Chapter 284 – Chapter 284- Secret of the Soul (31)
Coming out of the world of images, Merlin opened her arms wide.
As if savoring the shadow fiends flocking to her from all sides, Merlin’s hollow eyes twinkled.
Merlin let out a moan and groped her own body.
“Come back from the dead, the sense of being regained. The magic and witchcraft fired by twisted souls.”
Merlin muttered, and smiled madly.
“What could be a more beautiful melody than this?”
Merlin’s body was torn apart, and countless creatures made of red blood were spat out.
A jumble of human and animal figures, they ran towards the Shadow Devil.
Those who were trapped in my image world had their ‘until death’ abilities intact.
That means that Merlin, who brought me here, is on the verge of dying to me.
In other words, it was said that she was a Merlin transplanted from a combination of Areum’s blood and mine.
I could tell what Merlin was up to just by looking at him.
Because… That was a technique I experienced myself.
The red creatures, which could not have been imagined to have come out of a single body, rushed at the shadow fiends fearlessly.
They were the ones who attacked the Shadow Fiend using thorns and teeth protruding from their bodies.
It was shattered by witchcraft or witchcraft that came straight back.
The durability was enough to make me wonder if they would fall down too weakly, but in the first place, they were creatures made to break.
The runes inside the body of the red creature glowed.
As Merlin gently waved her wand, the runes exploded and exploded.
The explosion started from the left, as Merlin commanded, by swinging his staff sideways.
Pupper puffer -!
Like a flower blooming, it bloomed sequentially.
But it didn’t end here.
The reason they’re really annoying isn’t because they contain runes in their bodies.
It was because of the blood spreading on the floor as he died.
Chow ah ah-!
The red creatures instantly fell to the ground, forming a constant water surface made of blood.
And Merlin, as if her time had come, drew the skeletal wings from her own shoulder.
With a strange clatter, Merlin exploded in madness.
At the same time, the blood on the floor began to collect on Merlin and take on a single shape.
Demon Dragon Draculair.
Like a lizard, it has a long tail, thin skin and huge wings.
It took on the shape of a clear dragon.
He twisted his body of red blood and raised his head.
As if to prove that she had been born, she let out a howl and it fluttered into the air.
Then, an awl protruded from the blood-stained floor.
Just by brushing against it, the awl planted thorns that proliferated inside the body and pierced the shadow demons everywhere.
Not only that, but Draculair, who was fluttering in the air, opened his mouth wide.
In front of her own mouth, it generated beads of qi that gradually gathered.
The beads, which were gradually increased in size, should reach a certain size.
The magic dragon opened its mouth even more and spread its wings wide.
The marbles gathered in front of her mouth swelled like crazy, then exploded to form a beam of light.
The rays of light emitted like a breath erased the shadow demons whenever the dragon turned its head.
Among the residents, Merlin was specialized in wide-area skills.
I knew it would help quite a bit.
I didn’t know that I would be able to eradicate the shadow fiends so drastically.
Let’s look at the red dragon fluttering in the air and think, ‘How did I catch that at that time?’
Merlin, who was showing only his upper body above Druculere’s head, nodded to me.
It was a nice greeting, like a conductor giving a final goodbye.
I simply waved my hand, sent a message to ask for my back, and ran out.
Merlin, who had been placed here, could have taken more time here.
Even after the duration of the dragon is over, Merlin’s true delusion band of drunkards remains.
Merlin is at the back and side, and Chuck Dayoon and Darae are steadily breaking through in the front.
Before we knew it, we had moved quite a distance.
However, the more I dug forward, the more I had no choice but to be surrounded again by the shadow fiends that existed there.
Recognizing that my speed had slowed down once again, I gritted my teeth and manifested a phased appearance.
A heartbeat was heard, and the sound was erased.
His vision was blurry, but the presence of sorcery and witchcraft coming from all directions became clearer.
Grieving this, I pulled them all into my control and reversed them.
Witchcraft and sorcery intersect and break.
Digging into the depths, as much as the level of the shadow fiends has risen.
The destructive power of reversed sorcery and sorcery had even greater destructive power.
Stumbling, barely regaining a sense of direction.
A third resident appeared behind me.
It was Li Shang.
Hehe… I’m sorry.”
He twitched his protruding fangs and grabbed her spear.
Apparently, the reason he muttered that he was regretful was because the phoenix culture he had until the moment he died disappeared.
Embryos only had a separate life, because there was no soul.
As Lixiang died, he did not come attached to the body.
If it had been Li Shang, who had transplanted the culture to the limit, he would have been able to erase many times more Shadow Fiends than Merlin.
Still, as if to prove that Li Shang was the main axis in charge of one of the evil forces, he swung his spear and swept away the shadow fiends.
After swinging the spear like a whirlpool, attracting the shadow fiends to himself.
Li Shang, who cut down all the shadow demons with a slash that followed, looked at me and snapped his spear.
I also nodded and faced forward.
Now I could feel that there really wasn’t much left.
The twisted mass of souls, which seemed infinitely far away, were now within tangible distance.
Dayoon Cheok exhaled and swung his sword.
The sword energy, which was much thicker than the beginning, ruthlessly erased the existence of the shadow fiend.
Although he made a plan to preserve Cheok Dayoon and Darae’s strength as much as possible and move forward.
Since he reached the depths, he had no choice but to reveal his true intentions in order to open the way.
Darae was also wielding a sword with a clearly distressed expression.
In the midst of this, a ‘special’ shadow fiend appeared in front of us.
It was a shadow fiend holding a dagger in reverse and taking the form of someone distinct.
“Ah… Fuck.”
The swearing that I had endured so far came out.
Please, I begged and begged not to do that.
As if laughing at me, he suddenly appeared and left.
The more elaborately the body was copied, the more similar it was to the shadow fiend.
There were even sunglasses covered between the eyebrows of that thing in front of my eyes.
The shadow fiend, who can be guessed from just his appearance, seems to be perfectly willing to show me who I am.
I folded the space and moved to the back of Dayoon Chuck.
If it was an ordinary axis, it would have been Chuck Da-yun, who could read the landing point with his senses at once.
The opponent was the shadow fiend of Hongma-dong.
Chae Ae-Aeng!
Chuck Da-yoon, who blocked it with a narrow swing of his sword, counterattacked immediately.
After disappearing in a flash, the shadow fiend of Hongma-dong appeared in the air.
After the souls in the unexplored area of the soul are twisted, souls whose main bodies are dead are twisted with a ‘high’ probability.
And among the characters I prayed for not to be twisted, Hong Ma-dong, who was one of them, was twisted into a shadow fiend.
Because I knew that the more time I dragged out here, the more shadow demons would attack me from all sides.
I inevitably manifested a pre-appearance.
Sangjeonhyeonhyeon, which was activated the moment Hongma-dong disappeared.
I read in advance where Hongma-dong would arrive and handed me the information.
I twist the magic around me, sweeping away the shadow demons at the same time.
He reversed the axis of Hongma-dong and moved it to the front of Cheokdarae.
Seo Eok-.
Cheok Da-yoon cut Hong Ma-dong’s head.
As Hong Ma-dong was about to die, he was slightly wounded by the dagger he shot.
Chuck Dayun didn’t even wipe the blood dripping down his cheek, just staring at him in silence.
In front, shadow demons with distinct personalities mingled with the group.
Among them, swearing soared to the end of the throat at the shadow fiend who grabbed the spear that stood out.
Not twisting with a low probability seemed too greedy for us.
It was not for nothing that Chuck Da-yoon spent his energy and saved Kim Ji-hye.
If, after Kim Ji-hye died, she appeared as a shadow fiend… Terrible, hell would have unfolded.
Fortunately, their existence proved that this place was a complete depth.
My body trembled as a side effect, perhaps because I continued to overdo it.
It had been a long time since all the energy inside the body had been restored.
It wasn’t my physical condition, it was my mind right now.
This remnant that changed the world of images could not be erased no matter how muchhehealed his body.
Within ten times.
Calculate the number of times you can use it as a rule of thumb, and try to manifest the phenomenon again.
Chuck Dayoon stopped me.
“Shop, we’ll take care of this.”
Chuck Dayoon’s sword skills doubled.
“Yes, go. Han Jun-ah.”
And someone’s voice behind me defended Chuck Dayun.
Ihana’s cloned soul.
She regenerated the scar on Chuck Dayun’s cheek and told me.
“Go, get one and come.”
Chuck Dayoon tried to pretend to be calm, but he couldn’t hide his shaking eyes.
Chuck Da-yoon bit her sulking lips tightly, further developing the gray-white swordsmanship in her blade.
And Lee Ha-na breathed regeneration into Chuck Da-yun and her Darae.
“Go to the store.”
Darae must have felt the body condition recovered in an instant, and forcibly raised the grayish-white sword.
After engraving everyone in my eyes once, I took a step forward.
In order to open the way for me, gray-white black air split the space.
As if drawing the world, the twisted space paved the way for me.
I followed the path and headed to the twisted mass.