Chapter 1070 – [The True Story]
Eden seemed to be paying attention to something for a while, perhaps for the homework I gave him, the development of an original dish.
Normally, I’d say it’s delicious once or twice while eating, but these days I just quietly eat. Of course, it’s delicious, but I eat it clean enough that there’s not a grain of rice left in the bowl.
“Eden writes a lot of notes these days”
“You’re taking notes on something, but you’re not showing it to me.”
“Perhaps they are developing an original dish. Leave it for now.
In fact, if you are like us, you can easily find out what Eden is hiding. But that is an invasion of Eden’s privacy.
Even now, because of that, Eden has a small number of female bodyguards, but what if we ignore Eden’s privacy?
That’s why we won’t look into Eden’s diary, even if it’s scattered around. Even a child is a person.
Entering a child’s room without knocking just because he is a child is one of the things that spoil a child. Being a parent means not respecting your child.
“Dad, Dad, how do you make yokan?”
“Yogang? You want to make it with yokan?”
“It’s not ordinary yokan, but yokan is right”
“But why did you use yokan?”
“Before the ghost grandmother passed away, she remembered the story of acorn jelly. Then she remembered yanggaeng, too, so she decided to try it with yanggaeng.”
“Because the hardening itself is similar… Okay, let me tell you how to make regular yokan.”
Eden’s first creative dish seemed to be yanggaeng. But I don’t know what kind of yanggaeng it will be.
I first taught Eden the basic yokan recipe. It is an ordinary yanggaeng recipe that has not been arranged, but the original most basic is good to add and change at will.
“Ummm…… First of all, it would be nice to match the ratio of starch syrup and sugar on the base side as well.”
“If you don’t fail to adjust the quantity, it will generally be delicious, right?”
You don’t have to bake or anything like that, you just need to harden the yokan. Even if you add a lot of starch syrup, the texture is raw like water yanggaeng, and even if you add a lot of sugar, it just becomes sweet.
But it’s a matter of proportions… Do you want to cook something delicate?
And after that, Eden picked various fruits from the Garden of Eden. Looking at the various, unrelated fruits, I wonder if they are trying to make fruit yanggaeng.
But it won’t be an ordinary yanggaeng. If so, it’s not original.
Eden prepared to grind the fruits one by one and put them in the yokan. You can cut the flesh into small pieces to make it chewy, but if you look at it intentionally, it seems that you just need to taste the fruit.
Divide the yokan base made in advance into several plates and mix with the grated fruits. Fruit yogaengs of various colors were made and all I had to do was wait for them to harden.
However, Eden did not immediately harden. First, a thin layer was laid and hardened, and then another fruit-flavored yogaeng was thinly spread on top of the hardened yogaeng, and it was hardened again.
“…Yogang terrine?”
“I got the idea when I saw how to make tofu in black and white when making panda tofu in Biryong, the cooking king.”
“But yokan isn’t tofu. If you don’t think about the balance, it will end up tasting like mixed-mixture.”
And I think there are multi-colored yokans like that. The color is pretty, so let’s make it first.
Smart Eden wouldn’t have thought of that. Do you have something more hidden?
“So I analyzed fairy tears and picked out some delicious combinations. If you apply this to yokan, you can make delicious fruit yokan, even if it’s not fairy tears.”
“Oh oh oh”
Then, I wondered if she copied the fairy tears, but originally, imitation was the mother of creation. If the Absolute of Creation heard it, they might say, “I don’t have a child like that.”
In addition, combining the cuisine you know with other things is the way and mindset that a chef should have. Try this and that, trial and error, and gradually get closer to what you want.
Eventually, the first prototype is completed. Eden takes out the completely hardened and well-made yokan from the mold and checks it.
“Isn’t the color arrangement decided separately?”
“First of all, the combination of flavors is important, so once I find a combination, I’ll pay attention to the color arrangement. Would you like to have one too?”
“You should try tasting”
Eden cut the yokan thick and gave it to me. I put the yanggaeng in one bite and taste it.
At first, melt it, and when it melts to some extent, chew it and eat it. And the taste… First of all, the fruit is delicious, so the yanggaeng is delicious, but I don’t feel that the taste is so special. Rather, the fruity taste of yanggaeng is playing separately in the mouth.
“This is a failure. I’ll try again.”
“Eden, are you trying to check how many combinations there are?”
“I’ve taken out things that aren’t certain, so there are only a few. It’s probably about 500.”
“……Wouldn’t you get diabetes if you ate that failed yokan?”
“I can’t even eat it all in one day, so what!!!”
As many cases, Eden’s first creative dish took a very long time to develop.
No, it was better to see the end. For other chefs, it’s normal for them to struggle for days and days without commitment to make a single dish, or get frustrated because they can’t make it.
And by the time I tried roughly 300 combinations, Eden and I came up with a work that we admired.
“Is this delicious?”
“This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever made. I should write this down first.”
Blueberry, Mango, Cherry, Aronia. Yanggaeng with these four fruits was pretty good. It’s a combination that doesn’t seem to suit, but surprisingly, the astringent taste of aronia is slightly stimulated by aronia, making the taste of other things stronger.
Um, what should I say? Feel like chocolate? Originally, cacao, the raw material of chocolate, is mostly bitter, but when sweetness is added to it, the bitterness accentuates the sweetness, and it is the same principle that it became synonymous with dessert.
“But I can’t make this anywhere else.”
“Is it?”
“It tastes like this because it is made from crops from the Garden of Eden, but it probably won’t taste as good if it is made from other sources.”
At least, even crops grown in this narrow Korean land have different tastes depending on where they were grown. Besides, some of the Garden of Eden stuff is of the highest quality.
And besides that problem, other problems remained.
“The fruit flavor is too strong. It’s delicious, but if you eat it like this, you’ll get tired of it soon.”
Foods that are too stimulating tire the human tongue. Especially, yanggaeng is high in sugar.
But it’s a bit ambiguous to add something like fruit here… Hmm, how about something like milk?
“Wouldn’t it make it milder if you added more milk yokan?
“You mean to put milk yokan as a supporting character to make the main character stand out?”
“Yes, yes”
“I’ll be fine!!!”
If you add something to the already completed combination, it is nothing more than adding one more unknown person to a party of 4 people. But if that one person is a supporter, the story is different.
At this point, it’s almost complete. There were some things I helped with, but that was just advice or direction, and Eden actually made everything.
It would not have been possible to complete it without the efforts of Eden who did not give up while making 300 combinations, so how could this be a dish made by someone else?
All that remains is to find the golden ratio of this combination. What kind of yokan and how much should be added to make it delicious. What is the optimal ratio for that?
“First of all, you should add a little bit of mango flavor. Surprisingly, the sweetness of mango is strong, so it pops out too much.”
“It’s good to increase the milk yokan ratio a little”
“Um, if there’s just one too many, it’s a bit…”
Eden tried several times and went through trial and error. And it made some pretty interesting stuff.
Considering the color scheme of the ingredients, it is quite strange. Mango yellow, blueberry blue, aronia black, cherry red, milk white. If you put all of them together, you get five colors.
In fact, when blueberries are squeezed, they are closer to purple than blue, but they are blueberries from the Garden of Eden, and instead of increasing the ratio of milk yokan, blueberry juice is mixed with milk, so the color is closer to blue.
With the sweetest mango yogaeng in the center and surrounding it, it became a form that clearly represents the five colors of the five directions.
In terms of shape, how does it feel? In terms of ratio, it was a balanced balance of 1: 2: 2: 2: 2 with 1 mango in the middle. Thanks to this, if you eat without being biased towards the taste, you do not have to worry about the taste being disturbed due to imbalance in your mouth.
Absolutely perfect lamb. As much as Eden suffered, a great work was created.
“Let’s try it!!!!!”
“This time it feels different because it’s a finished product.”
There are 5 flavors of yanggaeng, but this is smaller than I thought because it is meaningful to eat together at once, so I made it in a size that can be put in a bite.
At most, he puts a small piece of yokan, the size of two fingers, into his mouth. The way to eat as before is to dissolve first, then chew.
When you eat it, the five flavors that melt in your mouth delight your tongue. The sour taste of cherry, the sweet and sour taste of blueberry, and the sweetness of mango make you feel the pleasant fruit taste, and the astringent taste of aronia enhances the sweetness of other fruits.
Finally, the soft taste of milk comforted them without being too irritating. It’s a shame what’s left on your tongue when you’ve eaten it all.
“I tried to chew it, but it just melted and ate it all. This is really well made, Eden.”
“Right? I have to show the other kids the taste too!!!!”
Eden’s first original dish was a huge success. She took ideas from here and there and made them her own and created something new.
Thanks to that, I felt grateful to the Absolute Creator. Eden’s idea must have been influenced by the blessing of the Absolute of Creation.
We finished making yokan to taste for others and returned home. The whole family comes out and welcomes the sound that the result that they have been passionate about for a while has come out.
“Are you finally finished?”
“Try what Eden made.”
Shion tried the yokan made by Eden. Even my wife, who is picky about her mouth, smiles lightly as if it is quite delicious.
“Even if it’s not made by my daughter, it’s quite good as a pure dessert. I’m very proud that this is my daughter’s first piece.”
“I did well!!!!”
“Good luck my daughter”
Shion lifts her tiptoe and strokes Eden’s head. It’s strange that it looks like her older sister is being praised by her younger brother.
Eve and Keter also showed very positive reactions. Even Eve’s body trembled.
“It’s a sweetness that I really like. At least I think I’ll like it the most out of all the ones I’ve tasted.”
“Have you got a taste? That’s good news.”
A person’s taste is an individual’s personality. A child born with artificial intelligence like Eve establishes her own identity and ego by acquiring such individuality.
On the one hand, that kind of taste is also what a person is all about. On the one hand, belief can also be said to be a branch of taste.
[This is delicious. It’s pretty well made. Do you have a different name?]
“Fairy yokan?”
[As for the Choi family’s naming sense……And to attach it, you need to have at least 10 types of fruit and get certified by our owner]
“Oh, then there’s nothing you can do about it”
Compared to Fairy Tears, which is relatively comparative, but shows perfect harmony and taste even with dozens of kinds of fruits, the yokan made by Eden is not so special. This is because the difficulty level is different between stacking 10 blocks high and stacking 100 blocks high.
In addition, if the brand itself named Fairy is named by the absolute of nature itself, that is not a part we can touch.
Copyright is also a law in the end, so it doesn’t work for transcendentalists, but if it goes into an emotional fight, it’ll be a big deal. I can cover the appearance of other Lords or Transcendentalists in the Garden of Eden with my name value, but when the Absolute decides and pushes in, I’m also hard on myself.
“Then five quarters yokan?”
“It feels like something savory.”
“Isn’t that bad?”
Yanggaeng is derived from the five colors of the five directions. As a yokan, the image might have been better. Originally, yanggaeng is a bit like that for young people to eat, but.
The image that comes to mind when you think of yogaeng is something that comes to mind only with protein bars. Why are you on Snowpiercer?
“Hmm, but why don’t you patent this separately?”
“Obviously delicious, but ambiguous. Later, when Eden develops, he can make it even more delicious…. Thinking about that, wouldn’t it be better to make a patent and decide to do business?”
There is truth in Zion’s words. Eden will develop over time and will be able to make something more delicious than this. Later, I might actually make something like a fairy yokan with 24 kinds of fruit added and sell it after receiving a certification mark from the absolute of nature.
If you think about it, this was just an intermediate step. If you’re not going to spread it only to your acquaintances, it’s better to just patent it and pick out mulberries for a while.
It is said that things that do not really worry about recipes are just made with a patent guide, but this was an object that did not matter even if the recipe was revealed decades later.
Of course, the most important thing is Eden’s opinion.
“Then I’ll sell it. The ratio is 2 for my father and 8 for me.”
“It’s a surprisingly not bad ratio, but why?”
“I was able to make it because my dad gave me advice, so I’m doing it. Actually, I was going to make my dad’s ratio around 4, but I thought my dad would reject it.”
“Our Eden is tweezers”
To be honest, even if my ratio was only around 3, I would have refused. But since it’s about 2, I think it’s worth the advice, so I’m moving on. The advice I gave Eden is worth it no matter how minimal it is.
Our Eden is so smart. I think that part is because it resembles Zion.
I’m so glad Because it’s so much better than having my own hair.
“Hmm, then shall we sell this at Matchamnae?”
“Then other people can eat a lot too? It will be fine!!!!!”
“Instead, it should only be made with crops from the Garden of Eden.”
“Should we increase the number of manpower…… It must be a little tough”
“Father, if you need it, I recommend something like an automatic harvesting machine. Just charge it and you’ll be able to harvest all day long, so you can use it in the Garden of Eden as well.”
“Uh, so?”
“I think it’s a bit early by today’s standards.”
“If the algorithm is a little tighter, I think it can be used enough with the current technology.”
It is said that if the body is bad, the head suffers. Conversely, if the head is bad, the body suffers. Likewise, the lack of skills made the relevant programmers suffer. And in other words, if a programmer struggles, a certain level of quality comes out.
If there is a difference between Zion and Eve, it is that Zion is understood in terms of human standards, while Eve is understood in terms of a distance from it. It was also said that Eve was still far from humans even if she developed a taste for it.
Anyway, I think the sale of Obang Yanggaeng is something to think about.
“This was originally made for the ancestral rites of the ghost grandmother, so the money earned from selling it should be used to support shamans.”
“……Our Eden has become an adult.”
“You’re still far from being an adult!!!!”
In fact, I wish my dad would have been a child for the rest of his life.
I don’t think it would be bad to live with Eden growing up for the rest of my life!!!!!