Chapter 250: Eve and Playing Cards
The pioneer community is too small.
This was a bigger problem than I had thought.
When I talked to the employees about the outsourcing proposal that RoomOn proposed, they unanimously agreed to it. There was also a big agreement to increase the base of operations to the city of Nambonan.
There are a lot of inconveniences in doing business in New Nellie City. There have been many times when I have had to consult with my father and the knight because I could not proceed with the project on my own. Been abandoned as a result of such consultations.
Considering this point, the city of Nambonan is easy to move. The vested interests that had taken root in the city have been destroyed by the war, and the chain of command of the officials seconded from Quordenze is headed by the mayor. What I can do at my discretion is very wide.
Above all, the employees seemed to be greatly attracted by the energy, vitality, and enthusiasm of the city of Nambonan. The number of Nambonan merchants visiting New Nellie City has been increasing rapidly in recent years, and they must have heard the rumors here and Some of the employees were so excited that they were eager to take on the challenge of a new location.
I decided to introduce roomon to them, if that was the case. I wasn't sure if the gears would mesh well with a civil servant in between, and I didn't have time to keep playing the message game all the time.
In the end, I threw it all in his face and said, “Good luck with that, I'll wipe your ass. That was a few days ago.
Two sixes.”
Eve, sitting on the other side of the table, said this, and with a clattering sound, she put a playing card tile on the table.
I pass.
I pass too.
“Then I'll take the seven.”
So the employees are now making good plans.
The project to establish a new Nambonan branch office has been launched, and the identification of all operations, including not only the headquarters but also the production department, is proceeding at a rapid pace.
Of course, not all operations will be brought to Nambonan. While there are disadvantages to operating in New Nellie, there are also many advantages not found in other cities. In general, all of our employees are New Nellie residents, so it is basically easier to do things locally unless the project is too adventurous.
It takes a lot of time and effort to sort out what is better to continue in New Nellie and what is better to move to Nambonan. Thanks to this, the pioneer association is now in a state of flux, and there is not even enough time for Eve to get in.
Eve is groaning as she looks at the handbill.
Eve had been depressed for a long time because she could not find her mother in King's Landing, but recently she has been regaining her strength. The other day, when I invited her to play cards, she took me up on the offer rather quickly. Perhaps Eve herself is tired of being depressed, or perhaps she is tired of it, as the expression goes.
12, I'll put it out there: ……
Since then, I have been inviting Eve to play cards whenever I have free time.
This morning, I had intended to just chat with her, but Eve was glancing at the box of cards from time to time and looked like she wanted to play, so I decided to play a little.
This was another part of my strategy to increase her likability.
Eve's view of me has changed considerably since I promised to continue the search for her mother and, more importantly, since I took a risk to protect her from Orsian. Now was the time to get actively involved and make her feel more familiar with me. That will lead to the next step.
Eve says that of all the games she plays with cards, she likes to play millionaire the best. As expected, it's boring with just the two of us, so I invite three maids to play every time.
Eve, who has put two tiles showing 12 on the table, is watching the other players as if on alert. Then, when she confirmed that no one had passed without cutting a tile, her face lit up.
I did it. This time, I'll go first.
After jostling the tiles on the table into a corner, Eve simultaneously deals four tiles.
Trump tiles with 5s on them lined up on the table.
Will it pass? Will it pass?
She was so cute and excited. Once she starts playing, she seems to gradually forget her fear of me, and I can often see her in a very candid mood.
It's a man's nature to want to mess with a girl who is so excited.
Too bad.
I release the four 9's in my hand onto the table.
It's a game with a lot of local rules.
I remember that in my previous life, when I was in high school, my friends and I played millionaire's game, and we had to deal with a lot of mysterious rules one after another. In the Eluo continent, I am the inventor of the game of millionaire, so the rules I used to play with are still the official ones.
According to the official rules of Eluo Continent's version of Dafugou, a revolution has not yet taken place when four tiles with the same number are placed on the table. A revolutionary set of 5 can be returned to me with a set of 9. And since the appropriate action has been taken, Eve's revolution cannot take place.
My hand is already low. Even if Eve's revolution were to take place, my current position as a wealthy player would not be shaken. However, if the poorest player has staked his hope on the possibility of a revolution, the richest player should crush it with stronger cards to hit the reality of the situation. It is a kind of role-playing to make the game of millionaire more enjoyable.
Rebellion is subdued. We will purge.”
“Oh no! Oh no…….”
Poor Eve seemed to have lost her winning streak with that and could not escape from the great poor. I, by the way, was also unable to move up to the millionaire's table due to the fact that I had to make a pointless counter to tease Eve, which caused a major disruption in my tile-handling schedule.
We continued to play several more times, with me becoming a millionaire, the maid becoming a millionaire, and Eve becoming a millionaire again, and then it was time for lunch.
'May I have the afternoon to inspect the castle?'
I asked the civil official as we waited for our after-dinner tea.
I intend to do so. There is going to be socializing again this year.
Rumor has it that there will be another social in the royal city of Levios this year, not the large gathering of all the kingdom's nobility that was held in May, but the annual voluntary social. Voluntary basis, as is customary every year. The purpose of this event is to show people that the Levios Kingdom is not shaken by the incident by going through the social season as usual.
My father's expectation is that the event will be held in August as usual. He says that if the schedule is moved up, people might think that he is in a hurry or that he has no time to spare. The Levios family is in a tough spot.
My father also said that rather than the resumption of the interrupted May social, the main event will be to report and share information after the incident, and there will be no major events. Will probably apply to the next heads of the Aterahan, Zeldmitra, and Millendorva families.
Even though I will be staying at home in Kuordenze, I don't intend to stay idle. I know that the pioneering association is very busy, but I hope to be able to prepare a new white vessel and give it to my father, because using the same vessel as at the May social would not be considered artistic.
“…… So, I thought I'd remind you again about the manufacture of the vessels, should I stay at the castle? Father has just been away.
The day before yesterday, my father left New Nelly.
The purpose was to meet with the Zeldmitra family.It is said that he was approached by the Zeldmitra family to have a meeting with the top leaders before the social season begins again in the capital.It seems that my father had something on his mind as well, and he agreed to the meeting.
The meeting will be held neither in the territory of Quordenze nor Zeldmietra, but in the territory of a weak noble family in between. My father told me that it was not feasible for either party to summon the other to their own territory because of the mutual Respect between the two parties.
He said, “No, there is no problem for you to spend your time as usual, young master. The master should have finished the meeting by now and should be on his way to Hartinos City. He should be back here within a few days .
What then?
When I asked him why he checked his schedule every single time, he looked at Eve for a moment.She had lunch with me and is waiting for her tea to come.I urged her not to mind and to continue.
'Ha. I have a message from Lord Lupetta.
“Lupetta? What is it about?
I did not ask for details. He only said he would speak directly to the young master.
According to the story, this morning Lupetta came to the military base in New Nellie City to ask for me. The military officer who came out to deal with the situation knew Lupetta's face, but as expected, he did not say, “Yes, I will call on you immediately.
Then let's meet in the afternoon.
But my hips are light. It's a convenient hip, easy to swing.
Is everything all right?
I haven't seen Lupetta in a while. Call her at the villa.
It has already been a week today since I first held Cynthia in my arms, and so far she has gone to work without a single day off. She has been to work every day. Call her at night, but I've become enamored with the receptive power of her overwhelming volume of tits. A very strong big-breasted boom was coming.
So I was planning to call her somewhere today, but the moment I heard Lupetta's name, my mood changed. After having enjoyed Cynthia's fluffy, plump, and sultry body, I felt that I could deeply appreciate Lupetta, who was in a sense the complete opposite of Cynthia. I am sure that my intuition was not mistaken.
What's wrong?”
As I was thinking about how I would taste it, I noticed Eve's eyes staring at me.
'…… I want to go to the villa too.'
'You're going to meet Mimon and Minit?'
Yes,” Eve nodded quietly.
She is going to give Mimon a bad report that she went to King's Landing but she couldn't find her mother her.Her expression her was dark as she told me this.
Perhaps this was the biggest reason she had been holed up in the castle all this time. It is natural to feel pain when you are suffering from misfortune, but some people may feel a strong pain when someone close to them knows about it. Feel sorry for worrying about it, or that telling them out loud would bring back bad feelings. …… Eve, in particular, seems to be a sympathetic girl, and if Mimon feels sad, Eve herself must be depressed. The outside, it is really a sterile recycling of misfortunes.
I'm still looking for her mother. Trust me,……, And I will find her.”
I move to Eve's side her, put my hand on her shoulder, and whisper softly In fact, there's no way to find her, but I'll always appeal to her as a man she can count on.
Eve stares at me. I wait for a moment, and then I feel a strange sensation that warms my heart.
It was the magical diffusion of favor. The amount of magic was very small, but from this distance, you can feel it well enough. It was a simple, fleeting, pure emotion. He has not completely let down his guard against me yet, but I can feel his trust in me growing day by day.
I return the favor by concentrating hard and releasing the magic mixed with the favor.
Eve narrowed her eyes and received my favor. I wonder how many times this has happened since I returned to New Nellie City, and I have a feeling she's getting used to this exchange.
On the contrary, I'm getting more dangerous. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of you are not the only ones who have been through the same thing. I am doing nothing more than releasing magic power, so the accuracy is incomparably worse than the emotional transmission magic that Eve and Rave make use of.
Besides, when I communicate with her with my mind like this, my lust for Eve is moderately stimulated. If I attacked her at this point, all the work I had done so far would have been in vain. I had to restrain myself, but I was so horny that I couldn't help it.
After a cup of tea, shall we go to the castle?
In any case, I'd like to meet Rave as soon as possible. Comparing Eve's and Rahve's emotional transfer magic in the magical sense might give me an insight into mastering it.
The quickest way would be to bring Rave to New Nellie City, but that would be dangerous indeed. Right now, Eve is in a state where she has not been demon sealed or anything. If he is unlucky, Rave may be caught by the detection magic that Eve casually invoked. Since the conditions are the same, it is quite possible that Rave will discover Eve in the opposite pattern. Either way, we wanted to avoid an unintended encounter.
Thank you for waiting.
I sipped the hot tea the maid had brewed and thought again.
I think that a mother-son reunion is necessary. I was not sure how long I would be able to keep this up.
The current Rave has been lying to me about her past, and in this state, I can't get her to talk about her past. In order to conduct in-depth interviews about her life in the Land of Mists and the attack on Orcian , I have to remove the “Unmarried woman Rave” And reveal the truth that she is “Eve's biological mother Rave.
It was me who drove Rave to lie about her past her, so it's really a self-inflicted seed Well, it felt good to sow the seeds for Rave, and it was fun, so I have no regrets now.
Eve looked at me with a curious expression on her face as she suddenly laughed. I can't see any sign of caution there.
At this rate, it may not be too long before we can have a father-son dinner. In preparation for the reunion of mother and child, I will send a letter to Rave.