Chapter 149 – Colosseum Tournament (1)
“Huh? Hangover?”
After sparring with Kalt, Nellis took a quick shower and tried to eat breakfast.
But why?
I thought it was strange that Scarlett and Aria showed no signs of coming down, and then completely unexpected news came from Kalt’s lips.
Yesterday evening.
It was said that Kalt had been drinking with Scarlett and Aria while he was asleep.
“Scarlett and Aria… Sue, you’re not going to drink, are you?”
“Yeah, so I suggested that we try it this time. But… Maybe it’s because we’re both not used to alcohol. We got drunk and kept ordering drinks. I think we’ll probably get better by lunch.”
“Uh, then why is Mr. Kalt okay?”
“I drank just enough to get moderately drunk. Besides, seeing how the two of you were drinking made me feel like I needed to come to my senses.”
Although she understood Kalt’s words, Nellis felt a little sad.
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“When I went to call you, you were sleeping so soundly that I felt sorry for waking you up.”
Although she was happy about Kalt’s consideration, at the same time, she was Nellis who wanted to have a drink with Kalt once.
However, that feeling of regret immediately disappeared with the words Kalt spoke next.
“Let’s drink together after the Colosseum tournament, Nellis.”
“Okay. I can’t drink right now because I have to worry about preparing for the Colosseum tournament, but after the tournament, I’ll teach you how to drink. Of course, then, let’s drink together.”
“Hey, it’s a promise, Mr. Kalt!”
A promise to drink just for the two of us with Kalt.
‘If you win the tournament, drinking with Mr. Kalt will taste even better!’
Nellis’ passion for the tournament was even stronger.
Her dissatisfaction with her colleagues, who felt she was hungover due to her overflowing motivation, also disappeared.
“Then, if you eat… I’ll train you intensively until the preliminaries. I have enough money now, so I won’t have to ask for a few days. You can do it, right?”
‘I get to spend more time with Mr. Kalt!”
“Yes! I will do my best!”
Two days later.
The day for the preliminary round at the Colosseum has arrived.
The daily life of Nellis’ party for two days was roughly like this.
While Kalt trains Nellis for the Colosseum, Scarlett and Arya have free time to study and hone their magic or practice divine attacks.
And in the evening, after finishing Nellis’ consultation, Kalt visits the room where Aria and Scarlett are together.
After briefly completing the consultation with the two as usual, Kalt teaches the two different ways to play than last time and begins having sex.
However, since uterine sex is inconvenient in many ways, she only has ordinary sex when she is staying at the inn.
Of course, in an ordinary sexual period by Calt standards, Scarlett and Aria experience an experience that is so intense that they give up on counting, even though it is not as crazy as womb sex.
And Nellis sleeps soundly.
This process was repeated for two days.
The changes are that Nellis’ skills have improved a bit, and that Scarlett has done everything she’s asked to do with very little resistance when having sex with her.
The point is that Aria usually looks at Kalt with slightly expectant eyes.
And while Scarlett and Aria envied Nellis, who had been training with Kalt for a long time, she began to reprimand herself for the naughty thoughts she had.
‘If Kalt touches Nellis quickly, she won’t have to think about her room. … ! What are you thinking!’
‘If she even Carl Trang Nellis… Kalt has started to attack me more boldly… Ugh! You can’t think like this!’
Looking back at Kalt’s actions so far, it was clear that she would also have a magical effect on Nellis.
However, this made Scarlett and Aria feel guilty because they thought that the reason they wanted Kalt to touch Nellis was because of their own greed.
Without knowing the feelings of these two people, Nellis worked hard to burn her will.
‘Drinking with Mr. Kalt! A drink just for two with Mr. Kalt!’
On the day of the preliminaries.
Nellis entered the waiting room for the players participating in the preliminaries, while the other three went to the audience area of the Coliseum and waited for the preliminaries to begin.
In the waiting room, Nellis saw several players and became worried.
‘Wow, everyone looks strong.’
Participating in the Colosseum is something that everyone does because they are somewhat confident in their abilities.
Therefore, even without having to fight directly, Nellis could feel the confidence overflowing from their faces and attitudes.
If there are athletes who show off their bulging muscles, then there are those who have well-balanced muscles.
A person who looks thin but has an eerie look in his eyes, etc.
Nellis felt as if she had become a chick in a pack of wolves.
‘Oh, no! There’s nothing to be afraid of! The Colosseum participants I saw last time also felt like it was worth a try. Plus, Mr. Kalt even gave me special training, so I can win! This will win, right?’
Nellis, still feeling a little uneasy despite her composure, used the last resort.
‘You think so too! AlexCaliber Neo!’
[Of course, partner!]
Nellis Secret.
Instead of an imaginary friend, he summoned an imaginary ego sword to boost his confidence.
For reference, Egosword’s voice used his biological father’s voice, paying attention to the origin of the name.
“Hey, hey. Looks like you’re pretty nervous?”
A man spoke to Nellis as she exhaled and took a deep breath.
The man had prominent muscles, short silver hair, and bronze skin.
He appeared to be a martial artist, as he was wearing sharp knuckles on his hands.
“If you’re that nervous, is it better to just stay here instead of going out? If you don’t participate in the preliminaries, you’ll automatically be eliminated, so you won’t be hurt.”
“No! I will participate! I will participate, and I will win!”
“What? Winning? Fuheup! That’s right! You have to dream big! Haha!”
My nervous mind was suppressed by irritation and anger towards the man.
“It’s not a dream! Let’s wait and see!”
“Yeah, yeah, wait and see. Shouldn’t we at least try to come here? Anyway, it’s not newbies like you who advance from the preliminaries to the finals…”
The man opens his mouth wide, sticks out his tongue, and raises his fist so that his mounted knuckles are clearly visible.
“Because this awl fist is Talagish!”
“Let’s just wait and see!”
Nellis frowned as best as she could and let out a growl.
Seeing those two people, some participants shook their heads.
‘Talagis is teasing a new participant again.’
‘I still can’t break that habit.’
‘Still, I agree with the idea that innocent-looking girl couldn’t pass the preliminary round. The Colosseum tournament is not a shabby place.’
‘It’s not for nothing that they say that the preliminaries are the true finals.’
At that time, the door opened, and a Colosseum employee came in.
“All participating players, please go to the Colosseum!”
The start of the preliminary round has arrived.
Audience seats at the Colosseum.
Scarlett muttered, resting her chin.
“Nellis, can you do well?”
“Nellis is not weak, so I’m sure she can do well. Right, Kalt?”
“Of course. There’s no way the Nellis I trained just barely made it to the preliminaries, right?”
“You’re very confident, aren’t you?”
“I’m just stating the obvious. I was very kind to teach Nellis her skills, and she has the talent to use them.”
As she spoke of her strength against Nellis, Kalt grinned as she hugged Scarlett and Arya, who were sitting on either side of her.
“Just as kindly as I taught you the night technique.”
“Tsk… Ka, Kalt, this is outside. No, Ka, if Kalt wants it, it’s me…”
“What kind of kindness is this? You threatened to leave me alone if I don’t learn! What are you talking about, Aria?”
“Really? After being threatened…”
Kalt whispered softly in Scarlett’s ear.
“It seemed like you had a lot of fun yesterday?”
“Si, it’s loud!”
“I’d like you to do that again today… Wouldn’t that work, Scarlett? It felt perfect when Scarlett did it for me.”
“Ugh…! Well, anyway, I’m in a position where I have to do what I’m told. If I want to receive it, I’ll do it again today.”
“Kah, Kalt? I can… Work hard too. Is there anything you can ask me to do?”
“Of course. Then I’ll ask Aria to do the same.”
“Yes, I will work hard. By the way, if I do better than Scarlett… I will be first today…”
“Aria, you…”
“If Scarlett doesn’t want to do it, don’t push yourself too hard. I can do it instead…”
“Ka, there’s no way Kalt will let something like that go by. Even if you do it roughly, it’s obvious that everyone will notice anyway. Even if you don’t want to do it, doing your best doesn’t change.”
“It’s such a shame.”
Scarlett muttered softly, hating the grinning Aria.
“The obscene saint…”
“S-Scarlet?! W-what did you just say…!”
“Well? Didn’t I hear it wrong?”
“Ah, Scarlett, Aria. Preliminaries are starting now. The players are showing up.”
At Kalt’s words, Scarlett and Aria looked down at the Colosseum stadium.
As Kalt said, players participating in the preliminary round appeared through the entrance.
Nellis was also in it.
“…? Why does his expression look like that?”
“Did something happen in the waiting room?”
Nellis, who appeared at the stadium, was frowning and puffing out her cheeks as if she was a little upset.
When Kalt saw Nellis like that, he thought she was cute and said.
“I guess there was something that could have stimulated Nellis’s motivation even more?”