Chapter 129: Election Brothers
After taking a break from work, I came to the break room of the mayor's mansion.
Since there was no one else in the room, I sat down at the sunniest seat and drank a cup of tea.
This rest room, prepared by the mayor's order, was comforting, as it had been my room before the war.
'Hey, are you the room on?'
I turned around, feeling slightly nervous at the unfamiliar voice, and saw a soldier standing there.
His large, muscular physique, which could be seen even through his thick winter clothes, and the sword of good quality that hung from his waist, along with his gaudily dyed cloak and ornaments, indicated that he was a military officer in good standing .
Yes,” He said, “I am Roomon. I am Roomon.
When you are dealing with a military officer in the Quardenze army, you can't play dumb.
I adopted a posture of bowing with a sense of security as I tried to find out who he was.
He was about my age or slightly younger.
He had a pleasant, mild-mannered face, but his dark eyes were very serious, as if they were staring at me.
What kind of women do you like?”
And what about?”
The question was completely unexpected, and my voice came out as if it were overflowing from my throat.
What kind of women do you like? I've been asked by the young master to come to ……. You're the one going to the whorehouse, right?”
'…… It's me.
Just a few moments ago, I received a few silver coins from the mayor.
I would have bought something for Kohliy, but this was given to me as money for the whorehouse.
Since it was a gift from the mayor, I was afraid to use it for any other purpose. If I did, I would be slandered as having betrayed the mayor's hospitality.
I have never been to a brothel in my life.
Therefore, I was puzzled, even though I had been given a silver coin.
The mayor said he would call someone who was familiar with brothels later, but I didn't expect a military officer of such standing to come.
I was glad to hear that,” He said. Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Rearight, and as you can see, I'm a soldier in the Quardenze Army.
He smiled toothily and said his name was Rearight.
I took my time to return the greeting in a polite and relaxed manner, while I used the opportunity to recall the name with all the energy I could muster in my head.
He was a military officer in the Quardenze army, and his name was Rearight.
The name sounded familiar.
'……If I may ask, is it Mr. Rearight of the House of Gatoren?
“Oh you're right, the guy who does the desk work knows his stuff his! I am indeed Gatoren Rearight.
The Gatoren family is one of the oldest knight families in the Quardenze territory.
The Gatoren family is one of the longest-established knight families in the Kuordenze territory, ruling the city of Gatoren, which is certainly the second largest in the territory, though not as large as the city of Newnery.
However, since the city of Nambonan became a Quordenze territory, it does not necessarily mean that they will be able to keep that position in the future.
Well,” He said, “But the house will be taken over by one of my brothers. I'm just a rear light. You don't have to be so awe-struck.
'Thank you for your consideration, sir.
Even if you are told such a thing, it is not so easy to relax when dealing with someone from a knight's family.
I don't want to make a bad impression on the Gatorens, who are the leading knights in the service of the Quardenze family. Don't call me Mr. Rearight.”
Mr. Rearight put his hand on his chin and continued with a troubled look on his face.
'Let's go to the whorehouse for now. Thanks to your help in guiding me to the room-on, I also got some money from the young master for the whorehouse.
I'm glad to hear that.
Now we can go to the best place today!”
With a slap on the back, Mr. Rialight and I were about to leave the common room.
As we were pushed out of the room from behind, we almost bumped into someone walking by.
The person I almost bumped into was Kohliy.
He was probably in the middle of doing some chores, holding a stack of papers in his hand.
He was holding a stack of papers in his hand. What's wrong?”
I felt a cold sweat break out on my back.
I didn't want Kohli to see me going to a whorehouse.
I am going back to my room to study. I heard that Mr. Oddie is going to give a recruitment exam for low-ranking servants, so I will take it too. If you do that, your salary will increase, brother.
I will do my best,” He said. Do your best.
Yes, I will. Please watch me.
Kohliy turned her pretty flowery smile toward me and walked quietly down the corridor.
I had heard that Tesh-sama and Oddi-sama were preparing to hire a lowly servant.
However, I had never thought that Kohliy was going to apply for the job.
While I was excited to see Kohliy's growth her from a doll-like girl, I also felt a smile on my face her when I saw that she still lacked the common sense of the world.
It would be impossible for a girl who aspires to be a lowly servant to be employed by the city when she so casually calls the senior servant Mr. Oddie “Mr. Oddie.
Kohary is being given special treatment by Mr. Oddi because she has become the mayor's favorite, but she doesn't seem to understand that at all.
Besides, Kohary, who is almost certain to become the mayor's, or nobleman's, concubine, will never become a low-ranking servant.
Although Kohary doesn't seem to realize it, Odie-sama doesn't have a very good impression of her being preoccupied with being a scullery maid.
He seems to think that she should be aware of her status as the mayor's concubine, have more feminine hobbies, and try harder to conceive a child.
Lady Odie, like a woman from a knightly family, is strict and unforgiving.
Seeing Kohliy taking it easy in front of Lady Odie makes me nervous.
The reason why Master Odi is so lenient to Kohliy is because the mayor allows it. Kohary is currently in a very privileged environment.
I still cannot forgive the mayor for forcing Kohary to be raped.
But the fact that he is now at peace in this way makes me think that it must have been a good thing.
The number of smiles on Kohary's face has increased since his days as a merchant.
Is that Roomon's sister?She's incredibly beautiful.
'Yes, she is. Thanks to you, the mayor remembers me very well.'
Mr. Rearight's eyes were tinted with a favorable color, so I decided to nail him early.
If I mentioned the mayor's name her, the son of the Gatoren family, famous for their loyalty, her would never touch her, and if anything happened to Kohliy, he would actively protect her.
'Hey, did you think I would mess with that little sister of yours? She's well known in the army. How could I do something like messing with the young master's girl?”
Is that so?
Oh,” Mr. Learight nodded.
I have heard that male aristocrats tend to take good care of the women they prefer.
I felt a sense of relief, and my shoulders relaxed.
Oh? What are you doing to relax? Let's go see those cute little girls soon.”
I followed Mr. Rearight, who went outside ahead of me.
Mr. Rearight was recommended by the mayor as a whorehouse enthusiast, and he was well versed in the lower half of the city of Nambonan.
He was no doubt more knowledgeable than I, who was born and raised in Nambonan City.
So, roomon, what kind of women do you like?
Well, let's see…
I had never really talked about this kind of thing before, so I couldn't help but stammer.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't be too careful when it comes to your health and wellness. Do you prefer an older or younger woman? Do you want a woman with skill? Or do you prefer a fresh one? You prefer a woman with big hips or big breasts?”
I asked, “What kind of woman would you do for …… Mr. Rialight?”
Mr. Learight is apparently two years younger than me.
His preference seems to be for a woman who is older, has breasts, a tight personality, and red hair color.I somehow feel that she is similar to Mr. Oddie.
He said, “And as I said before, please don't call me 'Mr. Realite. I don't like that kind of thing. I even ran away from home because of it.
When you say 'home,' do you mean the Gatorens' house?
That family is always nagging me about everything.I'm not sure why they're telling me that when my brother is taking over the family.
The word “Loyalty” Is the first word that comes to mind when you hear the family name, the Gatoren family.
The family is very strict and their loyalty to their lord, the Kuordenze family, is the highest in the territory, I heard from a merchant friend of mine once.
I see. So that's why you are a member of the Quardenze army.
When a child of a knightly family goes on to a military career, he or she often joins either his or her family's army, the knightly army, or the army of the lord's nobility.
It would be easier to escape interference from parents if they joined the Quardenze army.
No, I'm in the Quordenze army now. Not long ago, I was a mercenary outside the territory.
'Yes, how is that, how do you say …… Such a thing is allowed in a child of a knightly family? Isn't that a very unconventional way of life,……?”
I get that a lot, “He said, and Realite laughed out loud. His voice echoed well in the city's main streets.
He is a military officer, but he has an air of friendship about him, perhaps because of his experience as a mercenary.
I've got a lot of older brothers, so the house will be fine even without me.
I see…….
I've always admired General Gulfis, and I've always wanted to live a life of fighting. I was treated well wherever I went because of my magical powers. I traveled all over the continent.”
General Gulfis, who is in charge of the defense of the city of Nambonan, spent his childhood in battle and roared with valor.
According to Mr. Learight, anecdotes of General Gulfis' youth are an object of admiration for boys of knightly families.
He was a young man who was always on the move,” Mr. Learight said. To what provinces?
I had only been to the imperial and royal capitals at most, so the trip sounded very interesting to me.
I have been to the southern part of the continent,”He said. There are a number of independent noble families there, aren't there? There are a lot of skirmishes there, so there was no shortage of mercenary work.”
Saying this, Mr. Rearight named several cities as mercenaries.
Some were well-known cities whose names he had often heard, while others were so small that he would have to review a map to locate them.
'I also took part in the Gulf Cities Unification War, did you know that?
The Rickaga Confederacy?”
There were several independent noble families in the Gulf region in the southernmost part of the continent, but they started a war about 10 years ago and finally became one.
If you check their territories on a map, they are small states with territories not much different from those of the great noble houses of the Levios Kingdom or the Zinkaen Empire.
The new nation is called the Rickaga Confederacy.
That's it. I was a mercenary there. At the end of the war, I was in charge of a force of about 8,000 men, and after the war, I was so active that they asked me to become a knight there. That great?
That seems more like a knight for hire than a mercenary.
The difference between a person who grew up in a knightly family and a mere commoner mercenary may be the difference in self-reliance.
'That's great, but …… Why are you in the Quardenze army now? You must have had the opportunity to be officially knighted.”
Earlier, Mr. Learight had mentioned something about not being able to inherit the family title because of his many older brothers.
Wouldn't this be a great opportunity for him to become a knight, since he would not be able to inherit the Gatoren family?
He said, “Fool, if I do that, my father will try to kill me. He said, “No, it won't be just my father, all my brothers will be coming to kill me. I'll kill the disgrace of the Gatoren family! …… Or something like that.”
“What? Why?
From my point of view, if a son who is low in the line of succession becomes a knight somewhere, it is a gain for the family.
If the son became a knight in the Rickaga Confederacy in the southern part of the continent and held a fiefdom, he could make a fortune through trade and other means and would be able to quickly grasp the situation in the south.
Why, of course? The Gatoren family's lord is the Quardenze family. It would be …… Shameful to change the family name and have another monarch, even if he is only temporarily employed as a mercenary.”
Is that how it is……
Because of the Quardenze family, the Gatoren family exists, and because of the Gatoren family, I was born as a person with magical powers, and as a result, I was able to take credit for the war. Thinking of Mr. Rialight.
If he thinks like that, he would not have been able to switch from the Quardenze family.
I knew that knightly families think in this way, but I think I understood it for the first time through actual conversation.
Besides, I don't really want to be a knight. I don't want to do detailed desk work like my father, or think about measures, just thinking about it disgusts me.”
I see.”
Mr. Learight may be a good military man, but I get the feeling that he is not suited to detailed territory management.
'That's what makes the city of Nambonan so interesting. The commoners had representatives to run the city, right?'
'Yes. Soon there will be elections, and new representatives will be chosen.'
Mr. Rearight, who did not know how elections work, asked for an explanation, to which I gladly replied.
There is no city in the Quardenze territory that has a similar system of governance as the city of Nambonan.
The system is currently being maintained because the mayor has an understanding of the situation, but there is no assurance that this will continue to be the case.
In order to protect the autonomy of Nambonan City, it is necessary to make those on the ruling side understand that this autonomy is the source of Nambonan City's vitality.
Forgetting that I was in the middle of a trip to a whorehouse, I was making an impassioned speech to Mr. Rialight.