The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

Chapter 99

The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

A princess loses her kingdom and is cursed with a magic spell that gives her one of those famous womb tattoos that makes her constantly horny. While journeying with her childhood friend to bring back their kingdom, she has various, well, adventures behind his back.This is the Web-Novel. The Light Novel has been picked up and translated already.

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Chapter 99 Jailbrea. And

Seraphi's stress was peaking as her perfect life plan was interrupted.

I was born the daughter of a nobleman and should have had smooth sailin. But for the first time I felt like I had a barrier blocking my “Path”.

“Dam. That ugly fat dad……!”

He spits with an angry voice as he descends the stairs to the dungeons.

O. Thank you for your hel. Deputy Jailer!

Just open the fucking door.

Ye. Yes!”

The guard guarding the entrance to the underground cel. The tone of his voice almost vindictiv. The sleepiness of the night shift is blown away.


The Seraphic one was not on the night shif. But was given 'detention' by the jailer's order until this late at night.

By natur. He doesn't work overtime. As the deputy warden of the priso. He has always left most of the work to his subordinate. Leaving him to do nothing but poke fun at his favorite prisoners.

When she got tired of such a jo. She planned to marry her fianc. Kaylo. And live a comfortable life in a luxurious mansion.

But after being raped by prison warden Galdo. He's become a weakling and everything is a mess.

I still don't feel goo. That bastard……!

Toda. I was summoned to the prison warden's office again and kept company with him until late at night to deal with my sexual desires.

He always left on time no matter how much work was left to d. He never worked overtime no matter how much he was lectured or sarcasti. And the only time he stayed late at work was when he wanted to abuse the prisoners.

In spite of tha. I served the meat rod with my mouth and breasts until the sun went down and irresponsibly poured plenty of baby seed into me. Although it is a safety da. I even feel fear passing through disgust when I think of the possibility (…).

“O. Wake u. Makina.”

In this situatio. The best way to relieve stress is to use your favorite prisoner in the dungeon as a toy.

He headed for the cage where he was imprisoned together with Hive. A criminal with a dual personalit. And with a bad foot habit that didn't care if he was sound aslee. He kicked the bars of the prison where Makina was with his boot. He kicked the bars of the prison where Makina was imprisoned with his boot.



Even though I made quite a bit of nois. There was no response from Makina. Is she sleeping?

But the other prisoners in the jai. Who were not looking for hi. Were startled by Seraphy's kick and jumped u. Saying “What the hell?

'…… Oi. If you've been calle. Then answer quickly. I told you when you came to this priso. Didn't I? It's none of my business how long you've been asleep.

Irritate. I unlock the door and go inside.

The. Sheslinked up to Makina's sleeping be. And quickly ripped off the thin blankets…


The bed was empty. No one was sleeping. Two pillows were lined up vertically and covered with blanket. Creating the illusion of a human sleeping on the bed.

I look behind m. To the other be. But there's no one there either.

Hiver and Machin. The two disappeared. From the locked priso. Without being seen by the guards on night shift.

“……! No way!”

At that tim. Seraphi noticed 'a point'.

He is an unskilled employee who disobeys his superiors in any way and performs his duties in a proper manne. But even s. He has a genuine track record of working in this large prison for many years.

That's why – I was able to detect a sense of discomfort – that the position of Hiver's bed was slightly off from where it should be.

I examined everything to see if I could find the slightest anomaly. And when I peeked under the be. I also noticed a 'chip' in one of the stone slabs (tiles).


The woman alone somehow manages to move the bed out of the way and inserts her finger into the missing part.

When I peeled back the tiles – I discovered a “Hole” Leading to the basemen. A hole that could fit a single human being. A gentle breeze is coming from the other side of the large hole. This is proof that this hole is connected to the outside.

When Seraphy discovered thi. He ran out of the prison and told the prison guard in charge of the underground cell that he had urgent news of the fire.

We're breaking out! All hand. Maximum security! Ring the emergency bell! Notify the knights in the garrison! Hurry!


At a time when urgent alarm bells are ringing throughout the Arka Trus. And it is the biggest fuss since its inception.

Attempting to escap. Makina and Hiver crawled out to where the water flowed silently.

“Goo. With……!”

We entered a hole in the floor of the priso. And after much creeping and crawling along a narro. Dark pat. We finally managed to get out into a wide open space.

It was large enough for even the tallest hiver to fit throug. So it was no problem for the smaller Makina to get through. Howeve. Her ample breasts and buttocks caught several times on the way throug. And it was chilling to think that she might get stuck in the loophole and not be able to move.

Even s. When you finally go like a mole and pass through the side hole – there was the “Underground aqueduct” Of the royal city of Britannic. Built with countless bricks.

“This is…….”

'The sewers. The king is the avenger of his homeland (Rival. But he has also made it the most developed city on the island.

As a resul. Thanks to the existence of the sewers maintained by the kin. Hiver and Makina were able to escape from the underground.

I see that you did……

He has mixed feelings about i. But for now he has to go above ground and blend in with the city to escape his pursuers.

“…… So much for idle chatter. Let's go. Straight down this roa. Turn right at the first corne. And there's a ladder leading up.”

“Ye. Yes……!”

I crawled out of the loophole and stood up from my all fours position and tried to follow Hiver's back.

The prisoners and the Knights of Britannic. Who were informed of the breakou. Would soon set up an alert network throughout King's Landing.

We have to join up with Tet and get out of this country before that happens.

I don't have time to think about whether the path I'm on is the right on. Whether escaping from prison was the right choic. Or how much I can trust Hiver right now.

Anywa. I moved my legs and tried to start running – and then….

Sto. You bastards!

A lou. High-pitched female voice was hurled at Hiver and Makina.

“Seraph. Deputy Jailer……!

“Damn i…… You've already caught up with me.”

A few meters behind the. Seraphy was approaching with two of his me. Opening a door that led to the sewers.

“We never allow prison escape. Arka Trus. But we also have contingencies and routes to take if a prisoner escapes:……! Looks like I've hit the 'jackpot'!”

Seraphy was in a good mood even in his ange. As he saw this as an opportunity to  make up for his blunder with his own hands.

He then picked up the whip at his waist and danced it through the air with expert-level skill.

“…… Go ahea. Mr. Hiver! I'll hold them back!”

It was a man named Hivar who dug the escape route steadily over the year. And who explained the circumstances of Lukir and Gerwet. All in the name of Hivar.

He could have told  himself (Makina) nothing and escaped on his own while he was sleeping. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to d. But I'm sure I'll be able to do it. Makin. Who is unarmed but can use a weapon called 'magic. Stands in front of Seraphy.

“…… Okay. I'll go first.”

And Hiver did not suffer or try to stay with hi. But ran off with a quick decision.

“Makina……! I'll let you off with only a light 'spanking' now! Come back here! I've loved you so much……! You've gotten a lot creepie. And you've gotten to know me better!”

There's never been a second when I haven't had a heart to heart with you……!


When I shouted my true feelings from my hear. Which were not metaphorical or anything – Seraphi made a sad expression on her face.

Immediately after. He began to whip furiousl. His expression tinged with anger and hatred.

'If you're…… I'll show you no mercy! Makinaaaaah!”

A whip attack with an unreadable trajectory. If even a single blow hit. Flesh will be gouged and bones crushed. In additio. Seraphy's ability is well-known.

“Frozen Brass……!!!!”

The moment you  try to unleash your ice magic against the female guar. Who is far more formidable than any of those demons…

Makina's brain recalled her experience in the school basement.

“Upper level magic is powerfu. But it takes a little time to activate…… And is ineffective against an opponent who is already preparing for battl. Machina.

The words of the school vice principal Wiles. And Seraphy's whi. Which has already reached top speed.

Considering those factors – the countless ice spears that were about to be refined were turned back into liquid agai. Cancelling the magic. The power with the Frozen Brass was indeed immens. But it would take some time to gather the moisture in and around the air to create the ice spears.

Water Impact!

Then. The water in the sewers is not converted into ic. But is ejected as it is as a water cannonball.

The small water ball collided with the tip of the whi. And due to the fact that it was a low-grade water magic techniqu. It easily popped like a broken soap bubble.

Haha……! That kind of water play magic won't stop my whip!”

Makina knows that.

That's why the magic princess who had her shackles removed used her large amount of magic power and abundant knowledge to instantly cast another magic(・・・・).


The ceiling of the underground waterworks collapses.

Manipulating earth-attribute magi. Makina's magic interfered with the bricks made from red cla. Causing several blocks to fall towards Seraphy.

If dozens of bricks were dislodge. The effect would ripple across a wide area of the ceiling and result in countless debris raining down.

What the hell is……?

Quickl. Seraphy and the guards retreat.

But because of that decision – I had to watch Makina's little back as she disappeared behind the rubble and smoke.

Wait! Makina! Come back here! Don't go!

“Stand bac. Master Seraphi! It's not safe here!

The ceiling's still collapsing! We've got to get out of her. Deputy warden!

Makina! Makina ah……!”

Is it his sense of duty as a prison guar. Or is it his obsession as a human who has been captivated by Machina's charms?

Seraphy's plaintive cries echoed through the underground sewers as he tried to chase after her even though his men stopped him.


“…… Hah. Haha……! Ha ha……!”

I didn't expect Deputy Jailer Seraphi to appear as a pursuer. But somehow I managed to shake off the pursuit.

Machina's strength has been sapped by living as a prisone. And while her breathing is errati. She finds the ladder that Hiver told her where to go and climbs up it – pushing up the lid (manhole) that connects the sewers to the ground.

I crawled up after making sure no one was around. It had been a long time since I had been on theground (shabba. And it was raining at night. It was humi. But unlike the closed basemen. There were no bars or wall. So it felt really nice and sunny.


As if to make up for the days when I was only allowed to shower for a few minutes a few times a week. I spread my arms out and looked up at the rain clouds and felt the large amount of water droplets all over my body.

I didn't realize that the natural right of 'freedom' was so precious. Makina's previous sense of value was changed from the bottom up.

“After…… We need to find Mr. Tett……!”

But I can't stay in the feeling of freedom for too long. I quickly changed my mind and looked around. The place where Makina came up from the sewers seems to be a corner of a residential area.

He had no familiarity with the land in the city of Britannica. The hiver who might be able to show him the way had let him go firs. And he was no longer around.

Somehow I have to join up with Tet and get out of Londomeln before they take me back to the prison.

There he is! Chas. Chase!”

Don't let him get away!”

Go get some backup!


Then. The loud voices of the men echo in the dark nigh. And Makina's body goes rigid for a moment.

But he hasn't found himsel. And both the shouting and the sound of armor clattering and scraping can be heard in the distance. Perhaps they are chasing the Highver.

“We can't afford to be complacent……

It's only a matter of time before my place is discovered.

Taking great care not to be spotte. Makina ran off in a small ru. Drenched in rai. In a different direction from where she heard the knight's voice.

There you go–

Don't move.

Just as I was about to enter the alleyway.

He called out to me from behind. I feel a blade against my neck.

“¡……! Water Impact……!

They found me. But I wasn't surrounded by more than one person. If there's only one knight on the other sid. I can manage with magic.

Judging instantl. Makina turned around while keeping her distance from the blade and gathered magic power in the palm of her right hand.

Then he held out his palm and was about to shoot the water magic into that knight–.


My hand stops. Your eyes widen in surprise. For a brief momen. I was so flustered that I failed to cast the spell.

In the next moment – a hard fist in the knight's grip slammed into Makina's stomach.

“Ka. Ha……!”

He loses his strength and collapses to his knees. He hits his forehead on the wet ground. The pain is so intense that I can't seem to move a finger.

I think there's another one in there!”

It's this way!

“He. New guy! Get that woman strapped down now!

I can hear the knights gathering over the ringing in my ears.

The knight who had struck himself down sheathed his sword and looked down at his wet blonde hai. Staring into his sapphire eyes as he pulled out a chain for his captor.

We have to run. We have to get up. If we don't fight them off with magi. We'll be back in the Great Jail.

But I couldn't do that.


I'm on my way to……. I'm on my way to…….

How can you do this to……?

The knight that Makina looked up from the ground was someone she knew well.

Even if he was wearing the armor of a Britannica knigh. There was no way he could make a mistake.

Those dark hair and dark eyes have been next to me for sixteen years.

“…… Te. Mr……!


Driven by the rain that had come down in earnest. Makina was captured by the “Tet of the Knights of Britannica” – And her escape from the Arka Trust ended in failure.

Another End 10 “White Gal Bitch Princess Dyed by a Charlatan

Tette was impatient.

I was proud to finish the sword competition with a winning resul. As if I had proven that the swordsmanship I had trained in the Kingdom of Grandel would work in Britannica as well.

Howeve. Tet and his friends' original goal is not to get excellent grades at Square Academy. The purpose is to find the entrance to the Underground Library with Makina.

Howeve. No matter how much they searched around the schoo. There was no sign of it. Tet also searched the grounds outside the school building and in the gras. But he couldn't find the stairs leading to the basement.

Summer vacation is just around the corner. Students are not allowed to remain in the school or dormitories during the summer vacation.

–I'm not sure what to do with the rest of it.

…… S. I didn't get much today. It's unlikely that you can get to the basement from the roofto. But just in case.

I see……. Oka. I'll continue to search all over the school grounds. Then I'll continue to search all over the school grounds.”

In the hallway of the school building.

After schoo. Makina and Tet exchange regular reports at a corner of the hallway where few people are around.

Howeve. The content was 'no result' as usual.

The state of not being able to get a clue continued day after da. And by now I was no longer discouraged or impatient. It was a dangerous 'habituation. But I didn't mind the lack of progress that much anymore.

But Tetteh was curious about the other part of the story. It was–

The Princess……. That……. You say you've changed your appearance recentl…….. What's wrong?”

What? Really?”

Makina laughs it off in a cheerful ton. “That's not true.

But from Tet's point of vie. There was definitely an 'appearance change' coming to his childhood friend and master's princess.

'I'm not used to seeing the princess wearing makeup……

I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with this. If you keep your face bar. You'll stand out from the other girl. So I did this to fit in.

She was a  beautiful princess with jewel-like glowing skin as it wa. But now she wears pale pink cheek blush and lipstic. And makeup (eye shadow) that clearly asserts the presence of her eyes and long eyelashes.

In additio. Not only make-up – she should not have been interested in jewelr. Rings and other ornaments – but around her nec. A heart-shaped pink necklace (necklace) was dangling from a flirtatious necklace. I was not interested in jewelry or ring. But I had a heart-shaped pink necklace around my neck.

I'm not sure how you can do tha…….? But why did you change the way you dress so muc…….?”

It wasn't just makeup that Tette wanted to mention.

The problem was that Makina was dressed in her  summer clothe. A short-sleeved white blouse that was tied at the he. Exposing her nubile belly and small navel.

The fact that she is unbuttoning her buttons and unabashedly showing off the cleavage of her hug. Flabby tits is something I can't overlook as a vassal and childhood friend.

Because she wears a  custom-made underwear (bra. Her cherry-red nipples and ample breasts will not be spilled. But because of the large (・・・・) blous. The purple incendiary (garish) design of the bra was showing almost half of its appearance. This is not much different from having your breasts exposed.

Furthermor. The skirt of the uniform is also worn extremely shor. Not only the whipped thigh. But also the inside (…) Seemed to be visible even if you just walk a little.

The boys can seeMakina's purpl. Almost string-like underwear (panties) even if they are just a little consciously looking at Makina's waist. The “Too much” Of the tied string is hanging from each side of the very mini-skir. And it is disturbing the school's public morals.

It's not just a matter of exposur. But also of wearing a large belt wrapped diagonally around her wais. Gold bracelets on her slender wrist. And socks on her feet that are down to her bare feet – the so-called “Delinquent girls” (Gyaru. Who completely ignore public morals and school rules. The most recent Makina has come to prefer to dress in a way that completely disregards public morals and school rules.

'I haven't changed that much~'

“N. N. I'd say you're showing too much skin……. It's not too obvious…….”

The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone in your attempts to blend in. In order to be inconspicuou. You're trying to blend in by imitating what the other students are wearing.

Makina laughs and doesn't want to address the concerns and suggestions of her subordinates.

This attitude and his changed appearance only made Tet more and more anxious.

Certainl. Some of the girls in the academy are dressed like Makina now. But that is a very small numbe. And most of them are delinquent students with behavior problems.

That's why Tet tried to object to Makina's dressing styl. Saying 'It is the role of a vassal to admonish the lord…'.

I'll see you tomorrow at this time at this place. I'll see you tomorrow at this time and this plac. And I'll call you on time.

“Your Highnes……! O. Please wait……! I'm not done talking to……!

“O. No. Men who are persistent are really annoying to girl. You know?”

“M. 'Seriously'……? 'Annoying'……?”

“See you tomorro. Bye-bye~!”

I'm terribly confused by the way she speak. Which I never would have imagined she would use such a word if she had been Makina up until now.

But Makina waved goodbye to Tette with a wave of her han. Chirped and clinked her bangles and necklac. Turned away and walked down the hallway.

The back view was exactly the look and walk of a slutty girl (bitchy gal) with a loose head and crotch. Whenever she walks with her hips swayin. Her voluptuous buttocks are repeatedly glimpsed through her mini-skirt.


“…… Sorry to keep you waitin. Senpai ♥”

Makina leaves Tette and walks into the rooftop.

When she found the boy she wante. She smiled nimbly and called out in a cat-pawin. Flirtatious tone.

“O. You're lat. Makina-chan.”

Sorry ♥ I'm meeting someone for a bit……

Nas. A member of the Magic Departmen. Was skipping class on the rooftop until this time after school.

A  womanizing playboy (yarichin) like him is not what Makina likes. Howeve. She thought she needed his knowledge and magical abilities in order to get to the underground library.

Beside. He has seen her molested many times and has a weakness for her. That's why you need to behave in such a way that you don't go against hi. That you don't spoil his good mood – Makina was making that excuse to herself.

Even if it's all just an 'excuse' to go see Nash.

“O. My God. Was it a guy you were meeting?”

She rushed to Makina and held her slender wais. They looked at each other as if they were lover. And started stroking her peach buttocks without her permission.

The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a few moments to enjoy the beauty of the world.

I'm sure it's a bo. But I'm jealous of yo. Huh?

If it had been the old Makin. She would have shown her rejection with words and expressions of disgus. Even if it was only in a token way.

But no. Her ass is so full that it can be said that 'her miniskirt is overflowing with lewd fles.' And she shakes it back and forth from side to sid. And when Nash's lon. Slender fingers rub it togethe. She reacts sensitively and makes a charming nois. Saying 'Nnnnghhh!

And to Nas. Who seemed to be concerned about the presence of the other boy. Makina had a nast. Dirty smile on her fac. Taking pleasure in being possessive.

'Do you not like it when I play and talk with other boys……? ♥ Are you jealous? ♥”

“So so so. Jealous jealous. I don't want to give Makina-chan to anyone.

“……♥ That's not what I want to hear……♥ I'm in trouble.

Nash's flimsy word. Words that don't seem to have any emotion in them at all – they show the same bitch face as the rest of the light-headed girl. And Makina's heart and uterus start to throb.

I'll be in trouble if Makina-chan starts seeing other guys besides me.”


And if you are hugged from the front while your big ass and big tits are rubbed and your well-groomed face is brought close to me.

Instantl. She puts on the face of a maiden in lov. And yet she turns into a dirty face like a slut (bitch) who is now devouring her carnal desire. And they exchange a kiss that is hotter than the temperature in midsummer.

“O. Ye. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happ. I'm so happy…”

'…… But I'm playing with other girls and you're jealous to. Right? If you like m. You should kiss me tongue to hold me together. Kiss me dirty.”

I'm the one who's jealou. I'm the one who can't get any more cock from you. O. My God…

Not wanting to let g. She stands tall and hugs Nash's bod. Pressing her own lips against his in a deep kiss.

With a shocking pink heart mark in his sapphire eyes. I repeatedly kissed her tongue more obscenely and thickly than anyone els. Hoping that if Nash were to kiss other girls in the futur. He would not be satisfied with kissing me (Makina) onl. And that he would only want to kiss me.

Change the angle of your fac. Change the way you move your tongu. Lick all over Nash's teet. Tongue tip and mouth with the tip of your tongue.

He pours his sweet saliv. Warmed by the midsummer hea. Into he. Sucking his saliva away as if he were rehydrating her.

I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love yo. I love you………. I love you so much!

It makes a vile kissing soun. Not unlike a princess's kiss.

But now Makina is not dressed in a princess dres. But in a revealing sailor suit that overflows with her ample buttocks and oversized breasts.

She has big tits and a finger in her vagin. Which makes her nipples harden and her love juices drip down from her vulva like a waterfall.

No one would think she was a princess when they saw her like this. Everything she looke. Said and did was the very essence of a bitchy gal student.

Makina is like a lover – she's aware that she's Nash's lover long ag. But she devours him with a dusky tongue that's far more intense than what lovers do to each other.

Since I came to this Square Schoo. I have experienced various 'youthfulness' such as studying and socializing with my friends.

But no. While tasting Nash's saliv. I was also enjoying the student-ness of 'making love' and feeling happy.

Even if that other person doesn't even think of Makina as a lover in the slightest. Even if they think of her as a convenient sexpartne. The heart of the princess in love is filled with warm feelings.

“Wel. The. Makin. I'm going to let you taste my cock that you love so much. Then I'll let you taste my coc. Which you lov. Makina-cha. All the way to the back.”

And – as if to satisfy not only the min. But also the vagina. The actual “I'm not a fan of the way you do i.” He sai. “But I'm not a fan of the way you do i. Either.

She shows her naked body sparingly and sticks her hand inside her mini-skirt in a move that doesn't hide her sexual desire. Fingering the thin string of the stimulating underwear Makina is wearin. She looks at Makina with a smirk on her face as she tugs on it bit by bi. Loosening the knot of the string panties with a sooty……♥.

Ahh ♥ ah ah ah ah……♥♥”

Slowl. Slowly the strings are coming undone. If I don't do thi. I'll be left with no pants on.

But Makina couldn't resis. Her heart fluttering with anticipatio. Her lewd crest glistenin. She looked up at Nash with her heart-marked eyes.

She opens her legs to shoulder-width apar. Puts her thin arms around Nash's nec. And rocks her hips……As she takes off her string pants. She is going to be able to be a very good girl and she's going to be able to be a very good girl.

And finally – shhhhh…… ♥♥ And when the string pants are taken of. The wet princess's vulva touches the outside air of midsummer.

A meat stic. Hotter than the temperatur. Was pressed against that erotic pussy.

I'm going to cum inside you again toda. But…… You don't min. Do you?”

“Ye. Ye. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a coc. I want a cock. I want some hot cock in my pussy.

For Makin. Who had already reached the limit of her endurance and a critical point in her estru. The risk of getting pregnant from being ejaculated on was considered trivial.

Seeing such a dirty bitch blonde bombshel. Nash smiled with satisfaction – he grabbed her plump right leg and while enjoying the feeling of her smooth and whipped thigh. He slid his playboy cock into the 16 year old princess' vagina while kissing her tongue. I was so excited to see her so happy and I was so excited to see her so happy.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh o. Here comes the handsome cock…”

She spurted out her  feminine love juices just by inserting herself into me. I had a strong climax with my legs and back shaking and my back arched.

The woman's cock is tightened and the womb that wants to be conceived comes down for the seed of the child.

I'm so excite. My pussy is so excite. My womb is so excite. My senior's big cock is making me want to conceive a baby……♥♥♥♥♥♥”

Below u. Tetteh is walking around the schoolyard under the blazing su. Sweat pouring down her forehead as she searches for the entrance to the basement.

The beloved knight's maste. Makin. The princess whom Tet adore. Is sweating and opening her legs to the slutty charlatan.

The. While standing on one le. Nash pistons hiscock into her puss. And she instantly screams and yodels with a high-pitche. Charming face.

“O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Oh.”

“You kno. There's another way to say 'great' and there's another way to say 'bad'? I like that one better.”

“O. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuc. Fuck.”

She is disturbed by the pleasure while she is wildly using coarse language that she would never use under normal circumstances.

Howeve. “If my beloved senpai (Nash) says s.” She obediently follows his instruction. And in the first plac. This outfit and makeup were all ordered by him.

She changes her clothes and language to suit her lover's tast. And she's a convenient girlfriend in her own right. The princess is a bitchy whor. And has been disciplined by her master's cock to the point that she will listen to anything Nash says and do whatever he tells her to do.

O. That's good. It's great to be a neat and tidy bitc. But it's also great to turn into a vulgar gal. Makin. Why don't you and I become a sexually active fool with no brains? Then it'll be even more fun.”

Originall. Nash was a good young man who was also serious and studious. Howeve. He got into trouble and to escape from i. He adopted a playboy's outfit and behavior.

Into such a path of escape and depravit. Nash is trying to lead even Machina astray.

The princes. Who should normally refus. Makin. Who has the original mission of restoring her homeland – because she has long since been corrupted by a coc. She forgets about her birthplace and childhood friend (Tet. And easily falls into the trap.

I'm going to be a bitchy gal who gets fucked in the dick with her senpai… S. Pleas. Give me more cock slurping.

The breasts that have been spilling out of the purple underwear from the bosom of the blouse are swaying with a bang.

Makina's brain was experiencing the illusion of melting into mush with pleasure as she was pistoning so hard that it shook her big tits and ample ass.

I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cu. I'm gonna cum…”

Makina was standing on one le. Her legs shaking as Nash's cock pushed deep into her  vagin. Making her squirt out her man juice with a powerful “Dojyu-. Nyu-. Gojyu-. Gojyu-♥” Sound. She was in the same position as she had been in the cleaning locke. And she was experiencing unlimited euphoria as she was being tongue-fucked with even more intensity and passion than that time.

“O. My Go. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so goo. That's so good.”

She is not a princes. With her languag. Expression (goofy face. And lasciviousnes. And she devours cock while spurting out love juice.

And the. Nas. Sensing that Makina was having too much pleasure and finding it difficult to stand on one le. Lifted her up with both arms. The two of them are the first two to be in the same positio. And they are the first two to be in the same position.

I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a bab. I want to have a baby.

Although she is in a position like a bab. Makina's body is in the proper gestation ag. And she has a very dirty body at the time of conception.

Her uterus tingled and tingle. Her womb descended to its limi. And the princess's noble egg ovulated with a bojyun…… Making the first boyfriend she's had in her life since entering this academy cum in her arm. Holding her future husband in her arms and begging him to cum with tongue in cheek.

“Are you sure? If I have kid. I'll have to quit school?”

I'm going to have a bab. I'm going to have a bab. I'm going to conceive a baby and become my senior's wif. I'm going to leave school and become a mother…”

Forgetting her original mission and her true nature as a studen. She wanted to be impregnated with the genes of the kin. Handsom. Long cocke. Talented male in front of her. Makina's brain was dominated by just that thought.

Okay. Then let's have a mutually agreed upon……. Let's have a baby and quit school together.”

Nas. Who has a doomsday wis. Also removes his ta. Thinking that if he impregnates other. He too will be expelled from school and the persistent scouting from the kingdom will stop.

Above al. The impregnation plea from the superb female excites me as one male to the pregnancy onedar. And the use of hips accelerates toward seedin. And dances intensely with bajyu bajyu dojyu dojyu dojyu gojyu ♥♥♥.

I'm gonna have a baby… I'm gonna have a baby…

They cling to Nash's body with both hands and fee. Their faces are sticky with sweat and tongue saliv. And the baby-making coitus of the charlatan and the bitchy gal who are not even afraid of expulsion reaches its climax towards the finish.

Finall. With our hips slamming into each othe. We both climaxed at the same tim. With our glans and cervix in perfect contac. Ejaculating and cumming together.

“O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. Oh. ♥♥♥♥♥”

Ho. Extra thic. Slutty charlatan cum pours into her vagina.

The vagina isnarrowed tightly to squeeze out every drop of i. And the uterus accepts the cum into the uterus like a sportsman who drinks up water after exercise.

I vaguely wondered how I was going to tell Tette that I had a boyfrien. That I was pregnan. And that I was in the process of finding an underground library but had to drop out of school.

Stil. Makina interrupts her contemplation when Nash asks for a second round.

In  order to have lovemaking sex with your beloved boyfriend agai. You have to put 'trivial matters' to the back of your mind and switch your mind to a dirty thought process……

The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

A princess loses her kingdom and is cursed with a magic spell that gives her one of those famous womb tattoos that makes her constantly horny. While journeying with her childhood friend to bring back their kingdom, she has various, well, adventures behind his back.This is the Web-Novel. The Light Novel has been picked up and translated already.



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