Chapter 60 – Because My Heart Is Directed Towards Me Anyway!
About three hours before Stay, who was determined to do anything to make her dream come true, carried out a grand operation to reorganize her relationship with Mir Ryuin.
Early in the morning, before Stay had even woken up from her sleep, Mei Ruina could not control the pounding of her heart.
Of course, because she was in a vegetative state, her heartbeat was no different from normal, but Mei Ruina felt that her heart was pounding.
That’s why.
‘When I wake up from her fainting peak and think again, this is definitely not an illusion. Hey, Stay might like me! Because, Joe, there’s no way you could call someone by their name like that unless it’s someone you like…’
This was because her delusion, which started from being called by her name yesterday, grew and expanded to the conclusion that ‘Stay likes her’.
‘Well, maybe it’s natural. My name is Mei Rui, and she is a saint loved by all, and a saint with the greatest healing ability in the world. Even though she is now a former vegetable, she can easily make Mr. Stay fall in love with her.’
Just by being called by her name, and even though she clearly heard that it was an informal word for treatment, the current May Ruina didn’t even care about the context.
She was now engrossed in the delusion that her stay liked her, so she ignored such trivial facts and only furthered her delusion.
‘Is it so. Well, if you think about it, Mr. Stay did show it subtly. The hospital room that Mr. Stay went to first was also my hospital room, and while he treats other people with harsh treatment, he only gently massages my breasts or squeezes my nipples, right? Of course, yesterday he slapped my chest… But that was that and this was this.’
As she desperately looked away from Dain Adamas’s full-body hug, Mei Ruina racked her brain to think of one more reason why Stay had feelings for her.
‘And on the first day, he made his second visit to me. You didn’t go to other people! Moreover, when he met the lion, he did it in my hospital room. Wow, looking at it like this, Mr. Stay, you’ve expressed your feelings for me so openly that it’s surprising that I didn’t notice it until now.’
The reason why Ruina Mei didn’t notice her until now was simply because her stay didn’t harbor any feelings of affection for her, but there was no way such a truth could be seen by her now.
‘Ha, even the most noble saint in the world has no choice but to commit this sin. I just stayed quiet and ended up stealing a man’s heart like this. It’s such a shame.’
It didn’t take long for the delusion that occurred to me when I woke up, ‘Maybe Stay likes me?’ To transform into ‘Stay likes me!’
It was a delusion that was good for her, so it was far away for May Ruina to realize that it was a delusion.
Trapped in the darkness, unable to see an inch in front of her, all she can do is fantasize unless she hears Stay’s voice from the speaker. Now, May Ruina has never been in a romantic relationship with anyone in her life, and has the unique freedom of being alone. The delusion was unfolding at an incredible speed.
An explosive synergy that occurred when abyss met abyss.
‘I really didn’t mean to do that, but in the end, it all happened because of me. This is clearly my sin, and something I must take responsibility for. It can’t be helped. As a saint and a hero, it is natural to reach out to those in need.’
The only person who could put the brakes on this explosive delusion was Iin Stay, the only person in this world who could hear her voice, but he couldn’t come here today because he had to treat Mir Ryuin.
‘Once the treatment is over, and I wake up from the hospital bed, we will have to break up according to the contract, but only if Mr. Stay feels great sadness about breaking up with me and begs me not to leave. I have no choice but to give you the position of my secretary. Ha,······. Well, living as a saint is not easy.’
Therefore, there was no one who could stop Mei Ruina’s delusion now, and it was already confirmed in her mind that Stay would become her secretary.
In the first place, nothing happened in this special hospital room, and after her treatment, she made a contract to stay as if she was asking not to even interact with her at all, but Mei Ruina didn’t even remember that fact.
‘······If you had thought we would never meet in the first place, you wouldn’t have called me May or just my first name. Since you are F-rank, but I am S-rank, and I am also a saint, May Ruina, it is a bit more persuasive to say that the leader was trying to push me out of fear of who might end up in my future, right? As for Stay… I don’t think my future will become dark just because I have someone like Stay. ‘You underestimated me so much.’
To be precise, it’s not that he didn’t remember the circumstances of the contract, but he was completely manipulating and reconstructing his memory of the day he signed the contract.
‘But since I have to take responsibility, I accept Mr. Stay as my secretary, but what if Mr. Stay is not satisfied with the position? You have such a passionate love for me that you only call me by my first name, but will you be satisfied with Stay only remaining as my secretary? No… You can’t.’
May Ruina furrowed her brows and began to worry, taking her delusion seriously.
‘Just as you begged me when I woke up from my hospital bed, when you lost patience and said that you were not satisfied with the position of secretary, I wonder if I could turn a blind eye to Mr. Stay’s plea… And his confession of love. Is there one?’
In the first place, Stay’s plea itself was something that only happened in May Ruina’s imagination and did not and could not happen in reality.
May Ruina had a record of receiving the confessions of many people thanks to her outstanding appearance and body, as well as her world’s best healing ability and her short stature, which made her capable of fighting against the awakened people within the Holy See.
However, she rejected all of her love and heart without even giving her a second glance.
Because she is a saint. She has so much more to gain if she just gives up on her love life.
In this way, she was May Ruina, who drew her own line just because she was a pure and noble saint.
‘I probably can’t! Because she is a saint who cannot just leave a poor, weak person suffering because of me! She has no choice but to accept Mr. Stay’s feelings. Mmmm!’
In reality, I was making the choice to accept her stay’s love (which was a delusion), pretending that something that had not happened at all had actually happened and that there was nothing I could do about it.
‘Ehehe… If I end up with Mr. Stay, I could be called by my first name all day long. Other people always call me by their last name and never by my first name, but I was the only one who called me by my first name. Well, I too am a sinful woman.’
Although she said she had a lot of sins, May Ruina’s mood now was more floating than ever.
It was truly outrageous that she became so delusional just because she was called by her name.
‘Still, if Stay doesn’t truly beg me, I will never accept your confession! I got down on her knees, held my legs as if to hug her, wiped away her tears and snot, and said, ‘Please don’t go. I can’t live in this world without May. Lord, I feel like I’m going to die. Now please accept my apology as I express my feelings to her. And make peace with me. If you don’t say, ‘Otherwise I might die,’ there is no soup! It’s something that’s connected to me as a saint, so that’s only natural! Hmm!’
Mei Ruina began to imagine what kind of lines and emotions she would feel if she were confessed, and she did not stop there and continued her delusion.
Chijik – Tiring.
But before she could dream about ‘every day after we hooked up with Stay, waking up in the same bed, hugging him, and whispering his name in his ear’, the speaker turned on.
‘Uh? Ah, has it started? Well, now that I know Stay’s feelings, there’s nothing to be angry about. I can also listen to Mr. Stay’s voice comfortably. After all, her heart is directed towards me!’
Normally, she would have been happy to hear Stay’s voice, but she would have felt jealous and annoyed that the voice was directed to another woman, but now, Mei Ruina was just relaxed.
‘I’ll listen to that voice as much as I can while snorting. Even though his voice isn’t directed to me right now, the most important thing, Mr. Stay’s heart, is to me…’
[Mir Ryuin’s jealousy. It’s cute.]
[Why are you whining so much? Did you want to be spoiled like that during the three days I was gone?]
[There’s no need to make such a fuss, you can feel free to tell me if there’s anything you want from me. ······Mir.]
Within three minutes of hearing Stay’s voice from the speaker, Mei Ruina’s hair turned white.