Chapter 30 Trusted Companions
The blonde-haired Sahy. Daughter of a local lor. And her followe. The black-haire. Red-tufted bangs-wearing Sag. Who calls himself a “Hero.
Together with Makina and Te. Two people who are somewhat similar but very differen. They push through the forest of large trees that suddenly appeared near the southern gate of the royal city of Rondomeln.
A large hardwood tree that resembles a giant. Even if you turn your head straight u. You can't see its to. Hiding the blue sky and the sun.
Even just the roots exposed from the soil were much thicker in size than the fallen trees and logs lying around in a normal forest.
“My 'friends' are already ahead of me. I'd say…… But they were advancing together and Sage just freaked out and ran away.”
I can't help it! I hate spiders!”
Apparentl. The Griffos famil. Who had received orders from Britannic. Had formed an investigation team in addition to Sahya and Sage.
When Makina wasabout to ask what kind of people they were–
The voice of a demon echoing through the forest of large trees. And at the same tim. A high pitche. Dignified voice was raised.
The three of the. Except for Sag. Instantly readied their weapons.
It's “Solaris”! It's 'Solaris'!”
Sarya runs to her companio. Whom she calls 'Solaris'.
Bubbe! Wait!
Makina and Tet panicked and came to an abrupt stop. But Sahya ignored them and ran.
Prioritizing the abnormalities of his companions over the dull Sag. He rushed over to where – three adventurers were battling countless goblins.
The goblin raises his club. But before its attack can reach yo. It pierces you with its spear.
Swinging her navy blue ponytail in the deep gree. The tall woman struck down the goblins.
“Bow your hea. Solaris! Frozen Lance!
“Ah! Miss Sarya!
Sarya brings back Sage who fled to the entrance of the forest. Hearing her voic. The blue-haired Solaris instantly lowers her stance.
Sarya's magic snatched above her hea. And a single ice spear pierced the goblin that was aiming at Solaris from a blind spo. Crossbow by crossbow.
'Don't let your guard dow. Sora! If Sarya-sama hadn't saved m. I'd be at…… Right now!”
“Huh. I don't need you to tell me tha. Rick!”
He is a boy wh. Along with Solaris who wields a spea. Slashes at the goblins with two swords. His orange hair stands ou. But he himself does not look as vivacious as the su. And his face is rather calm.
And it showed in the way they fought.
The swordsmith 'Rikku' and the spearman Solaris were attacked by several goblins from the top of the big tree.
Up there! Solaris! Rikku!
Sarya opens her thick grimoire and tries to defeat the goblins with magic again. But her magic can't fire in rapid successio. And she's limited to killing them one by one with her ice spear.
In the meantim. The goblins are descending. But even if you want to prepare for an attack from abov. Solaris' spear and Rikku's two swords are all they have to deal with the enemies on the ground.
There–. Along with Saya's Frozen Lanc. The 'arrow' that shot down the goblin was added. The sharp bow and arrow strike pierced through the brain of the goblin. The Goblins were choked out one after another.
“…… Thanks for the hel. 'Kyna!”
“That's me and Sora's sister……!”
Solaris and Riku! Don't narrow your vision and stay in one place! Sarya's worried about you!
The girl reprimands her companions in a cute voice with a lisp. The peach-haired 'Kaina. Who is as short as the goblin. Draws her bow full of strings on her small body and shoots arrows.
Solari. A spearma. Rik. A two-sword wielde. And Kain. An archer. They are supposed to be brother. And each of them has acquired a certain level of skill as adventurers.
Around that time. The boy with the emblem of a brave man on the back of his hand – Sage – was engaged in a fierce battle with a mini-goblin about the size of a five-year-old human child.
Gibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgibgib!” Ouch ouch ouch!”
He flaps his arms with his dagge. But can't reach the small goblin that is riding on his back.
Howeve. The mini-goblin is also too ineffective to deal a decisive blo. Or perhaps it just pulls up the tuft of Sage's red bangs. It seems that there is no other way to attack.
A village boy being played with by a child on the side. Since he wouldn't die and was more embarrassed than anything els. Sahya didn't care about Sage and concentrated on cleaning up the other goblins.
Even with just four warriors and one laggar. The goblins could somehow be dealt with.
As if to say that this is a sweet realit. “They” Appear from the depths of the big tre. From the darkness of the forest.
A horrifying roar that echoes in the pit of your stomach. And the sound of marching footsteps shaking the earth. Its true identity was soon revealed.
“Mazy……! It's the Boss Gobli. Miss Sarya!”
And there are goblins around!”
“Bu. Your weapons and equipment are extraordinary……!”
The bow-handling Kaina has excellent eyesight. The eyes caught the swords and armor worn by the adventurers and soldiers who set foot in this forest and lost their lives.
The goblins are equipped as an arm. And they are led by a gigantic boss gobli. Whose army of demons can reach a hundred. The king of the goblins is a gian. Over three meters tal. And is as big as the trees around him. It is a size that rivals even the orcs in the literature and rumors.
Frozen! Frozen! Frozen Lance!
Sarya opens her grimoire and frantically fires magic at the goblin army. Kaina likewise shoots arrows with a tense look on her face.
Howeve. They lack both continuous fire and powe. And cannot reduce their numbers. Both Solaris and Riku are fighting har. But they haven't been able to defeat even the normal goblins of the first group. Under these circumstance. If they clash with the army led by the Boss Boblins–.
“This can't go on any longer……! Everybod. Run!
She didn't know where to ru. And it was doubtful if she could even escape. Even s. Saya prioritized the lives of her friend. And was about to give the order to retrea. When–
Frozen Blast.
Spears of ice became 'rain'.
All gree. All white.
“…… Eh.”
Sahya's voic. Which leaked out in a small voic. Echoed around the place.
Because the sounds of marchin. The sounds of battl. Even the heartbeats of the goblins. Because with Machina's magi. Everything was instantly stilled.
“Mr. Tett.”
Ice. Demon. Leave. And even time. In a forest where everything is frozen and you have the illusion that everything is frozen.
That black whirlwind runs alone.
Over 100 pillars of ice. Their contents are all goblins. He crossed the. Passed through the. And used them as 'footholds'. I leapt up to the eye level of the Boss Gobli. Who was shocked with his mouth open.
“……! Ga. Gah……!”
The Boss Gobli. Who had taken some time to swallow realit. Was startled by the sight of the black swordsman jumping up in front of hi. And immediately tried to raise the cudgel he had made from a giant tree–.
Before that. Tet's sword sliced through the boss goblin's arteries as it was drawn from its sheath. Just as it reached the middle of his throa. The slash stopped.
The Goblin King is astonished. Half of his neck is cut off. A large amount of red blood gushes out. His airways are ripped ope. And he can hardly breathe.
But the demon's life force didn't kill him instantl. And hetried to crush Tet with his huge left hand–.
Tet swings his sword back (・・・・) and pulls the blade ou. Through the same sword line that sliced half his throat.
And the. Without killing the momentum as it was – he did a spin in the air.
The sword enters his throat from the other side. With all his strengt. Tet swings his sword through the air.
As if they were felling a large tree. Even if it was fellin. It was done in a rough way. The boss goblin's head – fell away from the body.
The giant body disappears as a particle of light. There was no earth shaking as it fel. Only the quiet sound of the Tet descending to the earth reaching the ears of Thurya and the others.
'Good job on the…… Mr. Tett! That was a blink of an eye!”
''N. No. The number of defeats is greater than the Princess's. I'm not sure how much more training I have to do to jump up to that heigh……..
Can you jump more than three meters if you train? Say. Solari. Riku and Kaina were so wide-mouthed in amazement that they couldn't even mention it out loud. Witnessing the strength of the 'top-notch' adventurers called Makina and Tet.
On the other hand.
“Heh……. You're a pretty good punche…….”
“Gah……. Gah Gah…….”
Lying down with the mini goblin in a big heap. While feeling a fresh ache and fatigue in his whole bod. Sage fist-bumped with the mini goblin with a smile on his face. As a 'toast' to the strange friendship that was born between humans and demons. They don't understand each other's language. Even s. Men can talk to each other with their fists. As if to confirm that they are communicating that much.
A few minutes later. The mini-goblin was defeated by Sarya's magic.
Sage cried aloud at the death of his friend.