Chapter 104 Yazir the Champion
Makina was able to win her first match in the underground arena.
Howeve. The content was not flatterin. And without the help of his co-op buddy (Tilly. He would likely have been humiliated in public.
He feels keenly that he is not good enough and trains hard until the next match to avoid making the same mistakes again in the fights to come.
Thanks to Evan's clear advice and Tilly's help as a mock opponen. Even an amateur (Machina) with no experience in fighting improved her strength day by day.
Compared to the difficult study of magi. Learning martial arts was still an easy part. Although she was not good at exercis. With Evan's precise instruction. Makina learned the basics of fighting at a speed that surprised even Tilly.
It's not just about hitting with your arm strength. If you release the hook in unison with the movement of twisting your…… Shoulder. The speed and power of the hook will increase dramatically. It's not “Bang!” It's not a 'bang' but a 'bang! It's like that.”
“I see……?”
I'm practicing with Tilly. I earnestly listened to her lectur. But in the corner of my hea. 'Something else' was stuck in the corner of my mind.
The endgame in her debut match. She writhed in pleasure as her opponents caressed he. But was rescued thanks to Tilly defeating two of her enemies.
But – it was a hazy memory in her dazed consciousness – she seemed to have a reddish tint in her right eye at the time.
In the first plac. If it was powerful enough to kill your opponent instantl. Why didn't you use it from the beginning?
“…… What's the matte. Miss Machina? Is there some part of you I don't understand?”
N. N……. I'm fine.”
The eyes are staring at m. The beautiful emerald-colored left eye. But her right eye is still hidden today by her long bangs.
I couldn't sa. “Let me have a look at your eye.” And I decided to keep my small doubts to mysel. Thinking that I had to concentrate on my training for now.
Right no. My priority is to believe in both Tilly and Evan and win this underground arena.
'–Oka. Wel. I think it's time for a break.
Evan's job is to watch them practice on crutches and give them advic. And when the time is righ. He interrupts their sparring sessions.
He wanted to get Makina at least up to speed as soon as possibl. But excessive practice would only increase the risk of injury. I'd like to get Makina to train at least as hard as possible as soon as possibl. But too much training will only increase the risk of injury.
Makina accepted it while thanking him with a “Thank you. And then sheput the sweet and sour drink in her mouth…
“…… Delicious……!”
“You've improved i. Senpai! The previous one was so tasteless……!”
I've been able to get in touch with some of the suppliers to the theater and they're willing to share some of their swee. Nutritious berries with me. “I've been able to get in touch with some of the theatre's suppliers and they've agreed to share some of their swee. Nutritious fruit with us.”
With a cheerful fac. Evan smiles at the. “It's my job as a secon. Not only to teach the fighters how to figh. But also to keep them in shape.
Makina felt she could truly respect him for training Tilly and herself (Makina) even if she couldn't fight due to her leg injury.
And he's a gentleman who would never stare at this bod. Which is a man's favorit. And would never stare at this voluptuous bod. Which is always looked at with curious and lowly eyes.
Sometimes I wonder wh. Not because I'm a knight in the service of the royal family like Tet – but the reason was immediately apparent.
“Who. And……!”
He hands them both their drinks and Evan tries to grab his own.
But when I reached my arm out to the cup on the tabl. I couldn't balance myself properly because of my leg injur. And my crutches were getting ahead of me and I almost fell over.
O……! Senpai!
Then Tilly rushed over and stood next to hi. Grabbed his arm and held him close. The same scene as the other day. Fortunatel. The fall and the spilling of the special drink were prevented.
It's oka. Tilly. I'm just a little off balance. I'm overprotective.”
“Bu. But……! The fracture hasn't fully healed ye. And……!”
Tilly usually has a kind and cheerful personalit. But she seems to have a bit of a stubborn streak in her. He sat down on the chair. She even tried to get Evan to drink the drink as if she were a parent giving milk to a baby with a bottle.
But the stones sai. “That's embarrassing! I can use my hands normally!” And he had refused to do s. His face reddened.
He reluctantly leaves and goes to Makina to ask her if she needs another drink (refill).
…… Till. You care very much for Evan.”
'Whew! That'. That'. That's……!”
When she gets to the “Heart of the matte.” Her face turns bright red and she is flustere. Just like a maiden of her age.
I'm sure you don't have to hide it. I mea. I think anyone looking at…… Would notice.”
“……Ye. That's righ…….. I've been close to…… My seniors since I was little and our houses are clos…….. I'm not related to him by bloo. But I looked up to him like he was my own brother.”
Tilly talks about the drink Evan made for he. Staring at the surface of it.
The homemade nutritional drink he prepared for himself and Makina despite his injuries. He is still the same kind and gentle man who cares more about others than himself.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be prepared to pay for it. But when the senior questioned the way the monarchy was doing things and joined the Resistanc. He was told not to follow hi……..
But even when he was angr. He didn't obey. Makina can understand without having to tell the whole story. The results and consequences of joining the resistance are all told by the sight of Tilly standing here now.
Suppressed and sent to the Great Prison of Arca Trus. And then reduced to the underground arena. Evan had a broken leg and Tilly continued to struggle alone until Machina visited her. Such was their harsh fate.
'…… But I have no regrets! Our ancestors were born in a magical countr. And although we don't agree with the King of Britannica who uses military force to control other cities and people……. No matter what the situation i. If I can stay with my senior. Then……! I'm willing to fight wherever it takes me!”
“Mr. Till……”
She looks up and turns her emerald left eye towards Makina to announce her decision.
The right eye is still hidden by her bang. But the 'determination' she spoke of must have been her true feelings without any falsehoods.
Hearing Tilly's true intention. Her pas. And her relationship with Eva. Makina's heart flares again as she too aims to win the championship.
That's the thing–
“…… By the wa. Till. Did you tell Evan how you feel about him? I know you've always liked him.”
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your car is to make sure that it is in the right place at the right time. The face of the dignifie. Full of determination until a few minutes ag. Is loosened and upset.
“N. I mea. You kno. So… I mea. You're like a big brother to m. Or somethin…….! I respect him a lo. And I don't hate hi. But……! O. N. N. No……..! I'm too embarrassed to confess my feelings to yo…….!
''Hmph. If you don't say it when you ca. You'll regret i. Won't you?”
Tilly's panicked appearance is funny and Makina can't help but gush. If it had been in a state of drin. It might have been dangerous.
The poor conditions of the Great Prison had left me both body and soul in a rough spo. But I never thought that I would come here and meet Tilly and have a romantic talk (koibana) or girl talk after a long time.
And as I shelved myself and cheered Tilly o. Telling her that it's okay for the girls to be aggressiv. Eva. The one who was the subject of the conversatio. Approached me.
“Both of you. It's time to start practicing again~”
O……! Ye. Senior!
She was so excited that she was sure that if she confessed her feelings to Eva. She could make him fall in love with her.
The resistance may be in a difficult positio. But it's not a forbidden relationship between a princess and a knigh. And while wishing for their relationship to be successfully fulfille. Makina also tries to return to practice–.
“He. Tilly……! You've got a pretty face and a nice body as always!”
Tilly was about to head to where Evan was waitin. When he was blocked. A large man appeared between the two of them.
“¡God……! Demon……!
Makina was terribly surprised by his appearance.
He has a large physique that is over two meters tall. And limbs as thick and well-trained as logs. He has a head of piercing blonde hai. And two sharp horns sprouting from his forehead. Long canine teeth like fangs peek out from his large mout. And his skin is a pale green color.
The appearance of a large goblin or orc-like person who could mediate human speech – Makin. Who was blocked from magic except during the gam. Was chilled to the bone – but Tilly and Evan were impatient for the man's appearance in a different way Tilly and Evan were impatient with the man's appearance in a different way.
“What do you wan. Mr. Yargil?
Huh? Why else would they be here for anything other than training?
'Then get on with it and spar or strength train or whatever you want. You don't need to talk to Till. Yajil……!”
Approaching on crutche. Evan takes a bite out of the large man he calls 'Yargil'.
But that vicious-looking giant of a ma. Like an or. Glared down at him with red eyes and opened his big mouth to yell at hi. As if he was about to bite him over the head.
I'm not talking to yo. You fucking mongoloid Evan! I'm having a conversation with my future wif. And you're interrupting it! You're not gonna break my legs this time!
Loud enough to make the whole training ground chatter.
The other players looked annoye. But only glanced at me from a distanc. And no one made any attempt to intercede.
It is a basic rule in the underground world to stay out of unrelated troublesome matter. And in additio. He seems to be afraid of the existence of Yeazil.
'O. Who's your future wife……! It's not a funny joke!”
But Tilly is the only one who isn't afraid to boldly say it bac. Standing protectively with her back to Evan and looking up at the burly giant.
While looking down at the little purple-haired hea. Yargil's voice brightened in a good moo. Unlike Evan'. With a smirkin. Creepy smile on his face.
O. You're so cute even when you're angry! Wel. It's a common love story theory that a man and a woman who end up with a happy ending make a bad impression at the beginning. She's a heroine who deserves m. So she has to be at least that good!
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to make sure that you are getting the most out of your money.
Howeve. He didn't notice that his 'future wife' was pulling him away and sai. “In the tournamen. We can only meet in the final. But I believe we are destined to meet each other!” He winked at her and walked away.
–But just before that.
“Oh? I didn't know there was a woman as good as Tilly in this underground arena! She's got big tits too……! Oh n. Here comes a new heroine! But should I go Tilly's rout. Or is there an option to go for the harem end?……?”
Unlike the gentlemanly Eva. This big guy doesn't even try to hide his ulterior motives from the first meeting. He has no regard for common sense or manner. And his crotch is bulging right in front of Makina's eyes. Even though he is wearing short pants (half pants) for practic. He doesn't even try to hide the way his crotc. Which is extremely thick in proportion to his physiqu. Rises up majestically.
“♥……! ♥”
Makina almost screamed at the sheer obscenity and vulgarity of it all.
But the abominable lewdness responded strongl. And my womb tingled painfully. The man was such a violent and vulgar ma. I don't even know if he was human or not. The princess's crotch was moistene. And the lewd crest felt the other's vigorous vigor and sought it out.
'Tilly's new sidekick or little girl……? Gahaha! This is getting more and more unbeatable……!
At the moment when Makina was about to reach her 'limit'.
Yeazil was satisfied with something alon. And left the place and went to his private training. Behind hi. A shor. Middle-aged ma. Who seemed to be acting as a secon. Followed him like a retainer or a pet dog.
“…… Ye. Now that's……”
He calms his min. Trying to breathe and calm his lewdness.
But their gazes were still glued to his back – Tilly and Eva. Who mistook it for a look of hostilit. Came up to him and confirmed that Makina was safe.
I hope you're all right! Makina-san!……! Did they do something strange to you?”
“Eh. U. Yea. Ye……. It's…… But is it…… Now?”
“…… His name is Yargil. He is the most powerful and undefeated champion in this underground arena right now.”
“Undefeated Champion……?”
If he win. He will get bail money and get out of this underground arena. Howeve. Makina is baffled by the presence of Yaji. Who is undefeated and has reigned for years.
According to the story of the two me. Yajil is a “Subhuman” Born between a human and a demon. Because of his peculiar origins and appearanc. He was discriminated against from an early age and grew up to be a violent person to rebel against the unreasonable world.
He was then repeatedly assaulte. Rape. Robbe. And committed to a large priso. An. Following his exampl. He has fallen to the underground arena.
But it was a place where Yargil felt more at home than any othe. And he became 'king' through battles and victories.
I don't need bail money. I'll be caught again as a criminal even if I go out to the outside world (Shabba) anyway. The aren. Where you can hurt others with impunity even though it is illega. And where you can get money and hono. Is so familiar to Yeazil's temperament that he can call it his second home.
“…… I and my senior once fought with Yargi. But……
The result is this:……. If only I could have beaten Yargi. I could have escaped from the underground arena……”
Tilly's face was bitter and angr. And Evan's expression was one of desolation and regret.
From what they say and from the way Yargil himself talk. He is probably the one who broke Evan's left leg.
And then there's the insolent man who declares that he's going to take Tilly as his wif. And even makes sexual advances towards him (Makina).
“…… Can't allow that……!”
Although it was someone else's busines. Tilly and the others who were to form a joint front were already important friends to Makina. The princess's small fists were clenched tightly in indignation as she felt the pain and frustration of the situation.
“I'm…… Glad you feel that wa. Makina. Firs. We need to think about the game in front of us……!”
I'm sure Yargil will make it to the finals again this season. We're going to try to get there and when we get to the revenge gam. We'll tell him our plan. Then we'll beat him and we'll all get out of here……!”
It is no longer enough to just fight. It's no longer just about aiming for the championship. The soul of the proud Grandel Kingdom that burns u. With the addition of the firewood of 'righteous indignation'.