Chapter 1170 – [The Changing World]
Only 10 minutes after the opening ceremony. But the influx of guests was barely there.
It is not yet time for outsiders to come in, so most of the customers are juniors. Children from 1st to 5th grade flock to the main building where the older students are to enjoy the school festival.
Of course, not everything goes away. There are also events that the school invites and runs, so there were students who went there to see them.
However, it is natural for hundreds of people to move. Although it is a modern society in which the number of classes and the number of classes has decreased due to the drop in birth rate, there are still around 100 students per grade, and hundreds of students in all schools.
“Is this Eden’s senior class?”
“It’s a divination booth. Then it must be right?”
“Huh? Hey, what’s that at the entrance? It’s amazing!!!! It’s an Iron Man ice sculpture!!!! And it’s life-size!!!!”
“Wow, it looks so real!!!! How did you make it?”
The crowd of children passed by, or maybe it was the original purpose of Eden’s class, and they wandered around and exclaimed when they saw the ice statue erected for publicity.
The size and detail are extraordinary. There are a lot of items of quality that can be seen at exhibitions or local festivals, but if you don’t pay attention, it’s rather strange.
In addition, since rumors of Eden had already spread throughout the school, there were also children flocking to see fortune-telling. It is only natural that the line in front of Eden’s class would soon become long.
“Yes!!! Please stand in line!!! Don’t cut in line!!!”
“Even if you cut in line and run ahead, our fortune teller will quickly find out, so don’t cut in line!!!
Form a line of guests and enter in turn. And guests could see other ice statues decorated inside the barn.
Being able to see the characters in movies and cartoons that arouse men’s romance in the form of realistic ice sculptures is enough eye candy.
“Would you like to order?”
“Uh…Two sets of cupcakes, please. I’ll drink an iced cafe latte.”
“Yes, I see. Order two sets of cupcakes!!! With an iced cafe latte!!!”
They are now 6th graders with no seniors to respect in elementary school, and their opponents were young juniors, but today is different. Today they are guests, so they need more respect.
Where is the owner of a store who speaks ill of customers when they are not close friends? It’s a matter of the store’s service spirit.
When an order is received, the children in charge of cooking prepare it immediately. Place the cupcake batter in a mug, sprinkle with toppings such as chocolate chips, and place in the microwave.
It looked like making instant cupcakes, but the taste was completely different. The cupcake dough is made by analyzing the ingredients directly from Eden’s Garden of Eden, so it’s several times more delicious than instant noodles sold on the market.
Cupcakes that could be seen swelling up on the top of the mug, iced caffe latte served cool. The combined price of the two is 3,000 won. Even for a set, it was quite an unconventional price.
I wonder if I can make a profit by making snacks and coffee with ingredients airlifted from the Garden of Eden, but I got it for free in the first place, so it’s a profit no matter how much I sell it.
And the main source of income for Eden’s booth was not the cafe. Fortune-telling and ice sculpture souvenirs.
A place where a curtain was drawn on one side of the class to cover it. Eden welcomed guests in a place where no light came in and even the lights were turned off to create a dark atmosphere even during the day.
“Welcome, Junior Wie Jae-sam”
“Eh?! Do you know me?”
As soon as you enter, Eden greets you by calling your name. And seeing her decorated to the fullest and exuding her mysterious aura, she caught her breath.
Even if it is not airtight, it is a space for two people that is not visible to others by drawing a curtain. In addition, there is a lot of noise outside, so if you talk quietly, you don’t have to worry about the story of this place being heard outside.
Then, the strange situation and Eden’s appearance harmonize and create synergy. Even an outsider who doesn’t know anything can believe that he is a real person with special abilities and a fortune teller.
“A fortuneteller with tweezers shouldn’t know who’s coming. Then, what kind of problem did the junior come to visit?”
“Uh…You don’t even know that.”
“Actually, you may know. However, there is not one single concern, but each one is different. Even if you bring up the biggest worry, it is human beings who want to solve the smaller concerns rather than that. Because the human mind is so fickle.”
Eden’s soft words sound like whispers in my ear.
He looked at Eden’s face through the veil as if possessed. Even though the veil was opaque, she was close enough to see her appearance, but if it wasn’t for the veil, she might have just stayed still, distracted by her beauty.
“Hey… My mom and dad fought this time.”
“Oh, because of the wedding ring?”
“Wow, you know right? Then you know why I’m asking this?”
“Yes, you want to find the whereabouts of your lost wedding ring?”
The guest’s concern this time was to find the whereabouts of the wedding ring in order to end the marital quarrel caused by losing it.
From Eden’s point of view, they are the simplest type of guests. It’s just a matter of finding things.
“Your junior’s father’s lost wedding ring must be buried deep under the dressing table in the master bedroom.”
“Yes? Why is it there?”
“Do you have a cat at home? It seems that the cat played with the wedding ring that you took off for a while and put it under the dressing table.”
“That asshole…!!!!! Oh, I’m sorry!!!!”
“No. It’s not that the cat didn’t have any malice, but please play with it often instead. If you did, it wouldn’t have happened.”
“Yes, I understand. Thank you, senior!!!!”
“Please pay the bill when you leave. Bokchae is 5,000 won.”
A short but long time passed. Even if it is different for each person, it takes about 5 minutes to tell one person. Even if you add this and that, you can take care of one person in 10 minutes. On average, of course, less than that.
I spend an hour or two in the morning looking after my juniors like that. Even if each child can’t do it, they give away 5,000 won each in just 5 minutes, but not a single child thinks it’s a waste.
Concerns solved through fortune-telling, plus Eden’s carefully decorated appearance and mysterious atmosphere. Rather, I wonder if the basic unit price was set too low.
“Give me a small ice cube!!!!”
“I’m big!!!!”
“What about custom-made?”
“Wait a minute, please speak slowly, one by one!!! Anyone interested in making a custom order, please come here!!!!”
Eden’s ice sculptures were also a great success. When held in her hand, it is sure to be as cold as ice, but it does not melt, so water does not ooze out, and it is a mysterious item that can last for hours even when left at room temperature.
If you sell something like that when you’re in the middle of the day, you can’t help but be popular. Despite making dozens of each size and over 100 in total, it took only morning hours to sell all of them.
“Eden!!! All the pieces are gone!!!!”
“There are a lot of customers, so I’m late to wash cups and dishes!!!!”
“Then, it’s time for a short break here!!!! Hang it up for about 30 minutes!!!!”
It’s hard because there are so many guests. Since the quality of service can deteriorate if you receive too many guests, Eden declared a break here.
The time has come to catch your breath. It was only 30 minutes, but it was enough time to cool off the overheated situation.
“I’ll make a sculpture, in the meantime, ask the kids who have spare hands to gather and wash the dishes.”
“First, let’s wash half the dishes and clean the other half!!!”
This part was to be expected. Everyone is doing their part and getting ready to resume business again.
Eden, who made ice cubes to sell again in an instant, approached Da-hee, who was organizing the morning business profits. There is also a card terminal, but most of the customers in the morning are juniors from school, so most of them are cash.
Thanks to that, I’m busy calculating, but I’m still satisfied when I see the pile of cash.
“Dahee, how much did you earn in the morning?”
“I’m counting for now, but even if I can’t do it, it’s 500,000 won, so I calculated it that way”
“Wow!!!! There are so many!!!!!”
“By the way, this is a story when I just sold ice cubes. I don’t know anything else, but I didn’t know about the money needed to prepare this separately, right? It’s because the profits come in as it is.”
“It will sell less than that in the afternoon.”
“In terms of pieces of ice. I don’t know about anything else.”
Even if guests come from outside, they will come less often than my school juniors. Based on common sense, it would be rather rare for both parents to participate in a children’s school play like Eden did.
Since the number of customers is small, of course the income is also small. Among them, of course, there may be good customers who buy a lot, but business does not run only with such good customers.
“You didn’t pay for the cafe and fortune telling, did you?”
“That’s because you just have to add up the calculations. It’s just a matter of adding the person who paid by card and the person who paid in cash, so the calculation is rather simple. Cash is more troublesome than that.”
“Dahee, you’re good at counting money”
“It’s just addition and subtraction, isn’t it obvious?”
“Actually, that’s not important. My mother said that simple things like that aren’t the problem, but she said it’s important to be able to trust someone she can trust.”
“Ah, not those who just cheat accounting or embezzlement, but those who can calculate properly, right?”
“Dahee, if you don’t have a job later, come to me!!!! I’ll make you a manager!!!! Pay me a lot!!!!”
“I don’t think money will be a problem, but I don’t like it because I think additional problems will be difficult.”
“No!!!! Ottoke know!!!!!”
If you become Eden’s manager, you will suffer from problems other than money. If you look at Eden’s personality, you’ll know, but it was something that Da-hee, who had been by Eden’s side for several years, would instinctively notice.
Anyway, the break time is coming to an end. It’s time to start working again.
“Eden!!!! How about selling cupcakes in paper cups instead of mugs?”
“No, that’s not it… If you sell in mugs, you have to sell them only here, but if you sell in paper cups, the turnover is fast and it’s good. The quantity is a bit small, but the unit price can be lowered that much.”
“Hmm, that’s not bad either.”
There is a word called brainstorming.
Eden is definitely the smartest of all the kids in this class. Eden has such an outstanding brain that even Da-hee, who is calculating her profits today, sees her as something.
As if she wasn’t Shion’s daughter for nothing, if she wanted to, she could display computer-level arithmetic skills. However, her ability to come up with ideas is different from that.
Her computational powers and creativity are different fields. That’s why, as if it were better to think in a group than to think alone, a better idea might come to someone else’s head.
“Wait a minute. If we compare the capacity of the mugs we use and the capacity of paper cups…… Hmm, less than half. Then, would you like to get a paper cup cake for 500 won?”
“Is 500 won okay?”
“Even though it takes a long time to turn, can I put several of them in at once and turn them?
“I guess so…”
“Wouldn’t there be a separate disposable fork or spoon to put in a paper cup? Then you’ll make a rough profit.”
“Everything Eden has a plan”
“Actually, I’m raising an uncle in the basement of my school”
“Stop talking bullshit bitch!!!”
“Wait, what bastard said that? Come out now!!!!”
I spend my break time making a fuss about this and that. And prepare for the last morning business.
It was open in the morning before, but this time it was open for about an hour before lunch. The fast kids have already eaten lunch everywhere and are waiting in line in front of Eden’s class.
“Let’s have a delicious lunch after the morning business ends!!!! What is our lunch today?”
“Stir-fried Soya!!!!”
“What, is it the principal’s birthday today?! It must be delicious!!!!”
After a short break, we are open again. This time, not only juniors but also outside guests were waiting.
As this is an event open only to 6th graders, there are not many booths. So there were few places to wait, so they were able to enter Eden’s booth right away.
“Welcome. Jin Soo-young’s parents.”
Eden, who even grasped the relationship between the people who came here, calmly spoke to the two middle-aged men and women, just as he knew the other person’s name immediately.
The woman looks shocked, and the man looks disbelief. At least, it seems that the female side believes more in Eden’s abilities.
“Please take a seat. Your father must have paid half the time to work this time, so wouldn’t it be better to enjoy it properly?”
“No, how did you do that…!!!”
“I’m on the superior side among people with special abilities. It’s easy to know that much.”
Eden showed a light smile. If there is one thing that is fortunate for her, it is that Eden is wearing a veil, so her laughter is not directly conveyed.
Of course, you know what the direction of the blow will be.
“Then, why did you visit this place? I’m a fortuneteller with enough strength to see the past and present even though I’m still lacking in my studies to see the future. If you have any questions related to that, I’ll receive enough blessings to answer them.”
The woman begins to open her mouth.
She came to see her as a prank, but her Eden’s appearance and her mysterious atmosphere brought out her story, albeit a little buried in her heart.
“My father had Alzheimer’s.”
However, Eden rolled her eyes at the unexpectedly heavy story. She felt like the hairtail teacher who had previously confided about her troubles with her legs.
But she couldn’t back down from here. Rather, this also becomes an experience. Nor would she ever get a comfortable request for the rest of her life, so she couldn’t refuse.
Life can’t always go the way you want it to. What’s important is how you get past what’s happening.
“Since he had dementia, he made it difficult without even trying, painting the walls with shit and suffering, but one day he disappeared.”
“The body is…”
“I couldn’t find it. I even reported it to the police.”
Her husband’s side scolds her wife.
From a man’s point of view, that’s okay. That’s why you talk about important things in front of other people.
However, it was proof that it was a desperate story for the other party. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have confided such a story in a fortune teller at a school like this.
And Eden was more knowledgeable about the past and present than any other fortuneteller. He was a man who knew nothing but the future.
“Um…Then can you find my father’s body wherever it is?”
“About the body of Yu Shin-wook, Yu Ji-suk’s father?”
“Huh? How did you name me and my father…”
That’s something you don’t have to worry about. Because it’s easy to find.
Eden immediately accesses Gaia Records and finds the information. Even if you don’t know about the soul of a person who has already died, you can find enough about the body left on this planet.
No matter how much the flesh rots, some bones remain, so finding the remains was quick.
“The body of Yu Ji-sook’s father is currently located near Jingol Rock in the south of Yongji Mountain in Gangwon-do. I’ll take a GPS for the exact location.”
“Bokchae is 50,000 won. Instead, if it is judged to be a lie, we will refund it.”
Solving the other person’s troubles was not just simple troubles, but this was the law.
Eden showed various emotions in a more serious matter than at other times. But in the end, she smiled and wished her luck.
“I hope you find your father’s body.”
As Eden said, it took a few days for them to achieve their wish.