131 – Karma gradually accumulating
Hilda, the headmaster of Arden Academy and who had reached the level of an archmage, was in a very uncomfortable state not long ago. This was because he was very concerned about a letter that Count Armad had sent to him.
Let me briefly summarize the contents of the letter, which was full of colorful rhetoric.
1. I will be sending a precious guest to the academy, so please make no mistakes and treat me with the utmost respect.
2. For the sake of the empire, no, for the survival of the continent, you must keep that guest in Adenia.
3. No matter what the guest says, he should never, really never, think wrong or go against his will. I am saying this for you and for Aden Academy, so keep it in mind and keep it in mind.
Hilda, seeing this, naturally clicked her tongue and threw the parchment into the corner of her principal’s office.
“Armad, how dare you, how dare you ask this person for a favor…? Anyway, this is why these bastards called merchants…!”
The more Hilda pondered over the contents of the letter, which seemed to be a kind of request to please her guests, the more difficult it was to control her anger.
Of course, if the letter had been sent by someone else, he would have ignored it and torn it up, but the Count Armad who sent the letter was, after all, one of Hilda’s favorite students in the past.
A brilliant mind and judgment, plus a honest and honest character.
A perfect disciple with no shortcomings, except that he had no talent for manipulating mana.
At that time, Hilda thought that her best student was a very suitable person for the position of military master of the empire, and had high expectations.
If it were this guy, wouldn’t he be able to guide the empire’s actions, which had started to go astray, to the right path unlike before? That kind of expectation.
However, contrary to Hilda’s expectations, Count Armad’s actions after graduation were more than enough to disappoint Hilda.
When the war broke out, Count Armad showed a very passive attitude.
After the war, he focused on reviving his family rather than rebuilding the empire.
Hilda was already annoyed by her student’s actions.
In such a situation, Count Armad sent a letter like this.
It was completely natural. Hilda, who was already disappointed in Count Armad, was dissatisfied with the guest sent by his ugly disciple.
So, Hilda made up her mind.
No matter how great the guest Count Armad sent, no matter what the guest wants, he will never easily grant it.
I promised again and again.
Hilda was waiting in the principal’s office with Dian for the guest sent by Count Armad.
“I was wrong.”
“I just did everything wrong. Diane, what are you doing? “Why don’t you bow your head right now?”
“Why are you doing this all of a sudden? “Keuuk…!”
When she saw a woman entering the principal’s office, she lowered her head, and not only that, she pressed down on Dian’s head and forced her to do the same.
“Hey, why are you like this…?”
Then, the platinum-haired woman who entered her principal’s office in an excited mood opened her eyes round and tilted her head, wondering what was going on.
Did she feel scared even by that sight? Hilda had to swallow her dry saliva when she saw her head tilted.
‘A monster like this really existed in this world…!’
Because she had reached the level of an archmage, Hilda could definitely feel it.
Hidden behind the slender appearance and breathtaking beauty, there is a vast mana like the ocean and a force that is hard to come by. And her image is so deep and profound that we can’t even guess.
Hilda was able to make a statement. In this wide continent and her long, long memory, the only person who can overwhelm her with a mere glance is this woman tilting her head before her eyes. I guess so.
Also, Hilda felt it instinctively. If she could just keep this woman here, if she could go a little further, if she could get this woman to become a professor at Arden Academy, she knew that this would be the greatest achievement of her life. Thing.
After thinking this far, Hilda threw away the resolution she had made before and made a firm resolution to herself.
Fame, wealth, and even connections. She said that no matter what this woman wanted, she would listen and satisfy it and more, so she would keep this woman here no matter what.
Hilda, with that promise, went into conversation with Daphne even making a servile expression for the first time in her life. Surprisingly, the result was not that bad.
“···You were a friend I could communicate with more than I thought? Okay. Everything you said makes sense. I’ll consider it carefully. “When my business is over.”
“I am just grateful that Daphne said that. Oh yeah. Still, she wanted to ask what business she had come here for. “If it’s not rude, why don’t you tell me?”
The conversation flowed more smoothly than expected, and Hilda was inwardly delighted and waited for Daphne’s answer.
“I came to look for my student who ran away from home.”
“hehehe, I can’t believe I ran away from home from a master as brilliant and beautiful as Daphne. “It’s something I can’t easily understand.”
“Yes. It really is. “I just don’t understand.”
In fact, it was a story of little interest, but Hilda nodded her head vigorously and even grabbed Dian by the hair and shook it in response.
“Anyway, if it’s that kind of business, you’ve come to the right place. As you know, I am the principal of this academy, and this ugly guy next to me is the instructor for the first-year cadets.”
“Okay, so please tell me. “The name of the disciple who needs discipline.”
“Name? “It’s Carmel.”
“I see. Hey Dian. First, bring the Carmel cadets here…”
Hilda’s complexion suddenly hardened as she forcefully gave instructions to Dian, and Dian, who was embarrassed by her unfamiliar atmosphere, looked at her and carefully opened her lips.
“Camel Cadet is not in Adenia right now as he is on his ‘pilgrimage’ journey…”
“What…? “So when are you coming back?”
“It’s been a week since we left, so there’s about three weeks left.”
“···Did you say Gian? Could you please elaborate a little more? “Please explain what a pilgrimage journey is.”
“Yes. Dian, not Gian, will give you the answer. First of all, the pilgrimage…”
After the day she entered the warrior’s party, Dian, who had been called by her name incorrectly for the first time in a long time, began to tell Daphne everything she knew, feeling a strange competitive spirit.
What kind of event does pilgrimage mean?
What kind of person is the saint who is the main character of the event and how pretty is she?
And there is even speculation that the reason Carmel went there was because of that woman.
After hearing Dian’s passionate and passionate explanation, Daphne began to mutter in a subdued voice.
“The reason my student followed the religious people was to seduce the prettiest of the religious people. “Do you mean this?”
Daphne, who had tendons on her forehead, gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, and Dian, who had been watching her carefully, hurriedly responded with a friendly smile to lighten the mood.
“Actually, it’s a joke.”
With that one joke, Daphne’s expression quickly soured, and Hilda’s complexion became devastated in an instant.
Skeleton, Malik glanced at Daphne, who was walking with him towards the log cabin.
Pretty lips sticking out like a brush,
Cold eye corners exuding coldness,
And for some reason, the atmosphere is very calm,
Malik thought to himself as he unconsciously lowered his non-existent pupils to the bottom.
‘I almost got screwed.’
I don’t know what the conversation was about at the academy that made me so angry.
Malik, who had been bullied by Daphne for a very long time, was confident.
He said that if his student had not actively agreed with his opinion, he would have been in real trouble.
I was dizzy just thinking about it. Also, he couldn’t possibly guess.
Daphne is as angry as ever,
And the three women who couldn’t handle it, who made their skulls pound every day, especially grown girls who acted like they couldn’t live without Camel.
If they start talking about Camel, how much blood will spill on the floor?
‘I almost got screwed.’
Recalling the memory of stealing an artifact equipped with a recording function from an unconscious Camel not long ago, Malik was able to sigh in relief once again.
If only Daphne had arrived earlier, if that clever junior had handed her an artifact containing her voice…
‘I would have been reduced to bone dust by now and scattered across the sea.’
Fortunately, Malik, who was able to avoid that terrible situation, felt relieved and opened the door of the log cabin he had already arrived at.
“I am staying here. “If you want, anytime…”
“Can you come here to have fun…Sniff?”
“Malik. “Be honest.”
“Yes? What?”
“My student, you stayed here, right?”
“It didn’t last long. “I came here often.”
“That means…”
Daphne smiled and continued speaking in a whisper.
“So our student was messing around with three women here.”
Malik, who was mulling over what Daphne said, shouted inwardly.