Chapter 1254 – [WAR!!! War Never Again!!!]
Russia splits and Korea prepares to merge.
At the same time, the first thing that started was when we transported the corpse of the evil spirit dragon from Pyongyang. For possible contamination and contagion, I kept a distance from people, but I couldn’t avoid media exposure.
-What is it? Are you a dinosaur?
-Dragon!!! It’s a dragon!!!! Where is the dragon heart!!!!
-If you look at martial arts, there’s something like that in your stomach…
-If it is rumored to be good for stamina, not a single bone fragment will remain.
B, if you do something wrong, you will die.
-But isn’t it manipulation? How could something like that exist in real life? In the first place, shouldn’t a creature as huge as that have to ignore gravity in order to exist on the ground?
ㄴI heard that he was caught, but it’s not manipulation. Even though the impersonator has a bad personality, he’s not the type to be ashamed of.
-It’s unified now, right? Related stock rice cakes GAZaaaaa!!!!
His corpse also shows various reactions. And now that I think about it, there was also a problem like Dragon Heart… Ah, no. I wonder if the evil spirit dragon self-destructed or died together with it.
To him, the body is like a tool, and if he can survive by sacrificing his dragon heart in a life-or-death crisis, he’ll choose that one. In the end, he died without meaning.
Anyway, the body of such a bastard was intended to be used by the government for research purposes. It’s all good, but I need to make sure of that part. It’s nothing else, Eden caught it.
“It’s a valuable research material for understanding and researching beings from another world… Could you please forgive me?”
“Eden, what will you do?”
“Do some research and give me the bones. I don’t need anything else.”
“Ah!!!! I see!!!!”
Why only bones?
I thought about it for a second, and something ominous crossed my mind. I wonder why Eden boils dragon bones and makes dragon bone soup.
If it were another dragon, I would have helped him thinking that I would eat dragon meat after a long time, but if it was a dragon possessed by an evil spirit, I am worried in many ways. I wonder if I can eat it in the first place.
But that wasn’t the reason why Eden only wanted to accept his bones.
“If you get a bone, Crong should make a body for you.”
“Wait a minute”
Crong’s body? Uh, obviously Crong is using the doll body that Santa gave him instead of his body…
However, the body of a doll is still a doll. It’s soft and has no other features. So, if you want to make something decent like a fool, you have to be indebted to Elizabeth again, but Eden seemed to be thinking of doing it himself this time.
“Evil spirits are also spiritual bodies, so if they are purified, the spiritual body will be a good material to possess. If Crong possesses it, it will become a body capable of fighting.”
“I think dinosaurs and dragons are similar, but wouldn’t they be different?”
“As much as they are similar, they must be compatible. Anyway, I will make a dinosaur in modern society!!!!!”
“That’s my daughter’s dream too.”
And after a while, the Korean government carefully cut off the flesh and scales and handed down only the bones to us.
The scales were light and strong, and flesh and muscles were of great help in the development of biotechnology, so the bones were of equal value, so he showed a look of regret, but because I was there, I couldn’t fix it and handed over the goods.
After receiving the goods, Eden quickly started a project to make Crong’s body.
First of all, washing, although the government washed it clean, it was not a physical washing, but a spiritual washing. Eden washed his bones using hydrokinesis, or salt water power, which he learned from Chishirba, the owner of the sanctuary in the whirlpool area.
The water controlled by Eden also contains spiritual power, so the dragon’s bones contaminated with negative thoughts are being purified by evil spirits.
“At that rate, I could purify everything in a week.”
“It would be difficult normally, but Eden is comfortable because he can push himself with his spiritual power.”
“It’s because I’m hungry instead. I have to eat three times as much for dinner tonight!!!!!”
“If it wasn’t for our house, Eden would have had a hard time paying for food.”
“It wasn’t, I have to earn money even if I act as a collateral.”
“I don’t know if our Eden can cover the food expenses if we do it. Even if we earn 100 million won, the food expenses will go to 100 million won”
Anyway, the bones that have been purified like that are dried again. It is spread out in the middle of the Garden of Eden as if drying bracken or red pepper, and receives yang energy for a while to take out yin energy that has penetrated into the bone marrow.
“Fuck you!!! No!!!!”
“Jju, Jjuin. Just one, only one……”
“If you don’t have even one, Crong will get in trouble to build your body. So no. I’ll give you another snack later, so bear with it.”
Mangmung saw the dragon bones spread out and salivated. For a dog, bones are a very good toy and snack, but with bones the size of their own bodies lying around, it was a natural reaction.
Fortunately, Eden listens well and doesn’t secretly eat it. Eden picked up the bad habit.
“By the way, what you are trying to do with Eden is a psychic system, but on the other hand, it is also a necromantic system. Do you have any knowledge about that?”
“Um…… I know how to cast a ghost.”
“If you don’t have that knowledge, problems can arise. Wait a minute, Dad will collect related papers or data separately.”
“Oh, thank you daddy!!!!”
For Eden, that’s a simple thing. When it comes to dimensional civilization, the necromancy system is also a mainstream school, so it is not difficult to obtain.
In addition, among the dimensional civilizations, there is the Death Road Kingdom, which is dominated by the transcendent, the pinnacle of the necromancy system. Under his command is Lynn Oswald, a master of the necromancer school who is one of the seven great wizards like Elizabeth, and is called the ‘Queen of the boundary between life and death’.
I wanted to make them learn the best possible way, so I found all of Lin Oswald’s necromancy thesis through dimensional communication and paid for it. I’m dealing with a theory that is so difficult that I can’t understand it, but Eden is smart and it’s not a completely different discipline, so I can understand it. If you don’t know, then you can ask someone else for advice.
“Here, take a look.”
“But if Crong is revived with this, is he undead?”
“Well, I’m not sure about that standard. It’s different depending on where the standard of the undead is. Maybe you won’t know until you become an expert?”
“Anyway, I’ll have to make it and see it!!!!”
And Eden started working on making Crong’s body in earnest.
It didn’t take long to put the bones together, from the wireless skeleton matching, knowing the original shape and sending the structural diagram of the bones as dismantled by the government. Eden uses ice as a pin or support to freeze it and completes the dragon’s form.
“But Crong didn’t have wings, so can I make them?”
“Hmm… I don’t know if I can fly or not, but wouldn’t it be better to make one?”
“Then I’ll have to make it.”
The dragon bones that were put together showed off a great skeleton like you would see in a dinosaur museum. It doesn’t look like he was possessed by an evil spirit until recently and did not think of committing all sorts of evil.
After putting all the skeletons together, it is necessary to connect the bones to the bones. Now it is said that it is frozen and fixed with ice, but another method was needed to move fluidly.
“I’d like to put a young dragon between the bones one by one so that the bones can be connected and Crong can control and move the joints.”
“Uh… It feels like I’m not undead, but then. It feels like seeing a spiritual robot?”
“Even if I go to Moro, I just have to go to Seoul”
“I think this will go to Mt. Baekdu, not Seoul.”
However, as Eden’s idea, Eden’s Young Dragon automatically does it when given a command. On the one hand, does it feel like artificial intelligence? Depending on the writing, it can be either weak artificial intelligence or strong artificial intelligence like Adam.
In this case the former. If you give each joint a little command system, you will be able to listen to and judge commands later to move. And each joint is also glued.
Instead, Eden consumes a lot of spiritual power, but Eden is overflowing with spiritual power anyway, so there is no problem.
“It would be better if Crong’s spiritual body was put in his head and moved.”
“That’s the best. The head is the center of the body. Even more so without a heart.”
“I think it’s almost finished, but it seems like a lot of things are missing”
“It’s a fairly good Bone Dragon for a first-timer, but what?”
Of course, compared to the Bone Dragons of that Death Road Kingdom, it’s far behind, but it’s amazing for a beginner. And since we can fix it in the future, there is no problem.
“As expected, only the bones remain, so it’s a bit bare. Besides, aside from using spiritual power to move, that much puts a lot of pressure on the bones.”
“Dragon’s bones are excellent conductors of supernatural abilities. If you put spiritual power on them, they’ll be harder than metal, so it’ll be fine.”
“No, but the bones alone are weak.”
As if Eden had a different idea, he tried to remodel it a bit more.
If you see something like that, you’re a mother’s daughter. You can tell by looking at the strange features attached to Zion’s Horizon.
The Bone Dragon I know is played by a considerable Transcendentalist or Necromancer, so the bone itself is strong, so even if you strengthen it, you don’t add any equipment to the Bone Dragon itself, so I couldn’t figure out what Eden was thinking with my common sense. .
After a while, Eden went into remodeling the dragon skeleton again.
“The body is made up of bones and muscles. Of course, having bones and muscles is stronger than having only bones. Just like a zombie is stronger between a skeleton and a zombie.”
“Aren’t zombies all rotted anyway, so muscles have no meaning?”
“You still have the mass of that rotten muscle.”
Mass is a weapon by itself. That’s why there are weapons that attack satellites by dropping tungsten rods from orbit.
To be honest, I think even the Bone Dragon of the Death Road Kingdom is weaker against mass attacks than the Zombie Dragon. Even if the specs are strong, the mass of the body is naturally stronger with flesh than with only bones.
“But what kind of flesh are you going to add to what’s left of the bones?”
“Do you know what muscles are made of?”
“Uh… Cells?”
“A little higher than that”
“Then muscle fibers?”
“And what are plants made of?”
“Since it’s the same fiber, it’ll work just fine.”
“No, what kind of crazy idea is that?!”
Eventually, Eden began to overlay plant stems on the dragon skeleton.
“Grow up tree tree!!!!!”
“People with hair loss say they’re going crazy”
“Anyway, there aren’t many people with hair loss these days. Eating something from the Garden of Eden cures hair loss.”
“Oh, is that so?”
Plants that grew out of the ground eventually coiled around the dragon skeleton like snakes. They looked like dwarf vines, but they looked similar except that they were different sizes.
The bones belong to dragons, but the muscles are made of plants. As the dead and the living harmonized, something separate was created that was neither living nor dead.
What was created soon after was a gigantic dragon, as if a tree had grown by spending decades maintaining its skeleton in nature.
“I put a Young Dragon in the trunk of that tree, so it will act as a muscle instead.”
“It’s pretty amazing. Even if it’s just the weight, it’s a ton unit.”
“Wouldn’t it be a joke if that body crashed?”
“So, what are you going to do with the wings? No matter how much you do, you have to have the skin to get propulsion.”
“It should be done with leaves”
“Everyone in Eden has a plan.”
In this way, Crong’s new body, the dragon’s bones and the muscles of the tree, were completed.
Its majesty was considerable. If anyone saw it, they would think it was a statue or something, but it was different in that it could actually move.
“Krong!!! Go in and move!!!!”
And Crong enters it and moves in earnest. He had to go through trial and error, so he couldn’t move easily, but after a while, Crong was able to move his body enough to walk.
Thud!!! Thud!!!!
The sight of a gigantic body, and even a dragon-like one moving, was something to behold. Thanks to that, me and Eden admired Crong like that.
“It will take some time to fly”
“Of course. That thing physically couldn’t fly in the first place.”
If there was a real dragon, do you think it could fly with normal wings and propulsion? By flying that huge body with the propulsion generated by the wings?
Such a creature needed the help of this ability to fly. However, since Crong is a dinosaur, he cannot fly, so it took a lot of time to learn.
Later, when Crong can fly…… Eden will gain one more final weapon. I’ll suck at that.
“Krong, when you grow up later, Adam has to carry you around? Then you’ll be sick.”
“No, why Adam?!”
“A combination robot that rides on a dinosaur is a piece of shit!!!!!!”
To be honest, I couldn’t refute Eden’s words.
No, if you are a man, how can you put up with the fantastic combined robot + dinosaur combination?!!!!! If I’m not excited about that, I can be proud of myself even if I’m not a man.
Even if there is, you need to get rid of that guy!!!!!