Chapter 95 Sweaty sex in a bull
When Tetteh leaves the visiting roo. She looks at the door behind he. As if she has missed her many times.
The lord (Machina) told me not to worr. But I still worry for her safety. I cannot suppress my worry.
During the visi. Her face was flushed and her breathing was erratic. I can guess that she must have been sick from the unfamiliar prison life.
But no matter how much I (Tetteh) car. It won't shorten my 15-year sentence or make me feel better.
Since Makina's incarceration was decide. Tetteh once again walked with the light of determination in her eyes in order to carry out the “Plan” That she came up with after much worry and thought.
There you go–
“He. Boy.”
As I was about to head for the main entrance to leave the large priso. Someone called out to my back. The voice was intimidatin. Yet had a high tone that was peculiar to women.
You are……
When Tet turned aroun. There was a tal. Blonde-haired beauty standing there with her military uniform open boldly at the chest. The female guard who had been on watch during the meeting with Makina earlier.
It's Seraphi. I'm sorry about earlier.”
It is likely that he is referring to the threat of the whip.
“O…… No. I'm sorry for my own selfish behavior.”
They apologized lightly to each othe. But Tetteh wondered. Had he gone to the trouble of calling her over to tell her such a thing?
It's true that she was bypassed in the priso. And she was merely fulfilling her job as a prison guard. Tetteh is convinced of that.
Seraphy made a certain “Proposal” To the boy in school uniform (Tet) who was having doubts.
“You're just going to leave? Why don't you go to…… And take a 'tour' if you want?”
Ye.” He sai. “The prison is organizing a tour for the public. The Grand Jail (Coco) is organizing a tour for the public.”
As deputy warde. He slurs out an explanation to Tette. Who is not taking the unexpected suggestion well.
In order to ensure transparenc. The Arka Trust Grand Jail invites the citizens of Britannica and Londomeln to tour the prison.
The prisoners are regularly checked to see how they are being treate. Whether the guards are doing their job properly to protect the safety and security of the publi. And as a deterren. “If you do wron. This will happen to yo. Too”.
'It's very popular with international visitor.' He said. It's rare to see a prison of this size on the islan. And I think it's a rare opportunity.”
“…… I suppose so. We have time and…… Time to learn mor. Pleas. Seraphi-sama.”
After some though. Tetteh decided to take the 'tour'.
I'm not sure if we'll even be introduced to the women's cel. But I figured that seeing how the criminals live in the prison would give us some idea of what life is like in Makina.
If they are being managed in poor condition. Maybe we can see that as a problem and do something about it with the public.
I decided that there might be more to gain than just going home without seeing anything with a blurred feeling in my heart.
It's settled. Then you can follow me. We'll start this way.”
Tet then followed Seraphy through the great prison.
“Wel. How was it? The outside and the interior may be impressiv. But the inside is more ordinary than you'd expec. Isn't it?”
Yea. Wel……
When he was actually given a tour of the Great Jai. There wasn't much more than Tette had expected.
The prisoners are restrained in sturdy cages and heavy handcuffs in a reused fortress that was once a solid fortress. The prisoners are held in sturdy cages and heavy handcuffs. Numerous guards take turns keeping an eye on them 24 hours a da. And it is true to the rumor that “No one has ever been allowed to escape from the prison.
Howeve. In contrast to the harsh nickname and the size of the facilit. Misdemeanor offenders are allowed to freely walk out of the prison within the designated spac. And they can go outside for exercise or prison work. I could feel the atmosphere of a normal large prison that emphasizes comfort.
“…… But it would be boring to end the tour like this. I'll show you something interesting at the end.”
“Funny stuff……?”
After visiting most of the priso. The only places left were the women's cell area and the basement.
But of cours. The women's cell is forbidden to me. And the basement houses only thug. So it's dangerous if there's a 'just in case' situation. Therefor. It is said that it was originally removed from the course of the original (…) Tour.
But Seraphy uses his authority as deputy jailer to take Tet downstairs to the basement.
Tetteh wondered a little as he followed behind the man who had led the way after smiling at him.
“……Why are you leading me underground?”
N. No big reason. I don't have to do anything else while I'm leading the tour.”
In shor. He used it as a dashi (…) For skippin. He confesses bluntly.
Bu. The knight's intuition told him that there might be some “Other reason” As well.
“–O……? You're not ne. Are yo……?”
'Na. Man……'
This is no place for a student to go sightseein. You idiot!
'Gheehee! You look so cute little guy……! Come over here and have some fun with me……!”
We go through the underground cell. Through the prison corridors where the thugs are locked up.
All the whil. Criminals from the cages on either side of me would stare at me from the cages and hurl unheard of wild accusations and vulgarities at me.
Don't worry about it. Think of it as the squealing of pigs in a barn. I'll punish them all later.”
“…… I'm fine. I'm fine.”
He didn't show any signs of fear or delegitimizatio. But it still didn't feel good. I just wanted to quickly get through this passageway and get to the place where Seraphi said she wanted to 'show me something'.
Finall. We passed a prison cell with a prisoner with silver hair and slitted eyes. There are two bed. But behind the bars I can only see one of them reading. His roommate must be somewhere else.
The silver-haired prisoner and Tet met eyes for a moment. But the prisoner remained seated on the bed and returned to the sea of type without much interest.
Immediately after I sensed that there was something different in the atmosphere from the other sinners.
Seraph. Walking in front of m. Unlocked the large door at the end of the corridor with a click.
It's here. It's just up ahead. I thought I'd show you my collection.”
“Ha……. A collectio. Is it?”
The first thing you need to do is to look at the pictures of the people you are going to be meeting.
The dimly lit space was filled with a myriad of execution tools and torture device. Including a decapitation table (guillotine. Stabbing stick. Nail pliers and a needle-covered chair.
'I used to keep it in the room upstairs (ground floor. But circumstances have forced me to hide it a little from the public ey…………. How's that by the way? I've never seen one of these before.”
“…… Wel. Certainly……”
Seraphy explains the hideous-looking torture devices in a cheerful ton. As if she were acollectorshowing off her collection of paintings and sculpture. Or a young girl introducing her favorite dolls and stuffed animals.
Howeve. Tette. Who was on the receiving end of the explanatio. Was not in a very pleasant mood. How many people would be thrilled to be shown the offensive-lookin. Gruesome history of executions and torture devices?
After all these years of traveling as an adventure. Tet is not one to shy away from bloodshed and the exchange of life. But even s. He was still opposed to tortur. Which unnecessarily hurts and torments the opponent. Especially for a Grandel Knigh. Whose swordsmanship is honored by slaughtering the opponent with a single blow without making him suffer.
And then–
“……Oh……. Bumo…….”
From the back of the roo. She hears a noise. Tetteh quickly braces herself. But now she was dressed in her school uniform and didn't have a sword.
'…… Oh. Don't worr. 'That thing' is the main thing I was going to introduce. Looks like it's already started (・・・・・・).”
“What the hell is that sound……?”
A muffled bass. Or it sounded like the cry of a weak cow.
And as the two of them approached in the direction of the noise – there was literally a 'cow' there.
But it was not a real live bul. But a silver bull made of brass. It was a full-size fak. With a hairles. Slippery body surface and two magnificent horns.
“Booooo……. Booooo…….”
But the brass bull is breathing roughl. Letting out a whinnying sound. It is also rattling its big silver body slightly.
“How's it…… Going? It looks like it's alive……”
'Cause there's a live person inside.
Tetteh was the first to sound upset at the fact that he had been told so casually.
This is a bul. An ancient execution device. It's an ancient execution device called a 'bull.' It has an open belly and the criminal is pushed inside. It is then locked from the outside to make escape impossibl. And when roasted over a fire from belo. The inside is…… Heated to a high temperatur. And the victim is burned to death.”
“How wretched……”
The bull's mouth has a tube through i. And the human being in the scorching hell (inside the bull) desperately seeks oxygen to breathe. That breath leaks out through the tub. And just like tha. A sound similar to the bull's bellowing would leak out. In an actual executio. Thoug. It would have sounded even better.”
Bumoo……. Nmooo…….”
“…… Go to all that trouble to demonstrate i. A prisoner?”
Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you with fire. It might be a little painfu. But I'm sure whoever's in there is glad to have had a valuable experience.”
“…… More or les. You're in pain……
He could have seen the execution tools used long ago and accepted it as “Another piece of knowledge” – But for Te. Disgust was still stronger.
He is victimized by Seraphy's over-serviceness in conducting the tou. And he feels sorry for a nameles. Faceless opponen. Even though he is a sinner.
“Nmooooo……. Bm. Mooooo……N……♥”
But – this 'insider' was someone Tet knew very well.
“–Kkkk…… As arrange. Looks like Seraphy brought him here……”
Inside the bull. In the darknes. So narrow that even one large person could not move if they entered – Gardoff was completely naked and covered by Makin. Who had him crawl on all fours.
And the. I was roughly pushing my coc. Which had been painfully erected by the dirty cunnilingus in the visiting room just no. Into her superbly good pussy with a “Dojyu-dojyu-dojyu-panpanpanpanpan♥♥♥♥”.
“O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Oh.”
Whenever Gardov's thick cock invades her vagina and knocks her cervi. She makes her soaked pussy converge and screams.
The lewd ahee reverberated inside the bull's body and out through the tubes. By that tim. Makina's high-pitched winning voice had been played as the lo. Snarling bellow of a bull.
The naked Galdoff presses down onmeaswe are dressed for bestial copulation inside the narrow bull's body. The big fat middle-aged belly is pressed against the smooth bac. And the excited man's body heat is transmitted directly to her.
The blonde princess's rutting body also became hotter and hotter as she was screwed by the ho. Erec. Thick manhood. Her beautiful golden bangs were sticking to her forehead with swea. And it was as hot as if she was in close contact with me in a sauna.
“O. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Hot.”
'I know this sweaty sex is the best thing you've ever done……! I can smell your bitchy sweat all over me……! I could cum as many times as I want……!”
They are in a position where they can't escap. And they are in a frenzy. The two are covered in lotio. And their skin is slick with each other's sweat.
Her dirty juices are overflowing from her slutty pussy more than her swea. And she's getting her tight pussy violated as she's getting it scraped out of her with her pussy-neck.
“O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Oh.”
Gardov's furious pistons pounded her hips over and over again.
The long blonde hair swung wildly in time with the rhyth. And with even more intensit. The big ass of the cheapest type bounced and ripple. And large drops of sweat splattered and bounced in the small space.
(It's ho. It's painfu. I can't breath. It feels so goo. But it feels so goo. How did this happen?)
After being cunted behind Tette's back in the visiting roo. I was brought to Coco by Gardov without going back to the cage.
I don't even know wh. But they take off my clothes and make me nake. Push me into this bul. And have kinky sex with my middle-aged dad who came in with me.
I'm not sure what to d. But I'm not sure what to do.
'Ha. Ha. It's the best……! I can't get enough of yo. Makina! I love your big tit……!”
“O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Oh.”
But even under these special circumstances of se. The lewd crests react violently and bring intense pleasure to the whole body.
Gardov is just as excited as she i. And he extends his thick arm from behind and grabs Makina's big tits with his big hands.
Her huge and soft big tit. Which can be called “Cow tits. Are so soft and soft that just touching them will make your manhood fully erect.
“O. O. O. O. If you squeeze my tit. And if you make me cum with your cock… O. O. O. I'll cum right away… O. O. O. Oh…”
Haha……! Even with that kid outside……! A dirty bitch who would do yoga in front of any man who came to visit he. Even if he cums on her! You can cum all you want!”
A chill runs down Makina's spine at the mention of Tet outside.
But at the same tim. Her wet dirty cunt clamps down on Galdov's cock with a hot ooooo.
On the other han. The person (Tet) who came up with the topic–.
'…… Are you sure you're all right? You seem to be breathing pretty hard.”
“It won't be a problem. You'll have trouble breathin. But you haven't been roasted over an open fir. And you won't die.”
From Tet's point of vie. It's a spectacle (show. But it's still a ghoulish spectacle of humans trapped in execution tools that exude the brutality of their developers.
The bull was rattling and shaking and letting out a violent whinnying sound as proof of this. It must be very difficult to breathe.
–The actuality i. Howeve. That he's having trouble breathing for 'other reasons'.
“O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Oh.”
“Makin. Makina……! Fucking clown bitch!……!”
Inside the bull's bod. Makina's lusty female voice and Galdov's excited yelp echoed.
And the sound of his hips slamming into the big ass also reverberate. All of which was converted into the bull's hot breath and roar.
Makina feels the dirty pleasure given by the stiffly erected cock. Or the intense stimulation of having her big tits squeezed and her nipples played with. And the only thing she can think of is Tett. Who will be outside.
Tet is the only one who can't be noticed. He had never heard her aheh voice befor. And the leaking cow-cries had turned into a low tone.
“Blo. Blo. Blo. Blow!”…… Hol. Stretch out your tongu. Machina!……!”
When all he cares about is Tett. He teaches her with a vulgar deep kis. “This is no time to be worrying about other people.
Ho. Smoky saliva pours out of me. It's smell. Tasteless and has an unpleasant viscosit. But she reaches out her pink little tongue and devours the saliva herself. The actual spit is going to be the most effective way to get rid of the saliva.
And the. While rubbing her big tits and kissing and fucking he. Galdov's hips are getting faster and faster. The weight of her big tits also bounced back and forth in tandem with the shaking.
In this wa. While tasting the superb limb. The pistons accelerated all the way to vaginal ejaculation without slowing down even though the feeling of ejaculation was rising in the air.
“I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. Machina……! I'm going to cum inside you and make you a little boy before the king takes you away from me……
I'm going to come after being impregnated…”
“Don't you dare defy m. The warde. As a prisoner! Ooooohhhhh!……!”
“Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhhhh…”
Ignoring Makina's word. She shakes her hips furiously and pushes her cock into hi. Saying Panpanpanpanpan dojyu dojyu bajyu bajyu bachin ♥♥♥♥.
And then – after slamming his cock so thick and long that it reached her womb.
She spurted out a white cloud of simmering lust more vigorously than a cow being milked.
Byuu♥♥♥ Bubyuu♥♥♥ Dobyuu byuu byuu byuu byuu byuu byuu byuu byuu byuu ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
The bull roared louder and loude. And Makina inside was clearly aware of the feeling of hot semen pouring into her vagina.
Eventuall. Tetteh suggests that the visit be terminate. Saying that she just doesn't feel wel. And Seraphi accepts and walks her to the main entrance of the prison.
“O. Ho… O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Oh…”
But – held in the bull's arm. Makina was not release. But trapped in a whirlpool of pleasure with no way out.