Chapter 224 – Axis! Open! Pastor Dungeon Rescue Insurance and Rescue Request Office! (Part 2 Begins)
I couldn’t risk my whole life by putting all my severance pay in my break for the past few days at once, so I just paid about two-thirds of my severance pay as a deposit and key money, and got a mediocre office for monthly rent.
I thought I could easily get a better place than here with the severance pay of the search captain of Liar’s Trap. To the extent that you can only get an office if you really put everything in and take out a loan. Hypocity buildings are expensive.
Still, Hypocity was the city with the most floating Awakeners because the guild houses of the giant guilds that ruled the world were hereditary.
So, even if you pay a monthly rent that makes you dizzy every month with a deposit and key money that sounds like a billion, this was an investment for the future.
“So… So I’m fine. Because this, this is just an investment…!”
“But why is your voice so trembling, Mr. Rabbit?”
“Ah, ah, isn’t it? Aren’t you nervous? Pastor, nothing is wrong!”
“At the same time, he uses the third person and his legs are shaking. Even though he’s the boss, he’s still cute.”
My bank account was already empty and I was in a sensitive state, but even listening to the words of Eme, who would get angry when I heard it, did nothing to me.
So, she decided to ignore Emme, who was repeatedly saying cute next to her, and decided to start by cleaning the dusty office.
“Okay, let’s start cleaning! Because everything in the world starts with cleaning! It’s good to relieve stress while cleaning!”
To clean, she rolled up her sleeves and held the cleaning tools she had just bought in her hands, trying to forcefully increase her tension.
“President Rabbit, are you admitting that you are stressed after all? Are you admitting that you were stressed because more money went out at once?”
Her voice and manner of speaking were so sleazy that along with the sound of something snapping in her head, her hands involuntarily strained and the handles of the broom and dustpan shattered.
Because of that, her cleaning was hindered, and Eme’s inner scratching also hit the floor, so she didn’t want to clean anymore.
Yes, what I want to do now is to treat Aimee, who is deliberately provoking me to fuck herself, as she wishes. Without mercy. I won’t even kiss you until you say you’re sorry.
However, in order to care for her emme, the first priority was to clean up the dusty office, no matter how neglected it was.
As I said earlier, everything starts with cleaning.
“I was going to grab and clean it, but I have to do it roughly because of Eme.”
Ignoring Emme who raised a question mark above her head as if she had finally sensed the future that was about to happen to her, I grabbed her garbage bag next to her and put the palm of my other hand on the concrete floor.
What needs to be moved is a lot of dust and garbage that touches the office floor and ceiling. The place to move is inside the garbage bag.
The moment I set the things and places to be moved in my mind, sparks ran through my palms and covered the entire office.
“Whoa. Cleaning is over.”
So, the office was cleaned.
“Uh huh? Eh, could you even do something like this? No, it’s theoretically possible enough, but wasn’t the proficiency of the ability still this high?”
When I was young, I recalled the memory of being tested on the ability of the rabbit hole in the laboratory, and I was in a state where my rabbit hole proficiency was incomparably higher than before.
Aime, who didn’t know that, thought I had to clean up.
“But there is no way. Clean up the rabbit hole in one go.”
I moved only the right hand holding the garbage bag to the general garbage dump I saw earlier, threw away the garbage bag, and finished cleaning, then turned to face the frozen Emme.
Then, with her expressionless expression on her face, as she uncovered her top, Aimee shook her shoulders and stepped backwards.
“Uh? Uh huh Now, wait a minute, rabbit. Uh, here? Now? Ah, no matter how much you do here, at least go to a budget-friendly business hotel…”
“Take the smile off her face and say it. Ame.”
Contrary to her body movements that hit her back, Amy’s mouth was covered with a smile of anticipation that couldn’t be hidden. That’s why I was able to drive her against the wall and grab her by the shoulder without hesitation.
“Ah, Ahn Dae-ae♡ I’m being teased by the boss♡ I got a real education after playing around with people♡”
Ayme’s lewd voice was a signal, and he messed up like that.
After finding an office, buying furniture such as desks and sofas, doing things necessary for the business, and spending time with Scar, Rafina, Silk, Ia, and Mayna, a week had passed.
And just today, right now, I was looking up at the office from outside the mall, and my heart was growing.
“Now… This is the real beginning. Ame!”
“I know. A day like this will come.”
“I see! I didn’t even know that this day would come! The tension goes up a lot!”
“Uh… Yes. It must be good if the rabbit boss is good.”
Aimee reacted insipidly, as if her breasts hadn’t grown as magnificent as mine.
Well, if it’s the world’s best genius scientist, Aimee, it’s no longer strange that her heart grows bigger just because she opened a small office like this.
It was eme-like enough that Emme didn’t show much of her reaction, so she didn’t care and decided to have fun all by herself.
“Great! Now we have a signboard, and we have opened a rice cake around us! They said they had a gossip to wish them well! Now it’s a real start! My heart is pounding, yes!”
A small, shabby office in a corner on the second floor of a shopping mall.
However, the signboard with the name ‘Paster Dungeon Rescue Insurance and Rescue Request Office’ hanging above it was enough to make the heart grand.
After taking a deep breath, I shouted out the line I really wanted to try as I took my steps towards the stairs of the shopping mall where I had to go in to enter the office.
“Then, opening the Pastor Dungeon Rescue Insurance business! Let’s do well, Eme!”
All that remains is to succeed in the life in which I am the main character!
There was a time when I thought that too.
“Emme, we’re fucked.”
Now, three months after opening, ‘Paster Dungeon Rescue Insurance and Rescue Request Office’ was facing an unprecedented financial crisis.
For reference, the company’s finances here meant my empty bankbook.
The bankbook, which was full of the remaining retirement money, was empty due to the custom-made signboard, the purchase of furniture, and the monthly rent that had been withdrawn for three months.
Every time I looked at the bank account, which had only money left to pay for the rent, it engraved a sense of being fucked deep in my bones.
“It’s really fucked up, Eme!”
Even now, when I looked at my bankbook, I realized that I had been fucked in real time.
So I told Aimee, who was sitting right next to me on the couch with her head resting on my arm, that I was fucked.
“I’ve been talking about this for a month, but am I okay?”
What comes back, as always, is not a serious voice, nor helpful advice, but a horribly nasty bitch done casually.
When I hear that nonsense, I turn to her, as I always do, grab her by the shoulders, shake her off her shoulders, and vent her anger on her.
“I thought Ame would make it! By the way, but why is there not a single customer after three months of opening! Does this really make sense?! It makes no sense! Of course, it’s not Eme’s fault, and since I’m the president, I know that it’s my fault that the business goes bankrupt, but…! I know it’s a situation where I should rather be grateful to Emme, who promised to get her salary later!”
However, her resentment is short-lived and eventually turns into self-reproach.
This was the repertoire of ‘Paster Dungeon Rescue Insurance and Rescue Request Office’ repeated every day for the past month.
“Uuuuu I’m sorry, Ame.”
Her head felt heavy, so I lowered her head and apologized to Aimee for harassing her.
“······It’s okay.”
With a single word from her that she was okay, Aimee hugged her head tightly and buried it in her own soft and plump chest, which was comparable to her thin breasts.
When I bury her face in her eme’s chest like this, I forget even the creepy feeling of having been fucked deep in her bones until just now, and I feel a sense of security that I just want to do this for the rest of my life.
A drug chest comparable to drugs, that was Aime’s chest.
Considering that drugs don’t work on me thanks to her rabbit hole, Aimee’s breasts are truly demonic.
“If you’re still not feeling well… Shall we do that today? Rabbit boss?”
That’s right, when I hear these words, I can’t help but feel my cock tighten…
Awesome profit. With my daughter
“Sir, excuse me…”
For the first time since opening, a person who was not a religious advocate, not Scar, Rafina, Silk, Ia, Maya, or a merchant opened the office door.
“Ah… Ah ah…! I’m sorry! I’m leaving!”
Then, after taking a quick glance at Emme and I, I hurriedly shut the door behind her, blushing, and left.
“Oh, oh oh oh?! Cow, guest! Wait!!”