. Beautiful face with a clear nos. Her emerald left eye turned to Makin. And a cheerful smile on her face.
She is wearing a neat light blue one-piece dress that exposes her white shoulders and shiny collarbone. But a large and seductive frui. Though not as large as Makina'. Is assertive on her chest.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your car is to make sure that you have the right car.
O. I'm sorry. I'm sorr. I got excited all by myself……! My name is Tilly.”
“…… This is Machina.”
He said his nam. So I said my name bac. And he sai. “Are you Makina-san? That's a nice name! Please take care of me from now on!” He shook my hand with a bright smile and waved his arms enthusiastically in welcome.
The……. What the hell is this plac……?”
I found out that the girl's name was Till. But I still don't know what's happening to m. Or where I am.
The room was decorated like a cheap hote. Just a simple room with a des. Chai. Bunk beds and storage shelves.
With so little informatio. It is difficult to guess this place where the prisoners were brought to and their purpose.
This is the basement of a popular theatre in a corner of Londomeln. There are plays and sing-alongs every night in the 'Upper'.”
What on earth do they intend to do by transferring the criminals from the prison to the basement of a public theater? It's not like they are going to entertain the public with entertainment like actors and singers.
“We just don't go on…… It's faster for you to see it in person with your own eyes than it is for me to…… Explain it to you. It will be held tonight (…) And we can wait until then. Please use the beds downstairs. And feel free to take a shower!”
I originally didn't have any luggag. But Tilly seemed to prefer the top bunk and was allowed to use the bottom bunk and the space under the bed.
Furthermor. The room is equipped with toilets and showers. It had been a while since I knew that I could take a shower without worrying about the time limit or the amount of hot wate. And I felt that my rough heart was healed a little.
The girl named Till. Who shared the room with m. Is close to my age and seems to have a good temperament.
It' s just–
“…… Does that mean……. Are you saying that from today I have to live in this room too……?”
'Ye. I know. But I'm not talking about decades until the end of the sentence. We are going to…… With our own 'power'. We win our freedom and our rights!”
She clenched her hands tightly and made a fis. “Let's do our best! Tilly was smiling at m. But – Makin. Who was smiling a drawn-out bitter smil. Did not have a very good feeling about it.
That night.
I took a full showe. Ate the hot meal that was brought to m. And changed out of my tattered prison uniform into the clothes that were provided.
She was dressed simply (or roughly) in a pair of black half pants and a plain white short-sleeved shirt. The fabric of her chest was pushed up so tight because of her big tits that bewitched many me. Although not necessarily the right siz. That the deep cleavage created by her long breast. Her perky waist and small belly button could be seen just a little.
“S. That's grea. Makina-san……”
“O. N. That's not what……!”
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your car is to make sure that it is a good one.
Makina's face turned even redder than her. And anywa. Tilly took her out of the room and headed for the second basement floor of the theater.
The. At the top of the stair. A large door is opened by the two of us working together…
“–G. G. G. Go!
Now beat the shit out of him!
I'm betting on you! If you los. I don't give a fuck!
The wild cheers of the rough men echoed through Makina's body as they blasted her all over.
There are nearly a hundred people in the large hal. Filling the circular seats like spectators enjoying a circus or a play. The atmosphere is reminiscent of the sword competitions and the Colosseum at the Square Academ. Where Makina attended.
And the people in the audience's line of sight – the ones under the giant magic crystal on the ceiling that shines a light as bright as the midsummer sun – are not students competing in a swordfight.
On the raised stage (ring. There were strong men beating each other without weapons.
“This is……!
“…… No wonder you're surprised.”
Tilly stands next to a stunned Makina and looks up at the ring with her.
The details of “This place” That Makina had always wondered about were clearly told in a voice that was as loud as the roars of the fighting men and the cheers from the audience.
“This is an underground arena where criminals fight each other and bet money on who will…… Win or los. With the winner getting a fortune in bubbles and the last one standing getting a huge reward equivalent to bail. The winner is the winner of the gam. And the winner gets a huge reward equivalent to the bail money.
On a square stage. In a “Cage” Divided by three ropes connecting the pillars (poles) erected at the four corners.
A stron. Muscular man sinks into the rin. Nose bleedin. After being punched in the face by a tal. Masked opponent.
“O. No! The Wild Wolf is down! He can't get up! The winne. By submissio. In the red corner! It's Mask the Titan!
A strong man wearing a wolf motif costume falls dow. The referee certifies defeat (K.O.. The tall masked man (Masked Man) shouts victor. And the play-by-play announcer shouts the result of the match.
When the winner was decide. Cheers and shouts shook the venu. And a large number of scraps of paper betting tickets flew through the air like flower confetti.
“…… Is that what you mean?……!”
I understood everything. I also understood the meaning of the 'even harsher place' that Seraphy had mentioned when we parted from the Great Prison.
But at the same tim. A determination in Makina's eyes. The light returns.
The jailbreak was not successful and I let Tetteh down. He was at eight paces and almost desperate.
But at this moment. I saw a faint glimmer of light to break through the situation once again.
You figh. You wi. You get the prize money. Pay it as bai. And return to earth with your chest out and your head held high.
Aiming for such a future – the magical princess who fell to the bottom of the earth clenched her fists hard.