Chapter 23: Taking a Merchant's Daughter Deliciously?
The soles of my leather shoes hit the floor as I walked.
The sound of the shoes echoed in the empty room.
I said, “…… There is nothing in this mansion anymore. Are you going to confiscate the house? If so, we will leave immediately.
The man looking at us is probably the brother of the girl called Kohary.
His hair color is different from the girl's, but his face is somewhat similar.
I looked at the girl Kohary.
She looks almost adult, but her large eyes, disproportionate to her age, are striking.
She was so frazzled that she could not do anything, and her dependence on her older brother, to whom she entrusted everything, also showed her childishness.
She is about to be evicted from her mansion her yet she is carefree in her beautiful dress her which shows her lack of a sense of crisis.
She was raised in a wealthy family of a wealthy merchant without being exposed to any malicious intent.
In the kingdom and empire, there are many people with curly hair, and it is rare to find a girl with smooth hair, but Kohary's hair was perfectly straight.
The contrast between her dark silver hair, which hung down in a way that seemed to encircle her small breasts, and her red eyes, which looked as if they had been filled with red wine, was beautiful.
The mansion will be confiscated. Leave anything else that might become property.”
In a previous life, one might think that it was the parents who had their property confiscated, so why should they take anything that belonged to their sons or daughters as well?
However, everything in the house nominally belongs to the patriarch.In other words, if the patriarch had had his property confiscated, the family's belongings will naturally be confiscated as well.
“The mansion is……! Brother,……!
“Don't cry, Kohary. Kohli. The Chamber of Commerce and everything is gone, but we will work together. Let's start peddling like your father did when he was young. Then one day we will have a mansion like this again.”
Kohary nuzzled her face into her brother's chest, her shoulders shaking.
Why does this brother-sister love make me shiver?
I wish I could go back to New Nellie and love Fanny.
I'd love to go back to New Nellie and love Fanny. “Lord Captain of the Quordenze.”
Kohary's brother showed us what looked like a drawstring bag he carried at his waist.
The sound of metal rubbing against metal suggests that it might be gold coins.
When I took a look at the bag, I found that it contained about 10 gold coins each, which are mainly used in the empire and the kingdom, as well as three cylindrical ores.
The size of the cylindrical ores is about the size of an AAA battery in a previous life. They are transparent in color, but light passing through them casts rainbow-colored shadows.
I'm not sure if it's a “N……? Could this be manaral ore?”
'Did you know? It is manaral crystal. A vein of manaral ore was recently discovered.
“Oh. Is this the manaral crystal? I have read about it in the literature.
This will be a good way to pass the time.I decided to write a letter to my father later asking if I could have some of it.
I retrieved the drawstring bag.
'Now, if you'll excuse me. Kohliy, let's go.”
I called out to them as they were leaving the room, as if they were finished.
I was still holding on to my possessions.
What is it?
You still have the property. Leave it.”
Kohary's brother looked troubled and shook his head.
Perhaps he really doesn't have any more gold coins or jewelry.
'I'm sorry, Captain,' he said.
As he quickly walked out of the room, I gave him an ultimatum.
If you leave this room, we will consider you to have absconded with our property, and we will execute you.
With a jerk, the two men stopped walking.
When Kohary's brother looked back at us, he must have thought that he had been caught by a troublesome person.
He must be thinking that he has been caught in the clutches of a troublesome person, because he looks back at us and sees that the expression on his face has disappeared.
What is it?”
I pointed at Kohary's brother.
What is it?
I pointed to a beautifully embroidered jacket with a tula pattern on it.
Kohary's brother was wearing clothes made of fine cloth, as if he were the son of a wealthy merchant.
The bright yellow fabric, which must have been lavishly dyed, was embroidered with intricate craftsmanship using black threads.
The clothes looked much more expensive than the annual income of a lowly commoner.
I understand,……, But could you please spare me the outfit? Please be kind.”
Kohary's brother had a look on his face that said, “Just take it off,” But he seemed to realize what I was trying to do as he was saying the words of understanding.
He kneeled on the floor and got down on his knees.
Kohary did not seem to read the situation and looked curiously at my brother's sudden actionhis.
I ignored him and looked down at Kohliy's brother.
I won't say it again.
I don't enjoy undressing men.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be honest with yourself.
I'll tell you what.
Kohary's brother regretfully takes off his jacket, folds it neatly and places it on the floor.
He took off his jacket and folded it neatly on the floor. Is the design goldsmith?”
'Oh……, Brother. Oh, brother……, What a…… Thing to do.
Don't look at me, Kohli.
I repeat, I have no taste for taking a man's clothes off.
Hmm, looks like you're finally done filing your property.
Please, please, please don't let this happen!”
I try to keep Kohary's brother, who is completely naked and ready to get down on his knees, out of my sight as much as possible.
I don't want to see the sea cucumber-like object between his thighs.
You can go home now. Now, Kohary. You, too, seem to be clad in property.
“Sir! Please, sir! I beg you to spare Kohary! She is a girl who does not even know what a man is!
Kohliy must have finally understood what I was looking for.
She clasped her palms together in front of her chest, trembling.
The fabric of that dress is from New Nelly, isn't it? It's very expensive.”
Kohary was frightened, but she had nowhere to hide, as her trusty brother she was naked and in a down-on-his-knees pose.
He was in the middle of a pose on his knees, completely naked. Is this seizure really allowed!”
The naked brother stood up, shaking his crotch.
He then said he would inquire about the situation with Quardenze.The brother standing up to protect his sister he is cool.
You're allowed.”
Then I will check with the council!
I unfolded my cloak to show the nude brother who was so excited.
The Quardenze family crest is embroidered on it.
……This is…”
“Check with the council. Whether or not it is permissible to take everything from the merchant family that has avenged our Quordenze? It is an interesting question. I am sure it will be voted unanimously.
As Viscount Galiana said, the Nambonan councilors were working in the dark behind the scenes to sabotage the activities of Kuordenze.
The list of executions listed in the peace treaty only included particularly vicious merchants, and the answer to the question of whether they were harmless to Quordenze just because they were not on it is no.
The answer is no. By being a member of the Diet, you are giving your consent to the sabotage.
And I didn't make any mistake in the agreement. It was written that all property was to be forfeited, so at worst, I was allowed to cut off my daughter's hair and sell it off. Beautiful hair can be sold. Kohary's hair, in particular, would fetch a high price because it was habit-free and beautiful.
Some people don't seem to understand that just having a life is an excessive mercy.”
I ignored my naked brother and looked at Kohliy, who was watching the proceedings.
He held up a finger and pointed it at me.
All property is confiscated. That dress is worth a fortune.