65 – 65. Broken Wings (10)
After dreaming that nightmare, I got ready and headed to the battlefield.
I had no intention of falling asleep again.
To be precise, I couldn’t fall asleep, but I just needed one thing confirmed by Carsein.
That yesterday’s incident was not caused by me.
I wanted to confirm that it was an incident solely within the battlefield, unrelated to Flora Vagrant.
Thus, I arrived at the battlefield where I had been yesterday, even in my dreams.
“Oh, right. Little sister told me to take a gift to Carsein…”
Just as the thought crossed my mind, I hesitated, but I couldn’t back down.
With determination, Flora set foot on the battlefield.
It was as it was.
The knights who had woken up early were diligently warming up.
After a short wait, a formal knight came to escort her from the battlefield, and like my sisters, she observed the knights’ training session.
As the morning exercises began.
Flora naturally ended up watching Carsein.
However, it didn’t last long.
Because the scenes from the dream were still vivid.
Because it felt like she would hear his voice again.
Because it felt like she would see Carsein fall again, just like in that dream.
Because she would feel like it was all her fault.
She couldn’t bring herself to look at him.
And as time passed, Carsein was the only one left running alone.
In other words, the other knights had all finished their activities and were now entering into a period of rest.
To be more direct, it meant that the same events as yesterday could possibly unfold during this time.
“No… way. How could such a thing happen not just once but twice…”
At that moment, Flora, feeling a tingling sensation in her feet, bit down on her lips like a thief.
When she asked the knight who had taken over Mark’s morning training how long it would take for Karcein to finish everything,
“Well, it will probably take at least 20 minutes.”
That was his response.
A time frame of 20 minutes had opened up.
If it was only that much time, there shouldn’t be any major issues even if she briefly visited that place.
“I’ll go meet Theo for a moment. You all stay here.”
-Yes, Miss Flora.
The maids responded without much concern to the mention of her going to meet Theo alone.
It was Sir Theo Ramstern after all.
A knight whom the lady often met.
They didn’t harbor much doubt or suspicion about anything unusual happening.
She herself had similar thoughts.
If it was Sir Theo, he was someone trustworthy. So, it was best to ask him.
Yesterday, someone had torn apart Karcein’s pouch. How many such incidents had occurred in the armory?
That level of questioning should suffice.
Flora, heading towards the water fountain, cast a quick glance around.
If she headed straight towards this water fountain, she would likely find Theo there.
Karcein still had time before arriving, so in the meantime, she could quickly ask a few questions and return.
But why?
This place from her dream, the place where Karcein had appeared.
It bothered her strangely.
It was just a dream.
Sounds heard only in dreams, scenes seen only in dreams.
She hesitated to walk down this path.
So, she rationalized.
“It’s, it’s nothing. Even if I turn back… it won’t change much. It’s just, just because of this uneasy feeling.”
For no reason, she was bothered by what she had seen in her dream.
She rationalized her decision to turn back on this path.
That’s how Flora chose to take a detour.
A path that wouldn’t catch the eyes of Karcein or the other knights.
“Stick it on well. Okay?”
“Heh heh. Can’t even stick something like this on?”
The voices of the knights could be heard little by little.
Amidst the knights taking a break, Theo’s voice was occasionally mixed in.
But there was another sound mixed in.
A fire in the armory.
How often did fires occur here?
Were they burning trash?
The sound of tapping made her steps quicken.
That inexplicable discomfort was gradually growing.
Surely not.
It won’t happen.
There were articles yesterday about tearing pouches like that, but there are so many people here.
There’s no way they’d openly start a fire like that.
-Clack! Thud!
With each sound of sparks flying, Flora’s steps quickened.
Almost as if running, she veered off onto a side street, finally able to see what was happening at the water’s edge.
“Wow, it burns so well!”
“Oh, this one’s mine, buddy.”
“Let’s share a bit, pal.”
Sharp flames flickered.
Knights holding various objects.
Someone had somehow patched up a torn pouch with thread and needle, trying to salvage what was torn apart everywhere.
The pouch was now gruesomely ripped, with its contents spilled out.
A knight picked up one of the items and tossed it into the flames.
The notebook transformed into a torch, engulfed in flames.
It was a notebook Flora had seen before, belonging to Karceine.
Dreams turning into reality.
“That… can’t be…”
Word by word.
Karceine’s voice pierced her heart once again.
-It’s because of you. Because you made me a target of contempt from all the nobles. But did you think I wouldn’t be ignored in the Order for that?
-There’s no way a kid ignored by nobles would be treated normally in the Order. You know that, so why act surprised?
-You caused this situation, why deny it? You always made me a scapegoat.
-You orchestrated everything from the start. Making everyone doubt me, keeping me from getting anything. That’s why things are like this now.
-You took my sword. You took the joy from my life. With just your dislike, everything I had crumbled.
-It’s all because of you. It’s because of you that I’m like this.
As the sparks crackled, Karceine’s voice faded.
“Was it really because of me…?”
Because the nobles were trying to destroy our family.
Because outsiders were digging into our family’s position.
Because they even coveted Father Karn’s position.
Did this prank, started out of dislike, really come this far?
Normally, she would have denied it.
But she couldn’t deny it.
There was only one reason why she had to endure this.
It was Flora Bargrand who had driven the wedge in that trial to prevent Karceine from using the Order.
“Gasp, ugh…!”
On that day when she sought advice with a heavy heart.
Teo said.
It wasn’t the lady’s fault.
It was an infinitely justifiable action, he said.
He said this.
-Stop by the Order sometime. Let me know in advance, I’ll arrange a scene that Miss Flora will greatly enjoy.
And this was the result.
By giving prior notice, what Teo Ramstair would show was just this.
A scene where, despite being crudely stitched with thread and needle, a torn pouch was split open, its contents freely taken and set ablaze.
This was all because of Flora Bargrand.
One of Carcain’s belongings vanishes once again amidst the flames.
Through those flames, a Carcain from a dream unfolds like a mirage.
He, burning in the fire… disappearing before their eyes.
Eyes widened in shock.
Flora, gasping for breath, immediately threw off her gloves.
“Teo, Teo!”
“Gloves? What the heck! Who threw this at Teo’s face…!”
Amidst the bewildered knights, Flora shouts, “What are you all doing!!!”
This wasn’t what she had hoped for.
She didn’t wish for things to escalate this much!
“Why are you doing this? Why!!”
“Miss Flora? When did you arrive? Please speak.”
Amid the flustered knights, Teo stepped forward.
“You arrived at a good time. We just started… “
The remaining glove flew off and smacked Teo’s face.
“Gloves…? Like before? Miss, are you afraid?”
“I never asked Teo to do this. Why, why are you doing this to Carcain?”
“Why… why are you doing this…! I’m asking!”
As Flora suddenly showed her displeasure, Teo, at a loss, revealed a bewildered expression.
“You don’t like this? Then, I’ll find another way to assist you. There are plenty of methods. Should we crush him in a knight’s duel? Or show him being trampled by a group? Those guys will help torment Carcain if that’s what you want. Just tell me. What─”
Just tell me?
If you tell me what you want, I’ll show you satisfactory results right away?
I never asked for that.
I didn’t come here to meet you for that.
I never asked to torment Carcain even more!
Then why are you telling me you’ll do worse things to Carcain because of me…?
‘…Could it be because of me?’
At that moment, Flora realized.
That everything happening around Carcain stemmed from her.
It all started from a petty hatred.
She trembled in anxiety at the delusion of possibly losing her family.
She took from someone who wanted nothing and made sure they couldn’t have anything.
From the Kelpia allergy to the forgotten birthday to the Snowflake Festival.
Even beyond being a noble, to the refuge she had used, all of it was at her hands.
It must be severed.
Before the things she saw in her dreams come to life, she must cut ties herself.
But it was already too late.
Another glove flew towards Teo’s face.
She recognized it immediately.
It was the torn and tattered glove.
Even though they were told to exchange it with what the unnis had brought, he did not change it, those gloves.
The sword was drawn immediately. It was thrust against a man’s neck.
“Karsein, what is the meaning of this!”
“How dare a trainee kid point a sword at a senior like the sky?!”
“Put down that sword right now!”
Teo Ramstair.
It was his neck.
When he turned back with a surprised look, Karsein was already standing there.
It is quite difficult to increase Florra’s intimacy.
The reason is quite simple, as revealed in Episode V, Karsein dislikes having something.
He does not accept receiving things.
Avoids spending time with family.
He only thinks he should receive their love.
Therefore, the best course of action I, who have become Karsein, can show is to have nothing.
To have everything taken away, plundered, and to show only emptiness.
Because he is a naive kid.
Because his mind is literally a flower garden.
Seeing the powerless Karsein, Florra feels guilt for the first time.
The two ointments in the torn pouch yesterday were just a taste. Today’s main event is a scene to instill guilt in Florra.
That’s how the stage was set.
“…But this guy is taking the initiative to confront Teo.”
In the game, he would only feel guilt and turn back.
“Is it because of this?”
[Guilt: 100%]
The satisfaction level should originally be 70%.
As with Radiel, when the intimacy box is distorted, as long as it exceeds that level, it’s fine.
By gradually filling in more than the choices, scenes like this come out.
“Well, it doesn’t really matter.”
Although Florra unexpectedly took the lead, the situation didn’t seem to worsen.
Regardless of what happens, as long as all conditions are satisfied.
It was time to choose slowly.
[3. Throw the gloves at Teo’s face.]
As the choice appeared, throw the gloves at the guy’s face.
And then draw the sword that was immediately passed back by Mark and aimed it at him.
“Karsein, what is the meaning of this!”
“How dare a trainee kid point a sword at a senior like the sky?!”
“Are you so eager to die! Put down that sword right now!”
▶Warning! The threat level of the knights is rising!◀
A warning that a dead flag may appear.
I know.
But I do not stop.
Because there is enough justification.
Because I am prepared not to strictly follow the contents of this choice.
After being hit in the face with someone else’s gloves, the guy’s expression changed instantly.
“Ah, I see. It was you? This time, are you trying to behead me instead of the commander?”
Teo Ramstair sneered with his lips.
“Deceiving innocent Miss Florra, trying to punish me by any means. You pitiful child…!”
– Ting!
▶ Teo Ramstair is trying to frame someone!
Finally, it surfaced.
[3. Do not be mistaken. Your punishment is justified.]
“It seems like you are mistaken about something, but I am not a Karceine trainee right now, but as Karceine Vagrand, I am here to ask you about your sins.”
Teo chuckled as if in disbelief.
No. That’s a smirk full of confidence.
“I see. Sir, you are to execute me. What wrong have I done? Can you prove it?”
– Ting!
▶ Choose a way to prove Teo Ramstair’s punishment! ◀
[1. Testimony of Flora]
[2. Testimony of the knights]
[3. Burning objects]
[4. Torn pouch again]
[5. Items looted by the knights]
I choose the evidence.
– Swoosh.
[5. Items looted by the knights]
It was one of them.
Upon which, Teo, with a self-assured look, shrugged his shoulders and said,
“You mean this came from my pocket. Are you trying to say I forcibly took it?”
“It’s fortunate that you know your mistake very well.”
“Is this supposed to prove my guilt? What are you talking about? Yes, it may look expensive for the knights, but I can afford this much with my salary, can’t I? Moreover, where is the evidence that it belongs to you, sir?”
Teo confidently rebutted as if there was no room for doubt.
That’s how you should respond.
So that you won’t be a criminal who can’t even bluff.
I calmly inflicted a sword wound on Teo’s neck.
– Drip.
“W-what are you doing? Teo’s neck…! This is an outrage! It’s an outrage!”
“No matter how noble you are, you wouldn’t have the authority to do this!”
“Misses, no, I will report this to Madam as it is!”
As a streak of blood trickled, Teo grimaced.
Other knights began to jeer.
“What you’re holding is a handkerchief my fiancée gave me. I think it’s enough to deliver the punishment.”
At my words, the standoff froze in place.