Tomb Raiders (3)
“Maybe around five?”
It was the day after he assigned Sun Wukong the task. The lad’s face was all puffed up when he appeared that morning.
So they stopped by the teaching hospital together. Got him disinfected, and at the same time, got to hear about what happened yesterday.
“Five, you say.”
Thanks to Sun Wukong’s efforts, they had managed to figure out a rough headcount.
Of course, they wouldn’t stop there. They needed more information.
“Do you remember any specific features or characteristics?”
“Hmm… features, eh…”
Sun Wukong crossed his arms and closed his eyes for a moment.
Then, he spoke to me.
“First, there’s Baek Seon-woo, who you told me about.”
“Forget about that one.”
“Then, there’s this huge brute.”
A large brute, eh? Probably Jang Junwei.
A type similar to Rashid. More a physical brawler than one for flamboyant techniques.
“Next, the knife-wielder.”
Ma Dae-gyo. A punk who uses knives as his primary weapon.
“And the glasses-wearer.”
If there’s a graverobber with glasses, it can only be Ahn Gil-min.
Personally, he’s the trickiest one to deal with. The b*stard has a psychic ability to read his opponent’s moves.
Think of it as something like mind-reading.
“Lastly, the fan-wielding woman who made my face look like this.”
Fan Woman. Na Hwi-ryeong came to this school too, did she?
They’re really putting in the effort. They’ve assembled an entire elite squad. Each one a name-brand villain.
“Oh, right! That fan woman had some amazing skills, you know?”
“Amazing skills.”
“Yeah! When she waved her fan once, a strong gust of wind blew, and when she waved it twice, it was like a tsunami erupted!”
It wouldn’t end there. Three waves would probably create an even more potent technique.
“That fan, I want to try using it myself! Should I go ask her to lend it to me later!”
Besides these five that Son Je-cheon described, there might be more lurking around in the school.
Looks like I have no choice but to use Son Je-cheon a little more. Though, he’ll probably cling to me without me even asking.
Isn’t he still head over heels for Na Hwi-ryeong?
“Oww! That hurts!”
Son Je-cheon screamed while getting treated.
“Of course it hurts! Look at the state your face is in!”
The nurse in charge is someone I recognize too. A junior who follows Choi So-eun around. She was diligently disinfecting Son Je-cheon’s face.
If Choi So-eun’s junior is here, that means Choi So-eun must be nearby.
As a side note, Choi So-eun…
“What are you doing over there since a while ago?”
She was peeking out from the doorway of the treatment room, only her head visible. If you’re coming in, come in; if not, then don’t. She’s just making me self-conscious.
Then, the junior said something.
“She couldn’t put on makeup today.”
“W-wait a second…! Why would you say that…!”
Choi So-eun was startled by her junior’s remark and jumped in surprise.
“All this fuss just over makeup? Before, at least, Choi So-eun was perfectly fine wandering around without any.”
Especially inside the hospital.
“I’ll be right back.”
Judging by the way she’s been hovering outside the door, it seems she has something to say to me.
I left Son Je-cheon behind in the treatment room and stepped outside.
Choi So-eun needlessly lowered her head, as if to hide her bare face.
“It’s not like it’s the first time. What’s with all the dramatics?”
Thinking about it, she’s quite different from how she was at the beginning of the semester. I don’t mean her face has changed, but her actions.
Back then, she would have scowled at me, asking why I was at the hospital again. She even openly despised me.
“Did you get hurt or something…?”
But now, it’s more like…
I don’t get the feeling she dislikes me.
Rather, she’s reacting favorably.
“Not me. Just that monkey over there’s a bit broken.”
“Is that so? That’s a relief…”
Choi So-eun let out a deep sigh of relief. Seems she mistakenly thought I was the one who was hurt.
“I was so surprised… when I heard you suddenly came to the emergency room…”
Choi So-eun cautiously took my hand. Right there in the middle of the hallway, where people were coming and going.
The time our hands were clasped together wasn’t long. Choi So-eun, aware of the surrounding gazes, quickly let go.
“Sorry… I just did it without thinking…”
“It’s nothing. It’s not like you made some big mistake.”
“Then… is it okay if I keep holding it?”
No. That’s not what I meant.
I just meant it in the sense of, ‘don’t worry about it.’
“Excuse me for a moment…”
Choi So-eun reached out again. This time, she gripped my right hand tightly with both of hers. And with that, she began to trace my hand.
Like kneading clay in one’s hands, wouldn’t you say?
She’d certainly changed.
Who would have imagined that Choi So-eun would ever hold my hand?
The last time, when she bit my arm, I thought it was just a one-day whim. A simple, impulsive outburst.
Her odd behavior continued today. An unusual obsession with my person. Constantly trying to initiate physical contact.
Could it be…
Is Choi So-eun the clingy type more than I thought?
Just then, my junior poked her head in through the infirmary door. A sullen look on her face as she regarded us.
“How about the romance after our shift is over? It’s quite busy right now…”
“Eek…! S-sorry…!”
Perhaps she was too engrossed in holding my hand. Only then did Choi So-eun release her grip.
The monkey’s treatment is finished, so it’s time to move on to the next matter.
We need to reinforce the security of the Academic Exhibition Hall, where Basago’s magic stone is currently housed.
For your information, the Academic Exhibition Hall is open 24 hours a day. A place where a thief could break in at any time, really.
So, it’s necessary to thoroughly strengthen the security with this opportunity.
Of course, I have no intention of handling all of this alone. I’m just a student, after all. I don’t have the resources to hire a private security company, and I certainly don’t have the authority to just install facilities willy-nilly.
These are things that a school official should be doing.
I’m going to try asking the highest-ranking person at the school.
Even if I can’t do it, they should be able to.
“Uh… the Headmaster is currently away on a business trip…?”
Damn it all to hell.
Just my luck.
This guy is only ever gone when I need him most.
“So, when are you expecting to return, then?”
“Hmm? I imagine it’ll be quite a while.”
“Are you saying you’ll be back late tonight or something?”
“Erm, it’s not really a matter of….”
The head of the secretarial team gazed at the calendar board hanging on the wall. It detailed the principal’s monthly schedule.
“He left for France on a business trip this morning.”
“Good heavens.”
It wasn’t as if he’d just popped out for a stroll.
He’d gone overseas entirely.
Truly, a useless individual.
“If it’s urgent, perhaps you could call or email him.”
This wasn’t the kind of issue that could be explained over the phone. This required a face-to-face meeting.
Just like last time.
Right before summer break started, I had met Lee Minho at the gym. Back then, I’d had quite a serious confidential discussion with Lee Minho.
The mysterious murder that had occurred within the school, Principal Lee Minho’s attempt to cover it up, and the deal that had arisen between us in the process….
It wasn’t the kind of thing you’d lightly toss around in a phone call. Lee Minho knew that, which was why he’d come all the way to the gym himself.
And it’s the same for me now.
But currently, Lee Minho is absent. The only person I could rely on has vanished.
With a sliver of hope, I spoke to the head of the secretarial team.
“Excuse me.”
“In a few days, the academic exhibition hall is scheduled to be broken into by thieves. I’d like to discuss that with him.”
“Uh… yes…?”
The head of the secretarial team’s eyes widened, and he tilted his head, clearly bewildered. It was the reaction of someone who had just heard something completely out of left field.
“Could you repeat that? The academic exhibition hall? What about thieves?”
“…It’s nothing.”
This is why I needed to meet Lee Minho.
Even if no one else would, at least Lee Minho would be willing to listen to what I had to say.
“Alright then, I’ll be going. Do take care.”
I gave a cursory bow and exited the Principal’s office.
With that, the option of asking Lee Minho for help had vanished. I needed to find another way.
“Talking to instructors or professors wouldn’t do any good, either.”
Even if they listened to me, it would take a considerable amount of time to implement. Bureaucracy comes with procedure, after all.
They weren’t in a position to do anything directly, like the Principal.
“I can’t exactly cause an incident on purpose… huh?”
Wait. There was that method.
Deliberately cause an incident at the academic exhibition hall. Give it a light WWE smackdown, like administering a preventative shot.
Then the school would prepare countermeasures to prevent a recurrence. To avoid repeating the same mistake.
“I’ll need to find an actor for this.”
I wouldn’t step forward myself, either. I had to scout a guardian who would cause the incident in my stead.
“The Monkey already has a role, so he’s out.”
Son Jecheon had the monumental task of tracking down the tomb raiders. I couldn’t use Son Jecheon for this matter.
“I need someone moderately stupid, a fool who wouldn’t suspect a thing.”
As it happens, someone comes to mind.
And they weren’t far away, right here in this school.
Namely, Son Iseo, the hunter with only a middle school education.
“I’ve found the perfect actor.”
I quickly grabbed my smartphone. To contact Son Iseo.
It was different than with Lee Minho. I could easily request this much over the phone.
Especially if the other party was Son Iseo.
“Uh oh.”
But a problem arose.
I didn’t have Son Iseo’s number, the most crucial thing.
Come to think of it, we had only exchanged a few words, we didn’t follow each other on Insta or exchange numbers.
“Then, someone who might know Son Iseo’s number…”
I rummaged through my contacts. In case there was someone close to Son Iseo.
“Got one.”
And I found just one person. Someone who was in the same guild as Son Iseo during the last dispatch.
Arna Kristinsdóttir, it was.
I dialed immediately.
– Uh…! Hmm…! He-, hello…?
“Straight to business. Send me Son Heeseo’s number via text. Right now. *Right now*.”
– ….
But Arna offered no words. The speaker remained mute.
“Why no answer?”
– You’re calling *me*, just to get another woman’s number? Is that it?
“So, will you give it or not.”
– No…! Why would I give out another girl’s number…? I mean…! Either way, no…!
Not planning to give it up easy, huh?
Figured as much. Time to play the card I’d prepped.
“Understood. Black Bean Noodles.”
– Ha! Is it *Jajangmyeon* next? Then *Ganjajang*? Who even taught you such a ridiculous negotiation tactic?
“My best friend, Kang Taehoon.”
– That’s why it’s not going to work!
Clinging to a single number so stingily.
Looks like I’m going to have to play along with Arna’s game now.
“Alright. So, what do you want? What do you desire?”
– What I want….
A pause stretched out. She seemed to be considering.
Soon, Arna spoke.
– A day pass….
I frowned instantly. I hadn’t grasped her wish at once.
– A free pass to use you however I want for a day!
“A free pass. Am I Lotte World all of a sudden? Are you telling me to become the T-Express?”
– That ride’s at Everland…! Whatever, never mind then…!
Arna hung up first.
A woman who can’t be won over with *jjajangmyeon*, huh? This might be tougher than I thought. I think I underestimated Arna.
No choice, I suppose. I have to become Arna’s amusement park ride for Son Iseo’s number.
Though, doesn’t seem like anything to worry about too much. It’s not like she’ll torment me just because I’m her ride.
Our hero, Arna, isn’t the type to do that.