Chapter 1809 – [Cyberpunk: Dimension Runner]
Once I met Chairman Naomoto, I had to talk about work. We have to do something about it, such as the ecosystem restoration project.
Still, it wasn’t that difficult. All you have to do is create a small Garden of Eden, so Eden and Keter just need to use some effort. No, since we plan to borrow scientific and technological power, Eve will also be included, so the burden on each person is actually less.
“First of all, the land area is this much and the surrounding facilities…”
[Oh, there is a river nearby. Then it will be a little better. First, we need to grow trees that absorb the heavy metals and radiation I mentioned yesterday.]
“What about the sea? Since we showed you bluefin tuna, we should also grow seafood.”
[Then why not make something similar to the ocean, like a salt lake? The land is larger than I thought, so I think it will be suitable for growing.]
“Then, draw general livestock and seafood…”
“As much as possible, provide as much seafood as possible.”
“Okay. Then, if you add these conditions, you get a rough estimate, so the design seems to be roughly.”
Eden, Eve, and Kether work together. But I actually have nothing else to do… So I write.
Because I have a bad brain, the only thing I can do is use my body. Other than that, it’s just cooking, but in a world like this, even those skills aren’t easy to use. At best, it will be seen as a performance at a VIP gathering.
Yesterday I showed it that way, but I don’t know what I’ll do from now on. If possible, I wish there was something I could do like cooking or something other than working hard. If possible, shouldn’t you pay for food?
[Then why don’t you sow seeds later?]
“Sowing what? Oh, if you make it later, sow the seeds? Oh, but isn’t that something you can do right away?”
“You!!!! That sowing is not that sowing!!!!!”
“Dad’s sowing seeds!!! The effect was amazing!!!”
“Eden, don’t give sex lip service to your dad!!!!!”
Chairman Naomoto smiled happily as he saw us without any flaws. It’s completely different from what we’re used to seeing at 2D restaurants and other places, but I think that’s why we have a harmonious family atmosphere.
“We get along well. Is that how things are usually? I’m jealous that they’re a harmonious family…”
“Yeah, well. The atmosphere at home is usually like this.”
“I have children too, but we don’t get along very well, perhaps because I trained them incorrectly. Especially after my wife died.”
“Even parent-child relationships can be distorted if money and power are involved. That’s why we need to raise them properly with a lot of attention from an early age.”
“I couldn’t do that… It’s something I regret when I look back now when I’m older.”
There is no point in regretting the issue of children’s education when you are old. All that remains is regret.
Thinking about that, I am very satisfied that Eden was raised well. I especially like that he doesn’t take after his father and is a good kid. She is a pretty daughter that I would not be ashamed to show off anywhere.
Anyway, I discussed various things with Chairman Naomoto, and after that, I had some free time. However, we cannot completely play because the current situation is such that there are many people who are interested in us.
Even if you can’t show off your work, you should go to social parties and such. If you get tired of it, it may be a bit annoying, but you can also experience the cyberpunk world while walking around ordinary streets and downtown.
“The security is good here, so it’s not a hassle, but if you want to feel the real cyberpunk feel, you have to go to where people live.”
“Actually, I’m losing interest because the food here isn’t that tasty…”
“It’s fun to cook, but it’s also fun to see where people live.”
“I’m full of information, so places like this aren’t bad. It’s fun to collect information.”
[I quickly built Unit 2 in the Garden of Eden… Ah, Unit 2 was built in Chernobyl. Then we have to make unit 3!!!!]
First, we decided to divide the tasks and take action. Keter separately decided to create a cyberpunk branch in the Garden of Eden for environmental restoration on land prepared by Chairman Naomoto, and Eden, I, and Eve decided to attract those who would support the ecosystem restoration division.
Although Chairman Naomoto is supportive, it is better to have fewer obstacles and more allies. Also, it would be more troublesome if people who had already dipped their toes in space exploration interfered with our work for no reason, so it was good to bring them into the same boat.
At least there won’t be any idiots who would try to sink the ship they are on. Oh, there may be one, but in the end, they are the ones who do it just to change ships, so they are no better than traitors from the start.
“If it’s a social party, at least they’ll prepare something worth eating!!!! Otherwise, I’ll bring the ingredients and cook it myself!!!!!”
“Oh, that wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Rather, you prepare the ingredients here and invite people. Then, you can stay relatively neutral without having to reject one party’s invitation and go somewhere else and offend anyone, and you can eat something delicious too.”〈 Br〉
“I should do that!!!!”
Chairman Naomoto, who was listening to our story, also nodded in agreement. He actually pushed and supported what we were doing.
“It’s a social party… It won’t be bad. If you need a space, I’ll rent it separately, so you can use it.”
“Thank you!!!”
And we started preparing for the social party ourselves. President Naomoto lent us the space, so we just need to prepare the rest.
However, in this case, the important thing is cooking. Eden and I are also chefs, so of course we have to pay attention to the cooking side. In addition, if we want to make customers turn toward the ecosystem restoration department, the best way is to persuade them with good ingredients and delicious dishes.
I wonder if such a thing is possible, but rather than simply persuading through cooking, it is a process of informing people by saying, ‘Do you know what we have and what we can do with it in the future?’ Delicious food plays the role of persuading you in a good mood.
If the environment is restored and the ecosystem is restored to supply various food ingredients, Naomoto Company will naturally take the center stage and change the paradigm of the current society.
A dish made with synthetic ingredients that doesn’t look like anything we’ve ever tasted, or a dish made with real, natural ingredients. It’s obvious without even looking at which is better. There is something that is overwhelmingly more delicious, so why would you eat that?
“If there isn’t a lot of production, only rich people will end up eating it.”
“It would be good to take time to increase production. Let’s make it so that ordinary people in this city can buy it if they save up some money.”
Last time we had a meeting, we brought bluefin tuna to cook, so this time we’ll use meat. I think it would be a good idea to hold a social party using meat from basic livestock such as cows, pigs, and chickens.
However, while preparing, it was a problem to find a chef… Although there is a chef job here, the level is lower than you might think. Even if you know how to boil and reheat, you are called a chef, and chefs who can handle natural ingredients are concentrated in companies and other areas.
It feels like a real dystopia. When I think about it, when I was reincarnated in this cyberpunk world, I had a hard time making a living through cooking.
No, since I have the skills, I think I could work as a chef for a high-ranking corporate figure like I just said, but who in this world would want to hire a chef from the back alleys? It was a trust issue and there was no opportunity to be seen.
Anyway, it was difficult to find a chef who could handle natural ingredients, so Chairman Naomoto supported that as well. Just as they used us before, they help us like a generous tree.
“I have personally hired chefs. They are chefs who have experience handling natural ingredients such as vegetables and even frozen fish, so I can use them as assistants, so use them.”
“Thank you for your help.”
“Well, if you make a good dish, I’ll enjoy it too, so it’s natural. It’s a little unfortunate that there’s no seafood, but meat won’t be bad for the first time in a while…”
Now that we have hired a chef, the next step is to develop discipline. These are the guys who used to cook next to the chairman of a mega-corporation, and here they are experts with advanced technology. How arrogant can they be? The atmosphere in a closed kitchen is really shit. It wasn’t for nothing that there was an old master craftsman who had been washing dishes and doing odd jobs for 10 years and was looking over his shoulder to learn.
So here, we have no choice but to overwhelm them with our skills and position and make them obedient. In a world like this, if you look like a pushover for no reason, you get taken advantage of and get stabbed in the back.
“Dad, why are you acting so suspicious here?”
“You’ve only been here for a short time, but Dad has experience. In a world like this, those who value loyalty and humanity shine, but the majority do not.”
People create the environment, but the environment also creates people. No matter how good a person is, if the surrounding environment is a mess, he can’t help but get screwed, and those people mess up the environment again… It’s a vicious cycle.
We are stones that have been rolled in. In such a situation, there will be far more enemies or uncertain opponents than allies, so you should not underestimate them. This may be true in other worlds, but even more so here.
Anyway, Chairman Naomoto gathers the borrowed chefs and briefly talks about the party preparations and schedule. There were about a dozen people gathered, but they all had their own positions and, perhaps because they were from the city’s upper class, seemed to take it easy on us or explore us.
“I am the worst vice president of the Ecosystem Restoration Division who will be working with you all. I think we will see each other often, not only at this social party, but in the future as well.”
“Yes, hello.”
“Nice to meet you, Vice President.”
“Then let’s get to the point… Let’s start with cooking and tasting. Honestly, I don’t think there are many people here who have handled natural ingredients, so it is natural to practice preparing them yourself, and it makes sense that the chef doesn’t know the taste of the ingredients he will cook. If that doesn’t work, I guess I’ll have to try a sample.”
Ingredients brought in separately from Cherubim enter the kitchen. One cow and one pig that had not been dismembered except for the blood and intestines. And we prepared as many chickens as there were people.
It’s a bit difficult to feed 10 people, but whatever. It’s not like there’s no one to eat if there’s leftover.
Even those who pride themselves on having cooked with natural ingredients have not been able to do so with meat, so this may be their first time encountering ingredients that have not been properly dismantled. At best, they probably used synthetic bio ingredients such as cultured meat.
“Hey, Vice President. What the hell is this…”
“These are the ingredients I brought for practice and tasting today. There is no need to entertain the chairman or executives, so you can cook comfortably.”
“You mean this?! How much do ingredients cost, millions of dollars?…!!!!”
“I have that much authority. The Chairman has also approved it, so there is no need to worry.”
The chefs’ eyes changed in an instant. The ranking of who is on top is automatically established. In a world like this, you have to be quick-witted in order to survive, so the election is based on the judgment that you are an opponent to whom you should bow your head, at least externally.
It’s good to be quick-witted. Because I feel more comfortable in many ways.
After practicing with natural ingredients, the chefs were able to prepare for the party in their own way. It’s only once, but they also have implants and receive assistance in that regard, so even if they cook once, what they learn is completely different from the average person.
Oh, by the way, Eden ate all the dishes that were left after the tasting. It was a problem with the ingredients, but the technique was good, so it was delicious.
After making various preparations, a social party is held. Invitations were first distributed to executives at headquarters and senior officials who had some level of contact. Since we have moved here, if we feed them meat and send them away, they will appreciate the value of this place.
“I will also send it to Chairman Naomoto’s two children.”
“Now that I think about it, I heard that you have children, but I didn’t hear the details. Are you two brothers?”
“They are siblings. His eldest son, Genya Naomoto, and his younger sister, Yuri Naomoto.”
“I guess the eldest son will be the crown prince who will inherit the company.”
“But Chairman Naomoto is quite capable, and the siblings are 20 years apart.”
“No, at that point they are almost the age of my daughter. Are they really siblings?”
“It seems like the relationship between the chairman and his wife was amicable.”
If the age difference between the siblings is as much as 20 years, as if they were born late, it means that the couple had a good relationship, not only because she was married when she was young, but also because she was married. Of course, the technological power of the cyberpunk world may have helped with medical technology, but the human mind cannot be helped.
Still, if the relationship between the children is not that good… The family life is complicated. Still, it’s not like something similar hasn’t happened, so I can roughly guess what the situation is.
“There may be negative effects of incorrect home education, but it may also be due to power struggles. It is said that power is not shared even with children.”
“Then I!!!!!”
“Oh, my daughter, if she wants to use her father’s name, so be it.”
“To begin with, doesn’t your father really like things like power?”
“Power ultimately comes from the concept of an organization such as a nation or society. If I use my power, it will all fly away in Hankyu, so what’s the point of obsessing over it? And if I’m reincarnated, I’ll come back empty-handed and leave empty-handed, so who would like that?”
“That’s true.”
Anyway, preparations are complete. For the rest, all you have to do is throw a party.
At the same time, we will face the dirty darkness and center of the cyberpunk world in earnest. Seeing how my intuition reacts, I feel like something will happen.
I don’t mind coming, but be prepared to be left behind. Okay?