Chapter 234: Naming
It has already been 10 days since we returned to New Nellie Castle.
After Plume returned to Silopea, I just spent my time idly.
I chatted with Fanny, had tea with Fanny, read books with Fanny, practiced dancing with Fanny, and last night we had a too wholesome bedfellowship in my bed that could have been suitable for all ages. Fanny was very close to me as if she was replenishing the sweetness she lacked.
But those days were not only healing for Fanny, but also for me. It seems that I had been more exhausted in King's Landing than I realized. On the day Plume left, I picked up my pen to reply to a letter I had received from another family, but my mind was not working at all.
Once the switch was turned off, no matter how hard I tried, I could not turn it back on.So I gave up on everything and spent the rest of the day immersed in my sister's life her.
Then this morning, when the rain that had been falling since yesterday stopped and I saw the bright sunrise, I felt as if my mind's switch had somehow been flipped to the “On” Side.
It seemed that Fanny felt the same way, and she had regained some of her composure during our post-breakfast snuggle time.
In the afternoon, I put away the letters.
I returned to my room after lunch, and in order to rouse myself, I dared to declare to Tesh, “I'm not going to reply to your letter seriously soon.
It would be bad if I didn't start replying seriously soon. If I don't switch in this mood today, I'm going to become a recluse.
I will make the preparations.
I'm on it.”
Tesch went to call for the civil servants, and I sat down on a chair, feeling depressed at the pile of letters on the workbench.
I reached for the top of the pile.
The first one was a copy of a letter addressed not to me but to my father.
The next letter was a copy of a letter to my mother. Apparently, there were letters for three people in this pile. No wonder there are so many.
In the end, it took quite a while for the mountain to level out.
Young Master.”
The official came to me when I had finished reading all the letters and stretched. Apparently, he had brought me some tea.
The young generation in the kingdom of…… Is a pure one.”
I sipped my tea and muttered my thoughts.
Most of the letters I received were either related to the second magical beast or to the princess I invited to the evening party.
The one about the second magical beast was notable for its tone of respect as the protector of the earth. To sum it up simply, “While the adults were not moving for political reasons, Quardenze Wilk did his duty as a nobleman in accordance with his own beliefs, and that is admirable. The adults around him advised him, “There's more to it than that. The words of some of them indicated that they had been advised by the adults around them that “There was more to it than that, ” But most of them ended with something like “I still want to believe in the excitement I felt at that moment.
In fact, I never clearly stated that I was being truthful or honest. The possibility that what I said in the garden was my true intention remains fifty-fifty. Believe what you want to believe.
'That …… Young man is also a young generation of the kingdom, ……
'Oh, come to think of it.
I'm a spiffy, bimbo thirteen year old, come to think of it.
Well, some of the younger generation aren't so pure.
I'm talking only about the younger generation in the kingdom, but about two thirds of the whole population are just wait-and-see. There were a lot of confusing expressions that could be interpreted in any way, and I got the sense that They were trying to figure out how Quardenze was going to come out. The pair of fiancées of the Aterahan family enter here.
The remaining third of the family is pure aristocrat-kun aristocrat-chan.
The two families that sent the most unusual letters were the Zeldmitra and Millendorva families.
The letter from Sardin was lined with descriptions that highly praised me for acting as an aristocrat. The defeat of the second demonic beast itself was mentioned only in a condescending manner. Although I cannot say for sure because some parts were intentionally vague, it read as if he was insisting that being a “Ruler of a territory” Rather than a “Guardian of the land” Was the ideal of a nobleman.
In a sense, the letter from Killode is similar to that. The ideal image of nobility he envisioned was spelled out at length, but the main point was a check against contact with Orcian. That was written in such a way as to attack the very edge of the line of breach of etiquette.
It seems that these two men wrote only what they wanted to write and sent it over.
Whatever the case may be, it seems that all the nobles are going to be slowing down.
The nobles of the kingdom are now in a great hurry to begin field research in their own territories after Quardenze gave out information that the priestly forces might be carrying out magical beast terrorism. There will be no time for expeditions for a while.
However, the Levios family will surely make a move when the time is right. I need to think carefully about what I'm going to do so that I can respond no matter what my father does at that time.
How long do you think it will take for all the nobles of the kingdom to complete the survey of their territories?
'That seems about right to me.
Then I would consider two years of probation.
Ha. The Levios family has been greatly discredited by this incident. There is no news that they have defeated the ringleader, the high priest Efial. Considering this, I wonder if they will be able to organize a major expedition to the Holy City. …..
Several letters have been received from the Levios family, but there is no information about the attacker, Efial. If they had captured or defeated him, there is no way they would have written about it, so I think he is still on the run.
It would be bad if he came to Quardenze territory to retaliate. Let's hope they don't attack us forcefully, saying they want to settle the grudge over the defeat of the second demonic beast. On the lookout for such a situation.
Certainly, few will respond to the order as it stands now.
'In addition, the future of King Levios is also in doubt. How will the effects of the impure sword come out……”
However, the sorcery sword used by Efial has recently come to be known as the Unholy Sword. It seems that it is difficult for people who were not in the area to imagine a sword clothed in mystical power, and the story that it gave the impression of impurity grew and changed before we knew it. Well, it doesn't matter what the official name of the sword is, because we won't know unless we ask Efial. In the territory of Quardenze, we call it the “Impure Sword .
The actuality of the fact that the actual name of the sword is not really important.
Letters in King Levios' hand have been delivered here and there, and for the time being, his political affairs do not seem to have been affected. However, an expedition would be a different story. No one will send out an army if the leader is holed up in his own territory.
And his relationship with Prince Dunkel, who could be his deputy, is also in doubt…….
That was the biggest problem of all.
The relationship between King Levios and Dunkel is said to have become quite delicate since the interruption of the royal society. In Dunkel's letters, there are noticeable “Hints” Of a conflict with his father. From his wounded father.
However, there is nothing in the letter from King Levios that suggests such a conflict between father and son, and it is very calm. The entire Levios family must be firmly rooted in support of King Levios.
Dunkel should not have been able to do anything in that situation. However, Dunkel had gained a certain reputation among the nobles of the kingdom because of his achievement in defeating the first magical beast in the incident in question. From the outside if not from the inside.
I have already received several letters. I was happy that we were able to join hands and fight together as bearers of the next generation. I would like to continue to cherish the friendship we had that night.
I will cherish our friendship in my own way, because depending on Fanny, I am willing to cooperate with Dunkel …… Or use him.
I'm not going to Nambonan for a while, I'd rather stay here and see what's going on. I have to write some replies.
I think that would be better.
Okay. I will see what I can do in Nambonan.
Then one of the civil servants brought me a memo listing the jobs that needed to be done in New Nelly. Apparently, he had arranged it while I was hanging out with Fannie.
I said, “You must be bored if you spend all day answering letters. I'd like to make some adjustments so that I can do something else this afternoon.
That's fine.
'Ha. 'Well, first of all, we will be awarding prizes to the best and the brightest from the card tournament we held at the beginning of the year.
About that, I've thought of a good game to play.
The civil official looked at me suspiciously.
A game, sir?
A sort of sideshow.
I told him what I needed to do.As expected, the response was not very positive.
I asked, “Will the …… Convention be held again in the future?”
I said, “There is no way we would waste money like that, this is the only time we have a sideshow. Next year's card tournament will be treated as a voluntary event by the citizens and we will proceed with it. We will not have They come up to the castle to award prizes.
Since the tournament, the demand for playing card tiles has increased, and the supply has not been able to keep up with the demand. So we will close the promotion with this entertainment. I'm sure they will spread on their own even if they are left alone, and there is no point in me being involved forever.
“Yes, sir. I will make preparations.
While we were having this exchange, a civil servant entered the room.
Here is a new letter.
I was so discouraged when I kept getting more and more letters like this. I'm not saying it's his fault, but it's not like he's the only one who has a problem with the way I do my work. It makes me want to yell at him to get it out all at once.
I'm still waiting for a reply from Prince Dunkel.
I haven't responded to a single letter yet, but I'm enthusiastic. They keep me updated on the situation after the closing of the social, but I know that if I make a mistake, they are spam mails.
However, I am lucky to have received the letter at this time.
I read the latest e-mail I received to the end and put it down on my desk, where I found the letter writer staring at me as if to say, “Prepare a copy for later.
He looked at me and said, “You'll have a copy for me later.
If it's a letter from Dunkel, I need to show it to my father. If I ask him to prepare a copy, he will deliver it on his own.
There was no important information. …… Prince Dunkel seems to be in close contact with the priest.
He has had more discussions with Lorna, and in summary, that's what he said it.
It is easy to imagine Dunkel's intention his, but if we only pick up on that part of the story, it sounds like an angry first King Levios would be standing by his bedside his.
I could take it as a statement of intent to realize the invasion of the Holy City by Prince Dunkel's hands.
'I would say that's true nine times out of ten. Prince Dunkel was positive about the invasion of the Holy City at the evening meeting. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your new home is to be sure that you have the best possible location for your home. Instead of taking orders from King Levios, he should take the initiative to unite the kingdom and make the invasion of the Holy City a reality. Best way to get the most out of your money is to use it. …… And what is indispensable for the realization of this is the cooperation with the holy priesthood.
In other words, this letter indicates that they are willing to invade the Holy City. However, there was no mention of any coordination of interests. I guess it is a statement of intent for the time being. A statement of belief, I guess.
I heard that they are discussing about this case and having a tea party together.
'Well, I don't know.
Monya monya monya,” Said the civil servant, avoiding a clear statement. Let's change the subject.
The first and second magical beasts were named by Prince Dunkel.
The Levios family has an unwritten rule that the leader of the strike team that spearheaded the strike decides on the name of the hexenbiest. Strike, and as a result, the Dunkel team was named the first spear.
Why did you decline to be named? I think it would be an honor.
When one of the young civil servants raised his voice in such a manner, he was thunderstruck by a nearby civil servant who asked him if he understood such a thing.
The naming of magical beasts has a strong element of the defeat of magical beasts by their guardians.
Naming a beast is a lot harder than you might think.
I had a lot of trouble naming the Sibelkroga. The name of the beast is not a problem at all, but it is not an easy decision to make considering that the name will remain in the history of Quardenzhe. If we abandon it because it's too much trouble, a magical beast turtle-kitty will be born, so we named it with a sense of responsibility.
Prince Dunkel was the first to be named. As the guardian of the land of Levios, he must have been happy. If I have been able to sell even a small debt of gratitude, I will consider it a windfall.”
…… “How ironic that the one who defeated the demonic beast unleashed by the priest is having a tea party on good terms with the priest.”
It is a civil official who says sarcastic things.
Haha, don't say that. Besides, it doesn't mean they really get along.”
Dunkel was rather pushed around by Lorna even in the next head of the board.
…… And the holy priestess is a bit of a mess.”
Oh? I'm not sure if the young man likes Lorna much.
“She has a beautiful face, and she's slender and mature in appearance, but ……
The most important thing to remember is that the value system is not the same from the ground up.
I think that's why I can't help but feel that they're up to something shady behind the scenes.
By the way, what was the name of the hexenbiest? I will record it, so please tell me.
I replied to the officer who was looking at me with a brush in his hand.
The first Hexenbiest was the Hexenbiest Ghannarin. The second one is Kramitis.
There was no explanation of the origin of the name. Well, there was probably no good reason.
I picked up my brush again to write a reply to the letter.