Chapter 58. I'm your big sister.
A swordfight?
Toda. Tet was again teaching Zeke to be stronge. But he was the one being taught on this topic.
The actuality is that the actuality is that you can't get a lot of these things. I'm sure Wallace-sensei will explain it to you soo. But once a year our school has a tournament where the representative students of the knight department compete in mock battles.
Against Tet with a wooden swor. Zeke also grabbed a wooden sword and struck.
It's an individual tournament. The winner will get a grad. Honor and 'all you can eat in the cafeteria' privileges.”
Kemmy also supplements the information as she watches over Tet and Zeke's training.
The reward of the school cafeteria is just a bonu. But the winner of the Sword Tournament held at Square Academy's Knight Departmen. Which is full of fierce (elite) student. Will receive attention from inside and outside the schoo. And will be recommended to join the Knights of Britannica.
There are five classes of knights in tota. And four knights are selected per clas. Making a total of 20 students competing against each other.
“Wel. I'll be chose. Of course. I think Tet will be chosen too.
I just moved in……
'Even though you're a transfer studen. You're still a student at Squar. And you're our classmate. Te. You're very strong and you'll definitely be chosen!
“Don't be lik. 'I'm going to go out there and beat the crap out of yo. Tet! You make me train harder every time!' Say something like…… Zeke.”
I wouldn't say that!
Kemmy's naughty words upset hi. And he was knocked off his wooden sword by Tet's blow.
Howeve. Zeke immediately jumped into Tet's bosom without fear of pursui. Grabbed his wrist to block the sword's movemen. And retrieved the weapon by pulling the dropped wooden sword with his foot.
The actuality that you can't get a new one is a good thing. At las. 'Theory' has become ingrained in your body as 'technique. Zeke.”
He gripped the wooden sword in the opposite arm from the hand that gripped Tet's wrist and tried to fight back at Tet – and tried.
Come on!
With Zeke holding his wris. Tet twisted his own ar. Lifting the petite Zeke's body into the air and slamming his back into the hard ground.
'But you're still not up to real-world level.
I'm at……!
That's really grea. Tet. Is it jujutsu? Jujutsu?
Grandel-style Armor Kumite. A technique created by the founder of Grande. Arthu. To subdue opponents in armor on the battlefiel. Or conversel. To repel opponents who try to restrain him.
But he didn't want Kemmy and the other citizens of Britannica to know that he was from the supposedly defunct Kingdom of Grande. So he made the situation a bit murky by sayin. “It just came naturally to me while I was working as an adventurer.
There you go–
“-O. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. No! The ground may be coz. But it's not your bed!
Zeke was knocked to the ground by Tet's techniqu. And again toda. Keith and his cronies were cursing and taunting him from afar.
Even after Dominic was transferre. The harassment from Keith and the others did not disappear.
If you decide to ignore the. Not only abuse but also stones will fly at yo. And when Tet and Kemmy try to get rid of the. They will quickly run awa. But after a few minute. They will come back and interrupt the training again.
They're really……! We're gonna have to beat the crap out of them once!”
N. No violenc. Kemmy.
But we've got to figure out something to do about it……
What is it that you don't like so much? What is it that makes Keith and the others go that far?
Unable to comprehen. The Tettes were subjected to another annoying sabotage toda. And spent the rest of the day after school unable to complete some of the training they had originally planned.
The most important thing to remember is that the after-school training was interrupte. But it was the 'after' rather than the 'after-school' that was the most problematic.
“…… I'm off then.”
Yea. Nice to meet yo. Tet.
“…… Be carefu. Zeke.”
Tette walked out of her dorm room into the hallway with a worried look on her face.
After classes at the school are over and after school passes into the evenin. The students living in the dormitories always have time to study. They review the contents of the day's lectures and assignments that have been given in advanc. And the room representatives collect them and bring them to the teacher's office.
In Te. Zeke and Keith's roo. Today it was Tet's turn to take it. In other word. Only Zeke and Keith will be left in the room.
“…… O. Let's go take a bath.”
I hated this time so much. Before Tette had moved i. She and Keith had been in separate room. And as long as it was after schoo. They didn't see each other until the next morning.
But now that the room assignments have change. She spends her days in the same room with Keith. Living with a classmate who harasses her all day lon. There was hardly a moment when she felt at ease.
O. That……?
That's why I wanted to retreat to the student common men's bathroom and get away from it all for a bit.
Howeve. Zeke realized that the change of clothes he had left on his bed was missing. No matter how much he looked for i. He couldn't find it at all.
“He. Hey Keith……”
Some clothes and underwear are missin. Which is only strange to Zek. Who keeps good track of his things on a regular basis.
I asked Keit. Who was lying on the bunk bed reading a sensual book against the school rule. Where his personal belongings wer. With trepidation. But the result was what I had expected.
“O……? I don't give a shit about your clothes. Are you trying to say I stole them?
Thinking he's “Suspecte.” Keith throws the book at Zek. Jumps off the be. And glares down at Zeke.
“Wel. I didn't say that……! I just asked if you had any idea what you were talking about……!”
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of you are not the same person. You've only recently learned the basics of swordsmanship a bi. And you're getting carried awa. Aren't you?”
I'm not on a roll! Why are you talking like that……!”
Any rebuttal is silenced by a fist-bone slammed into his gut.
“Gos. Yea……!”
A punch to the gu. With no protective gear o. Like in training.
Furthermor. Keith stomped on Zeke's silver hea. Which had collapsed on the spo. With his foot right above it.
“You piss me of. You……! Why don't you just be a small fry and flirt with the strong one……!”
They may hit the abdomen hard or stomp on the hea. But they do not aim at the face or arms. This is to avoid leaving noticeable bruises or wounds.
Zeke shakes his head to escape the stomping and doesn't let go when he gets up. He grabs Zeke by the throat with his large hands and squeezes his blood vessels and airwa. Causing him to suffer from acidity.
“Or I'll go to……! Sto. Keith……!
“If you keep acting like a puss. You're really gonna–“
–Then the dorm room door was opened and Tette returned.
But Keith quickly removed his hand from Zeke's and quickly returned to the bottom bunk of the bunk be. Where he was sleeping.
'…… Hmm? What's up Zeke. What's…… Wron……?”
But Zeke turned a nonchalant look on his face and sai. “He. It's nothing.
Tette is already aware. That Keith has been harassing Zeke in some wa. Even violentl. While he was gone.
But for some reaso. Zeke didn't press charges or ask Tet or Kemmy to help and protect him. It seemed that he was silently enduring. –It was more like he was 'waiting' for something rather than enduring.
And so toda. The atmosphere in the boys' room remained gri. And the night went on…….
Lecture time the next day. The students were gathered and seated in the center of the school yard before the practical training began.
Wallace explained to his students that the 'sword fighting tournament' was going to be held just as Zeke had said.
“…… So I'm going to announce the students from my class who will be competing in that sword fighting tournament. Those of you who have been calle. Please take your places.”
The four students were selected based on Dominic's impressions and abilities of each student he had written down on his report car. As well as the skills Wallace had seen in person over the past few days.
Firs. Keith.
Keit. A large ma. Stood up from among the students sitting in the gym. The students around him applauded and cheere. Which was probably a fair assessment.
The actual person himself seems to be not too full of confidenc. And he is confidently puffing out his chest. This confidence is not arroganc. But the pride of being the most powerful person in this class.
Then Chemie.
Among the many boys who are as strong as Keit. Kemmy was chosen because she is a gir. But she is also a winner and has a lot of ability.
Kemm. Who had spoken of her confidence in being chosen in yesterday's after-school trainin. Sai. “Wel. Of course! But she stood up while exuding happiness.
The few girls who were left cheered her o. Especially from girls of the same se. As if they saw her as a star of hope.
“And Tet.”
The name of an adventurer who had just transferred in a few weeks ago was mentione. And the students groaned in approval.
Tet himself believes that it is his job not to interfere with his master's (Machina's) objectives and to support him. The most important thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your friends and family.
I stood up reluctantl. Thinking that if I won to some extent and faced a strong opponen. I would play a reasonably close game and then lose.
Only one student is left. The student. Nervous about who will be called and who might be chose. Quiet down and go home – not wanting to miss Wallace's words.
Zeke. Those are the four of us.”
The one who was more surprised than anyone else and was the first to speak out was none other than Zeke himself.
Immediately after tha. The students of the knight department all at once let out a cry of astonishment that was similar to a shriek. But only the new teache. Wallac. Had a scowling expression on his face.
“What's up? Is that so surprising? It's true that Zeke's performance up until now hasn't been outstandingly goo. But looking at his recent movement. I think he has every right to participate.
Certainl. Zeke has grown so much lately that he looks different from before. Even though he ended up being defeated in the en. The students saw it with their own eyes as he struck a blow against Keith in a mock match.
But there were many who thought that wimpy Zeke was…… In a traditional and prestigious sword fighting tournament.
So Wallace urged the students to follow the school's rule. Sayin. “Anyone who disagrees with the selection can request a match. I have no problem with Keit. Kemm. Or Tet being selected. But if Zeke would rather be ou. I'd rather be – I'd rather be in the game.
Not even Sieg himself. I never thought that. Who was the weakest in the Knight Departmen. Who was supposed to be weaker than anyone els. Would 'win' against a classmate who challenged me to a fight. Even a month ag. It was an unimaginable situation.
Zeke! That's three wins in a row! That's great! My little brother! This is Zeke's real power!
Kemmy was very excited and pleased with her brother-in-law's rapid growth. But Tet was cal. “Wel. This is about right. Otherwis. There would be no point in instructing Zeke to train after school every day.
But Keith was the only one who was starin. His clenched fists trembling at the sight of his cron. Who was also beaten by Zeke.
If I don't do thi. I'll really–. Such thoughts and Zeke's growth lead each of them to cross the “Line”.
“…… O. Hey Keith……. That's not a good idea……
Just after the lecture was over. The students of the knight department were returning to the school building with a kind of sense of accomplishment on their face. Saying that the day's lessons were finally ove. Although they had tired expressions on their faces.
Only Keith and his two cronies remained in the storage shed set up in the corner of the schoolyard.
The wooden swords and armor used by the students in class were stored ther. And the place was filled with the peculiar smell of a mixture of mold and sweat.
But Keith ignored all of those smells and the words of his cronies. The actual “I'm not a fan of the way you do i.” He sai. “But I'm not a fan of the way you do i. Either.
“You got a problem with……? Are you fucking with me too?”
Keith glared at hi. His eyes angry. One of the cronies defended himsel. “Ye. N. It's different……” And the other was shushed silent to prevent the fire from falling on him.
At the sight of hi. Keith spat ou. “You guys shut u.” And gripped the dagger (knife) in the opposite hand from the one holding the wooden sword.
–Cut into wooden swords and armor to make them more fragile.
Even though they are simple wooden swords and armo. They are still great weapons when wielded by a knight student. If it were to suddenly break while striking an opponent–.
Keith intentionally tried to create that situation–
“You kno. You're a big man with a big heart.”
The words thrown at him from behind startled his cronie. And Keith turned around with an expression that didn't hide his displeasure.
“…… It's yo. Orc-woman. If it had been Wallac. He'd have been troubl. But he's found someone who's trouble in a different way.
Who's the orc-woman? I don't care what you d. But can you please not touch my brother's tools with those sweaty hands of yours?”
Kemmy wasn't as studious as Erik. But she wasn't any smarter either.
I got a bad feeling from Keith's attitud. Expressio. And atmosphere after he heard that Zeke had been selected for the sword competition.
And when I saw Keith and the others not going back to the school building after the lectur. I was convinced that my prediction was right on target.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your car is to make sure that it is in the right place at the right time.
I want you to stop interrupting Zeke. I mea. 'I want' you to stop.”
Since Tet moved in and became his apprentic. Zeke has become stronger than ever. This is something he could never have done with the way he (Kemmy. The type of person who wields a sword by instinc. Taught him.
But Tetteh is an adventurer by nature. He can't stay with Zeke until he graduate. And he can't stay with Zeke forever.
Beside. Zeke was chosen to represent his class in the sword competitio. Which was an important time for him. The training from now on is what's important. I can't keep interrupting him every time he's harassed.
Zeke's childhood dream. The goal of becoming a splendid knight like Zeke's father. As his childhood friend and sister-in-la. Kemmy knows this very wel. And she has her own sense of justice that hates crookednes. But above all she wants to protect her brother as a 'big sister'.
'……What if I told you I wouldn't stop? Would you cry to your teacher or your new student (Tet)? Or are you going to put up a real fight against me?”
'Excellent……! I'll show you who's going to miss out on the sword tournamen. And I'll show you who's going to miss out on the sword tournament:……!”
Kemmy's red hair seemed to stand on en. And her ruby eyes seemed to burn with anger.
Keith and Kemm. Two of the top knighthood's bes. Are at odds with each othe. And their cronies are too afraid to stop them.
Surprisingl. Howeve. It was Keith who “Waited” First.
“…… Is Zeke that important to you?”
“Huh……? What's with you all of a sudden? It's normal. We're family.”
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to make sure that you have a good credit score.
“Wel. Depending on how you behave (・・・・…… I may stop messing around with Zek. Okay?”
“Depends on your attitude……?”
“You'd do anything to protect your brothe. Wouldn't you? You're my sister……!”
I'm Zeke's big sister! I decided with Erika when we became siblings that I would do anything for Zeke!
Kemmy let her anger get the better of her and uttered a 'deal approval' that she shouldn't have said.