Chapter 162 – The Liars Trap Fan Meeting (1)
“I heard that a team leader-level executive at the head office called a meeting, so I came here in the middle of a busy day, but it was F-level garbage!”
“Is that not enough, so you have the dark side of this incident?”
“Are you telling me not to take any action, let alone to bring the darkness!”
“Hey! Even if you say something, there are words that make sense and there are words that don’t make sense. You bastard, come here! No, no. Shall I go, you bastard!?”
In the overheated atmosphere of the conference hall, Lyar’s Trap’s guild leader Sird Bash, who sat in the highest seat, repeatedly washed his face dry in anxiety.
What the fuck, why? Why does this only happen to me?
Even though I barely managed to block the sudden all-out attack of Extramus, the half-destruction of the guild house and the numerous material damages caused by it made my head hurt. Suddenly, a black curtain came out and the words to do nothing to the black curtain came out.
When Sird Bash went to interrogate his servant Tramus before handing him over to the Awakened Association, the servant Tramus cursed and teased him, who was already in a state of disrepair.
‘That bitch! The crazy bitch who claimed to be a Mech Guffin’s apprentice planned all of this! Extramus is… I was just fooled by that!’
The first time he heard that, the liars trap had been attacked, and the heat of the battle hadn’t even gone, so it was Syrd Vash who just shrugged and kicked his servant Tramus.
However, after some time passed, evidence began to emerge that someone unknown supported Extramus behind the scenes.
He calls himself a Mech Guffin’s disciple, and even possesses the skills to make his servant Tramus, an S-class Awakener, completely wrecked like this.
Since there are only a few Awoken people like that in the Awakened world, he thought it wouldn’t be too difficult to identify the dark side, so Syrd Bash entrusted the task to the Liars Trap intelligence team.
Then, when he returned to the half-destroyed guild house and tried to catch his breath for a while, Paster came and convened a great meeting.
As soon as the meeting started like that, he said, ‘I have the dark side of this war, just look at it.’
For Sir de Bash, the guild leader, his head hurt so much that it sounded like he was about to break.
But… It’s all the more annoying because it’s Pastor, not anyone else, who said that shit.
If someone else had said something like this, it wouldn’t have been so much of a headache if someone at the headquarters team leader level, who ranks next to the guild leader among the Liars Trap positions, had said this.
In any case, the justification and public opinion of the guild were leaning toward ‘the black man should be punished.
That’s why even if a team leader-level person at the head office says something like this, ‘Fuck you. Take the punishment and give me the darkness haha.”
Even if those words had been spoken by the guild leader Syrd Bash rather than Pastor, the same result would not have been avoided.
That’s why Pastor’s words were completely absurd.
However, it was a problem because Paster was the one who spit out that absurd bullshit.
I don’t know how the hell things got so twisted, but even if it got fucked, it got fucked hard.
The story discussed now is something that the team leader shouldn’t have come to, but if it was Paster who brought it up, the story was different.
Pastor is extremely rare to know that fact, but he was the most important person in the Liar’s Trap, and the Guild House burnt down two years ago proved it.
At that time, Syrd Bash still remembered clearly that no one present, including the guild leader himself, could stop one of the scarites from going wild.
Among the many crises Syrd Bash experienced while living as the guild leader of the Liars Trap, the incident at that time was so intense that it was one of the crises, and it became his trauma.
At that time, I accidentally touched the Paster and burned down the entire guild building alone, but if the situation like now happens…
The moment he imagined what would happen in that case, Syrd Bash felt a stomach ache and a feeling of vomiting.
Since he had just returned to the guild after handing over the treaty after finishing the war with Extramus, he didn’t eat anything, so fortunately nothing came out, but he was overcome with anxiety just by imagining it.
No, no, sird bash. Just because Scar Rate did it, you have to throw away the prejudice that other team leaders will do it too. Calmly······ Let’s keep an eye on the team leaders.
After hiding his presence in the overheated atmosphere, Syrd Bash kept an eye on the team leaders like a meerkat monitoring whether there is a natural enemy or not.
Except for Scar, the leader of Team 1, and Ia, who is working to treat the injured after the war, and a few executives, it was a great meeting where all members of the Liar’s Trap or higher were gathered, so of course the team leaders from the head office were also present. .
Sir de Bache was the first of his team leaders to turn his attention to Team 3 leader Silk Blonde, who himself could not read thoughts at all.
It’s a face that says I don’t like it! Yes, silk blondes fought bare-chested in this war because the taming beasts, their main power, are in the annex dedicated to Team 3! He suffered a lot too. So there’s no way he can see anything good about the dark side that started the war!
The moment he saw Silk’s displeasure, Cyr de Vache felt as if his clogged chest had some breathing space.
“Calling patsy trash… Shall we rip off limbs and feed them to the sucker?”
However, her continued self-talk made Syrd Bash’s chest clog up again.
No, I felt like I poured cement to the point of overflowing because I couldn’t get it clogged up.
However, it was clear that something irreversible would happen if she stayed still with her mental shake, so Sir de Bash shook her head and managed to come to her senses.
Hey, wake up, Syrd Bash! Isn’t the team leader a silk blonde? And anyway, since silk blondes are a type of person who is far from common sense, it is not strange that they live as they please. Let’s not be disappointed. Don’t be disappointed, just take a look at the status of the other team leaders.
Seed Bash’s gaze moved in that way and reached Lapis Julie, the 2nd team leader at the Liar’s Trap Headquarters.
Lapis was very downcast, his shoulders drooping, his gaze down and just glancing at Pastor.
That look was only for a short time, and Lapis, who instantly covered his eyes when Pastor’s gaze was directed at him, seemed like a guilty person no matter who saw it.
That, yes okay! Lapis Julie! That expression is definitely an apologetic expression from guilt stemming from the thought, ‘I’m sorry for Pastor, but I’m the cause of this war, so I can’t take your side this time.’! Right!
The moment he saw Lapis’ gloomy expression, Syrd Bash felt as if a ray of light was cast on a world without a single light.
Certainly, the external reason for the all-out war in Xtramus this time was that Lapis had publicly humiliated the Xtramus team leader, Wool Blonde.
The reason for this war was the anger of the Blonde family for undermining the status of the eldest son of the influential family, the Blonde family, and the anger of Extramus for insulting their team leader.
That’s why Lapis, who became the reason for the war, was definitely responsible for this incident, and the guilty expression she was making now was an expression that she couldn’t take the side of Pastor because of her responsibility, Sir de Bash thought.
However, it is said that there are days when nothing can be done and everything is misunderstood, but for Sird Bash, that day was today.
“Senpai, if only I could be forgiven by senpai, I would… Anyone…”
Beyond overheating, in the burning atmosphere, Lapis’ muttered voice could only be heard by Syrd Vash.
Judging from what he was muttering, Lapis listened when he sided with Pastor, but he couldn’t even imagine being in the same boat with those who were pretending to be with him.
However, the sound was quite loud, so the buzz stopped in an instant and all eyes focused on the guild leader, Sird Bash.
He hadn’t even decided what to do with it yet, and the early interest was very burdensome for Syrd Vash.
However, as the head of the guild, he could not ignore the eyes of the officers and branch heads, so he had no choice but to clear his throat and stare at Pastor standing in front of everyone sternly.
Even though Pastor, the guild leader, Sird Bash, was watching, Pastor just stood in the same state as the first time without any change in appearance.
What I mean is that he didn’t know if what he was doing was right.
Seeing that, Syrd Bash barely endured the tingling of his back goal.
No, Sibural Suddenly, if you suddenly drop a nuclear bomb and look like that. I really can’t predict what the purpose of this damn thing is.
In his heart, he complained of all kinds of frustration toward Pastor, but on the outside, he had to protect the dignity of the guild leader, so Syrd Bash managed to manage his expression and spoke in a calm voice after a moment of silence.
“The atmosphere is overheated, so let’s cool down for a while. Let’s start the meeting again in 10 minutes.”
What he chose was ‘social technology – procrastination for now’, which he uses when he really doesn’t know what to do.