Chapter 143 – 143. Cardinals
What am i
It is a question that has been raised by countless philosophers since ancient times, and in the process, some philosophers have proven that they kill God and think that they are themselves.
Of course John, who was born and raised in modern times, knew those stories very well. The answer to what a country is is scattered around.
But what John was talking about was not such an abstract concept. I was hoping for a clear answer.
‘What am I?’
Why did he fall into another world, and why did he become impervious to magic and witches’ curses after he fell?
Why are you yourself I was very curious about that.
Fortunately, there was such a thing as the correct answer in another world.
‘The headquarters of the church.’
It is said that his magic to nullify magic resembles divine power. If so, the reason why he came here, and his secret- would not be there.
“I wanted to hear it sometime.”
A place that Master hates and hates. If I asked to go there, even Master wouldn’t refuse.
Unlike that time, it was because he had gathered enough power to ruthlessly destroy the kingdom.
‘But just in case…….’
John picked up the phone and called. Beyond the phone, the owner of the imperial family answered the phone.
[Who is it?]
“Oh, hello. Emperor? It’s me me I have a request…….”
[Narani, who are you?]
When Nayana, the swindled emperor, tried to hang up the phone, Johann immediately explained who he was and why he was calling.
Hearing his request, the emperor drool, but could not refuse his words. Who would say no?
Isn’t it the Pillar West of Witches? If you are hated by him, all the foundations of the country you built will collapse.
[… ] … Don’t prepare it.]
“Please take good care of me.”
After hanging up the phone, Yohan immediately got up and headed to his teacher’s room. Master wouldn’t deny it, but it took a bit of eloquence to convince him.
Hmmm, he coughed out and knocked on Evangeline’s door.
* * *
-The envoy.
As a representative of one country, he was like a diplomat heading to another country.
When the power difference between the two countries is stark, the envoy is treated better than the king of a weak country. Even if it was a vassal state, it was frequent for the king to kneel before the envoy of the suzerain state.
The treatment John received in the Holy Kingdom as an envoy from the empire was beyond that of the pope of this country.
“The king of this country, Thaurissan, welcomes the envoy of the great empire.”
John was a little taken aback when he saw the strangely polite king. No matter how much he came as an envoy of the empire, how could he be so polite?
John didn’t know about it—but, in fact, not too long ago, the kingdom unilaterally attacked the empire without even declaring war.
Of course, the surprise attack was colorless and they were annihilated without even crossing the border. From the point of view of the kingdom whose army was annihilated, the envoy of the empire was the same as the deity of death.
A word from him could decide the fate of the kingdom, so his protocol was at a level that could not be easily seen even when the king of this country lamented.
“Your height, lift your waist.”
“Thank you.”
“May I ask Your Highness a favor?”
After hearing John’s words, the king glared at him as if he was asking him what kind of request he was trying to make, and John, who met his eyes his, laughed and made his request his.
“I want to go to church. It is the headquarters of the Divine Kingdom.”
“I didn’t know that the status of our Kingdom Church reached the empire. Anything is possible.”
When John said that he wanted to go to the church instead of going somewhere else, the king made a puzzled expression for a moment, then smiled and nodded his head when he realized that he was not in his jurisdiction his right away.
I must have obtained the king’s permission. John immediately climbed into the carriage and headed for the church.
“I didn’t know that I would live and go to church.”
Evangeline, who was riding in the carriage, looked out the window with her chin on her chin and muttered a lamentation. Once upon a time, when she still couldn’t handle her magic well – Evangeline said there was a time when she was chased by the church.
Even at that time, or in fact, even until recently, there was a time when just looking at the symbol of the church was burned, and those who believed in God were killed just by looking at it.
“Don’t you think it’s rather good?”
“What do you mean?”
“The fact that you can see people in the church moaning and not doing anything after realizing that Master is a witch.”
Evangeline, who heard John’s words, imagined the scene for a moment, then smiled.
Old, shabby old people. My whole body started to tingle when I imagined the old people, whose heads were so hard that there was no flexibility in their thoughts, to find out who they were and to have seizures.
I want to quickly reveal my identity to cardinals and bishops. Evangeline trembled with pleasure and let out ahahabreath.
“—That’s the best, that.”
Seeing Evangeline smiling brightly, Yohan let out a sigh of relief. Going to church. To be honest, it was something my teacher might be repulsed by.
No, it’s not something you can feel, but you’ll feel a 100% certain rejection. It would feel like entering a cave inhabited by a killer cockroach that was trying to kill you.
If you even put a restriction on not killing bugs, it would be hell.
—It has arrived.
The carriage stopped, and the driver got out from outside and signaled to the two men inside. Johan slipped on his hat and got out of the carriage.
In the next moment, I faced a magnificent church that was incomparable to any other church I had seen in modern times.
Of course, he just doesn’t know, but if he looked for it himself, there would be a better building somewhere…….
‘Cathedral…… Even on Earth, it was made in the Middle Ages…….’
A cathedral so tall that it pierces the sky. It made me wonder if this was a church for those who believed in God, or a church built to pierce God’s butt hole.
When Yohan looked up at the building with a slight exclamation, the man who guided him began to smile as if he was satisfied.
“How are you? The church of our kingdom.”
“It is big. Beautiful. It will be worth breaking.”
“…… Yes?”
“It’s a joke.”
When I threw a joke for my teacher, the man stared at John in astonishment. I couldn’t tell if he was joking or serious.
Johann left the heartbroken man behind and moved toward the church with Evangeline.
The cardinals who were waiting for them in front of the church welcomed them and greeted them.
“Welcome. Guest of the Empire. God welcomes you.”
“Hey, really? Will you accept me too?”
“Yes, God knows no country or race.”
“Even like this?”
As Evangeline said, she cast magic on her hand. The stones on the floor defied her gravity and gathered in her hands her.
Seeing this, the cardinal’s face starts to turn blue. A priest who has an enemy of the church, a witch, is just like that.
“M-M-Witch…… !”
“Yeah, so- you’re asking. Can you accept me too?”
“Yes, man, how dare you know where this place is!”
“Then you dare to know who I am?”
Belatedly – a man from far away realizes that the atmosphere is unusual and comes running. Only then did the cardinal, realizing that the two were envoys from the empire, glared at Evangeline and John with his eyes wide open.
Even when he saw the witch coming to reality, the cardinal could only tremble with anger, but he couldn’t do anything about it.
Even knowing that if he shouted, the Holy Knights of the church would come and kill the two people right here…….
“…… Come on, please come.”
“Yes! Shall we take a look at what kind of a god is he?”
“Ha, haha- please refrain from blasphemy.”
“I hate it.”
Watching Evangeline go inside her while humming her song, John smiles and follows.
* * *
Entering the church, John asked the cardinal who had clung to him some religious questions.
The cardinal, who was frowning upon realizing Evangeline’s existence her, responded sincerely after seeing John’s sincere reaction.
“Oh, then there is no saintess?”
“God loves everyone equally. It is impossible to favor any one person.”
“A cardinal or a pope, arguing about the title?”
Haha. That is to determine who is more faithful to God based on human standards. It is not God’s standard.”
After hearing the cardinal’s story, John, who realized that the cardinal was more faithful than he thought and that his religious knowledge was also outstanding, carefully asked why he had come here.
“Then—what is divine power?”
“We borrow some of the grace of the Lord and use it.”
“If an atheist could use divine power, what would it be?”
“Ahaha, there is no such thing. Brother.”
“What if, what if there exists?”
After thinking about John’s persistent questions for a while, the cardinal recalled the case he had seen in the temple and spoke of him.
“If such a person exists, he must be God’s apostle.”
John hesitated at the words and carefully pondered the cardinal’s words.
John יוחנן.
That means.
God is merciful.
Did his mercy reach the other world? John did not know.