Chapter 250 – Chapter 250 – Fierce Battle (6)
“Payment Law – Multi-Resonance Magic Cannon.”
Key Yiing-!
The scales that drew multiple circles in the air resonated.
Harmonized with the runes containing the power of amplification, they developed the magic that rotated within them.
And I tossed it, which at one point contained so much energy that it was out of my control.
The multi-resonance magic cannon erased everything it passed, leaving a black tail.
Even the flying sound, even the surrounding colors.
It flew away erasing everything and landed in the middle of the enemies.
Woo woo-.
The moment she crouched down for a moment, her size decreased.
Suddenly, it engulfed everything around it, as if spewing out sounds and colors that had been erased so far.
A black hemisphere pushed the ground.
As if pushing it into my stomach, the black hemisphere that swallowed everything around it with incredible speed swelled up until the end.
At some point, as if it didn’t exist, I erased myself.
“… Wow.”
What I did, it was huge.
Magic power.
This power that reversed the divine power, filled with chaos and darkness, was no different from a disaster.
Already, this disaster was amplified by receiving spells, runes, and Areumie’s buffs, so there was no answer.
The devastation in front of his eyes proved that.
Round hole.
That devastated hole, where there was no trace of the field, no grass, nothing left, was created entirely with magical powers.
In addition, the size of the hole was so huge that it swallowed up a third of the enemies that came rushing in.
As I was staring blankly at the soil in the pit, a member of the Shadow Family muttered from behind.
“Perfect, young master.”
‘Fuck, this is it!’
Even from the walkie-talkie he was holding, Kim Ji-hye’s cheers and swear words erupted.
The first flares of war seemed to lean perfectly towards us.
I tried to gather up the energy I threw up while shooting the magic cannon and prepare to jump right into the front lines.
‘For a moment.’
On the walkie-talkie, Kim Ji-hye signaled everyone to stop.
Other than me, the frontline personnel who were trying to get ready to jump into the enemy all at once stopped.
Kim Ji-hye wouldn’t issue her stop sign for no reason, so I looked down at the enemy lines right away.
“… Uh?”
Because it was a position located on a high ground, he immediately noticed the abnormality that had occurred from the enemies.
The big pit I just made.
A small flame was rising from within the pit where a third of the enemies had been wiped out in one shot.
At first, the small flame, like a ember, gradually grew larger, but soon turned into a flame that filled the pit.
Like the vent of a volcano spewing out lava, it spewed thick fire.
Thick fire fell from the air and fell in all directions.
Naturally, the nearby enemy soldiers, who were glowing with a strange red light, were covered with fire.
In line with the pulsation, let’s take on the thick fire of those who grew the red light inside the body.
In an instant, the flames were sucked into their bodies, growing a strange red light.
Throb- Throb-!
Now, the red light has decreased and increased so much that I can hear their pulse.
I can understand that they have become dangerous even if they look at the sudden red light, but there is something more serious than that.
Several red lumps crawling around them.
As the lumps, which were moving towards us in a crushed form, took on the fallen fire, they took on a different color.
Long hair and six crooked wings sprouting from the back.
They were shapes made entirely of fire, and they had the appearance of imperfect phoenixes.
“No way.”
As soon as I saw that scene, a dreadful thought ran through my mind.
The more it is destroyed, the more fiercely it burns and regenerates the phoenix.
Their flames grow stronger, and at the last moment they are said to vomit the greatest flames when they die.
And the fierce flame at the tip of the phoenix had risen from the pit I had just made.
It is said that all the enemies walking toward us, tinged with a strange red color, are already like phoenixes.
The performance of the culture body is simply from raising the body’s ability and regeneration ability.
It turned into a performance that turned them all into phoenixes.
But the real problem wasn’t this.
No matter how much they all turned into phoenixes, there must be individual differences.
Now that a third of them have been wiped out by my first attack, it was a perfect situation for us to have plenty of room.
According to this hypothesis, which I deduced, there was no room on our part.
Destruction and rebirth.
This is because a new keyword has been applied to the ‘phoenix’ that has these two keywords.
Obviously, the phoenix, made up of one object, dies, and the flame that burned fiercely should have ended there.
Those artificially created, as if connected to each other, shared the last burning vitality.
I thought it might not be certain, but I thought it was certain that I had come this far.
All the situations, all the situations given up to this point, were screaming intensely that my hypothesis was correct.
From the first time the succubus had the same dream as them.
The fact that when they first appeared, they all at once faded and radiated a strange light from their bodies.
And lastly, openly declaring a head-to-head match and sending troops this way.
All of them proved that the thoughts I had deduced were facts, not hypotheses.
Not only me, but Kim Ji-hye also realized this fact and shouted through the walkie-talkie.
“Find your seat! Don’t go out, activate all the shaman formations you’ve laid out, and block them for now…”
Before Kim Ji-hye could finish her words, the enemy lines rushed at breakneck speed.
As they fluttered a pair of wings they had taken out before they knew it, they approached the front line and each began performing magic and witchcraft.
Although they turned into phoenixes, the power they possessed remained.
However, their reason was not perfect, and the spells and magic they wrote were in a very unstable state.
Of course, there was no way that the battle line, which had been plastered with all sorts of magic tricks, would collapse against them.
On the contrary, he vomited a fierce counterattack towards those who rushed to the front line.
The shaman circle drawn by the Tengu clan spewed out light.
In an instant, a white line appeared in the air, and the hidden amulets appeared.
At the same time, the magic that the talisman possessed was manifested.
As if the surroundings were made of glass, each space collapsed.
Of course, their bodies, which were included in the space, were also fragmented.
In addition to this, dozens of shamans manifested simultaneously broke the enemy lines.
Where they fell and left behind, flames rose.
A dazzling fire broke out.
As the flame rose, the next ones that took it over produced more yellowish flames.
At first, the shamans, who had been stubbornly pushing away, were collapsing because of them pushing themselves back and forth.
Just by simply exploding the body, this side suffered damage due to the tremendous heat.
And of course, it wasn’t Seol-hee who was watching the situation.
Seol-hee came near the front line and expanded her aura.
The grass around Seolhee was covered in frost.
The frost gradually spread in all directions, and soon eroded even the heat rising from the power lines.
Although it was impossible to extinguish the gradually growing flame.
It was enough to create a gap for a while.
‘Don’t leave a term, sweep it with a wide area at once!’
And Kim Ji-hye, who did not miss this opportunity, gave an order.
Jeonseon faithfully followed Kim Jihye’s orders.
The shaman’s circle was activated again, and the artificial phoenixes exploded.
Sparks exploded in all directions, and everything that had been placed on the wire melted.
Of course, allies were no exception.
The melted allies along with the deployed shamans disappeared into the flames with a short scream.
There was devastating damage, but the number of enemies decreased as much.
Besides, there was one more anomaly.
They were the ones who got hit by the falling flames and grew the red light flowing inside their bodies.
Only a few cultures that seemed to fit well, and only phoenixes born from lumps could handle the power.
The rest couldn’t handle the power that grew in an instant.
Those who staggered their gait like fools now even exploded themselves.
The flames grew larger, and our line collapsed.
Not as threatening as before.
Because there is a huge difference between attacking with willpower and bursting into the body on my own.
“Stop it…!”
He was somehow pushing back the artificial phoenixes rushing in, as if he was aware of that fact on the front line.
Instead of using destructive spells, just pushing them away with the wind or the ground made them explode.
Every time that happens, the power of artificial phoenixes and phoenixes born from lumps that know how to handle some power becomes stronger, and the speed at which they break through the wires increases.
There are only a handful of them, and the numerous artificial phoenixes that come in burst out of place.
It even destroyed its own formation.
The bursting flames and the creeping things collided with the allies who blocked them.
After a while, it got to the point where the wires couldn’t be found.
All I hear are spells and sorcery and the sound of flames exploding.
The frontlines were stained with abyss.
But sure things were going well this way.
Except for a few who specially penetrated the front line, the rest exploded without being able to handle the increased power.
“…Just block it!”
The time when someone shouted hopefully in the midst of the crushed formation.
Someone suddenly approached the front line and grabbed his neck.
Red light running through the body.
Confirming that the red light was shining on the tattoo with a strange letter engraved on it, someone snapped a protruding fang.
“This is really, really hard.”
Heartbeat-. Heartbeat-.
He clicked his tongue, as if the growing red light was fussy.
He grabbed the huge spear in both hands.
Bend behind the window, a smile was drawn on his lips.
“I like it very much.”
Wings of flame sprouted from his bare back.
And after he pushed back his wingtips, as if using newly sprouted wings.
I swung it all at once with the spear.
At the same time as the spear was swung, a crimson half moon swung around.
The huge crescent moon stretched forward, slicing through everything in its path.
Shout out-!
Li Shang.
He, a member of the Dool family, appeared with the power of the phoenix.
A situation where I can’t handle my strength and block the majority who burst out, and I only need to subdue a few with special powers.
In an instant, it turned into a situation where you had to stop Li Shang, who had come out carrying all of their shared powers.
“I have to go.”
Even without Kim Ji-hye’s order, I immediately jumped out toward Li Shang.
That was dangerous.
It was really dangerous to leave it like this.