Chapter 211: Luncheon
Surprisingly, the opening ceremony with the big news went off without a hitch.
There was so little confusion that one wonders if it had been announced in advance.
For the royal aristocrats, the priestly power was already a thing of the past. As one would expect, the level of knowledge was low, as if to say, “What is a holy priest? I don't think there are any aristocratic families with a low-level “What is a holy priest” Generation.
At any rate, few people seemed to have an accurate grasp of the current situation in the Holy City and the movements of the priestly community.
Perhaps this was the reason why they were more confused after the ceremony ended and they left the round table room.
The luncheon began amidst a somewhat buoyant atmosphere.
Will's favorite raw fish. There's that raw fish you like, Will.
Plume, who was taking my arm, pointed to a carpaccio-like sashimi dish laid out on the table.
Let's have some. I want to eat as much as I can while I'm in King's Landing.
As I said this, the civil servant Quardenze, who was standing diagonally behind me, received a plate from the servant Levios at the table.
The civil official Silopea did not move.
The luncheon was a standing buffet party, using two large areas of the royal castle and gardens. Since the weather was fine today, Prudhomme and I were enjoying the meal in the garden.
The food served in the garden is buffet style, which has existed as a formal thing since the time of the priests.
It is a little troublesome that I cannot take my own food as I like, but I am very thankful for it because it is much less table manners than when I eat sitting down.
When the Levios servant looked at me, he said in a familiar tone of voice, as if it were a template.
If you like it, please come to King's Landing at a different time next time.
“Well, what kind of things do you have?”
While I was listening to the servant's brief conversation, a male nobleman approached me.
Since it is the nobleman who should be given priority, I break off the conversation with the servant.
Well, well, well. I am sure you are Wilk-dono of the Quardenze marquise family and Plume-dono of the Silopea count family, aren't you? Are you separated from the Marquis and the Count?”
………… I can't think of any quick names. In other words, it should be a weak noble family other than the Quardenze faction. If it's a noble family from your own faction, you 're putting extra effort into remembering it.
The fact that they are suddenly approaching me means that they must have already greeted me at least once. He must be the type of noble who is dabbling in various factions. He looks like a slender middle-aged man, and this corresponds to .. …..
I squeeze my brain frantically while trying to smile. Yes, we must have met during my stay in Calahanasso.
'Yes, my father dines in the castle. Baron Iraisa also seems to be separated from your son.'
Weak nobles outside of their own faction who are not princess-holders have an infinitely lower priority to remember. I even want to praise myself for being able to remember.
I was applauding in my brain as I watched Plume respond.
At this luncheon, there are many cases where the current generation and the next generation are separated. I heard that if they are too close to their parents, the impression from other families will be bad. They say, “He's unreliable.
This time, I and Pouloumé are going separately from the parents for this reason. Well, the real reason is something else.
The baron apparently approached us for carpaccio-like sashimi. A person who looked like a civil official waiting on him was receiving the plate.
The fish of Levios is very palatable,” He said. It is one of the pleasures of my stay in the capital. Especially the oily fish that line the tables in the winter…….
Apparently, fish like yellowtail on Earth can be caught in Levios territory.
I wondered if he was here to talk about fish. The baron was so happy to talk about it that I thought so, but the topic of conversation gradually moved toward the opening ceremony.
I was surprised just now. I didn't expect her to be……”
I see, I know what he is trying to do.
Well, who is she? There were several people on the stage.
The ceremony did not end with King Levios' speech and Lorna's appearance on stage. After that, Princess Allyna and an old woman who is the vice president of the Blue Earth Hall also took the stage and gave speeches.
They are not the head of the family or the next head of the family, but since they are the hosts, they at least greeted the guests. Princess Alina spoke with the dignity and firmness of a princess.
I waited for the baron to speak without mentioning the name of my potential “Girlfriend. He looked a little troubled, then said in a whisper
……………………………………………I mean Mister Lecotte.”
Lord Lecotte, you say?
The Barony of Ilesa is located in the southern part of the kingdom. Apparently, he has a fair amount of insight on priests.
The basic form of a priest's full name is “Family name + name + rank + position + priest's name,” Which is unnecessarily long.
The family name is Zesly Kathreak, the first name is Lukot, the rank in the Zethusian High Priesthood is Kipala, the title of priest is Zesly Karline, which means holy priestess, and finally, the name as a priest, Lorna. Zeslii Kathreak Lukot Kipala Zeslii Karline Lorna, the Holy Priestess Lorna.
However, there is a circumstance that it is particularly long because it is Lorna.Her family is the main family of the Kathreaak family, in short, the Holy Kathreaak.
Zeslii” In Zesli Katrerak is an ancient word, meaning “Katrerak, daughter of Zeth” In literal translation. Only people of the Holy Order of Kathreak are allowed to use this name.
And priests of the Holy Family are allowed to add the ancient word meaning “Daughter of Zeth” Or “Son of Zeth” Before their title.
If Lorna were the daughter of a branch of the House of Cattleyarch, her full name would be shortened a bit to Cattleyarch Lukot Kipala Carline Lorna.
However, this is just the basic form, so there are naming forms that differ. As for the irregular ones, without Cynthia's explanation, I wouldn't have been able to understand them on my own.
Even in the Holy City, there are many people who are not familiar with the rules for the full names of priests. I think there are more people who don't know it if they are royal nobles.
In such a situation, Baron Iraisa squeezed out the designation “Lord Lecotte” After much trouble.
In the current situation where the position of the nobles in relation to Lorna is not clear, he must have decided that it would be safer to call her Lucotte, which is her name as a person, rather than calling her by a priest's name. Shows the extent of his knowledge of priests.
“Mister Lecotte? Oh, you mean Lorna-dono?
I think the reason he first used the ambiguous expression “She” Was his intention her to find out what the Quardenze family would call Lorna.
It is a typical move of a weak aristocrat who wanders between the Quordenze Zeldmietra and the Zeldmietra.
I did not expect to see Rona-dono on the stage.”
I said, and Plume, who had transformed into a princess, added her own words her.It was a brilliant coordination.If it were possible,I'd like to have my body and soul on the bed.
Baron Iresa, feeling saved, jumped on the bandwagon.
Yes, I'm talking about Lorna-dono Well, I never thought I would see someone in Lorna's position in her capital!
The Quardenze faction has decided to call Lorna Lorna in accordance with the Levios family,…… And I am sure that this has been well conveyed to the baron.
'Well, things have settled down in the Holy City area in recent years,' he said. The county of the Free Cities …… Has even been able to afford to look outside, with the priestly forces mediating a cease- fire between independent noble families. But I didn't expect Lord Lorna to defect, and that too to the Levios family……Ummmm, I'm surprised.”
Baron Ilesa, perhaps in a better mood now that the issue has been resolved, becomes talkative once again.
King Levios, a holy priest …… Who had temporarily taken refuge in the kingdom to avoid getting involved in the political upheaval that had occurred in the Holy City just recently, introduced Lorna in that way.
The reason why the nobles of the kingdom were less upset was probably due to the fact that the nobles were conveyed to be on the higher side. In addition to that, the fact that political strife was taking place in the Holy City pleased them. Could ridicule the lack of growth and stupidity of the people who had caused the turbulent times, who were once again stirring up civil strife.
King Levios made a good introduction.
'Oh no, didn't they hang a priest in King's Landing last year? I was surprised to see him on the stage just now because of that incident. The Levios family had a tough time with it, you know. ..
Come to think of it, there was such a thing.
The details are unknown, but a priest's hand did something in the royal capital and was captured by the Levios family.
In the aftermath, a radical priest named Diana or something like that became active in the Quardenze territory, and there was even an incident in New Nellie Field.
The Quardenze family is investigating the rumors, but they have not been able to obtain much detailed information. According to the investigators, the Levios family has apparently issued a gag order.
However, the baron's comment gave the impression of a smug attitude that is characteristic of people who know something about the situation. I'm not going to tell you,” He said. I won't tell you.
Well, what's that about? Is it something to do with Lorna?
It was Plume who said that.
Since I told you about the name Lorna, you will tell me what the baron knows about that incident, won't you?
'No, what, I'm talking about the mud that got in there.
The baron tried to cover it up with that, but Plume kept staring at him silently. Then he let out a laugh, as if to say, “Oh, no.
I was in King's Landing at the time of the incident.
Perhaps he had intended to tell the story from the beginning.
It seems that the priests wanted money. I heard that some low-ranking priests tried to sneak into the mint in the royal capital and steal gold coins and bullion. Thought there was something of value to be found. ……Well, the quality of Levios' gold coins is the best on the continent.”
Very good quality gold is calculated from the fields of the royal city owned by the Levios family. The gold coins made from it are highly trusted and so valuable that they are circulated even in imperial territory. According to Viscount Galiana, the gold is not accepted only in the Mumshred Federation, but also in the Land of Mist.
Oh, my. You are being very careless, aren't you?
The Levios family should take better care of their gold.
No, no,” He said, “There's no way they would just go after an important facility like the mint. The lowly priest and his men who snuck into the mint were all killed or captured on the spot. The city was in an uproar at that time…….
In the capital, the lowly priest and the military officer Levios clashed, and the people of the capital were said to have trembled. The Levios side with its geographical advantage had an overwhelming advantage and was quickly subdued.
Baron Ileasa, who happened to be staying in the capital, was visited several times by knights of the Levios family to explain the situation.
As might be expected of the Levios Army.
The Levios Army is good at guerrilla operations, as are the genocide squads.
The baron nodded at my words.
But we couldn't capture all of them. Apparently, the priests were working in several groups.
They tortured the men they captured, but they refused to talk until they were all dead.
The priests' hideout was also found, but not much useful information was left behind. It seems that there was a plan to use the money to hire mercenaries, but what were they really going to do with it? I am sure that a little bit of force would not have shaken Corrovia, let alone King's Landing.”
……Was he going to do the same thing in the Levios territory that Deanna had done? Lupetta and the others were also hired by Diana and lured into the field.
However, the field in King's Landing has only recently discharged the magical beast Elsinia. I don't think there is a high possibility that a near-mature demonic beast is lurking in the field like in the New Nellie field. If that is the case , does that mean that the field in the direction of Corbovia was the target?
There was just an incident with a priest that could be taken as an attack on the Levios family. It is also a bitter one for the Levios family, as they missed the remnants. ……That's why I was surprised to see you on the stage, Lord Lorna.”
I guess that closing statement means that I've given you enough backstory to thank you for this.
Well, I guess we'll find out the name soon enough, and it's not something I can be too indebted to him for.
Baron Iraisa finished his talk and left in a brisk movement. This time, he would probably go to the place where the Zeldmietra faction gathers. I am very sorry for your hard work.
Poulme and I decided to quench our thirst with a drink from one of Levios' servants who was walking nearby.
Will is going to have a fun, fun meeting after this, isn't he?
Plume says as he looks around and makes sure he's not attracting attention.
If it sounds like fun, you want to come out with us, Prue?”
Oh my God. If you talk like that, I'll get the wrong impression of you.
I was so excited,” Plume admonished me in a quiet voice.
The social gathering scheduled for the afternoon is a time for individual house-to-house meetings.
If she were my fiancée, she could attend with me, but regrettably, this is not the case.
If it is a misunderstanding, as Prume says, then that is what we want. I'm all for misunderstandings,” He said.
Well, we have some fun, fun plans before our meeting this afternoon.
“Mister Wilk.”
Plume's voice changes from that of her childhood friend to that of the princess of the Silopea family.
Turning around, she sees a male nobleman walking up to her from a distance. Although he is far away, I can guess who he is by the reactions of the people around him.
I straightened my posture and waited for the visitor.
Is it His Lordship Quardenze Wilke?
Yes. I beg your pardon, who are you?
I noticed that Plume quickly stepped back.
I was the only one who could talk to him here.
I've never met you before, have I? I've sat down with the Marquis of Quardenze a few times, so I just had to say hello.
As the next head of the Quardenze family, I am in a reasonably high position. The only people above me are the head of the family and the previous generation of head of the family. .
His statement that he once sat with my father indicates that he is the head of a noble family.Thanks to that, I'll be able to make a move commensurate with that.
With my father?” I'm sorry to hear that. My father is having a pleasant chat in the castle, so I am unable to give him a formal greeting at this time.”
This was the real reason why my father and I were separated. If we had been working together, the introduction time would have started here.
No, I don't mind. I will say a few words to the Marquis of Quardenze.
He broke off and stared at me for a moment before continuing.
I thought I should apologize directly to Wilk. My daughter was very rude to him the other day. I know that.”
Then he …… Grand Duke Mirendorva expresses his apology. It was the most appropriate manner of apology for a superior to show to a subordinate.
Oh, such a murmur echoed around us. Now this is a place where many aristocrats of the Quardenze school gather around me, and the Grand Duke of Mirendorva was attracting a lot of attention.
So I quietly replied, acting as if I had just noticed who the Grand Duke was for the first time.
Please stop. If you say so, then there is nothing from me. …… I too am sometimes scolded by my father in New Nelly, and when I do, I am greatly discouraged. Enough to forgive me for your reprimand to the princess there. I, for one, do not wish to see her depressed.”
Meaningful translation.
I accept the apology for now, but there is no room for negotiation with me because I have left it to my father to decide what to do about it. In another's territory, let alone in your own. Scold him so that he won't do it again, but don't make him resent me by scolding him in a strange way.
That was all. The Grand Duke turned his back on me without lingering.
I receive the Grand Duke's apology in public. I was a little relieved that one of the big events that awaited me today was over.
Quardenze Wilk and Grand Duke Mirendorva have not yet formally greeted each other. This means that any conversation that takes place here will be informal.
Informal apologies in public.
The Levios family has thought of a very clever way of dropping the matter. This way, the nobles who witnessed the event were not afraid to make a big deal about it. It was a settlement that just barely satisfied the requirements of the Quardenze and Millendorva families.
But why should I, the one receiving the apology, be so careful?
The Grand Duke of Mirendorva …… Is the current head of the Mirendorva family who settled the protracted civil war with the Levios family.I watched his departing figure of him.
The five-branched candelabrum illuminating only the west and the double-edged sword pointed to the east.The crest of the Mirendorva family is depicted on his swaying cloak.
The Mirendorva family is a branch of the Levios family, which became independent to follow the aristocratic families in the easternmost part of the continent.
The sword represents military might, while the light of the candelabra represents the light of order that dispels the barbaric darkness of a turbulent age. Gather together in the new era that the House of Levios will illuminate, and we will destroy the dark and foolish aristocrats of the Far East who oppose it. …… This coat of arms is a good example of the historical background of the founding of the Mirendorva family.
The appearance of the Grand Duke of Mirendorva, who I met, seemed to bear a slight resemblance to King Levios.Considering his bloodline, is that degree of resemblance natural?
When the Grand Duke had completely left and the attention of those around him had waned, he was lightly tapped on the hip with a “Plop.
How's it going?”
I bring my face close to Plume's her in order to whisper Naturally, my body was also close to hers.
I had to show her that I was friendly with her so that she wouldn't get any bad bugs.
Plume smiles at me. Apparently my response was passable from the outside, good, good.
I see.”
There are few words exchanged. The most important thing to remember is that you can't be too blunt with your comments because some of the nobles are still looking at you. Makes the heart sing.
If it were possible, I would have liked to continue flirting with Plume, but that was not the case. My schedule was tight today.
As if by design, the civil servant who had been accompanying my father came to me.
I said goodbye to Proumé, and I would see her again at the evening meeting.She will be the one to go to the exchange meeting and meet with the noble families outside her faction of her.
I interrupted the civilian officer's words with a palm gesture and said goodbye to Plume.
Now for the second part of the fun and joyous event.
'Young Master, we are ready to meet with the Aterahan family. The Master has summoned you. Please make your way to the castle.'