Chapter 39 Dwellers in the Forbidden Library
Next day.
Makina and Te. Who had taken up lodging near the Royal Librar. Visited Eerys earlier than the library opened.
Good mornin. Mr. Elys!
“Good day to yo. Sir.”
Good mornin. You two. You're right on time.”
Enter the building through the staff entranc. Following the instructions given to you the day before.
Although the library boasted the largest collection of books in the kingdo. There were not many other staff members in the library. Originall. It was run by the minimum number of people.
“…… But can you release the forbidden library to unknown adventurers like us…… Without permission?”
Tet asked the obvious question. If Ely. The libraria. Would allow i. That would be grea. But Te. Always on the aler. Did not want to leave even the slightest cause for concern.
The only reason we're restricting access to the forbidden library in the first place is because there are some magic books mixed in there that could harm you if you just read them. As long as you're careful and warned about tha. There's really no need to keep them locked up deep in the library. We've been trying to get the Kingdom to relax the restrictions for a while now.”
Iris says she is sad that useful books are left in the dus. Out of sight and out of mind. If there are people who want these book. Like Machina and the other. Then I want to make sure that they fulfill their role as books. It seems that not all the books in the Forbidden Library are 'books that must not be read'.
Looking at those words and face of Ely. Makina felt that this woman really likes books.
And Tet wasn't so twisted as to doubt a genuine kindness. He decided to silently follow Elys's back as she led the way with a smile.
Good morning!
That's when. A loud voice that seemed to reverberate throughout the entire library jumped into the backs of the three of them.
Makina and Tet turned around in surpris. But Elys turned her body with a cheerful expression on her face.
O. My God. I almost forgot.”
Elys rushed to the knight wearing the armor of the regular soldiers of the Kingdom of Britannica.
He then took out a lunch box from his luggage and handed it to the tal. Short-haired knight who called him 'Anata'.
Were you married?
Hi! I'm Wallac. Elys' husband! I'm a knight of the kingdom! ……? I don't think the library's open ye. Do you? New staff?
You two are our special guests. And you're too loud. You need to be quiet in the library.”
'Oh n. Sorr. Sorry.Haha!”
Wallac. The knight with the bold smil. Looked friendl. And although he could not be called a 'handsome man. He seemed to be a strangely receptive young man.
The two met at the kingdom's “School” And were united upon graduation. Wallace became a knight whose main duty was to maintain the security of the kingdo. And Elys started working as a librarian in the library.
He told me that even no. Several years late. They are still on good term. And that after his early morning patrol. He always comes to pick up his beloved wife's lunch box before heading off to his next job.
I'm off to work today! Love yo. Elys!”
I told you to shut up! And I'm embarrassed…… In front of people…… Off you g. You.”
It is a daily routine every mornin. But with Makina and Tetteh watching he. Her face seems to turn red.
“…… Goo. Oh that's…… Too!”
“Yes……. When it comes to…… Being a knight of Britannic. It's complicated for me in terms of my positio. But……”
Makina watched their happily married life up close and persona. And she had a maidenly imagination that one day she would be able to do the same.
Te. On the other han. Received a favorable first impression of Wallac. But felt that if he had made a mistake somewher. He would have crossed swords with him on the battlefield.
I'm sorr. You two. Well the. Let's go to the Forbidden Library this tim. Shall we?”
Then Elys regained her librarian's look from The Wife's Face and led them down to the basement of the library.
The forbidden librar. Where only the staff and a few adventurers are allowed to enter. Makina and the others were led to a larg. Thic. Old iron door that reminded them of their determination to keep ordinary people out.
Elys took out the key with a familiar hand and unlocked i. And with Tet's hel. Released the heavy double-opened door.
Watch your step.
The three of them then enter the interior of the Forbidden Library.
There was no garbage or books scattered abou. But this floo. Which was underground and without window. Was dimly lit only by the lamps dotted on the ceiling and above the bookshelves. Even though it was daytim. It was rather dark.
“Ottawa? Where are you?
Then. Elys called out to the darkness beyond.
The man appeared from the depths of the forbidden library.
“…… What is i. Mr. Elys? I don't think the museum is open yet.”
Tsu.. The distinctive smell of a mixture of old book. Mol. And greasy sweat reached Makina and the others' noses.
The man was wearing the same librarian's uniform as Elys.
He had a big black head of hai. And his long bangs were swept down to hide his eyes. Howeve. Red pimples appear on the nose and cheeks that cannot be hidde. And if compared to the Wallace we just me. He definitely has an appearance that many would identify as ugly husband (ugly).
These two are Makina and Tetteh. They were looking for something on the to. But they couldn't find i. So I asked them to look for it here in the Forbidden Library.
“…… Adventurer? What's your rank?”
U. U. We're both D-run……
I thought he was talking in a whispe. But after hearing Makina's statemen. Ottawa suddenly sounded like he was going to yell at her.
They all looked momentarily frightened by thi. But it was Ottawa who looked indignant.
N. You can't do that. It's against the rules.
'A little bit is goo. Right? In the first plac. A D rank adventurer has the ability to defend himsel. And I don't want to be picky about who I seek knowledge from.”
'It's not a choic. It's a rule…… Or you're going to force me to take care of these two……”
Ottaw. You're the one who knows the forbidden library the best among the staf. Aren't you? Since you live her. You must know which books are dangerous and which ones are saf. Right?
“…… Wel. I'm the one who knows best…… I mea. Usually a librarian knows everything.”
“Ye. Ye. Ye. Yes.”
They were arguing over whether or not to allow him to enter the forbidden librar. But as soon as he mentioned the word 'most. Ottawa looked like he was good at it.
Not only is she not good lookin. But her condescending tone and eyes didn't give Makina and Tetteh a very good first impression.
I'm not responsible for any problems that might arise.
Of course not. I won't bother you.
It seemed that they had reached an agreement. Even s. Ottawa seemed somewhat dissatisfie. But anywa. It became possible for Makina and Tet to enter the forbidden library.
'Wel. I'll be back around noon. Good luck finding the information you want.”
Yes! Thank yo. Mr. Elys……!”
And so the three of the. Except for Iri. Remained in the forbidden librar. And the thick iron door closed with a heavy thud.
…… So where are all the books on magic?”
Inside the dimly lit forbidden library. Not wanting to spare a few moment. Tet immediately asked Ottawa.
Even as Makin. She feels distracted at the thought that the 'truth' is so close at hand.
–But Ottawa turned to Tet with a cold expression.
What? What are you talking to me all of a sudden? I'm not a search machine. If you want to searc. Go ahead and search on your own. That area over there is my living spac. And there are a lot of valuable and dangerous books ther. So I'll kill you if you come near them.”
He feels no threat at all against Te. Who became a Kingsguard Knight of Grandel at a young ag. Even though he's a fatty and terrifyin. “I'll kill yo. But…” And so on.
But it was certainly an unpleasant respons. And Tetteh's brow wrinkled deeply for a momen. But he didn't have time to worry about this ma. And pointed to a nearby bookshelf.
“…… Let's start our search from this shel. Princess. This place isn't as wide as the upper levels. I'll hit it from the other side.”
“Ye. Ye……! Oka……!”
“…… Tsk……. What the hell is he……? Just because he's an adventurer with a woman doesn't mean he can't get on with it……
I heard some Ottawa swearin. But Tette ignored it and picked up the book.
Makina was a little worrie. But decided to tackle the rough sea of countless typescripts again in order to get a clue to “Gerwes” Anyway.
“– Ummm……”
For the next few hours. Relying on my magic lam. And sometimes the glowing tip of my own magic wan. I would pore over thick tomes.
There were many books that contained torture and extreme magic for killing curse. As well as valuable materials that you wouldn't normally see in a forbidden library.
But stil. The information you want is not listed anywhere in the book.
Is there really a book with Gerweth's magic in the first place? If s. Then there was no such magic in the first place. The information was wrong.
When such a possibility crossed my mind–
Unusuall. Tetteh sounded like she was in a state of emotional excitement. Then he came running to himself.
He looks up at her and gives her an expectant look. There is only one reason for him to sound happy in this situation.
“Was there a……?
Yes!” I haven't read the details ye. But……!”
O. Shut the fuck up!”
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just run and screa. No matter how much information you've obtained. Even though it's a forbidden librar. It's still a library.
Makina apologized to Ottaw. Who was probably behind the darknes. But Tet kept a stern expression on his face and complaine. “Why are you being so high-handed?
But most of al. It's 'Gerweth' now. I opened the crumblin. Tattered old book that Tet had brought me and found the word I was looking for – at last.
“–'Gerweth'. The magic created by the great wizard Joseph at the end of his life……”
It was supposed to crystallize a person's life force and magic power and apply it as a source of energy when solid fuel or magic power is deplete. But it was deleted from the official records as a dangerous life-or-death magic.”……
It seems that it was still a forbidden magic that had not been publicly transmitted. The fact that it crystallizes is also consistent with the residents of the Kingdom of Grandel and the adventurers who were trapped by the Poison Frog in the mountain stream.
Howeve. There were no further details on it or how to disarm it. And also the identity of that black hooded mage.
But finall. We've got some promising information:……!
“Yes……! We'll look for more books!”
With hopeful face. The two of them saw the light and decided to search every nook and cranny of the forbidden library.
“–Makin. Tet. It's almost lunchtime. Are you okay with……?”
A while later. During the lunch brea. Iris visited Makina and the others in the Forbidden Library.
When they opened the heavy doo. They found the two adventurers buried under a pile of book. Reading through them. They were so concentrated that they didn't respond immediately when Elys called out to them.
“Is it that time already……!”
Come to think of i. I'm starving……
“Wel. By the looks of i. You're making progress.”
In fac. After finding the word Gerweth in one boo. They hadn't been able to find any traces of it in any other books. But now that the material was at least known to be real magi. Makina and Tet's enthusiasm was making them turn the pages of the book as realistically as possible.
They were so focused that they forgot about their hunger and left the forbidden library with dizzy steps.
“…… Thin. Is it good for yo. Ottawa?”
He's good. It's like he's bringing his own food in and eating it. In fac. He should get mor. And more sunligh. Too……”
With a worried and somewhat dismayed ton. Elys looked to the back of the forbidden library.
Ottawa is a staff member with a high-handed and twisted attitude. He seems to be holed up in this librar. Doing some kind of research or investigation all the time.
'……I honestly don't like that kind of guy.'
“Wel. Wel. Don't say that……”
Even after leaving the librar. Tetteh's attitude showed that she didn't have a good feeling about Ottawa.
Walking next to him toward the eating plac. Makina admonishes her proud and earnest subordinate because she still won't have a long relationship with him.
“…… Oh!”
How can I help you?
'Sorr. I left my wand behind……! Please go ahead! I'll get it right away!”
The magic wand that I was using in the forbidden library as a lighting source was unintentionally left behind. Even in the peaceful King's Landin. It's quite a blunder for an adventurer.
Makina immediately turned on her heel and went back to the door in front of the forbidden library. Fortunatel. It was unlocked. And her precious magic wand was also propped up on the bookshelf near the entrance.
“Goo. Now you can go to……”
As an adventure. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can mak. Giving up your weapon. I reflected on my excitement at finding Gerweth's trai. And immediately tried to get back to Tet–.
At that moment. In the dar. Quie. Forbidden librar. Where only Ottawa was supposed to be. From the depths of the darknes. I heard a noise.
Like water splashing. Like soft things colliding with each other.
–No. I know. And the faint scent in my nose. As soon as you recognize i. You feel something hot – your lower abdome. Your stirrup. Tingling.
“…… O. My God!”
Ely. The libraria. Her long navy blue ponytail swingin. Had her hands on the bookshelf and was grinding her hips against Ottawa's in a standing back position.