Chapter 1672 – [A Guide for Families Who Travel Across Dimensions]
After hearing the story of [Teardrops], I had many thoughts, but I knew that I couldn’t hold the survivors guilty.
If you, as the Great Demon King, judge the entire civilization, most of the children will die as well, but if the world were completely destroyed and only the children were left like now, that would not have been possible.
A civilization once destroyed cannot be destroyed again. In the first place, isn’t that why I like the post-apocalypse because I don’t have to work as the Great Demon King?
So I decided to help first. Before that, I plan to tell you some information about this area.
“Okay, at least there don’t seem to be any guilty people, so I will cooperate. I will help you purify and restore your planet, [Blue Earth].”
-Thank you for your cooperation.
“It would be easier to talk if I told you about the situation here. I will send you that as separate data. Furthermore, I will check and then contact you again.”
“Don’t worry, we won’t use low-quality tricks like viruses.”
And Sion separately sent this information to [Teardrop] Through Horizon.
If you want, you can secretly spread hacking programs or viruses like a Trojan horse, but there is no problem. The other person is an artificial intelligence, and if you give honest information without any additions or omissions, the conversation will be faster.
Even if you show shocking facts, humans are manipulative!!! You can deny it, but for artificial intelligence that knows and confirms that there is no manipulation, all that can be done is understanding and acceptance. For this reason, there are times when it is easier for a machine to act than a human.
Still, it took some time to understand the data, and [Teardrop]’S answer came about 5 minutes later. 5 minutes may seem like a long time, but even an ordinary computer searches and stores a lot of information in 1 second, so from the point of view of artificial intelligence of that level, 5 minutes will be enough to make calculations that are unimaginable to humans.
Why cheat? If you want, you can hack and take away authority at any time, or you can destroy the star itself and destroy everything, so why cheat?
Machines are rational, so they understand and are more flexible than humans. [Teardrop], Who was even more polite, said.
-I realized that being on guard was meaningless. We welcome precious guests from another dimension.
“Yes, about terraforming, listen to Sion.”
[I can use my strength!!!!]
“You never know, so it’s better to use a machine. Rather than giving a hungry person a fish, you should teach them how to catch a fish.”
[Oh, is that so? I didn’t know because I usually clean up places where all living things have died and perished, so I don’t have to worry about what happens afterward.]
For now, I decided to leave that part to Zion and just go down and come back. We plan to look around and come down together later.
“Can I go too?”
“Oh, what’s going on Eve?”
“It’s because I’m interested in a place where artificial intelligence manages the remaining humanity.”
“Then let’s go down together. But what about Eden? Normally, I think she would say she would go down together.”
“Since Eve is leaving, I’ll pass this time.”
Are you considerate of your younger brother? That’s great.
Anyway, I went down to [Blue Land] With Eve. The environment has been ruined, and the general atmosphere is full of unknown contaminants, let alone oxygen, so much so that the average person would die just by breathing, but it had no effect on me or Eve.
First, the body that Eve uses is a biological android that Zion used as a replacement for himself. In addition, as Eve uses it, the limiter is released and various functions are added, so it can withstand this level of environmental pollution.
“Still, the air feels musty.”
“For an average person, it would feel like breathing through mud.”
A huge dome-shaped building. Eden said it was a huge structure, like something from the Truman Show. The exterior wall was strong and well-maintained, so it withstood the harsh environment outside without any problems.
And when I headed to the place that [Teardrop] Told me about, there was a separate entrance there. Perhaps because it hadn’t been used for a very long time, it felt stiff, and the door wasn’t easy to open, but it still functioned well.
Just because I entered didn’t mean I entered [Paradise] Right away. Since it was part of the outer wall, there was a separate procedure to remove contaminants from people who entered, so they had to spray disinfectants or other things on their bodies and dry them before they could enter.
As we entered [Paradise] In earnest, we were able to meet [Teardrops], The first thing that greeted us. To be precise, the robot he controls.
-Welcome. Welcome to [Paradise].
[Teardrop] Was a cylindrical, clunky robot. However, perhaps because of the advancement of science and technology, it was floating as if hovering rather than resting on the ground.
And a square display located on the top of the robot. There, a pattern symbolizing the falling tears that we saw earlier appears.
No, but the technology is probably sufficient, so why this type of robot? When technology advances, don’t we usually pursue androids that resemble humans? The design looks like a robot that would serve food at a restaurant somewhere?
I would understand if it was because of a lack of resources, but I don’t think that’s the case, and there seems to be some reason.
“Why isn’t it humanoid? Was that all you had to use?”
-This is due to limitations on artificial intelligence in [Nokbit]. For their humanity and value as humans, artificial intelligence cannot use bodies that resemble or resemble humans in reality.
“Don’t say it’s the end of the century. Eve, you’re unique. In fact, unless human rights for artificial intelligence are established, that’s usually the case.”
“I think I once again realized how kind-hearted my mother was in giving me this body to use.”
There are people who hate and loathe artificial intelligence. Is it because it is the uncanny valley, or is it because it is the seed of the mechanical god? It is similar to but different from creating the three principles of robots.
It was like a defense mechanism that prevented artificial intelligence, which they created but was superior to them, from ever surpassing humans. However, even if that were the case, the contents would not change.
-I will guide you to [Paradise]. Please follow me.
Afterward, we follow [Teardrops] And look around [Paradise].
First, the most noticeable thing in [Paradise] Was the huge tower in the center that seemed to be visible from anywhere in the huge space inside the dome. No, looking at the part attached to the ceiling in the center of the dome, does it look like a pillar of the dome rather than a tower?
It seemed like the rooms and facilities were the best. I think there’s probably [Teardrop]’S main server over there or something like that.
Other than that, the inside of the dome looked like a sophisticated futuristic city. But apart from that, it looks like a bitch with no one around.
Still, it’s neat and looks like it’s been maintained to some extent… What is it?
“The city itself looks like a futuristic city, but why are there no people?”
-You will know that when you wear these glasses.
[Teardrop] Opens the lid of the body and reveals futuristic-looking 3D glasses inside? Or, it looks like a small and lightweight VR machine. Where did I see something similar to this…
Eve immediately took it, put on her glasses, and shouted.
“D-Gazer Set!!!!”
“No, there’s a duel there?! Here it comes!!! Yuma!!!!”
Honestly, I thought that too.
Anyway, when I put on the glasses, it felt like they were adjusting to my vision, and with a slight crackle, a realistic hologram came into view. It was a hologram that was indistinguishable from the real thing, and the empty street instantly turned into a busy street.
-We had to protect humanity, but we couldn’t waste resources. Accordingly, the bodies of survivors are stored in the central tower of [Paradise] And the mental stability of survivors is maintained through services through virtual reality and augmented reality.
Was the central tower not simply the main server of [Teardrop] But a facility that protected the survivors? If it was a building that size, it would have been worth it.
However, looking at the people walking around, the streets were filled with far more people than the number of survivors. Looking at it, it seemed like not all of them were avatars of survivors, but NPCs were also mixed in.
Since they are just kids, there needs to be an adult to control them. I’m a bit worried about whether [Teardrop] Can do that part well…
“Let’s walk first. It’s quite interesting to see it this way.”
“Shall we look around first? Oh, but what should we do? Does it recognize us over there?”
-First, because there will be a big reaction to guests coming from outside, the presence of the two people has been set so that only NPCs can recognize them. Talking or interacting with survivors is currently impossible, but is it necessary?
“No, it’s okay. I’ll just watch it like this for now.”
-All right. If you need anything, just tell the nearby NPC.
Eve and I slowly walked through the streets of [Paradise]. In fact, it was like a play house created for augmented reality, but the changed appearance was much more lively.
It was a huge city, but most of them were NPCs providing mental care for children. Their parents died after fulfilling their responsibilities outside, and there is no way there would be just one or two people living in such a small miniature garden. So it was made that way for socialization.
Children were occasionally seen on the road. The ages were all different, but at least there were no kids who looked like they were in high school. Most people are of that age or younger.
“Listen, Kana!!! I got 100 points on the test this time!!! So, I can skip school tomorrow and play all day, right?”
“Yes, I will apply for a separate vacation, so you can have fun tomorrow. Is there anything you want to do?”
“Amusement park!!!! I haven’t been there a few times because it’s usually crowded, but I want to go!!!!”
“The number of people who can enter is limited due to server resource issues at the amusement park. Okay, then shall we go early tomorrow morning?”
“Wow!!! Sounds fun!!!!!”
Although it looks a little different, it is nonetheless an ordinary family. Even to others, it looks like a parent-child relationship.
Since there were not enough resources to actually create a paradise, [Teardrop]’S decision to utilize virtual reality and augmented reality was a good decision. At least I didn’t see any children with unhappy or depressed expressions while I was walking.
But there is something a little uncomfortable.
Eve seemed to have noticed this as well, so she walked around and asked a nearby NPC. To be exact, to [Teardrop] Who is controlling that NPC.
“[Teardrop], Are you okay for a moment?”
“Yes, please tell me. What is it?”
The ordinary-looking female NPC, who was carrying luggage that was not necessary since she was just an augmented reality NPC, immediately changed her attitude and came towards me when Eve called her. She went from being a simple NPC to becoming the avatar of [Paradise]’S artificial intelligence.
And Eve asks [Teardrop] About the truth that bothered her.
“Why are there only children who survive?”
“That’s because the survivors being protected in [Paradise] Are all children…”
“I’m not sure exactly when [Paradise] Was built, but it must have been at least a few years or even decades, and I don’t see any adult survivors. By that time, those children would have grown up. I’m guessing the human race here has a lifespan of about 300 years. Is childhood also about three times longer?”
“That is.”
[Teardrop] Stuttered unexpectedly, as if he was choosing something to say. But he answers shortly.
“It was an unavoidable solution.”
“In what way?”
“First, we thought about protecting the survivors for a long time by freezing them, but that was not possible. Between life extension technology and frozen human technology, the one with the highest chance of survival was life extension technology.”
“That’s understandable, but it’s not a reason to keep them in a childish state and protect them.”
“The reason I protect them by keeping them as children is to prevent conflicts that may arise in the future. Children are innocent, good or bad, so it is easy to induce them, and in addition, various problems that may arise as adults can be prevented in advance. .”
Eve and [Teardrop] Are the same artificial intelligence. But the opinions were different.
One side pursues efficiency, but the other side knows that there is something better than efficiency. I, no one else, and my family taught me that way, so I grew up.
“I can understand the pursuit of efficiency. However, as humans grow and become adults, adding up all the good and bad, they become complete human beings. The value of survival is certainly important, but will you be protecting the lives of your children? I don’t know, but as a human being, it’s killing me.”
“All values are lost in the face of survival. Death is the end, and the meaning of my existence lies in protecting the survivors of [Paradise].”
“Then how long will it be like this? For life?”
“The end has already come. With our help, cleansing the planet will be easy, and eventually the reason for the existence of this facility will disappear, and the children will go outside and make humanity flourish again.”
Eve’s blunt eyes, which looked exactly like Eden but were much more like Zion, were hiding passionate emotions within them.
What kind of emotion is that? I can only guess, but the only one who can answer that question is Eve herself.
“Are you still planning on protecting those children by letting them remain children forever?”
“If that’s the case, the name of this place will have to be changed. Instead of [Paradise], It will be [Hell]. The hell of a miniature garden, where one can never grow and dream of the future, fits this place.”
Shion also had a tendency to be harsh at times, but if you look at this, she really does resemble her mother!!!!
And leave it at that!!!! [Teardrop]’S life is already zero!!!!