The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

Chapter 78

The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

A princess loses her kingdom and is cursed with a magic spell that gives her one of those famous womb tattoos that makes her constantly horny. While journeying with her childhood friend to bring back their kingdom, she has various, well, adventures behind his back.This is the Web-Novel. The Light Novel has been picked up and translated already.

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Chapter 78 Underground library

After having nude seeding sex on the rooftop. Nash and Makina put their uniforms back on and all that was left was to part ways – but…

“……Why are you doing this……?”

Nash turned around at Makina's pouted words.

What? Makina-chan was also very flirtatiou. You know. The actuality that you can be a victim nowadays is troublesome…….

“I may have bee. But senior Nash wasn't 'in the mood'……?”


Her. For the first tim. Nash choked on his words.

The first time he showed this kind of swayin. Whichcan also be called 'upset'.

“Even when you're doing H things with m. Your mind is somewhere els. Or……. Erika told me that you didn't used to be like that……?”

……If the quiet Erika talked that muc. Then Makina-chan must be trusted by Erika.”

It doesn't matter what I (Makina) think of me (Erika). I was about to ask him again to not divert the conversation in another direction – Nash looked straight at Makina with his twin eyes.

It's not a very interesting story for a girl to hea. Is it?”

“…… Is fine.”

Wel. I guess the simple answer is 'I don't want to be an instrument of murder'.


Makina was a little surprised to hear the word “Thing. But listening to Nash's stor. It was difficult to understand or sympathize wit. But it made sense.

I'm still being pestered by Britannic.” He said. Britannica is still pestering me with invitations to work for her kingdom and destroy the magical nations that oppose us.

–The man named Nash was a young ma. But he was a genius wizar. Which is rare even in recent years. He was not particularly good-looking or well-spoke. But he had a way with magic that was superior to anyone else.

The Kingdom of Britannic. Which is always looking for talented peopl. Naturally scouted Nash even while he was still in schoo. But Nash refused the invitation from the kingdom. Although he was recruited as a wizard belonging to the cour. Even though he was a young ma. He was offered favorable treatment that could be called 'skipping a grade. Which is faster than a speedy rise in the ranks.

The reason for this was in opposition to the king's policy in Britannic. Which regarded wizards as a 'fighting force'.

Although he would not be made to fight on the front line. The magic that Nash researched and developed would definitely be converted to military use. The magic that Nash favored was not a 'weapon' to harm peopl. But should have been a 'study' to satisfy his intellectual desires.

The first time I went to the militar. I was a little bit of a wimp. I thought it would be better to play the role of a charlatan or impregnate someone and have their parents kill them half to avoid becoming a soldier.

The agony of being too goo. Of being too good.

A young man with hope in magic is changed by the despair of the country he was born and raised in.

The result of this 'breakdown' was a life of debauchery that was close to desperation.

He is indifferent to everythin. Even if it is a gir. And even if she rejects him or impregnates him with her consent. The first thing to do is to kill someone and then ruin the. Nash has no interest or hope in his own futur. So it was only natural.

“It's…… But after al. It's unforgivable to even bother an unrelated girl……!”

Even if she was happy to be wooed by Nash. Even if she felt happy in the moment to be in a relationship with Nas. A slutt. Handsome man who dyed his hair and became dressed in a way that would make him attractive to women. But when you're still a teenager and a student with poor judgmen. It's too late to get pregnant. Not only will it cause trouble for those around he. But it could also change her future. The most elite school on the islan. Square Academ. But to fall into such a futur. It is too much.

Makina thinks that it is too annoying and selfish to even let a schoolgirl who just wants to associate with Nash go along with such a path to rui. And she raises her voice in agreement.

I guess so. Wel. I'll be careful about that from now on.

Makina wondered if she really believed that.

Nash's words are so flimsy that they carry no weight whatsoever. I guess he doesn't want to take responsibility for even his own words.

“Alright then……. What are you looking fo. Makina-chan?”


The reason I came to this rooftop in the first place was because I was in the process of performing sexual services to Nash and getting him to 'cooperate' with me in return. It's meaningless to be embraced if you just end up having lover sex.

“U……. I don't know if Nash senior knows thi. But…….”

There was more I wanted to say to Nash. But it's not about fixing his personality or correcting his bad behavior. His troubles and problems should be overcome by him.

For her original purpos. Makina asked Nas. Who knows magi. About the library in the basement of the schoo. To see if he knew of any stairs or doors that would lead to it – and he did.

“-O. I know that on. Don't I?”


Nash said it with an assurance that made me want to wonder what all the hard work I've been putting in. But those words were not lie. “If that's the cas. You should have told me earlie.” Nash laughed.

I don't know if it's the librar. But it's the way to the basement of the academy.”

Ye. I do! No. Can you take us there……!”

“That's okay. I've made you feel good enough.”


Makina blushes as she is reminded of the intense sex she just had.

But he changes his mind and tries to go down from the rooftop.

But as Makina's back was about to open the doo. Nash stopped her as she stood there.

Wai. Wai. Wait. Not that way.


The entrance to the school's basement is her. Right?


Then – a huge 'circle' appeared on the stone rooftop floor.

“This is……!

Makina was stunned.

I was too conscious of the name “Underground Library” And assumed that the stairs would lead down to the basement from the first floor.

In realit. Howeve. The normal way is to move (warp) to the basement byusing the “Transfer magic circle” Carved on the rooftop.

“I found it when I was skipping out on the roof. It's funn. This school.”

It's  because Makina is desperately searching for it that she can't find i. And it's because Nas. Who has no interest in the undergroun. Is so talented in magic that he was able to discover the hidden passageway (magic circle) by accident.

It was because these two met in a corridor late at night and then became physical that they arrived at this result – it was a complicated feeling for Makina to be honestly grateful to him.

But you'll see when you get ther. There's a very heavy door blocking it. I don't think one or two of us could make i. Okay?”

“I'm…… Okay. I've got some friends who can help you……!”

She found the entrance to the basement. Believing that there might be some clues ther. And to confirm the words of the mysterious wizard in that white robe – Makina decided to head to the library under the school.


“I didn't know there was such a place under…… School……”

The words Zeke muttered in surprise reverberated through the wide space of the underground ruins and were sucked deep into the darkness of the long passageway.

“There's got to be some treasure in there……! If we find i. It could be ours!”

The actual a lot more you are able to d. The more you will be able to do.

…… Even if we did find i. It would be school property.”

From behind Zeke and Kemm. A dark-haired Erik. Whose color seemed to melt into the darkness of the dimly lit corrido. Shattered Kemmy's hopes with her calm words.

Such a practical Erika walked next to Nas. But Erika didn't show any reaction or talk to him.

No one but themselves knew that they were former lovers. They are aware that they are merely seniors and junior. Classmates who belong to the same magic departmen. And Erika herself acted as such.

'What the hell kind of material is it made of……. Who and for what……. Even drew a magic circle on the rooftop…….”

Te. Who had brought his beloved sword with hi. As well as Zeke and Kemm. Who had theirs in their sashes in case of emergenc. Proceeded to look around carefull. Keeping a wary eye on his surroundings and bac. Trying not to miss anything.

When he was told by his  lord (Machina) that he had found the entrance to the undergroun. He was very happy and praised he. But now that he is here with his schoolmates (Siege. He does not reveal his identity to them and publicize the splendor of his prized princess. He acts coolly as a fellow adventurer and a student.

'I don't know……. But since the rumors were tru. It's extremely likely that there's something important……!”

The tip of the magic wand shine. While illuminating the path of the six people including herself.

After about a month as a student at Square Academ. The goal is finally in sight. I'm almost to the place I've been searching for. With every step I tak. I have a feeling that I'm getting closer to the 'truth'.

This may give us some vital clues about the ancient magic Gelwe. The identity of the mysterious wizard who inscribed i. And a stepping stone to the restoration of our homelan. Grandel.

So Ithough. And as I went on–

“…… Hmm? What is it?”


The two who were walking in the lea. Kemmy and Zek. Stopped in their tracks. And the following people also saw the big door that blocked the way.

It was a dull colo. Almost bronz. And seemed to be twice as tall as an adult male. It was massive in appearance and atmospher. And although no keyhole existe. It was filled with a heaviness that would not easily open the gate.

The last time I came here I found a magic circle to transfer from the rooftop to the basemen. But that door was too heavy. I gave up and left last time because it was too much trouble.

After hearing Nash's explanatio. Kemm. Zek. And Tet all tried to push the door togethe. Thinking that it might take a few people to open it.




Even if the winne. Runner-u. And third-place finisher of the sword competition each put in serious effor. The thick door didn't even budge. It was as if they were pushing a huge rock.

Oh. That door won't lighten if you don't pour magic power into it.”

“Nash senior……. You have to say those things first……!”

Makina protests to Nas. Who stands next to he. But he's not much offended.

And after hearing Nash's explanatio. Erika approached the door and touched it with her small hand.

“'Mass changes to objects brought about by magic power'……. Materials that lighten up must be pretty rare. How much…… Would it take to make a door this big?”

'We'll do the research late. Sister Erica! Come o. Let's go agai. Sie. Tet!”


“Hmp. Nooooo……!”

The right side of the doo. Which opens from left to righ. Is lightened by Erika's magic powe. And even with just Zeke's arm strengt. It will open gradually.

But on the left sid. Where there were no wizard. Only Kemmy and Tet showed no signs of moving at all.

“He. Tet! You're giving off magic!”

“Ye. I intend t. But……! I'm not very good at magic or manipulating magic……”

Te. Who has no talent for magic and has only honed his swordsmanship and physical abilitie. Is apparently unable to manipulate even the slightest bit of magic power.

Kemmy was also not very good at manipulating magi. And was in a situation where she was somehow squeezing out magic power.

But that doesn't open the doo. And Nas. Unable to bear the sight of i. Lends a hand.

“Oka. We'll help you then.”

Ye. Ye……!

And Nash and Makin. Who are the 'real deal. Join the opening work.

The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your car is to make sure that you have the right car.

“It's going to be even lighte. Folks……!”

The princess was not only a  wizar. But she could not just watc. So Makina also touched the doors on both side. And poured the magic that flowed in the princess's body into the heavy grand doors–.


The moment Makina's hands touched the door that Kemm. Tet and the others were trying to open through gritted teeth.

The huge door was blown far back with a violent crash.

It was as if a large tyrant had pushed a small child out of the way. With his thin Machina arm. He 'rammed' the huge door and destroyed the thick gateway.


Makina's face turns red and she turns over at the looks the  other five people are giving her.

However. Makina looks as if she is a monstrous woma. And she blushes and looks dow. Trying to escape the eyes of Tet and the others.

“O……. H. It's ope. Let's go……. O. Treasur. Treasur. Treasure……

The people around her were considerate of Makina and didn't say anything to he. But instead let her go back into the depths.


“…… Dead en. Huh?”

Tet's voic. Which he released so that the others could hear i. Reverberated through the huge hal. Which was as large as the school's military drill hal. Before becoming smaller and fading away.

A circular hal. Similar to a stage for a  sword tournament. The ceiling was hig. And the walls and floor themselves were slightly luminous. The roots of the trees that grow above the ground were crawling on the ceiling and walls of this underground hall.

And in such a hall. Behind the line of sight of Makina and the other. There was a single “Pedestal”. On top of i. There was a thin silver plat. Like a stone monumen. Quietly placed on top.

“There doesn't seem to be any gold or silver treasure………… What is that?”

Fearless Kemmy walks through the hal. Tsk tsk tsk ts. To retrieve the stone slab on the pedestal.

“……! Kemmy!


Then. Unusuall. Erika raised a loud voice like she was in dire need.

“Kemm. Sis!”

Immediately after. Kemmy's red hair and the torch in her hand fly in the air.

The beas. Having failed to eat its “Foo.” Lets out a frustrated roar along with a sigh of regret.

It made threatening noises and drooled from its throa. Showing off its great sword-like fangs and its bright red mouth that looked like it could swallow a human being whole in one gulp.

“Black Dog……!

“That's a large…… For it!”

A dog-shaped monster that reveals its massive head from the depths of darkness. Makina and Tet have faced and defeated this monster many times in their travels so far.

That thing is…… A superior species of black dog.”

Nash pulls out a grimoire from his pocke. Opens it to a page inscribed with a spel. And holds it up.

The actual “Cerberus. Which is far larger than a normal dark magic dog and has three head. Emerged from the darkness .




The hungry demon dripped copious amounts of droo. Slightly melting the stone floor. White smoke and the sound of burning flesh rose up from the floo. And if it entered that mout. It would melt its entire body before reaching its stomach.

Even if no. There are three faces with  large jaws and huge canine teeth (fangs). The Makina. Who are not wearing armor and are all in unifor. Would be fatally wounded with a single bite.

'I'm afraid the run is catching up with me…… Mr. Tett!”

“Ye……! Her. I'll get it……!”

In the face of such a powerful demon with a huge body and vicious face. The student. Led by Makina and Tette. Each have their own weapons at the ready.

Tet and Zeke have one-handed sword. Kemmy has a dagger. Makina and Erika have magic wand. And Nash has a grimoire.

“So you're the watchdog that protects the treasure……!”

Hearing Kemmy's word. Makina guessed that she was also a guardian to keep intruders away from the 'secret' at the same time.

There is such a large space in the basement of Square Academ. And the only passageway to it is the rooftop's transition magic circl. A place whose details have been kept secret even from the teachers.

There is definitely 'something'. There must be something definitive inscribed on that stone monument.

Coming one step closer to the trut. Makina cast a spell to overcome the last barrier.

Crimson Flare!

The fire from Makina's long magic wand engulfs the right side of Cerberus' hea. Which was about to bite Tet.


The Cerberu. Whose head was burned of. Screamed in agon. But the other two didn't care and tried to bite into the red head of the Kemmy that they had just failed to eat.


However. Just before he di. Tet leapt high and sliced through the muscle of Cerberus' jaw.

The left side of the head is cut open repeatedly with a gale-force sword techniqu. And the left side of the head is dislodged from the ja. Revealing a lolling mouth and bright red tongue.

But – both the right side that was burned and the left side that had its jaw cut off were instantly replenished with flesh and recovered.

“This pattern……! Hime-sa…… M. Machinatto!


The tet almost unintentionally called her 'Hime-sama' in her usual ton. But she deceived herself by calling her out in a louder voice.

Fortunatel. The other sides seemed to be overwhelmed by Cerberus' enormity and strengt. And didn't seem suspicious.

And then – just like when Makina and the others defeated the demonic beast in the forbidden library of the Royal Library – they cloaked the leaping Tet's sword in flames and attempted to defeat the three-headed demonic beast with a simultaneous attack.

“Red Lotus Flame Slash!”

Tet's sword and Machina's magic cut the Cerberus' middle head in two and burned it up – as it should have.

Its head has also recovere. And Cerberu. With its three heads once again in plac. Is slowly closing in with a roar.

How did you get……?


Makina and Tet are upset. If they can't defeat it even with the Combined Techniqu. Do they have no choice but to unleash an even more powerful attack? Or–…

Maybe we have to destroy all three heads at the same tim. Physically and magically.”

Nash calmly put the situation in perspective and came up with the 'answer'.

Finally used to Cerberus' intimidatio. And with the genius Nash seeing a chance to wi. Kemmy and Zeke are excited that they can't put only Makina and Tet in danger.

“I see……! Three swordsmen and three wizards on my side! Just in time!”

“Y. All righ……! Let's do i. Sis Kemmy! Tettey!

“…… Oh! Worth a try……!”

Then the three of the. Regaining their grip on their sword. Run towards Cerberus.

Kemm. Holding two dagger. Pierced both eyes on the right side of the head.

The left side of the head was pierced through the brain by Zeke's sharp thrust.

The head in the center opened its jaws to bite Tette to the las. But Tette's powerful blow (Kabuto-wari) from directly above shattered its skull.

The Crimson Volcanic Inferno!

“'Tree Lance'……!”

“'El Thunder'…… And more.”

A stellar firebal. Created by Machina's magic wan. Scorches the central head.

The plant manipulation magic that Erika unleashed transformed the tree roots that had been growing underground into countless sharp spear. Which pierced the head of the 'left side'.

The actual “I'm not sure what you're talking abou. But I'm not sure what you're talking about.

“……. You choose that one.”

The words Nash muttered did not reach Erica. The roar of the Cerberus falling to the floor was the only thing that shook the eardrums of each and every one of them.

'…… I did it! We won! That's roughly how we did it!”

Although they have excelled in their trainin. This is the first time for the students (Kemmy) to defeat a large demon in a real battle in a situation where theteachers are not watching over them.

Kemmy hugged Zeke and was overjoye. “K. I'm in pai. Kemmy sis……” Blushin. Zeke was also happy with his victory.

Erik. Who was watching them with a smile on her fac. Was -…

'…… I'm the one who attacked you and Zek. Though.'

As if to counter her siste. She released Kemmy's arms to embrace Zek. This time with her own slender arms.

Aah! He. What are you doin. Erika sister!”

“. Erika sister……!

Kemmy and Zeke were surprised at Erika's display of possessivenes. While Nash watched the situation with a distan. Calm expression on his face.

And then–

“Well……. Now you can check it out at…….”

With their weapons tucked awa. Tet and Makina walked up to the pedestal and picked up a thin slab of stone.

“…… What is this? I don't know anything about magi. So……”

'Hmmm……? Regardless of the magi. I don't understand it either…… I've never seen anything like this…….”

A thi. Silver-colored slab. But it doesn't feel hard or heavy enough to be called a stone slab.

There is a streamlined patter. Like some kind of patter. Engraved on i. But there are no words or pictures engraved on it.

And the strangest thing of all was that the thin board was folded in two and could be opened like a book.

“…… Nash senio. Do you recognize this?”

No? I don't know either.”

“I wonder if it was built with ancient technology……”

“O. I don't think you should touch it too much……”

I'm not sure if pouring magic power into this one will make any difference. It's impossible for me with no magic powe. But……..”

“He. He. Hey! Let me see it!

The six of them are puzzled as they contemplate the identity of the  stone tablet in front of the. Which they have never seen before.

“-It's a tool called a 'laptop'.

A seventh voice came from behind me.

The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

A princess loses her kingdom and is cursed with a magic spell that gives her one of those famous womb tattoos that makes her constantly horny. While journeying with her childhood friend to bring back their kingdom, she has various, well, adventures behind his back.This is the Web-Novel. The Light Novel has been picked up and translated already.



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