Chapter 49 A Sword of Counterattack
Lunch break was nearing its en. And Makina and Erika returned to the Magic Department classroom.
Erika's brother-in-law Zeke was subjected to unreasonable violence by Keit. A knight department membe. In the cafeteria and volunteered to be apprenticed to Tette. Who solved the problem in an instant.
Bewildere. Tet didn't give an answer on the spo. But Zeke would bow to Tet in the afternoon's training.
And most importantl. Zeke's two sisters-in-law were not against it either. That was surprising to Makina.
“…… Zek. U. Are you sure you're…… Good? Both me and Mr. Tet just moved in……”
It's okay.
Erika spreads out her textbooks and notebooks on her desk for the afternoon's classroom lecture.
I'm not sure how much I can take. But if he receives inspiration from someone who has knowledge outside of the Britannica country's educational method. He (Zeke) might be able to change something.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't be too careful when it comes to your health and wellbeing.
'And that Te. He's stron. Isn't he? It's quite unusual for Kemmy to be so open to a boy she just met.”
That is to sa. It proves that Kemm. Who is one of the most talented members of the knight department in the women's departmen. Recognizes his competence.
'Yes! Tet is strong and dependable and I have no problem with that……!”
Not that she knew that Tet had thrown Kemmy over in practical training. But Makina knew best that Tet was a knight with enough skill to be recognized by those around him.
It was an unexpected turn of event. But the sisters of Sieg and Hynes recognized the abilities of their valued subject (Tet) and relied on hi. And as the lord (Machina. He was happy to have his nose high.
……I thought you guys were dating after all?”
I'm telling yo. That's not true!
The word “Dating” Came out of a conversation between a new studen. A beautiful girl with big breasts who is rumored to be in a relationship with the most brilliant student in the magic department. The boys in the class who were secretly eavesdropping on the conversation overheard it and started to get nervous.
The best way to do that is to have your fellow adventurers take care of my brother-in-law (Zeke) in exchange for me taking care of you. So we're even (・・・・).”
“…… Yes!”
It was only for a momen. But Erika's soft smile warmed Makina's heart a little.
I would never have been able to talk and be teased like this with girls my own ag. Sitting at a desk side by sid. If I had remained a princess.
Even if I had a mission that I couldn't tell anyone abou. I made up my mind to remember Erika and her friends as a memory of my precious yout. Even if my temporary school life will end one day soon.
'–Oka. Oka. The. We'll begin the afternoon lecture.
Immediately after that. The old instructor entered the classroom with a hoarse voice. The students are chatting and laughin. And he asks them to change their minds from the lunch break with his clear voice.
The serious Makina is trying to take the class seriousl. But she has just moved in and doesn't have any textbooks or reference books yet. S. She decided to ask Erik. Who was sitting by the windo. To show her her desk by moving it closer to the left.
Howeve. On the other sid. The desk on the right side remains empty. Makina casually asked Erika if this seat had been empty since the beginnin. Or if she was out sick today.
'…… Oh. It doesn't matte. The person in that seat is…… You just don't have to go to…… Class because you don't have to……”
After saying tha. Erika again reflected her eyes out of the window in a blur.
Just before the class starte. She gave me a soft smile. When I brought up the topic of the empty seat to the right of Makin. She turned her head away with a complicate. Somber expression on her face.
I'll start by changing my grip on the sword. Then let's start with how to hold the sword. I'll teach you from scratch. I'm going to teach you from scratch…… So just lift up your head. I'm starting to feel a little embarrassed.
In the middle of the schoolyard under the hot summer sun. Finall. Tetteh was won over by Zeke's enthusiasm and decided to teach him swordsmanship.
'Really! O. Thank you……!”
Zek. Who had his head down so low that the ground was dente. Looked up as soon as he got Tet's permission. He looked really happy while putting sand on his blushing forehead.
The best way to do this is to use a goo. Hones. And reliable method of communication with your friends. I can only give you advice as a student of the knighthoo. Zeke.
'Stil. It's helpful……! I get to learn from strong people like yo. Tet!”
I'm going to ask you to take good care of my little brothe. Tetteh. You don't have to be so strict with hi. Just train him well.”
The afternoon lectures of the knight department consisted of independent training in groups. The instructo. Domini. Watches over the whole group and occasionally interject. But basically the students are free to train their own skills.
In such a situatio. Sieg used to have a sister-in-law (Kemmy) as a training partner because she didn't have many friends. Howeve. Her fighting styl. Which has been trained to fight even with a woman's body using a dagge. Is not the way Zeke aims to be a knight. In additio. Kemmy often wielded her sword more by feel than by logi. So she was not good at teaching others anything specific.
I don't have a choice……
That's where Zeke turned to Tet.
Howeve. He can't afford to disregard the philosophy of Arthur (the knight-king. The founder of Grande. Who sai. 'Those who seek salvation have a hand of mercy. So he reluctantly decided to teach Zeke the basics of swordsmanship.
'Firs. Let's stop gripping the wooden sword so tightly with both hands.
“What?” Said Dominic. But Instructor Dominic told m. 'As a knight of Britannic. No matter what happen. Don't take your hands off your sword.'……”
But for someone like Zek. One-handed sword skills are better suited than two-handed sword skills.”
If you always grip as hard as you ca. Your shoulders will have extra strength in the. And the power will not be transferred properly to the blade at the moment of the cut.”
“Wel. The. If you put your strength into i. You'll get……”
'You only need to grip it tightly at the moment of attack or defense. Until the. Hold the wooden sword as if you were holding an egg in your hand.”
“Eggs……. Quite gently.”
'Yes. Keep your wrists flexible……”
Tet uses the wooden sword in one hand to cut through the air with a twist (snap) of his wrist. It's as if the wooden sword is an extension of his limb. As if the tip of the sword is his finger.
“And at the moment of attac. He switches from 'soft' to 'hard'.”
He slashes down from above and straight down. There should be nothing in the ai. But when Tet swung the wooden sword with all his strengt. He heard a sharp 'BOOM! The sound was so sharp that even the air and space seemed to cut through it.
“S. Awesome……”
It's not great. Every countr. Every schoo. You learn it at the very beginning.”
'Maybe s. But……. It's easy to understand.”
The one hand sword is a very good swor. And the other hand sword is a very good sword. The actual sword is a very good on. But it's not as windy as the Tet'. But it's still a very solid sword. The actual sword is a very good on. But it's not as good as the one that was used in the morning.
'That was certainly a very clear explanatio. Tet. Next tim. Teach me too! I'd like to speed up my thrusts with the dagger……”
“He. I'm the one who asked Tet to teach yo. Kemmy! You can come back after me.”
“Why don't you just let it go for a little bit?”
'Wel. Wel. Wel. Wel. Both of you. I'll teach both of you right……”
While being baffled by the sibling bickerin. Tet promised to slowly and deliberately teach her knowledge and skills. I didn't originally come to the academy to do this.
But it is proud to be able to help someone with the swordsmanship I learned in Grande. And as a young man in the Grandel Knights who did not have much to teach anyon. Tet felt that this kind of experience was not a bad one.
–The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good relationship with the person you're going to be working with.
He. You guys. What are you doing? I never taught you how to wield a sword like that.
The trio of Te. Zeke and Kemmy were questioned by Domini. The knighthood teache. With a grim look on his face.
Zeke knows very well that he is usually a demon instructor and a terrifying existence who is willing to use verbal abuse and physical punishmen. Especially against those with poor grade. So he shrivels up and takes a half step back even though he is not being yelled at.
“O. U. Wel. Instructo. This is……!”
'This afternoon's training is voluntar. Isn't it? Isn't it required of a knight to be able to handle a wide range of swordsmanship?”
“Hmph. In the first plac. There is no such thing as a broad range for an inferior student (Siege) who can't even handle a sword properly.
Howeve. He couldn't cause a commotion or trouble the lord (Machina) with his blatant confrontation.
You can go ahead and play leader by capturing a weaker fish (Zeke. But don't forget that you're the newest and the lowest of the lo. You adventurer-like person.”
“…… I understand. The. As a newcome. I will sincerely support Sieg-senpai.”
He neither repelled nor feared the overbearing Dominic. Tetteh's sarcasm and sarcasm only made Dominique feel annoyed.
To begin wit. Dominic doesn't even agree with the school's transfer student system. He is a “Teacher” Who uses his backgroun. Word. And skills to make young people follow him at his will. In this knight departmen. He is the general. The most important thing to remember is that you can't go wrong. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and buy a new one and expect to get a new one.
“…… You……”
And ye. There is no way they can accept the irregularity of a transfer student.
–I'm gonna crush you right here. I'm gonna crush you right here. I'm gonna break your nose.
Determined to do s. Dominic glanced over and called the group that was in his line of sight.
“…… Sense. I want to have a 'mock battle' with Zeke. I want to have a 'mock battle' with Zek. Is that alright?
Keit. Blond and lank. Approached with a nasty grin on his face.
O. Good on. Keith. It's great that you're so dedicated to your training. I'm sure you'll be a fine knight like me in the future! I'm sure you'll become a fine knight like me in the future!”
Dominic compliments Keith's aggressiveness and agrees to a match with Zeke.
But as for the Zek. He only paled in the face.
Sir! I'm……!”
What the hel. Zeke? I'm not going to refus. Are you? A knight would never run away from a battle he's been challenged to!
“If it's…… I'll take Zeke's place at…….”
Oops. Don't get involve. Transfer. Don't touch anyone unless you've been signed up.”
When Tet tries to hel. Keith refuses to allow Tet to interven. Citing the rules of the knighthood.
In the Knight's Departmen. You are free to ask others for a match during self-training. The person who is offered a match cannot refuse or ask for help unless it is a group match. The winner is decided in the presence of Domini. The instructo. And the result is directly related to the grade.
“…… They're always like this.”
Kemm. Who can only stand next to Tet and watc. Mutters quietly to Tet.
This match format is normally a good way to have a friendly competition with each other in a real battle. Howeve. It is limited to those who are very close to each other in strength. If there are too many differences in abilit. It will not be good for either the stronger or weaker player.
But knowing thi. Keith challenges Zek. And Zeke gets beat up one way or anothe. And the instructor (Dominic) doesn't stop and just drops Zeke's grade.
“…… You're rotten……”
It is not an educational institutio. Teachers and students colluding to bully the weak.
Despite the repugnant though. Tetteh can't stop him.
And with Dominic's loud “Begin! And the battle between Zeke and Keith began.
Zeke gritted his teeth to block Keith's large swinging blow. But his han. Ar. And bone were shaking so badly that he felt that only his would brea. Even though they were the same wooden sword.
Will I be one-sidedly hurt again toda. Lie on the groun. And be humiliated in front of my sister and classmates? I wanted to be a great knight like my father. I wanted to be a proud man who protects the weak.
When tears welled up in Zeke's eyes from a sense of helplessness and frustration–
“–Lease your shoulder. Zeke! You're dealing with a huma. Not a goblin or an or. So don't get too worked up!”
Tet's cheers reached his ears and Zeke was pulled up from his despair.
I remember the words you taught me. Gripping the wooden sword in one han. I only put power into it when attacking and defending.
“……! This guy……”
And Keith immediately noticed the 'change' too.
Normall. I would have blown him away with a few attacks. The actual “D” Is a very good way to get a good idea of what you're looking fo. And it's also a great way to get a good idea of what you're looking for.
That's righ. G. Zeke! Don't sto. Always keep moving!”
Following instructions from Te. Zeke begins to fight back. He doesn't have much power or spee. But he bites down on his bigger Keith opponent.
Keith begins to get impatient with confusion. The actual “I'm not a fan of the way you do i. But I'm not a fan of the way you do i. And I'm not a fan of the way you do i. But I'm not a fan of the way you do it.
“Grea. I can't believe that kid (Zeke) is so tenacious……”
What are you doing against Zek. Keith?
Shut the fuck up!
His sister Kemmy looks surprised and pleased at the change in Zek. Who's been fighting for several minute. While Keith's cronies give wild looks at their struggling master (Keith).
Angry and annoyed at tha. Keith was trying to somehow beat down the inferior student in front of him.
Howeve. Dominic is clearly irritated with Zek. Who still persist. And with Keit. Who struggles.
“Don't miss a moment of opportunity! You'll get your chance!”
In the midst of all thi. Tet watches over Zeke and gives him advic. And Zeke trusts it and wields the wooden sword.
And then–
Come on!
“What the……?
The actual “I'm not a fan of the way you do i.” But the “I'm not a fan of the way you do it.
It wouldn't do much damage in a real fight. It's just a weak blow that will only make a cut on your armor. But in the training of the knight departmen. No one can complain about the “Effective strike”.
A groan spread through the crowd watching the fight as Zeke took the first point against Keith.
We did it! We did it! Zeke attacked! My brother! He attacked Keith!
“Holy shi. That Zeke is……”
“Really? Keith lost?”
'N. We haven't lost yet. But I heard Zeke took one.”
That's the first time you've done that. Zek. You're amazing.”
The thud attracts attentio. And most of the Knight Department begins to watch Zeke and Keith's match.
In such a situatio. If by any chance he was defeate. Keith would lose his position in the Knight Department. For Domini. That would be the worst possible situation.
Such impatience may or may not have thrown Keith's hand out of whack – or -.
“Oh–! Zeke! Look out!
And the moment I decided that I'm still going to fight against Keith – and I'm still going to fight against Keith.
-Keith's wooden sword slammed into the unprotected silver head.