Chapter 1500 – [The Night Before the Storm]
There was a lot of social chaos because of the evil spirits coming from beyond the dimension.
However, by responding quickly, I was able to recover to some extent. I don’t know about other countries, but Korea has no deaths thanks to Eden. It’s a good thing that Eden’s reputation has risen as well.
On the other hand, he could have protested against it because he said he was using a person with special abilities to fight the invading evil spirits.
Whether it’s courage or recklessness, to be honest, I think it’s the latter. Anyway.
Perhaps what they do is that someone took a video of Eden fighting and it has millions of views. In modern society, in order for a person with special abilities to become popular, he or she must participate in such competitions, but now there are more options to fight like in the movies.
Moreover, the opponents are those who threaten the world. It’s a chance to become a hero and be praised, so if you’re aiming for a celebrity, you have to.
“Time magazine named my daughter one of its 100 Most Influential People.”
“Oh!!! Ah, but it’s a pity that your face didn’t come out.”
“If I had taken a picture with my daughter’s face exposed, it would have been a pictorial.”
“But this seems to be used a lot in the army.”
[What are you talking about? Why do you use it a lot in the military?]
“I can hear the sound of the dog tag shaking in the bathroom…!!!”
“There’s nothing he can’t say!!!!”
What will happen when the day comes when the world learns the true nature of Eden?
……No, if you think about it, you must have noticed it to some extent because you did it once before. It won’t be a big shock. Instead, you will get more attention because of your appearance.
“A famous American actor tweeted that he wants to go on a date with Eden.”
“Dirty pedo bastard!!!! Do you want to wear a silver bracelet for saying that to a minor!!!!”
“Dad, seeing as he married my mother, I don’t think he’s qualified to say pedo.”
“Dad doesn’t like Laurie, he likes Laurie.”
“Dad’s talking nonsense!!!!!”
[It’s not uncommon in nature to prefer young females. The younger the opponent, the higher the chance of breeding.]
“Are you saying I’m a beast?”
“Your Highness, among the alter egos, I have the body of a child…”
“Even you, Korma?!?!”
Why do people drive people into lolicons? For my taste, it’s an ordinary axis.
Gilhyun look at that bastard. I’m a fan of tails enough to be able to tell people apart by the smell of their tails, isn’t it okay with me?
“My daughter, your father’s taste is blonde hair, an eyepatch, and small breasts. It may not be very persuasive, but he likes grown women.”
“Are you wearing an eyepatch?”
“Even though she was my wife in the first playthrough, her taste hasn’t changed yet. Now, she avoids the incident of wearing an eyepatch, so it’s just blonde small breasts.”
“……Should I get an eyepatch and use it?”
“Hey, Mary, don’t do that to me either.”
“Yes, Mary-sister. Even now, Ana’s mother and blonde small-breasted characters overlap.”
After the usual noisy days… Afterwards, Eden, as a psychic, gave a lecture on how to set up a barrier to people from all over the world. As much as our Eden spent bloody time arranging and simplifying, the speed at which they learned was fast. It was because in about a week, three or four people could form a barrier.
Maybe if you’re skilled, you can play one or two. Of course, if the number of evil spirits is large, more will be needed.
“How did you learn such a technique… By any chance, Miko-sama, who taught you?”
“Kim Ryu-ja, I learned from the person who uses the narrator.”
“Ah !!!! Are you talking about Mrs. Kim Ryu-hwa? He was an excellent shaman. If he learned from him, he understands.”
“It’s understandable that Miko-nim was your disciple.”
It seems that the English-speaking world is not familiar with it, but many people in Asia know whether the name of Mrs. Kim Ryu-hwa is well known.
In fact, I didn’t learn magic from Mrs. Kim Ryu-hwa, but I was persuasive nonetheless. People who knew her understood where Eden’s skills came from after hearing her name.
It’s nice that I don’t have to explain. A whole day would not be enough to tell us all about our side.
Anyway, after that, they taught the psychic people how to set a barrier, and then they taught other psychics how to set a barrier, so Eden didn’t have to do it. Now, other people will do the later work, and Eden returns to his daily life.
“Ah!!!! It was hard!!!!”
“Yes, our Eden suffered a lot.”
“Now I have to study something I haven’t been able to do for a while.
“If anything happens, Dad will cover it as much as possible, so don’t worry anymore. It’s supposed to be a fight, but that’s because Dad is the best.”
Reporters who are interested in Eden due to this situation, and conglomerates and politicians who are trying to make a relationship in anticipation of the falling of Kongo water… It is the job of me and Zion as parents to stop it.
The one who needs strength is my job. Eden just needs to spend this year normally and do well in the CSAT. As I usually say, I don’t really want to scold you if I mess it up, but it’s good to see it well.
“The most annoying thing is, of course, the reporters. We are looking for people who have seen Eden’s face by asking people who were there.
“How many of these 10 bastards… Will you kill as an example?”
“Then there will be people who doubt the relationship between you and Eden. Don’t worry, I will take care of this on my own.”
“What are you going to do?”
“There aren’t many clean journalists in the world these days, are there?”
“Oh, yes.”
My wife is strong at times like this. There is no one to follow with money, but in a capitalist society where money is power, it is no different from God.
For now, I left that part to Shion… I thought I had something to work on, but fortunately or unfortunately, it didn’t happen. There is no one who crosses the line, and not even the goddamn evil spirit has crossed the line. Thanks to that, I was comfortable, but something is a bit snagged.
Still, it’s good that nothing happened. It wasn’t long before my family was able to go back to their normal lives.
“Today is Wednesday!!!!”
“Why Wednesday?”
“Wednesday is a day without leftovers, so delicious food is served!!!!”
“Oh, that’s King Jeong. I remember Dad eating something delicious on Wednesdays when he was in school.”
“So do i.”
[Anyone who hasn’t been to school will use it because they are sad.]
“Huh? Come to think of it, when I went to the academy with Her Highness, I remember that we had delicious meals on Wednesdays, but is that the case here too?”
“Maybe that’s why Ruri made it that way.”
“Anyway, I have to go to school!!! I won’t even go to the reading room at night today, so I guess I’ll come home early!!!”
“Okay, let’s go out together when we go out.”
As usual, I got in the car on my way to work and drove him to school. These days, I was busy because of the evil spirit situation, so I did it separately, but it’s been a while since I went out together.
It’s only a ten-minute ride in the morning, but this time is a very happy time. On the other hand, it is a time when Eden and I are together as a family.
It’s a family, so I wonder if it’s hard to be with the two of us, but when we’re at home, there are other people, so the time when we’re alone is rare. Oh, is it because I’m the father? Because of work, I spend a lot of time outside.
In any case, that tenth of an hour was normal. It was a story that a father and a child could talk about, such as how school life is these days and how well they study.
“Dahee and Minji said something about me being on TV.”
“Oh, what are you saying?”
“They say I didn’t wear a bra when I was fighting.
“…I can see why your fighting videos get so many views.”
“It’s to the point that even walking with a bra, it’s a bit wobbly, but what about fighting? Those who have a big chichi have to pay the price.”
“What is that, I think there was a bra given to you by your master at your first birthday party.
“How does Dad know that?”
“I borrowed it when I was a woman.”
“Oh!!! I’ve never tried it, but I’ll try it next time. It’s probably in my bag.”
Come to think of it, there was a bag packed with all the useful stuff just in case. Did you put it all in
Well, if you take it out, it will be really useful. It’s because it’s a bra that our master, who has the biggest breasts in the dimension, uses. On the other hand, since it is an item used by transcendentalists, its durability is good. As for the functions, it has a lot of functions for a bra.
We arrived at school while we were talking. I hoped Eden would drop off and have a good school life today.
“See you later in the evening. Have a good school.”
“What’s for dinner tonight?”
“Well, do you want something to eat?”
“Uhm…… Braised cutlassfish!!!!”
“Ah, that sounds delicious. If you put spicy braised cutlassfish on top of rice and eat it, the rice cooker will do just fine”.
“Oh yeah!!! Tonight’s dinner is braised cutlassfish!!!!”
And I saw Eden’s back as he entered the school. Seeing Eden go to school like this is a bit bland thinking that there is less than a year left.
After that, I went to work at the store. I told Ji-hee about the incident that had happened this time and asked if anything was wrong.
“There was nothing special. The shop said that an acquaintance of the uncle was going to take a break because he was caught up in the incident.”
“It’s not a lie. It’s true that Eden got caught up in it.”
“Honestly, whenever you’re active as an impersonator, if you leave your seat, there will be people who will even think about it. Shouldn’t you create an alibi?”
“That’s right.”
Well, that only needs to last for another year.
When I think about it, I wonder what will happen to the store if I reveal to the world that I am a fake. Will there be a crowd of guests or vice versa? To be honest, I’m not even sure which one it is. Because it depends on the situation and time.
I think no matter how good the food is, I don’t think you’ll come to a restaurant that beats people up.
“Looking at you, you often seem to think negatively about yourself. Your food is delicious enough to come to eat even if it is known that you are an impersonator.”
“Thank you for saying that.”
“What’s the truth? Maybe by that time, there will be more customers, so we might have to make reservations.”
“There is a reservation site. It’s not running yet.”
“Because I was expecting a lot of guests to come.”
Today, business was off for a while, so it was quite busy with a lot of customers. However, it turned out to be a pretty enjoyable business without any truth. I don’t know how happy it is for the owner to have a lot of guests but not a single truth.
Time goes by so fast because you’re busy… Suddenly, a very foreboding feeling ran down my spine.
“…… Ugh!!!”
At that moment, I focused my feelings on Eden’s presence. This was clearly proof that something was happening to Eden.
And in a very short time, Eden’s presence disappeared without a trace.
The range of my feelings is wide. If something had happened within that range, you would have noticed it long ago, and the absence of Eden’s existence within the range of gigam means one thing.
Someone kidnapped Eden out of this dimension.
“What kind of bastard is trash.”
How dare you take our daughter? I’m going to tear it up.
* * *
Eden, who was leaving school after finishing her school in the middle of her day, went back to her house and she recognized that her vision had changed in an instant. This is because the scene she was familiar with on the way home from school suddenly changed to that of a temple somewhere.
I think there was an omen. Because I suddenly felt divinity somewhere. It’s not like God-Ruri-Ruri or Susanoo, but the divinity of a god he feels for the first time.
“What me? What the hell?”
Soon after, when she looked around to assess the situation in earnest, there was a small girl in religious clothes in front of her along with many people. A pitiful girl who evoked a feeling of something sacred. For some reason, Eden’s eyes were focused on such a girl.
People around her cheered or whispered as they saw the summoned Eden.
“Yo, it’s the hero!!!! Summoning was successful!!!!!”
“That person is really a warrior?!”
“Ah, it’s beautiful…!!!”
“Did the goddess, did the goddess Maurian come down directly?”
It is the first language But I understood what you were saying. Although Eden has the blessing of the Wisdom Road, it is a blessing that allows him to read any text, even though it is not possible to hear it.
It even seemed possible to speak. And considering that there was a divinity that she didn’t know existed at the root of it, it was probably like the ability they said was bestowed by a god.
A situation like summoning a hero that is common in other world waters. At other times, even if it was an act of kidnapping, on the other hand, if it was her personality, she would have been able to act with the feeling of enjoying another world.
But the timing was bad.
“My SAT!!!!!!!”
Looking at the fact that he summoned a student to take the SAT the day after tomorrow, it seemed that the summoned opponent was not a god but a devil.