Chapter 224 – Thank You.
At my command, Boba flew off and hid under the bed.
The one who opened the door and appeared was, of course, Seo Yu-ju.
She wasn’t wearing a cosplay outfit like she was yesterday, but the clothes she’s wearing now are just as sexy, so it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference.
She was wearing a sailor suit-like top and plaid mini skirt, while she was wearing white knee-highs.
When she wore it, all of her clothes were tight – of course, Seo Yu-ju herself wears that size – but it always gave off an erotic feel.
Besides, aside from that general feeling, the current outfit was enough to give a sexual feeling.
But she wasn’t wearing this to sexually arouse me with her sexy outfits.
As evidence of that, as soon as she entered, she spat out curse words.
“Really! Calling me something insignificant and damn it!”
It seemed that he had gone somewhere for work.
The fact that she left her food on the table, and the note she placed on my chest, made it seem like a sudden call.
That’s why Seo Yu-ju, who has been there, is so annoyed.
She looked at me and said “Haaaaa…” And let out her sigh.
“My darling, you always look good. Ha ha, when I think of myself, I feel happy. Did you wait a long time?”
Don’t wait, I was asleep until just now.
How much drugs I took – Rather than a problem in itself, the tools that restrained my limbs sucked up my mana and made me feel more tired. – My head felt like it was going to explode.
But I couldn’t show those unpleasant feelings in front of the woman who kidnapped me.
“Yeah, why come now? I miss you.”
Seo Yu-ju came to the bed and hugged me.
The feeling of her voluptuous body and the pungent smell of perfume stung her nose.
If I had been a really normal woman, and if I hadn’t met her in this situation, she would have been a good match.
It’s a waste, but I can’t help it.
Park Ye-seo and Kim Se-ah were much better friends than she was to me.
When I was with them, I felt a kind of comfort I never felt when I was with Yuju Seo.
Seo Yu-ju, who had been hugging me for a while, suddenly stood up and said,
“Right, we must be hungry. I need to feed you quickly.”
I wanted to release it and ask him to eat it himself, but that couldn’t work.
Now her Seo Yu-ju’s face was drunk with the pleasure that she could feed me herself.
Her pervert was displayed in all directions.
She went to the table
Then she looked down at the food she had placed on it.
“Ah~ it’s cold.”
To be honest, as someone who had just put a sausage in my mouth, it was delicious even when it was cold.
I wanted to ask for something to eat quickly while talking nonsense.
Because I was that hungry.
I didn’t know if I could come up with something different if I got some energy from hunger.
However, Seo Yoo-ju’s actions completely betrayed my expectations.
She picked up her plate of food and pulled herself up.
“We can’t feed ourselves this cold food.”
She took it and went to her door.
“Are you okay. I can eat.”
“No~ I can’t accept it.”
How long will it take to bring food back?
Whatever it was, it was something I couldn’t complain about.
Because her initiative was completely on her side.
Just like that, it was when Yuju Seo tried to open her door again.
The presence she had forgotten appeared.
There was a popping sound from under the bed, and Boba flew and landed on Seo Yu-ju’s neck.
Seo Yu-ju screamed.
She swatted her on the neck like a mosquito, but Boba was already flying.
This time, the guy stuck to Seo Yu-ju’s leg.
It looked like it had fangs stuck there too.
Seo Yu-ju jumped up and down in panic.
“Fuck, what a bug!”
How dare you call my boba a bug.
But I didn’t have to hand the punishment myself.
Seo Yu-ju, who had fangs stuck in her neck and both legs, collapsed after a while.
She slammed her face into the floor holding her plate, as if she had switched off her powered robot.
“Nice job, Boba.”
First of all, I killed the villain who kidnapped me.
He wasn’t dead, but it would take him a few hours at most to come to his senses.
Fortunately, the door was also open.
“It looks like a dick.”
My limbs were still restrained.
This is why, even if the opportunity came, I couldn’t get out of the open door.
I suddenly felt drowsy, perhaps because of the feeling of hopelessness.
It wasn’t unusual considering what had happened all night.
My body was in a state of great loss of stamina, and that’s why I desperately wanted food.
There was no mention of asking Boba to bring her food.
I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.
How much time has passed
I heard an unexpected voice and opened my eyes.
“Are you okay? Wake!”
It was someone familiar slapping me on the cheek.
I saw Park Eun-ha’s face in my eyes.
The thought that she couldn’t be in front of me right now made her feel like a dream.
But as my mind grew clearer, I came to the clear realization that this was not a dream.
“Yes, I am Eunha! What is this really going on?”
“How are you here…”
“Taeri unnie contacted me.”
“Taeri sister?”
I turned my head.
Then other people in the room caught my eye.
They were Park Tae-ri and Han Soo-bin.
Perhaps they asked Park Eun-ha for help.
If it were them, they would have thought that I might have been kidnapped by Seo Yu-ju, and since the two of them were not enough, I contacted Park Eun-ha, a member of the same underground guild.
I could understand the situation well.
“Why can’t this be solved?”
Park Eun-ha tried to free the tools that were restraining my limbs.
But it couldn’t be solved without the fingerprints of the hunter who bonded in the first place.
“I need this.”
Park Tae-ri lifted a finger from Seo Yu-ju, who was lying down.
“Subin, help me.”
The two of them lifted Seo Yu-ju up and moved her to the bed.
Then, with her losing her mind, she loosened the restraints that bound her limbs with each of her fingers.
I felt an indescribable sense of liberation from the part that was released with a click, click, sound.
“Look at the bruised hands and feet, really.”
Park Eun-ha said in a sad voice.
“Thank you, Eunha. Taeri noona and Subin thank you too.”
“No. We’re sorry I’ll make you do something dangerous like this. In fact, it should have been the other way around.”
Park Tae-ri said with a reproachful look on her face.
But anyway, those words didn’t really fit the situation.
I tried to get out of bed.
But the body didn’t work well.
Park Eun-ha helped me get up.
She helped me sit on her chair, and Han Soo-bin took a wide blanket from nowhere and covered me.
After that, Park Tae-ri and Han Soo-bin started working.
Putting Seo Yu-joo on the bed instead of me.
And bound her hands and feet.
Seo Yu-ju’s neck and thighs were swollen.
Meaning that Boba’s poison is spreading through her body.
If left like this, it was clear that she would die.
“It would be better to leave it as it is than to leave a trace behind.”
Park Tae-ri said.
I also agreed with that statement.
In this state, it would not be easy to identify the culprit.
The arrow may return to me eventually, but the evidence is insufficient anyway.
That’s how I was rescued by Park Tae-ri, Han Soo-bin, and Park Eun-ha and was able to get out of the room where I was confined.
In the car, I was able to hear what was going on with them, but Kim Eana thought it was strange because I wasn’t going to the academy today.
She told Kim Ga-eun and Park Ye-seo about it, and Park Ye-seo made her think that maybe she had her brother kidnapped me.
And Kim Ga-eun discussed the fact with Park Tae-ri.
At the last meeting, two people of similar age had a lot of conversation, and I also participated in that conversation.
After talking about various circumstances honestly, Park Tae-ri and Han Soo-bin belonged to an underground guild, and they did not completely quit their jobs.
Kim Ga-eun was a person without this kind of prejudice.
She has no prejudice against demonic alcohol, rather she has a history of being friends with her friends who use that ability.
Anyway, Kim Ga-eun, who remembered that fact, discussed this fact with Park Tae-ri, and Park Tae-ri immediately thought that she had been victimized because of her request that I was working with them.
They contacted Park Eun-ha, a member of the same underground guild, and the three found me imprisoned in Seo Yu-ju’s house.
If it weren’t for these real women, I could have been in big trouble.
Even though Boba poisoned Seo Yu-ju and defeated him, that in itself did not act as a decisive blow to escape me.
I gave my honest heart to women.
“Thank you.”