Chapter 2063 – [The Machine God Is Watching!!!]
I made an appointment and held a press conference. As it is an important event, we do not make a sudden announcement or make it small, but prepare by gathering reporters and relevant important people.
Of course, Eve also attends. He was dressed in a women’s suit and had the intimidation and charisma of a god, which made you look up.
Last time, I mentioned that Eve was the center of this incident, and the atmosphere was different from usual, so the reactions of the people gathered were also different. She is often seen whispering and glancing at Eve.
Now that everyone has arrived, I slowly begin to explain the incident. About Eve becoming a god and her power.
“Thank you to everyone who gathered here today. The reason I am here today is to talk about the previous prison ghost incident and the issues that led to it.”
Since it’s an important place, I also have to be polite. If it’s my job, I might mess around a bit, but since it’s Eve’s job, I should do it well.
First, I explained how the prison ghost incident occurred. Slowly going back, they let people know that Eve had attained godhood.
“First, the reason why the prison ghost incident occurred is that Eve imposed a sentence longer than life on the inmate. This means that even if he dies, he must serve the full sentence. And the reason why Eve has such power is… Because Eve received godhood.”
“No, what is that…”
“It’s not something like a monotheistic god. It’s a polytheistic god like Susanoo or God-Ruriruri.”
“I know that, but is it possible? For a being derived from artificial intelligence to become a god?”
“It is possible if you meet a few conditions.”
It is almost always possible if you have the heart, soul, and faith. Even humans, not specifically artificial intelligence, can become gods if they gain faith.
… Oh, of course, those people who are practicing pseudo-religion are excluded. Because there is no way that people who practice pseudo-religion have the spiritual or volitional qualities to become gods. A religion run by a leader like that wouldn’t even be called a cult in the first place.
And it takes a very long time to receive faith and become a god in a purely human body. Even though they have been practicing pseudo-religion for decades, do they have no sign of becoming gods? Eve’s spiritual status also increased, and her religious efficiency improved, so she was able to quickly become a god.
“Even though Eve is an artificial intelligence, she has acquired a heart and soul, and has grown spiritually due to the influence of my family, allowing her to absorb the faith more easily. She has grown rapidly in the faith she received by handling legal issues in Korea perfectly without misjudgments or innocent victims. I have gained godhood.”
“So, are you saying that this prison ghost incident is the power of Eve… Or rather, God?”
“That’s right. For convenience, we call it the power of justice. And regarding that, we would like to ask the people for help in conducting an experiment.”
There was no great opposition to Eve becoming a god. This Earth has already confirmed the existence of other gods and has become closer with them, such as the pop god and Susanoo who often visits.
You don’t have to go far. Eden is Susanoo’s priestess. Even now, I often go to Japan and experience storms and tsunamis. It’s mainly done in Japan, but since Eden is Korean, you can’t help but feel close to her.
“There are several conditions for Eve’s power of justice to be exercised. First, there must be a relevant law or enact legislation, and second, Eve herself must understand the law.”
“Can I ask why?”
“As an artificial intelligence judge, I made decisions based on the law, so now that I have become a god, I express my power through the universal standard of the law. And my understanding is human… For example, about evil or wrong laws. “Isn’t Korea a liberal democracy?”
There are some people who glance at me with a strange look.
No, you bastards. Why are you looking at me because of the sound of democracy? Who would think that I am a dictator? In this country, I am the person I want to hit the president the most, but it’s not because it’s a democratic country that I got elected and became president.
“Anyway, if these two conditions are met, there are no limits to Eve’s power. Since she has not yet become a god, there are limits, but she can use her power in various directions.”
“You say you need the people’s help. Is this necessary to use the power of Eve?”
“To be precise, we will use the power of Eve for the benefit, convenience, and welfare of the people. As you can see from the prison ghost incident, the power of Eve can also interfere with the soul. If so… An accident or disaster There is a chance that it may be possible to revive the unfortunate people who died due to this.”
“No, what is that…!!!”
The resuscitation itself is performed by Eden, so it is not a story that is completely far from reality. However, Eden’s resuscitation procedure has not yet been confirmed, and now the situation has come to make it possible through the power of God.
There are still many people dying in Korea, and Eden cannot see them all and revive them… At the government level, and with the addition of Eve’s power, it becomes a welfare that everyone can benefit from. That too, definitely.
“In order to prove that, there is a need to pass related legislation. It’s not just something I want to push through, but the people need to really hope for it and send their faith to make it the power of Eve. So, I ask for a lot of support from the people.”〈 Br〉
With those words, I left the podium. Then Eve comes up and stands in front of the people.
This is my first time standing in front of people as a god. Now that they know that Eve has attained godhood and that the strangely intimidating atmosphere that is different from usual comes from that, they each show their own reactions.
“It looks like there’s a lot I want to talk about and a lot of things you’re curious about, but first, let me take a few questions. Ah, that reporter.”
“I heard that you have become a god. How does God feel?”
“I feel like my perspective and dimension have changed. I was tied to the body of an animal all my life, walked on all fours, and had limited intelligence, but now that I have become a human, the things I can do are endless, and I feel much freer.”
“It is no different from performing resuscitation procedures on a national scale. What do you plan to do with the related budget? Will the national health insurance premiums increase?”
“Resuscitation procedures… So, for National Resuscitation Insurance, we plan to increase the additional insurance premiums to the minimum necessary for administrative and other procedures. And we plan to provide resuscitation services completely free of charge.”
“Then wouldn’t there be a deficit?”
“If I use my power, no other resources are needed for revival. All I need is your support, and it will become my faith and I will be able to use my power. Since I already have faith, I think the increase in insurance premiums should be minimal.”
“What will you do if an individual refuses to resuscitate? For example, due to religious reasons or suicide.”
“We plan to collectively revive people who die due to accidents, disasters, disasters, etc., But the right to live and die is also a free law. If there are other reasons, you can refuse resuscitation, but if a legal battle is in progress, or you have been sentenced, you cannot be revived or reincarnated. You can put it on hold.”
“Ah… Like a ghost in prison?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Regarding this issue, there is sympathy among public opinion that it is pitiful that people suffer without being able to be reincarnated after death. What do you think about that?”
“If you have committed a crime, you must be punished, even after death. However, after death, only your soul remains, and you will suffer for 24 hours a day, so we plan to amend the law so that if you are sentenced after death, you will only have to pay a portion of the sentence you were sentenced to while you were alive. .”
Eve’s answers to the reporters’ questions came immediately and without hesitation, as if she had thought about and prepared the expected questions in advance. Thanks to you, I look competent.
Eve, who appropriately responded to the reporters’ questions, decided to finish her position quickly. Lastly, I would like to make one request to the people of Korea.
“I will conclude the question with this. I also have something I want to say.”
“If that’s what you want to say…”
“We need the public’s support regarding this national resuscitation insurance. I would like to say something to the public.”
“Oh, I understand.”
And the camera focused on Eve. Eve, who confirmed that she was being filmed, announced her intention to the people beyond the camera.
“Hello, this is Eve, who has been crowned as a machine god. If you have heard my father’s story, you will know that with your support and my power, I will be able to run a national resuscitation insurance service like the national health insurance. It is simply because I have become a god. “I hope this is not to gather faith, but to overcome the unfortunate deaths of our people. Please help me, please.”
I bow my head lightly and make a request to the people. It’s like gods bowing down to humans, but there are many types and tendencies of gods, so there’s no problem with one in particular.
Rather, doesn’t Eve want to be accepted in that way? Since I come from an artificial intelligence background, I think they want to support me from the side rather than manage and rule from above.
On the one hand, the good thing is that it is a method that works well in this day and age. Once upon a time, if a god reigned, one would kneel down and bow down and offer one’s faith, but in this day and age, it is difficult to do so and there are many people who do not believe in God, so it is better to earn one’s faith with a friendly image of a trustworthy leader and supporter.
Why did you say before that there are gods who gain faith while being idols? Sometimes a friendly image is also a good thing.
Afterward, thanks to that press conference, it became a global issue. Eden’s private resuscitation procedure also caused a huge uproar, with people flocking from overseas and even now, there are people trying to resuscitate the body by transporting it separately by plane. It’s outrageous. This was even implemented by the country itself.
-Wow haha, so even if you die in an accident or disaster, you can be resurrected?
-I’ll have to try it to find out, but I think it’s possible.
-Ugh, I’m dying from sucking on the soup!!!!!
-But what if I don’t want to be resurrected? I committed suicide because I didn’t want to live, but it would be a nuisance if I was resurrected.
-You said you would do it separately. I guess you can decide whether to resuscitate or not according to your own will.
-Hey, but it’s really crazy. Isn’t death at the level of overcoming it? When I look at Korea these days, my heart really feels majestic.
Accidents and deaths occur even if Eve fully understands the incident and punishes it. This is because humans are not very rational creatures.
That is why, after the government’s announcement, the families of those who died and their acquaintances stood up with strong agreement and support. If done well, dead family members will be able to be resurrected right away, so it is only natural that they support it enthusiastically.
“Daddy, I want to see you!!!!”
“My son, please save him…”
“I support national resuscitation insurance!!!! Please push it forward as soon as possible!!!!!!”
However, what was problematic was the opposition from the religious community. In the past, Eden’s resuscitation procedure itself was problematic, but this time it was even more so because the subject was a newly crowned god named Eve.
“Oppose resuscitation insurance!!!!”
“Don’t we even have the freedom to die!!!!!”
“Resurrection is a miracle performed by the Lord Jesus Christ to enlighten us. If it were performed in everyday life, would it really be a miracle? People!!!!!”
“That’s right!!!!!”
There are still many children who believe in Jesus. Well, there is only one god, but there are gods who often visit God-Ruri-Ruri in Susanoo City, and it’s a lot of bullshit. Are you still out of your mind?
So we decided to be firm. A list of all those participating in the protest will be prepared and announced separately.
“I understand your opinions well. Since I am a reflection of the will of the people of the Republic of Korea, I also respect your opinions. Therefore, those who are currently opposed to national resuscitation insurance will not be resuscitated even if they die in the future due to an accident or other disaster. So please don’t worry.”
“Yes? No, that’s…”
“No matter how unreasonable the death, even if you die suddenly in an accident while on the road and leave your family behind, we will not revive you. You have the right to die as much as you have the right to live, so we will respect the opinions of those who rejected the option of resuscitation. “
“Well, that is…”
“I’ve already made a list. No matter how sudden or unreasonable you are!!!! No matter how many family members you have to support!!!! I won’t revive you, so don’t worry!!!!”
“Of course, I will give you a chance if you reflect. If you write a reflection statement and sign a consent form for national resuscitation insurance at a later date, you will be able to enjoy the benefits.”
How many people will remain aloof in the face of death? The only people like that are those who have that kind of determination, so it remains to be seen whether religious beliefs will lead to that kind of determination.
The opposition from the religious community was split in half and scattered, and the remaining half could not be properly united, making it possible to quickly push through related legislation. In this way, we were able to lay the foundation by promoting and introducing the bill.
“This is all ready. All that’s left is execution.”
“I hope it goes well.”
“Oh… If this goes well, I won’t have to do resuscitation, so I’ll have more time to rest?”
“You’ll have some free time. Then, take a good rest.”
“Eve!!!!! You must succeed!!!!! For my break!!!!!!”
“So you’re saying I can work?”
“If it goes right, it will take me 3 minutes to resuscitate each person, and you will be able to resuscitate 100 people in 1 second. Which do you think is more efficient?”
“I can’t refute that.”
“We’ll have to see whether it works or not. Let’s see if it works and then think about it.”
And officially, a bill related to national resuscitation insurance was legislated, passed, and promulgated.
It was some time later that Eve revealed her power in earnest and was recognized as a god.