Chapter 37 Those who are going away
–The actual “Voice” Was heard just after the whole body was sloshed with Sage's semen (cum) and washed away by the rain.
The roar of a demon that is neither a goblin nor a black dog. The two who heard it did not rekindle their sexual desire for quicksan. The so-called 'sage mode' Sage took the initiative to put on his clothes and headed towards the sound of the battle.
Tette and Sarja turn around and speak up.
Makina and Sage arrived ther. Where everyone but the two had already finished joining them.
Now all the scattered men are gathered. But there is no time for rejoicin. What we must face now is–.
There. A large tre. Even taller and thicker than the surrounding tree. Had a human face-like pattern on its trunk and was roaring in a horrified voice.
They use countless branches and vines as tentacles to slaughter humans who wander into this forest.
Frozen! Frozen Lance!”
Sarya opens her grimoire and releases ice magi. While Kaina snipes from afar with her bow. Solaris prevents the tree tentacles that attack them with her spea. And Tet and Riku cut them down with their swords.
Makina and Sage joined the. Making a force of sevenagainst one. Howeve. The monsters of the big tree do not seem to be damaged by half-hearted attacks.
I guess you could say I'm the boss of the forest……!
“Carefu. Miss Saya……! Perhaps this is the one who tore us apart earlier……!”
My bow doesn't work at all……!”
The whole group was amazed at the strength of this demon.
'O. Shit……. You can't win that thing! I can't even get close! Protect m. Rick!”
With the power of Sage's Brave Bur. He might be able to win with a snatch.
Howeve. In order to deliver a slash with a dagge. You need to get as close as possible. The self-proclaimed brave Sage did not have the skill or courage to do so.
Riku raises a confused voice as he swings his two swords at his best frien. Who clutches at his back.
Sage had made a move on not only Sarya and her sister. Whom he was in love wit. But also the princess of Grandel. Riku was awkwardly unsure how to address him and Makina who showed up with him.
But Te. Who does not know the circumstance. Turns his undecided eyes on his lord.
And Makin. Who had been sired by Sage just a few moments ag. Regained the look of a fighting adventurer.
Sage'. New magic enhanced by the infusion of the hero's seme. Was activated with his staff raised high.
“Crimson Volcanic Inferno”……!
The magic power inside your body that has been amplified dozens and dozens of times since you first left your hometown has been transformed into a flame.
A scorching firebal. Reminiscent of a small su. Vaporized the light rain and shot it out at – the great human-faced tree (monster).
The demo. Engulfed in flame. Let out a mournful cry that echoed throughout the forest. The most important thing to remember is that even though they are powerful demon. They are still essentially “Wood”. It is obvious that it is weak against fire.
The difficulty and power of the magic that she handles is even the same as that of an adult and a baby. As a person who handles magi. The princess called Makina existed at such a high level that she was jealous.
He. He. Sage! You came lat. But you didn't end up doing anything…”
He's embarrassed and tsunke. And he's crammed up against Sag. Who hides behind Riku's back.
That's when–
Countless tendrils extend from the great burning tree. The flaming tentacles point their sharp tips like spears and close in on Thurya with arrow-like speed.
When they saw i. Neither Sahya nor Makina and the others could react. The last resistance by the demon that thought it had been defeated. The only one who was able to react to the surprise attack – was Riku.
He breaks in between Sarya and the tentacles and slashes them down with a sword strike of divine speed.
Howeve. The tentacles were thrust through the gap between the two sword. And several places on his body were cut up.
“G. Ah……!”
The girls' cries echo.
Riku was cut and pierced deeply all over his body. He dropped his sword and bled profusely.
Sarya looks at Rikk. Who falls to the groun. Her face pale.
The one who scolded her was – Sage.
“Sarya! Healing magic! My Brave Burn will enhance it! Quickly!
I yell out to Thury. Who is upset because Rick has collapse. And I calm him down.
But in fac. Sage was also trembling and impatient. Even s. He tried to heal Riku by combining Saya's magic and the power of the heroe. But–.
“…… Goo. Apart from……”
Riku refuse. Spitting blood from his mouth and weakly grabbing Sage's arm.
“I'm not really……. I'm…… More of a convenience……”
What are you talking abou. Rick……! If you're gon. I'm going to……! N. I don't want to……!
“I've been…… About yo. Sahya! But I'm……!”
Even while Sarya was opening her grimoire and activating her healing magi. She let out a pained breath and spilled out her true feelings.
Say. Sag. Solari. And Kaina were all worried about Riku's appearance and continued to lean in close and talk to him.
Seeing his friends like tha. Riku fainted with a bit of relief on his face.
“…… Guy. Take care of this here……”
Saya uses magic to close the fatal wound and heal the rest of her injuries.
Sage stood up with a thoughtful look on his fac. Staring at Rik. Who had passed out with tears in his eyes.
Meanwhile. Makina and Tet were also worried about Rik. But there was a reason why they couldn't rush over.
“…… Princes. Please stand down……!”
“Are you playing……?
The big trees around them were dying. In conjunction with tha. The big tree that should have been burning up was trying to revive itself by filling up more and more wounds and regenerating its skin.
Probably sucking all the life energy of this forest from its roots. If this continue. Not only Rik. But all of us could be fatally damaged. It might cause total annihilation.
Makina and Tet are at a loss as to how to attack the rampaging cran. While being wary of it and intercepting it.
From between the. The 'brave' walked on.
“Mr. Sag……! Close……!”
“…… My fault……”
Holding a dagge. He faces the great tree monster that begins to regenerate. With trembling legs and hand. Teeth chatterin. Sage stands his ground.
Howeve. Makina tries to stop he. Saying that with Sage's abilit. It's too dangerous. The one who stopped her was – of all people – Tet.
“…… I will cut a path for you. Never stop.”
Tette knows how Rik feels. He told her about his anguish. That's why Tet was also holding the sword and trying to make him 'put an end' to it.
Let's go to……!”
With a hoarse voice and trembling bod. Sage rushes forward.
Seiji scolded his shaking body in fear as the two covered him and headed straight for the big tree.
In the meantim. What is recalled are the memories from the time he was born and raised in Grifos territory to the present. Meeting Sary. Meeting Riku and his sister. And the days the five of us spent together.
It was obvious after a little thought. Riku is in love with Sahya. He thought that there was no way that Rik. Who had a good ea. Wouldn't notice that his sister had been taken away from him (Sage). I wondered how she would feel about it.
But I have ignored all of that and continued to use the hero's crest for my own pleasure.
“So this is……! Only here is……!”
The “Courage” Is all you need to do. The tentacles rip through your body and armor many time. But you still jump into the dagger's (your own) line of sight.
–Sword thrust between the eyebrows of the human-faced tree (monster).
Brave baaaaan!!!!”
Pour all the power of a brave man into it.
The demons resisted i. Sucking up all the life energy in the forest. However – the legendary hero's power was faster to purify the demons.
The great tree became a particle of ligh. Dimming its entire form. Sage stood stunne. Watching the great tree as it faded away from this world.
“Heh……. Even I do this much…… When I do it.”
Turn around and look at your friends.
Rick's wound looks okay. It's a serious woun. But it doesn't look life-threatening. I can tell by the look of relief on Sahya and the others' faces.
Makina looked relieve. To. And Tet – her expression – froze.
Mr. Sage!
Soon afte. Makina also noticed and screamed at the same time.
From behind – I was pierced through the waist by a wooden spear.
“Such as……”
Just before it disappeared completel. The last and final attack released by the Great Tree Demon. It pierced Sage with its tree tentacle. And the demon vanished with its spear.
But Sage collapse. Vomiting blood. Makina immediately rushes over to him – but then she is struck by a strange experience.
It's as if time has stopped. Colors and sounds disappear from the worl. And the landscape fills in blankly.
'…… I guess it's not working after all……'
Sage stiffens in a posture just before falling completely to the ground. Tet and Sahya and the others are not moving an inch. Not even breathing. –The world has stopped.
Moving in the middle of it was herself and a translucent female knight who looked like a ghost (ghost).
'Just because you are of my blood doesn't mean you don't have a proud soul……. He showed a glimpse of that at the en. But with this woun. He'll never move from the torso down again for the rest of his life.'
Paralysis of the lower half of her body. Machina's heart leaps as she realizes this.
Rising like steam from Sage's body and muttering nonchalantl. The gallant woman turned her attention to the upset Makina.
'…… O. A descendant of Lord Grundel……. He's done me a lot of good……. But you can't afford to be stuck in the ・・・・・. You don't have much time left…….
There are so many questions and doubts. Stil. Before Makina can ask any more question. The woman ascends into the heavens like a puff of smoke.
'Let us seek……. We need to find someone with the qualities of a true hero……. We can't just leave that man like this…….
“…… Wait……!”
–And time begins to move.
I reached out my han. But there was already no sign of the woman there. The only thing that was silent was the meado. Which had regained its original blue sky after everything had vanishe. And Sag. Who was bleeding bright red blood there.
Tet called out loudly for Makin. And Sage's friends rushed over. Even Rik. Who had just been wounde. Had regained consciousness and was moving to help Sage up.
Makina quickly came to her senses and ran to stop Sage from bleeding. But in her hear. The feeling of love for Sage had already disappeared.
It disappeared from the back of Sage's left han. Just like the crest of a brave man.
The Kingdom of Britannic. The capital city of Rondomeln. The great forest of trees that had occupied the area near the south gate of the city had vanished like a li. And the man wearing a black hood was looking down on the boys and girls who had accomplished this – from the top of the high castle wall.
'…… You're trying to mess with me again. 'Jeanne'……”
She gripped her magic wand and hid her face. Howeve. The scar on her face that peeks out slightly and her sharp eyes catch Makina and the others. The crystal in his left hand is tucked away in his sleeve.
'Wel. Goo. The experiment itself was a success……. Wait and see……. I'm going to make you realize…… That you've betrayed m. Betrayed everything I've go. Everything in the world. You betrayed everything I've go. The whole world……!”
And when a strong gust of wind ble. There was no longer a shadow of anyone to be seen.
Another End 5 “Dirty Waitress at the Dining Place”
My name is “Wandering Joe”.
He's a really healthy and exemplary adventure. Taking down bounty hunters and treasure hunts all over the place.
But being a typical adventure. He was 'lost on the road' again toda. As promised.
–I'm completely lost. Whichever way I g. I'm in deep woods.
I'd dug up some rare ore in the mines of Well. The city of fire and wate. And I was heading back to King's Landing with high spirit. Intending to make a name for myself as an adventurer. But I overspent at Vaniranda's Tavern on the way there. I was in great demand. I think I got drunk on some cute bunny ladies…… Wel. That's the fate of a handsome man.
Howeve. On the advice of the owner of the taver. Vanilland. Who looked like a Bakemo. I was shown a route straight through the forest. That old hag was surprisingly kin. Even though she looked like an orc.
The forest is dangerou. But a circuitous route would take us days to reach King's Landing. We don't have that kind of money left. Then there's only one way to go. I don't know what it i. But I figured it wouldn't be a problem for an adventurer like m. So I went through this forest.
“……I'm hungry……”
But no matter how far you g. All you see are flowers and trees. The only scenery is green. There is no way to get to the royal city. I'm going crazy.
“…… Oh?”
But I've found it. A place of salvation. A wooden structure suddenly appeared in the woods.
The Cat's Collar Pavilio……. A restaurant! Thanks for the hel…….”
We don't have much mone. But we still have enough for a meal and a night's stay. We'll stop here for a bite to eat and get directions out of the forest.
I'm a guy who's had a lot of bad luck.
Without hesitatio. I happily opened the door to the dining room.
“O. Are you alone……?”
I'll show you around~
'O. This is…… Again.'
I forget about my hunger and my cheeks relax as if I've just tasted a gourmet meal.
Three waitresses greeted me as I entered the restaurant. One was a girl with twin-tail peach hair who looked cheerfu. And the other was a blue-haired girl who looked mature.
The two are taller than the other tw. And the blonde-haired beauty is more striking for her ample breasts than for anything else. The actual “I'm a gir.” The “I'm a gir.” The “I'm a gir.” The “I'm a gir.” And the “I'm a girl.
Let me take your jacket.
“And to ensure that all of our customers can enjoy their meal in peac. Weapons can be found on the shelves here:……”
Let's get rid of the dirt on your body too~”
“Heh he. You're very thorough. It's a strange place.”
The three beautiful girls take care of yo. And you are led to the back of the room while almost all of your equipment is removed.
But even though there are so many beautiful girls in this sho. I've never heard of it. Is it a hidden good store?
“S. Here you go:……”
I was guided by a blue-haired girl. I like blonde boobie. But I personally prefer this calm girl. I want to dye it to my favorite woman or…….
“…… O. That thing……?”
Suddenl. I notice something strange. I was hungry and was going to eat a lo. But I suddenly felt sleepy.
Is it because I'm tired from the trip? N. It's just that it's……. I can't…… Stand it. My consciousness is…… Far…… Away.
“……What are you going to d. Nunna-chan?……”
'Hm. This one looks disgustin. So I'll pass. It's been a while since I've caught on. But I can't help it. Let's just take its life force.”
“No. Ms. Nunna……”
Yeah! Let's have some fun with Nen. Makin. And Tet today!”
The boy Ner. Aka Nen. Looked at her with frightened eye. But Makina's face was dyed with lewdness.
The peach-haired Nunna licked her tongu. Her cat-like pupils glistening as the crest of 'Gerweth' appeared on her forehead.
Trapped inside the crysta. The wandering Joe could only watch the lascivious feast without speaking.
I'm so happy to see your brother's vigor.
O. Shi. Don't……!
Her pudg. Cherry-red nipples bloom above her modestly swollen breasts. She makes those nipple. Which are the same color as her hai. Erec. And she is immersed in a cowgirl position on top of the tête-à-têt. Swinging her small buttocks and perky hips.
“Him. Sa. Ma……!”
Makina and Tet come to look for the missing Nero at the request of their father. Ther. They encountered the magical beast Nunn. And Tet was defeated. He was severely wounded and tied to a be. And was thus squeezed for energy by Nunna for as long as it took for his wounds to heal.
“Come o. Come o. Come on. How does it feel to be straddled by such a small gir. To be tightened so tightly by a Hexenbiest's loli cun. Doesn't it feel goo. Brother?
“Fuck……! Who the fuck is……!”
Tette's meat rod reacts inside Nunna's vagina against her will. Nunna's womb and gently curving abdomen tingled with delight at the movemen. And the rod tightened tighter inside her vagina.
The other party is a lovely young girl with a beautiful appearanc. But it's the fact that she's a young girl that's the problem. The actual “B” Is a very good name for the actual “B. And it's also a very good name for the actual “B”.
The actuality that the body reacts as a physiological phenomeno. Howeve. Is filled with a sense of frustration. The most important thing is that you can't just take the time to do it.
I'm not going to let you do anything you don't want to do. ♥…… Like Nena and Makina!”
-More than my ow. It was the tightness in my chest. The two of them were on the bed next to each othe. Touching skin to skin.
“Hah…… ♥ Hah ♥ Sis…… ♥”
The lord (Machina) on all fours has her skirt pulled up and her hips are repeatedly slammed into the ground in a doggy position.
Ner. Dressed in a maid's unifor. Also has an erection of the meat stick in her skirt and is desperately bumping her thin hips against her whit. Voluptuous buttocks.
The pleasure of being with each other is truly addictive. Soon after the rescue of Nero fail. Makina is captivated by this frenzy.
I'm going to have a good time watching the cute Nena and the cute Makina having sex while I squeeze the semen out of my brother.
Nunna also let the pleasure rush up and down her spine as she moved her hips up and down on the tête-à-tête. Just the four of them in this dining roo. Having animal sex while gathering the life energy of passing adventurers. A feast of carnal desires unfolded as she envisioned i. But only Tet remained sane.
You think you can do this to……! You think you can do this to me?……!”
'Even if you can't do anything about your brothe. You've already done something about your 'aitch. Haven't you? ♥”
Nunna points next to her with her finger while enjoying Tette's meat stick so much that she is sweating all over and drooling from the corner of her mouth.
Ther. Nen. Or rather Nero bo. Who could be mistaken for a beautiful gir. Let his male instincts take over and gripped Makina's ass and hips tightl. Accelerating his pistons toward ejaculation.
I'm already………
Please ejaculate inside my vagina… Inside my sister Makina's vagina……….. Let out lots and lots of cum… And make me feel so good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good… So good…
As you can almost hear those sound. Nero ejaculates at the deepest part of Makina's vagina.
Nero and Machina have already had sexual intercourse many time. They know each other's “Condition” And can be called sex partners who give each other the greatest pleasure.
As proof of thi. Makina makes milky white liquid spurt out from her exposed full breasts and from her nipples as she is ejaculated on. She rocked widely in time with the movement of Nero's hip. As if she too was spitting out milk in time with her climax.
“Si……. I'm already……. I want to go back to Mommy……
'Heh……♥ It's okay ♥ I'm your wif. Ner. And I'm already your mommy……♥ If you're lonel. Here……♥ Drink mommy's tit and calm down ♥ Don't cr. Little daddy ♥”
Makina holds Nero in her arms and giveshim breast milk (milk) by pressing her huge breasts against his mouth. The fact that 'milk' comes out from her breast means that she is already carrying a child with Nero.
Nero could not return to his famil. But he had a new family her. In this place.
“There's nothing to worry abou. Nen. We're all going to live happily together…… Ohhh. I'm cummin. I'm cummin. I'm cummin. I'm cummin. I'm cumming.”
Tette clenched her teet. But she couldn't bear it and poured the hot white fluid into Nunna's womb. The actual Nike Air Max 90 is a great way to get the best out of the newest and most popular Nike Air Max 90.
–The forest that leads to the royal capital is said to be inhabited by magical beasts.
And in the fores. There are beautiful employees (waitresses) who run a restaurant.
But those who set foot in that sho. Or in the fores. Would never return. -Such rumor. Which no one knew who had sprea. Were spreading in the surrounding villages and towns.