Chapter 1024 – [Winter of Growth]
Eve became a member of our family, but I still couldn’t give her a status.
There are a lot of things I can’t do as the youngest in my family…… Ah, of course I can do it, but there are a few difficult things.
At least, even if you adopt a relative in the family, if Eden wants to be your younger brother, you have to make him younger than Eden, which eventually causes compulsory education problems. Even if you try to take the GED, if you are too young, you are not eligible to take the GED again.
As an adult, it’s hard to introduce Eden as a younger brother. In fact, it was an ambiguous situation.
“I will have no choice but to live as my substitute for a while.”
“I can’t help it. Are you okay, Eve?”
“Yes, I have no problem”
Fortunately, no one can distinguish between Zion and Eve even if they go out like this. First of all, it’s an amazing appearance, but it’s hard to think that there are only two people with that kind of appearance, so it can’t help but be like that.
Thanks to this, he is more free to move than Keter. No matter where you go, just insist on calling it Zion.
“The sense of having a body is new. It feels like new information is coming in and being recorded every hour, every minute, every second. It’s fortunate that this body’s storage space is large, otherwise it would have been overloaded with a lot of dummy data.”
“It’s good to adapt to that part. One tip is to categorize and compress the past data as much as possible before storing it. There might be a day when you can take it out later.”
“Is that so?”
“Create your own memory classification algorithm. The first thing to do is to make what you prioritize as the first criterion.”
Eve was born and is still close to a machine. That’s why she had to mimic human behavior from a machine’s point of view.
Through Shion’s advice, Eve realizes many things. Even if the Android itself has some information, it is different to do it yourself, so it was awkward to walk at first, but gradually I was able to run up and down the stairs.
“I came to realize that this is what the five human senses feel.”
“Isn’t it okay? I was like that in the past too.”
“How long ago, when you say old times.”
“It’s roughly the time right after I was born.”
Well, at that time, I didn’t have a physical body like now, but I must have been an energy body. It’s an energy state, but I wonder if there were five senses or something like that.
But it’s Ngae Shion, it’s a strange feeling. Usually, I usually think of my reincarnation as a baby, so I don’t think of Zion’s childhood.
Although the appearance itself did not change much from now, the atmosphere itself was different. Because a newborn baby and an adult grown-up cannot feel the same even if they are the same person.
Anyway, that’s how our family has increased by one person. Eden, Keter, and Eve belong to the axis of children even if we exclude the children who are on the side of pets. Since these three are gathered, it looks like a trio.
“Troublesome trio…….!!!!!”
“Oh, I have a strong feeling that they will suddenly send them out and have an accident.”
“If you go out, you have to go out together.”
“Because you can’t go out together……It can’t be helped”
Due to the nature of Eve, who has no identity, it becomes difficult to go out with Shion. Moreover, it’s all the more so because you can’t even cosplay Shion if you have Shion.
You should always accompany me when you go out. It will be a bit uncomfortable.
“No problem. I’m rather welcome”
“It’s fortunate if you’re okay. If you want to go somewhere later, I’ll go with you, so think about it separately.”
“There are many things I want to see or do.
What should I say… Maybe it’s because it’s an artificial intelligence based on Shion, so it felt like she had one more daughter who resembled Shion. Thanks to that, the feeling of wanting to do something cute springs up.
But I want you to watch me trying to eat my father while being a daughter. Even if there is no problem with blood, there is a problem with mood!!!!!
Eve’s going out problem is somehow covered, so the only thing left is Keter. I asked Zion about the progress of making the Garden of Eden game.
“By the way, how’s the Garden of Eden production going?”
“It’s going well. We should be able to launch it in a few months.”
“That’s fortunate. Oh, did you reduce the billing factor as much as possible?”
“I made it to the ceiling of 100,000 won.”
“I definitely don’t like the gacha element, but seeing a loss operation is a bit so. Besides, there is a tendency to sell well when there is a gacha element.”
“It’s the trend these days, so I can’t help it.”
In the past, it was an era when it was not as good to spend a long time digging into secret elements to obtain items. Of course, there are many people who like such games even today.
However, with the spread of smartphones, people can enjoy games anywhere, and the quality of games that people want has changed. It’s just a gacha game now.
Well, if technology develops a bit more, VR games might become popular. Anyway, there are gacha elements, but let’s make them minimal so that they don’t get criticized.
The important thing about Garden of Eden is to be famous, not to make a lot of money. The goal was to become more famous and free Keter’s movement.
Notoriety is also fame, but it’s better to be famous in a good way.
“And goods that can be exchanged for in-game currency.”
“You mean that from the Garden of Eden?”
“First of all, we put fairy tears at the top of the exchange items.”
“If that’s the case, it’s worth a lot. No, but I’d be shocked to hear that transcendental people produce fairy tears.”
Fairy Tears is a famous brand of liquor from Nature Garden. It is said that the value is a little low because it is mass-produced, but it is only at the dimensional level.
No, it’s a drink made by Lu-Beana, her subordinates in the realm of the absolutes of nature. Would it be cheap? Even if it’s not that, if it’s a drink made by a busty Lori beautiful girl stepping on her feet, I’ll put a premium on it.
We are getting the supply thanks to Keter, but if someone you know hears about it, you will be billed in units of billions per month.
“But aren’t fairy tears alcohol after all?”
“Ah, products for underage users are a problem?”
“Yes, it is not possible to send alcohol to underage users. It may be a gift for parents, but if you send alcohol to underage users, it will be a big problem.”
“Then I need something to send you as a prize instead of fairy tears.”
It shouldn’t be like an elixir. Although fairy tears have similar effects as elixirs, they can be said to be alcoholic beverages after all. However, if the elixir is sent in earnest, the problem becomes bigger.
People would just run after seeing the elixir, not the game. There will probably be people who run the workshops by clinging to them on a national basis, not individually.
Therefore, the elixir cannot be offered as a prize. Even if you do it well, it’s about as good as ginseng.
We couldn’t do anything about this, so we consulted Keter.
[Then, how about using fairy dew as a prize?]
“What else is Fairy Dew?”
[It’s like a drink. It’s alcohol-free, so kids can drink it.]
“But why is it a name I’ve never heard of?”
[Yeah, the process of making it is similar to fairy tears, but the taste is a little less and it takes more work, and it’s just a drink]
“You were killed for practical reasons.”
[To be honest, alcohol is better than soda, right?]
“It’s not like that”
It is unavoidable. No matter how expensive a good drink is, it won’t be much, but the price of good alcohol soars without knowing that it is sky-high.
If you were a kid who didn’t put in fairy tears for sanitary reasons, you could understand why fairy dew was abandoned. Nature Garden is also changing for practical reasons.
[Wait a minute. There’s one that’s maturing right now, so if you work on it a bit more, it’ll become Fairy Dew]
Kether passed over to the Garden of Eden. Since she and she are transcendence species, it was a simple task for her to cross a great distance.
And after a while, Keter brought something in a bottle.
The bottle itself is meant to contain fairy tears, so it looks like fairy tears, but the contents inside are completely different. That sounds like the fairy dew she said.
But there are two bottles. Is the bubble on one side the carbonic acid?
[Now, try drinking it. I brought two, one with carbonation and one without.]
“How do you normally drink?”
[It is different for each of us. The owner also drinks differently depending on his mood that day]
“Anyway, they’re both fairy dew.”
We decided to try the fairy dew. Let all the children gather and drink from a glass.
First of all, the color itself is like fairy tears, but it has a slightly cloudy feel. If the original fairy tears are the color of a clear sky, the fairy dew is a little darker than that.
However, the rich aroma of fruit itself is the same. I enjoy the scent first and then taste it.
The first thing you taste is the non-carbonated side. I took a sip of it and tasted it.
“It’s a pretty good drink”
“Ummm, is this a taste? It feels like a lot of taste data is coming in at once and it’s going to lag. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing.”
[I’m glad it fits in your mouth!!!]
Fairy Dew, as well as Fairy Tears, tasted like dozens of different kinds of fruit juices were mixed and only the good things were extracted. In one sip, the flavor of numerous fruits spreads in the mouth.
The freshness of apples, the sourness of lemons, the coolness of pears, the sweetness of grapes, the subtle sweetness of persimmons, the savory taste of nuts… Despite the fact that these flavors rage in an instant, they harmonize without ruining each other. And makes the tongue feel good.
And the most amazing thing is that the aftertaste is clean without being too sweet. The moment you pass it down your throat, the sweetness disappears and only the aroma remains in your mouth.
“Let’s drink carbonated water next.”
This time, pour the carbonated side into the glass with the bubbles coming up. There is something strangely attractive about the way it comes up in a pretty sky blue color.
I wonder if it feels like non-alcoholic champagne……. I think kids will like it because it contains carbonation. To be honest, if you look at kids these days, if you ask them which one to drink between juice and soda, there are a lot of kids who choose carbonated drinks.
I thought about putting it in my mouth this time, but I stopped. Originally, tansam drinks were meant to be drunk with enthusiasm. It’s good to enjoy the feeling of carbonation going down your throat.
Gulp, drink the fairy dew from the glass. Along with the texture of the popping carbonation, the taste and flavor spread in your mouth at the same time.
It has a different feel than the non-carbonated side. If the other side was like drinking fruit juice, this side was like holding all sorts of fruit flavored grapes in your mouth and chewing them.
The flavor that is felt every time the carbonic acid bursts stimulates the tongue in a different way. The aftertaste leaves a unique coolness of carbonic acid.
“Hey, this is good too. It’s worth the price.”
“But it’s still a drink. If you send me just one of the two, I won’t mind, so let’s send you a set of two, carbonated and non-carbonated.”
“You mean they send 2 bottles instead of alcohol?
One is alcohol, but one bottle. One side is a drink, but each gives a different feel. Two bottles each.
A child will have no choice but a drink, but an adult may choose between alcohol and soft drinks. To be honest, there was a charm either way.
With this, the game side has been completed. When the game comes out later, Eden will be interested in it, so I should buy him a cell phone by then.
“Are you buying me a cell phone?! I’m excited!!!!!”
“Does Eden have any friends?”
“Some have kids, some don’t.”
“I guess so”
It’s nice to be able to reach you at any time, but having a cell phone increases the chance that children will get useless information. A cell phone is like a small computer these days.
If you casually give your cell phone to unrestrained kids, you could be bombarded with bills the following month. You could also see pornography or strange information that crossed the line.
I was also worried about Eden getting a cell phone too soon, so I left it for now…… Oh, of course, if you need to talk to Eden, you can call Eden’s bodyguard, so there’s no problem.
Anyway, I’m thinking of buying Eden a cell phone soon. There’s a game related to Keter, but if you don’t let that happen, that’s okay.
Oh, of course, let’s set the billing limit separately. You should be able to adjust it to the level of your allowance.
“It’s a few months away anyway, so you don’t have to worry about it now. For now, let’s worry about the wedding in a few days.”
“I heard you’re all ready? Isn’t there much to do? I wonder if I’m cooking, but this time it’s a hotel buffet.”
“Let Eden match the clothes”
“To match it with something pretty? To be honest, I think Eden would look pretty no matter what she wears.”
“Still, it is my mother’s heart that I want to wear something better. And there is no other way to naturally attend such an ordinary wedding ceremony.”
“Because if you grow up, you’ll become a bridebreaker…”
Eden is still pretty, but she is still a child. That’s why she doesn’t have pervert tastes or she’s not a fucking asshole lusting after Eden.
But later, when she grows up, she will be more beautiful than the bride at any wedding. She may even ruin her wedding by being prettier than the bride, even if she dresses sparingly.
On that day, the bride has to look the prettiest at the wedding, but she wondered what would happen if Eden was prettier.
So, I think this is the only time Eden can attend a wedding naturally without worrying about it. I don’t know if it’s the wedding of the transcendental people next time, but I don’t know if I’m invited, but then it’s a really distant future.
Guys who live in units of a hundred or a thousand years, will they get married tomorrow? Those who will get married in the near future must also be after Eden becomes an adult.
“Since this has happened, go out with Eve and buy some clothes. Eve will also need clothes to wear at home.”
“But can’t Eve wear your clothes?”
“It’s not like I’m wearing my sister’s clothes. What is that?”
“I’m kidding. I should have bought a bunch of stuff like this.”
“Remove the card and go”
“I have a card too”
“My limit is unlimited”
Shion handed me a shiny black card. It looked like a certain black card, but that was the only card issued only to the owner of the Hanon family.
No, I also have money coming in from the company, so I have assets in billions in my bank account, so it’s enough to buy clothes, but what if I give you an unlimited card? Buy a whole department store?
“It’s OK”
“……Eden, do you want something? I’ll buy you something expensive.”
“A shooting game machine with a mask in the arcade at the department store!!!!!!”
But I think Dad and Mom will love it more!!!!